33 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Penambahan Tepung Daun Lamtoro (Leucaena Leucochephala) pada Pakan terhadap Profil Darah Ikan Nilem (Osteochilus Hasselti)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan tepung daun Lamtoro (Leucaena leucochephala) pada pakan terhadap profil darah ikan Nilem (Osteochilus hasselti) ditinjau dari kadar hemoglobin, hematokrit, total eritrosit, dan glukosa darah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimental dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari 4 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Perlakuan meliputi 0%, 20%, 25%, dan 30% penambahan tepung daun lamtoro pada pakan. Ikan nilem selanjutnya dipelihara dalam akuarium selama 30 hari dengan pemberian pakan dua kali sehari. Hasil penelitian menunjukan ikan pada semua perlakuan memiliki profil darah yang relatif sama, yaitu nilai hemoglobin sebesar 8,18 ± 0,41 sampai 9,50 ± 1,43 (g/dL), hematokrit 25,2 ± 1,64 sampai 27,98 ± 4,90 (%), total eritrosit 1,06 ± 0,53 sampai 1,95 ± 0,11 (x106 sel/mm3), dan glukosa darah 72,5 ± 37,42 sampai 122,25 ± 56,55 (mg/dL). Berdasarkan analisis statistik penambahan tepung daun lamtoro (Leucaena leucochephala) pada pakan tidak berpengaruh (P>0,05) terhadap profil darah ikan nilem (Osteochilus hasselti) yang meliputi kadar hemoglobin, hematokrit, total eritrosit, dan kadar glukosa darah. Kualitas air selama penelitian cukup baik untuk pemeliharaan ikan


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    Corruption literally can be interpreted as rottenness, ugliness, depravity, dishonesty can be bribed, immoral, deviation from chastity, words or words that insult or slander. Article 2 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended and supplemented by Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption. Therefore, to provide a deterrent effect to corrupt officials who commit corruption is one of them is the revocation of political rights in the form of the right to be elected in public office is the implementation of the application of criminal sanctions that are Extraordinary Enforcement. As regulated in Article 18 of the Criminal Code which was strengthened in the Constitutional Court Decision Number 4/PUUVII/2009 (dated March 24, 2009). The purpose of this study is to obtain data and analyze the basis for consideration of the judge's decision in imposing additional penalties in the form of revocation of political rights against convicts of corruption and to find out the elements that the imposition of additional penalties in the form of revocation of political rights is in accordance with Article 38 of the Criminal Code. And the type of research used in this study is normative legal research, namely research that focuses on positive legal norms in the form of laws and regulations related to the problems studied with the data used, namely primary legal materials and secondary legal material. The basis for legal considerations by the assembly against the revocation of political rights, namely the right to be elected in public office in the Supreme Court's Decision Number 1885 K/Pid.Sus/2015 is not appropriate based on Article 38 of the Criminal Code where the revocation of political rights does not have a time period or length limit for the revocation of rights


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    Sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia yang sehari-harinya menggunakan energi fosil, seperti minyak tanah, gas dan batubara, serta bahan bakar kayu. Dengan pertumbuhan penduduk yang sangat cepat, hal ini dikawatirkan cadangan ketersedian energi akan menipis dan bahkan habis sama sekali. Untuk mengatisipasi hal tersebut dicari inovasi pada sebuah alat untuk menghemat penggunaan bahan bakar tersebut agar energi dalam bumi tidak pernah habis. Inovasi itu yaitu dengan meningkatkan evisiensi, pada sebuah alat dan menekan penggunaan bahan bakar, dengan menciptakan kompor gas dengan efisiensi yang baik. Yaitu dengan memanfaatkan gas panas sisa pembakaran yang di alirkan agas panas yang terbuang tidak terlalu banyak. Hal ini adalah upaya pemanfaatan energi yang ada agar lebih efisien. Energi panas dari api tentu akan langsung hilang atau lepas pada lingkungan sekitar jika tidak di manfaatkan. Upaya ini di rancang agar losses sisa pembakaran dapat di optimalkan . Perancangan alat penyerap losses ini berguna untuk menampung dan menghantarkan panas secara konveksi pada bidang kontak yang akan di panaskan. Losses panas tersebut akan di transverkan pada bidang kontak. Pengoptimalan pemanfaatan panas yang dihasilkan oleh kompor gas LPG masih berpeluang cukup besar,rekayasa kontruksi dan inovasi penemuan hasil penelitian telah banyak dilakukan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi kompor gas tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan memvarisaikan tinggi alat, dengan dimensi yang sama,dimulai dari tinggi 1,5cm, 2cm dan 2,5cm. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan terdapat indikasi peningkatan produksi uap. artinya dengan penambahan alat penyerap losses terdapat peningkatan efisiensi, walaupun sangatlah kecil. Kata kunci: Penyerapan, Losses, Efisiensi


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    In Indonesia, plastic waste has become an important problem at this time, because it causes environmental pollution problems. With this, further action is needed regarding the treatment of waste utilization, one of which is by converting waste into liquid fuel. Some types of rubbish that we often encounter are plastic bottles such as plastic cups, plastic bottle caps, children's toys and margarines and others, which is one of the types of PP (polypropylene) waste. The development of current plastic waste treatment technology is to convert plastic waste into fuel oil by utilizing plastic waste to be processed as plastic fuels such as premium fuel, diesel and kerosene. Polypropylene type plastic is the type of plastic that is most widely used in daily life because it has good mechanical properties with low density, heat and moisture resistance, and has good dimensional stability. Some of the technology used to convert plastic waste, among others, by using the method of high temperature (Thermal Cracking), namely heating polymer or plastic material without oxygen, this process is usually carried out at temperature. This process includes the pyrolysis process ,. The results of the thermal cracking process will produce fuel oil by condensation with the cooling process, when the pipe releases steam that occurs in a heated pressure vessel, thus producing steam that is condensed using water until it changes shape to become liquid. One of the results of the pyrolysis process is Polypropylene Plastic is a fuel that is equivalent to fossil fuels. In this study, researchers analyzed the octane number of Polypropylene liquid fuel that was heated and the Distillation process with a temperature variation of 800C, 1000C, and 1200C produced Polypropylene fuel equivalent to a standard fuel with an octane number of 93.8. So that this fuel can be used on vehicles motorized


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    The concept of masculinity has broadened as a result of gender equality. Masculinity refers to a culture in which men's and women's social roles are clearly defined. This research objective was to find out traits of masculinity of male characters in Avengers: Endgame movie based on the theory proposed by David & Brannon, Beynon (2007). The research method used a descriptive qualitative method. The data of this research are dialogues and scenes in Avengers: Endgame movie. The results represent that there were seven traits of masculinity found in the male characters of Avengers: Endgame movie were be a big wheel, be a sturdy oak, give 'em hell, new man as nurturer, new man as narcissist, new lad, and metrosexual men. The researcher also found out the dominant traits of masculinity namely new man as nurturer. Keywords: gender, masculinity, traits of masculinity, movie


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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh dua hal: pencarian bahan bakar alternatif bersumber non pangan serta semakin menumpuknya sampah plastik. Melalui proses pyrolisis, plastik polypropilene dapat dirubah menjadi bahan bakar cair. Bila bahan bakar plastik polypropilene (BBPP) ingin digunakan pada engine maka ada beberapa standar yang harus dipenuhi. Nilai kalor tinggi merupakan salah satu standar dimaksud. Pengujian nilai kalor BBPP dilakukan untuk 5 macam spesimen yaitu BBPP murni, BBPP + premium dengan konsentrasi campuran 10%, 15%, 20%, serta BBPP + octane booster dengan campuran 1:1. Hasil pengujian nilai kalor dengan menggunakan bomb calorimeter didapatkan nilai kalor BBPP murni 100% sebesar 11.111,264 kcal/gram. Pada campuran BBPP + bensin premium didapatkan nilai kalor tertinggi pada campuran 10% sebesar 11.405,911 kcal/gram. Pada campuran BBPP + octane booster didapatkan nilai kalor sebesar 11.203,163 kcal/gram. Nilai kalor BBPP murni ataupun campuran ternyata masih dibawah nilai kalor premium sebagai bahan bakar acuan yang sebesar 11.414,453 kcal/gram. Untuk saat ini pemakaian BBPP pada engine tanpa modifikasi merupakan suatu tindakan yang memaksakan mesin bekerja dibawah kondisi idealnya. Upaya peningkatan nilai kalor BBPP perlu dilakukan bila ingin dipakai sebagai bahan bakar alternatif untuk engine. Peningkatan nilai kalor BBPP bisa dilakukan dengan proses pemurnian ulang

    Pengaruh Campuran Bahan Bakar Premium Dengan Plastik Polypropilene (PP) Hasil Piropilis Terhadap Nilai Kalor Bahan Bakar

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    Pemanfaatan sampah plastik jenis PP (Polypropylene)dengan menggunakan proses pirolisis untuk dijadikan bahan bakar sampah plastik dengan mengunakan reaktor pirolisis kapasitas 10 kg sampah plastik jenis PP menghasilkan 6 liter Bahan Bakar Plastik Pirolisis Cair. Bahan Bakar Plastik Pirolisis (BBPP) kemudian akan diuji nilai kalornya. Pengujian dilanjutkan dengan menguji nilai kalor BBPP bila dicampur dengan bahan bakar premium dengan konsentrasi campuran 10%, 15%, dan 20%. Sebagai pengujian akhir akan diuji nilai kalor dari campuran BBPP dengan octane booster dengan campuran 1:1. Setelah dilakukan pengujian nilai kalor dengan menggunakan bomb calorimeter didapatkan nilai kalor bahan bakar sampah plastik jenis PP(Polypropylene) murni 100% sebesar 11.111,264 kilokalori/gram. Pada campuran BBPP + bensin premium didapatkan nilai kalor tertinggi pada campuran 90% premium + 10% sebesar 11.405,911 kilokalori/gram. Sedangkan untuk nilai kalor campuran BBPP + octane booster didapatkan nilai kalor sebesar 11.203,163 kkal/gram


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    The need for food and healthy food is increasing now with the development of technology about food processing, especially foods with mushroom types. Oyster mushroom is one type of mushroom that is safe for consumption, because oyster mushroom is one kind of complementary food besides rice which has high nutritional value. Due to having a considerable economic value resulting in a lot of oyster mushroom cultivation which is a type of small business that starts from breeding, production, and processing of oyster mushrooms. Oyster mushrooms can grow in the area around the house, oyster mushroom cultivation takes into account several factors including air humidity, air temperature, and lighting regulation, this type of fungus should not be exposed to direct sunlight. In order to maximize yield, we need a kumbung. making the ideal kumbung namely mushroom kumbung which is always awake to the humidity of the air. While the media used is wood powder media mixed with katul with a composition of 15%, 2% lime, and 5% corn powder. Then the mixture is mixed with water with a composition of 60% and stirred, allowed to stand and check the degree of acidity. Then cooled put into polybags plastic and put in a barrel for cooking process (Steam) for 7 hours to sterilize the media. As for the humidity temperature is maintained between 23- 280C. The problems faced by oyster mushroom farmers in Jember City are the regulation of air temperature and humidity that are erratic, when the hot air is very dry humidity, and during the rainy season the humidity is very wet so that it interferes with the mushroom production process. So we need a mechanism that is able to deal with these problems by implementing a mushroom kumbung humidity control system automatically by using a DHT11 sensor connected to Bluetooth HC-06. The function of the DHT11 sensor has been adjusted to the temperature of oyster mushroom humidity. And the second solution is to help control the production and marketing processes by utilizing an integrated management information syste

    Pengujian Filter EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) Terhadap Efek Blow By Gas Berbahan Serat Kedelai Edamame Sebagai Upaya Untuk Mengurangi Emisi Gas Buang Mesin Diesel

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    The growth of diesel-engined vehicles in Indonesia is now increasing as the population grows. Diesel-engine vehicles are in great demand because they have high economic value compared to gasoline-engine vehicles because Diesel-powered vehicles require Solar fuels that cost much less than gasoline-engine vehicles. And also Diesel-engine vehicles have much more power to carry large and large items. However, Diesel-engine vehicles have a negative effect as well as causing large air pollution to the environment. Due to diesel engine exhaust emissions have a high concentration. This high density is caused by the Blow By gas effect of bringing back the remaining oil called soot into the combustion chamber after the combustion process. So in this study the authors modify the Filter EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) from filter made from paper with Filters made from Edamame soybean Fiber Composite. According to Xiaobing Liu Research (2017) that Soybean Fiber can absorb particulate dust with high efficiency level that is between 99.94% and 99.95%. It is expected that this modification may reduce the level of Diesel engine exhaust gas concentration or so-called Opacity Level to the Blow Effect By the gas. From the results of the research, it is found that before the EGR filter (Exhaust Gas recirculation) installed made from Edamame soybean there is an Opacity value of 40% with a value of k-value of 2.58 1 / m. And after EGR filter made from Edamame soybean fiber installed there is a decrease of Opasitas level by 27% with value of K-Value equal to 1,6 1 / m. testing conducted on vehicles at 5000 rpm. Keywords— mesin diesel, tingkat opasitas, serat komposit kedelai, filter EG

    Design of Polypropylene Distillation Fuel Generator (PDFG) as an effort to create alternative energy for standar engine

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    Technologies  Energy like  fossil  energy  belong  to  renewable  energy  are growing. one of the example is to recycle of waste plastic as fuel .Some types of waste that we often see are plastic bottles such as plastic cups, plastic bottle caps, toys and margarine  etc., which  is  one  type  of  PP Polypropylene waste.  Each  unit of  heavy plastic can produce 70 percent oil, 16percent gas, 6 percent carbon solid and 8 percent water.  And  for  PP  type  plastic  Polypropylene has  melting  point  of  70celcius  degree until 80celcius  degree [5][11][12].  The  calorific  value  of  pure  Polypropylene  Liquid Plastics BBPP is 25.97 KJ per gram. Proving that plastic waste has a high enough heat content  it  can  be  developed  to  become  one  of  the  alternative  sources  of  energy  that uses renewable natural materials renewable resources, although in previous studies the calorific value obtained was still below the standard reference fuel value of 48 KJ per gram.  So  it  still cannot be  used  on  motor  vehicles.  This  study  aims  to  increase  the calorific  value  of liquid  polypropylene  fuel  from  the  results  of  Pyrolysis  so  that  the calorific value is closer to the standard by using the distillation process and absorption method or purification process of purifying the Polypropylene liquid fuel. Liquid fuel Polypropylene  is  introduced  into  the  Absorption  Distillation  reactor  and  evaporated using  a  heater  to  a  temperature  near  70celcius  degree until 90celcius  degree.  and subsequently  condensed  by  using  a  pure  water  medium  with  a  temperature  of 20celcius  degree  until 25 Celsius  degree.  The  calorific  value  resulting  from  the absorption  distillation  is  44.35  KJ per gram.  The  results  are  close  to  the  standard premium fuel calorific value