54 research outputs found

    Counseling Children from Single Parent Households

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    How Do Teachers Make Decisions Around Union Membership And Engagement In My Middle School Setting?

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    The purpose of this study was to gather middle school teachers’ beliefs, perceptions, opinions, and experiences around teachers union membership and engagement. The topic became a focus within union circles in advance of the 2018 United States Supreme Court Ruling, Janus vs. AFSCME Council 31, which halted the collection of agency fees, or fees paying for the cost of union representation during collective bargaining, among public employees. This study draws on the work of several other researchers studying educators’ varying beliefs and experiences around teachers unions, including Popiel (2013), Chapman (2013), Pogodzinski & Jones (2014), and Swenson Chipman (2014). It also draws on the work of Educators for Excellence, which put out the 2018 Educators for Excellence Survey gathering k-12 teachers’ beliefs and plans regarding union membership and engagement. In phase one of this explanatory sequential mixed methods study, 32 licensed middle school teachers responded to an electronic survey. The survey gathered educators’ thoughts and experiences regarding teachers union membership and engagement as well as their demographic information. In phase two, four educators, who were selected from among the initial 32 survey respondents, participated in semi-structured interviews about their union membership and engagement, exploring survey questions in greater depth. Results showed that higher educator age/years of experience were associated with higher knowledge of union services/benefits, higher levels of union membership, lower levels of membership variability, higher levels of favorability toward teachers unions, and lower numbers of educators who believe racial equity should be a priority for union reform. Contrary to previous studies, higher educator age/years of experience were not associated with higher levels of union engagement. In addition, educators who identified as Black or Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC) showed lower knowledge of union services/benefits, lower levels of union membership, higher levels of membership variability, and lower levels of union favorability, than their colleagues who identified as Caucasian. BIPOC participants also showed higher levels of union engagement, and reported different barriers to union engagement and priorities for union reform

    Sistem Informasi Lowongan Kerja Berbasis Web

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    Perkembangan internet dan teknologi komunikasi sangat luar biasa dan jauh berbeda dengan masa awal kehadirannya. Website merupakan salah satu sumber daya internet yang berkembang pesat. Website telah membentang ke seluruh penjuru dunia, tidak hanya terbatas pada lembaga-lembaga pendidikan yang ingin memberikan informasi. Website sistem informasi lowongan kerja ini nantinya akan memudahkan mendapat informasi tentang lowongan pekerjaan. Pengembangan sistem informasi lowongan kerja ini diharapkan mendapatkan suatu istem informasi berbasis Web dinamis. Perancangan dilakukan menggunakan tool software ApacheFriends XAMPP (Basispaket) version 1.6.7 (MySQL 5.0.51 (Community Server), PHP 5.2.6 dan phpMyAdmin 2.11.7), dengan web disainer Macromedia Dreamweaver 8. Pengujian dilakukan secara localhost. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa perancangan sistem informasi lowongan kerja ini memudahkan mendapat informasi mengenai lowongan kerja dari perusahaan

    The Usefulness of Bridging Inferences and Elaboration Strategies in Comprehension

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    Reading is an essential part of everyday life. Within reading, there has been a noticed deficit in the ability to comprehend science texts (McNamara, 2017). The self-explanation reading strategy training (SERT) is a training program that provides strategies to help with the comprehension of texts (McNamara, 2017). SERT has six strategies that assist in reading comprehension, and allow a reader to go beyond a text to make connections. Of the strategies, we focused on bridging inferences and elaborations (making relevant connections to prior knowledge) that the readers generated as a way to comprehend the text in this study. We found that SERT increased the accuracy, apparent relationships and contribution averages for elaborations and increased accuracy for bridging. In conclusion, the process and process-product instructions led to the best comprehension processing. These results speak to the importance of focusing on particular strategies during reading and not just the end product

    PENGARUH AGRESIVITAS PAJAK, UKURAN PERUSAHAAN DAN LEVERAGE TERHADAP CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (Studi Empiris Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2013-2014)

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    The purpose of this research is to examine the influence of tax aggressiveness, size and leverage with corporate social responsibility. Independent variabel used in this research is the tax aggressiveness, size and leverage. Dependent variabel in this research is corporate social responsibility. This research used three control variables, include capital intensity, market to book ratio and return to assets. This research population was manufactur companies listed on Indonesian Stock Exchange during 2013-2014. This research used purposive sampling method to collect data. The sample was 168 companies. Data then analyzed using ordinary least square regression. This research showed that the aggressiveness of corporate taxes significantly and positively related to CSR. This result accordance with legitimacy theory. Size is significantly and positively related to CSR This result accordance with legitimacy theory. Leverage is significantly and not related to CSR


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    Abstrak This study aims to determine the intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation of student learning in geography learning class X IIS 2 SMA Panca Setya Sintang during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research method used is descriptive with qualitative research type case studies. The data sources of this research were students of class X IIS 2 and the data were the results of interviews with geography teachers and X IIS 2 graders in Panca Setya Sintang High School. Data collection techniques through interviews. The results showed that the intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation of Panca Setya Sintang high school students' learning motivation was the intrinsic motivation of the desire and motivation in learning geography, this was shown by the student's active learning and strong curiosity. While extrinsic learning motivation of students who are motivated when the teacher gives appreciation in learning, the efforts made by the teacher in motivating students are that the teacher always provides motivation every time learning begins, providing interesting and fun learning. Meanwhile, the efforts made by students are that students study harder and focus on learning. Keywords: Covid-19 Pandemic Period, Geography Learning, Learning Motivatio

    Development of a Reinforcer Assessment: A Measure of Potential Reinforcers in the Lives of Older Adults

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    The aim of this study was to create a new measure that assesses potential reinforcers in the lives of older adults residing in assisted living facilities. It is important to assess what an individual finds rewarding since individuals have a greater quality of life if they are doing activities that they enjoy. The study involved a two-step process. First, a list of potential reinforcers was created and evaluated by professionals in the field. Then this list was formatted into a survey and presented to 612 older adults. Participants rated these potential reinforcers on a Likert scale. Results were then evaluated using a principal components analysis resulting in the survey being consolidated into a 28 item survey with items fitting into four categories. This survey can function as a measure to identify what an individual finds rewarding which is useful information in an assisted living facility. Staff can use this tool to increase opportunities for positive reinforcement and overall increase pleasant activities in general

    Leczenie ostrej niewydolności serca

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    Acute heart failure (AHF) is a major and growing public health problem worldwide with ten million patients in Europe andeight hundred thousand patients in Poland. AHF is defined as the rapid onset of, or change in, signs and symptoms ofheart failure (HF) requiring urgent therapy and hospitalization. It arises from a rapid appearance for the first time or asa result of deterioration in patients with a previous diagnosis of HF. Fast diagnosis and treatment, initially focused onsymptom relief and causal treatment is crucial. This article is the summary of the new European Society of Cardiologyguidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure and short overview of ongoing multicenterstudies are still lacking on the pharmacotherapy of AHF.Ostra niewydolność serca (AHF) stanowi poważny problem socjoekonomiczny współczesnego świata. Niewydolnośćserca (HF) występuje u około 10 mln osób w Europie i u około 800 tys. w Polsce. W opiece nad chorym wysiłki lekarzyzmierzają jednocześnie do zmniejszenia objawów związanych z HF, odpowiedniego leczenia chorób prowadzących do jejrozwoju oraz do obniżenia ryzyka śmiertelności i rehospitalizacji. Artykuł ten stanowi podsumowanie aktualnej wiedzyna temat leczenia AHF opartej na wytycznych Europejskiego Towarzystwa Kardiologicznego z 2016 roku oraz trwającychwieloośrodkowych badaniach klinicznych

    Frequency of false-positive FISH 1p/19q codeletion in adult diffuse astrocytic gliomas

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    Oligodendroglioma is genetically defined by concomitant IDH (IDH1/IDH2) mutation and whole-arm 1p/19q codeletion. Codeletion of 1p/19q traditionally evaluated by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) cannot distinguish partial from whole-arm 1p/19q codeletion. Partial 1p/19q codeletion called positive by FISH is diagnostically a "false-positive" result. Chromosomal microarray (CMA) discriminates partial from whole-arm 1p/19q codeletion. Herein, we aimed to estimate the frequency of partial 1p/19q codeletion that would lead to a false-positive FISH result

    Randomized controlled clinical trials versus real-life atrial fibrillation patients treated with oral anticoagulants. Do we treat the same patients?

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    Background: The aim of the study was to compare clinical characteristics of real-life atrial fibrillation (AF) patients with populations included in randomized clinical trials (ROCKET AF and RE-LY).Methods: The analysis included 3528 patients who are participants of the ongoing, multicentre, retrospective CRAFT study. The study is registered in ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT02987062. The study is based on a retrospective analysis of hospital records of AF patients treated with vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) (acenocoumarol, warfarin) and non-vitamin K oral anticoagulants (NOACs) (dabigatran, rivaroxaban). CHADS2 score was used for risk of stroke stratification.Results: VKA was prescribed in 1973 (56.0%), while NOAC in 1549 (44.0%), including dabigatran — 504 (14.3%) and rivaroxaban — 1051 (29.8%), of the 3528 patients. VKA patients in the CRAFT study were at significantly lower risk of stroke (CHADS2 1.9 ± 1.3), compared with the VKA population from the RE-LY (2.1 ± 1.1) and the ROCKET-AF (3.5 ± 1.0). Patients in the CRAFT study treated with NOAC (CHADS2 for patients on dabigatran 150 mg — 1.3 ± 1.2 and on rivaroxaban — 2.2 ± 1.4) had lower risk than patients from the RE-LY (2.2 ± 1.2) and the ROCKET AF (3.5 ± 0.9).Conclusions: Real-world patients had a lower risk of stroke than patients included in the RE-LY and ROCKET AF trials