10 research outputs found


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    Tsunami merupakan suatu gelombang yang memiliki daya rusak sangat tinggi. Indonesia menduduki peringkat kedua sebagai negara yang paling sering dilanda tsunami dengan 71 kejadian atau hampir 9% dari jumlah tsunami di dunia. Salah satu dari sekian banyak wilayah di bagian timur Indonesia yang menyimpan potensi tsunami yang cukup besar adalah Kota Palu dan sekitarnya. Tercatat telah terjadi tiga kali kejadian di sekitar Teluk Palu, yaitu pada tahun 1927, 1968 dan 1996, sementara sekitar Kota Palu (Sulawesi tengah ) terdapat 6 kejadian


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    Ketidakmampuan kota utama dalam menerima tekanan akibat peningkatan aktivitas perkotaan telah mendorong terjadinya perluasan pembangunan ke daerah pinggiran. Fenomena ini juga terlihat pada daerah pinggiran Kota Jakarta dan Kota Bekasi dengan adanya pembangunan Kota Harapan Indah (KHI) yang dianggap sebagai solusi untuk memecahkan permasalahan perkotaan, memperluas ketersediaan perumahan dan infrastruktur, dan mengurangi disparitas antara kota utama dan daerah pinggiran kota. Pembangunan skala besar selain mengubah fisik kawasan pinggiran, juga tampak memberikan konsekuensi terhadap kondisi sosial-ekonomi masyarakat lokal. Mereka yang awalnya mendiami dan menggantungkan kehidupannya pada kawasan tersebut tampak mengalami pemindahan baik secara langsung (primary displacement) maupun tidak langsung (secondary displacement). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dampak pembangunan kota baru terhadap perubahan fisik kawasan dan kondisi ekonomi masyarakat yang mengalami pemindahan akibat pembangunan. Selain itu penelitian ini juga menginvestigasi bagaimana hubungan antara karakteristik ekonomi masyarakat lokal yang mengalami pemindahan dengan tipe dan penyebab pemindahan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan memanfaatkan GIS untuk overlay data spasial dan pengujian statistik chi-square. Hasil temuan membuktikan bahwa terjadi perubahan fisik kawasan berupa perubahan penggunaan lahan yang signifikan untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan perumahan dan infrastruktur perkotaan. Selain itu, sebesar 89% masyarakat lokal mengalami tipe pemindahan langsung akibat pembangunan kota baru. Hasil statistik memperlihatkan bahwa tipe pemindahan berkorelasi kuat dengan jenis pekerjaan setelah pemindahan maupun jumlah pendapatan setelah pemindahan. Sedangkan penyebab masyarakat lokal mengalami pemindahan berhubungan erat dengan jenis pekerjaan setelah pemindahan, serta pendapatan baik sebelum dan setelah pemindahan

    Keberlanjutan Wilayah: Keterkaitan Desa-Kota dalam Aktivitas Minapolitan di Kabupaten Malang

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    Regional Sustainability: Rurban Linkage on the Context of Minapolitan Activity in Malang Regency A rurban linkage is one of the aspects to achieve sustainable regional development, which emphasizes on balancing functions and interrelationships between rural and urban. This linkage is very important to increase the chain of economic activity, including on developing minapolitan area. However, due to bias of rural and urban function, the linkage between urban and rural became difficult to be actualized, thus creates an increasing gap between the regions. This research aims to determine the typology of rural and urban and its relationship in minapolitan activity in Malang Regency. The analysis is carried out using cluster analysis in order to determine rural and urban typology in Malang Regency. Furthermore, it is continued by using rurban linkage matrix for mapping linkages of minapolitan activities. Results show that majority of districts (20 out of 33 districts) in Malang Regency are included in the category of highly rural and only 3 districts have strong urban characteristics (rurban type A). In relation to the minapolitan, rurban linkage has begun to be well formed on fishing activity. Meanwhile, linkage in aquaculture is hard to be formed due to the development of minapolitan activity that tend to be stagnant, specifically only developing at producing areas. Findings can be used as consideration for formulating rurban linkage strategies on developing minapolitan activity.Regional Sustainability: Rurban Linkage on the Context of Minapolitan Activity in Malang Regency A rurban linkage is one of the aspects to achieve sustainable regional development, which emphasizes on balancing functions and interrelationships between rural and urban. This linkage is very important to increase the chain of economic activity, including on developing minapolitan area. However, due to bias of rural and urban function, the linkage between urban and rural became difficult to be actualized, thus creates an increasing gap between the regions. This research aims to determine the typology of rural and urban and its relationship in minapolitan activity in Malang Regency. The analysis is carried out using cluster analysis in order to determine rural and urban typology in Malang Regency. Furthermore, it is continued by using rurban linkage matrix for mapping linkages of minapolitan activities. Results show that majority of districts (20 out of 33 districts) in Malang Regency are included in the category of highly rural and only 3 districts have strong urban characteristics (rurban type A). In relation to the minapolitan, rurban linkage has begun to be well formed on fishing activity. Meanwhile, linkage in aquaculture is hard to be formed due to the development of minapolitan activity that tend to be stagnant, specifically only developing at producing areas. Findings can be used as consideration for formulating rurban linkage strategies on developing minapolitan activity

    Strategi Pengendalian Alih Fungsi Lahan Pertanian Tanaman Pangan di Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara

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    Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara sebagai sentra pertanian tanaman pangan di Kalimantan Timur memberikan dampak positif bagi struktur perekonomian serta berperan sebagai lumbung pangan Provinsi Kalimantan Timur. Selain potensi terdapat permasalahan terkait alih fungsi lahan pertanian yang sulit dihindari. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah merumuskan strategi pengendalian alih fungsi lahan pertanian tanaman pangan di Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara. Penelitian ini menggunakan Citra Satelit 7 ETM+ dan Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS untuk mengetahui perubahan tutupan lahan pertanian pada tahun 2010 – 2020 menggunakan metode spasial (overlay). Kemudian analisis dilanjutkan menggunakan metode Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), dimana data yang digunakan adalah produktivitas lahan pertanian, luas kepemilikan lahan pertanian, pendapatan petani, nilai jual lahan pertanian, laju pertumbuhan penduduk, kebijakan perlindungan lahan pertanian, ketersediaan sumber daya air, jumlah tenaga kerja sektor pertanian, biaya produksi pertanian, harga jual komoditas pertanian. Hasil dari analisis tersebut kemudian digunakan sebagai dasar untuk analisis Strenghts, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT).  Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada tahun 2020 terjadi perubahan lahan pertanian seluas 53.134,24 ha dari total luas lahan pertanian yang terdapat pada tahun 2010. Lahan pertanian mengalami perubahan menjadi perairan, hutan, perkebunan, lahan terbangun dan lahan terbuka. Faktor yang mendorong alih fungsi lahan pertanian adalah produktivitas lahan pertanian, pendapatan petani, nilai jual lahan pertanian, kebijakan perlindungan lahan pertanian, ketersediaan sumber daya air, biaya produksi pertanian dan harga jual komoditas pertanian.  Strategi pengendalian alih fungsi lahan pertanian tanaman pangan menyesuaikan dengan bentuk perubahan lahan yang terjadi. Sehingga strategi yang dirumuskan berkaitan dengan kebijakan pada sektor pertanian, distribusi bantuan sarana dan prasarana pertanian dan peningkatan pengetahuan sektor pertanian

    Implementasi Instrumen Zoning Regulation Dalam Penanganan Lahan Kritis di DTA Kaskade Mahakam

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    The rapid growth of critical land in the Mahakam Cascade catchment area has caused environmental damage and land degradation. There was an increase in this critical land during the last ten years in this area. It was recorded that about 15.54% of the critical land area increased from 2013 to 2018. The condition of land degradation continuously occurs due to increased land use complexity, which does not match the characteristics of the land. As a result, the carrying capacity of the land is getting worst. In responding to this condition, it is necessary to have a different instrument to handle these critical lands. This study aims to formulate directions for handling critical land in the Mahakam Cascade DTA based on the direction of critical land zoning. The first stage was to determine the zoning of critical land vulnerability levels to determine critical land zoning using the weighted overlay method. The following stage was to formulate directives on land management and use with zoning regulations using the Delphi analysis method for key stakeholders. The main findings show that six zoning classifications of critical land are divided into three protected and cultivated areas. From these findings, directions are then drawn up for critical handling of land with the concept of zoning regulation covering land use functions (permitted, limited permitted, conditionally permitted and prohibited) that were appropriate based on the criticality level of the land and its use function as well as conservation and rehabilitation techniques: civil engineering approach and irrigation, vegetative, infiltration and drainage wells, which have different settings in each zoning criticality level of critical land

    Perkembangan Fenomena Urban Heat Island di Kota Samarinda

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    Rencana pemindahan Ibu Kota Negara (IKN) pada Provinsi Kalimantan Timur berpotensi meningkatkan intensitas pembangunan di Kota Samarinda sebagai kota penyangga IKN sekaligus kota dengan populasi terbesar di Pulau Kalimantan. Indikasi peningkatan suhu mikro atau yang juga dikenal dengan Urban Heat Island (UHI) yang telah terjadi di Kota Samarinda ditambah dengan adanya isu pemindahan IKN dapat memperparah kondisi iklim perkotaan Kota Samarinda. Dalam mengantisipasi dampak lanjutan dari fenomena UHI perlu adanya pemetaan fenomena UHI dan kecenderungan perkembangannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi sebaran dan kecenderungan perkembangan fenomena UHI yang terjadi di Kota Samarinda. Pendekatan kuantitatif digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan teknik analisis spasial pemanfaatan penginderaan jauh dan analisis deskriptif dengan bantuan tabulasi dan visualisasi. Temuan utama penelitian menunjukan bahwa kawasan terdampak UHI di Kota Samarinda terus mengalami peningkatan luas setiap tahunnya dengan rata-rata peningkatan sebesar 3.879 Ha dan cenderung mengarah pada timur dan selatan Kota Samarinda. Penelitian ini berkontribusi dalam memperkaya pengetahuan terhadap perkembangan fenomena UHI, terutama pada kota-kota di Pulau Kalimantan. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga menggunakan metode penentuan UHI yang terintegrasi dengan THI


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    Flash-flood is considered as one of the most common natural disasters in Grenada, a tropical small state island in Caribbean Island. Grenada has several areas which are susceptible to flooding. One of them is Gouyave town which is located in the north-west of Grenada. Its land-use types are highly dominated by green areas, especially in the upper-part of the region. The built-up areas can only be found in the lower-part of Gouyave watershed, near the coastal area. However, there were many land conversions from natural land-use types into built-up areas in the upper-part region. They affected the decrease of water infiltration and the increase of potential run-off, making these areas susceptible to flash-flood. In addition, it is also influenced by the phenomenon of climate change. Changes in extreme temperature increase higher potential of hurricanes or wind-storm, directly related to the potential escalation of flash-flood. To develop effective mitigation strategies, understanding the behavior of flash-flood is required. The purpose of this paper was to observe the behavior of flash-flood in Gouyave watershed in various return periods using OpenLISEM software. It was used to develop and analyse the flash-flood characteristics. The result showed that the climatic condition (rainfall intensity) and land-use are influential to the flash-flood event. Flash-flood occurs in 35 and 100 years return period. Flash-flood inundates Gouyave’s area in long duration, with below 1 m flood depth. The flood propagation time is slow. This condition is also influenced by the narrower and longer of Gouyave basin shape. To develop flash-flood reduction strategies, the overall understanding of flash-flood behavior is important. If the mitigation strategy is adapted to their behavior, the implementation will be more optimum

    Living on the Edge: Comparing the Quality of Life Transformation of Local Communities Induced by New Town Development in Different Peri-Urban Areas

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    Peri-urban development has both potential and consequences. It has consequences in terms of changes in the condition of livelihood assets and quality of life (QoL) of local communities, while it has benefits because it generates new urban activities. In theory, these impacts vary in significance for peri-urban with diverse characteristics. Therefore, this research aims to investigate and compare the impact of new town development on local communities in various peri-urban areas. Ample attention is given to two new town development projects: Metro Tanjung Bunga (MTB) in a coastal area and Kota Baru Parahyangan (KBP) in an inland area of Indonesia. There were 150 respondents involved from 13 kampungs (enclaves). The research begins with a qualitative descriptive analysis to determine the impact of development and continues with a t-test to validate and compare the magnitude of the impact in the two peri-urban areas. The findings show that the development of the new towns has resulted in a decrease in livelihood assets and community QoL levels. An intriguing finding also demonstrates that the two peri-urban areas have significantly different development impacts: coastal peri-urban communities experienced a more significant decrease in QoL than non-coastal peri-urban communities. This research would enrich the discussions about peri-urban transformation, effects of the process on local communities and sustainability of these effects in developing countries

    Transformation of Local People's Property Rights Induced by New Town Development (Case Studies in Peri-Urban Areas in Indonesia)

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    Contains fulltext : 221405.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)New town development as a form of large-scale development is not a new phenomenon, particularly in developing countries. This development mainly takes place in peri-urban areas due to the high pressure caused by the growing population and the lack of facilities and infrastructure in city centres. As an effect, local communities who originally occupied the land often lose their rights over the property their livelihood might have relied on. Property rights can be grouped differently, classified according to different bundles: appropriation, ownership, and formality of rights. This paper investigates to what extent new town development in Indonesia has affected the property rights of local communities, in terms of the transformation of rights and security level. Moreover, it examines to what extent this transformation has been affected by urbanisation pressure. Ample attention is paid to the transformation of various bundles of rights concerning different usage of property, both residential and cultivated land. A total of 252 questionnaires were distributed to three different locations of new towns in Indonesia. A before-after analysis was employed to identify the transformation of the property rights and their security level, followed by multiple linear regression analysis to observe the influence of the urbanisation pressure to the security level. The research reveals that the transformation of property rights of local residents mainly concerns the appropriation rights. The analysis also indicates that there is a tendency that the security level decreases. Statistically, this appears to be affected by urbanisation pressure variables: type of land, land use, and occupation. With this study, we offer on the one hand a conceptual framework for assessing property rights, while on the other hand, we provide empirical evidence regarding the effects of new town development on property rights transformation and its security level