31 research outputs found


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    The subject of this research is how to manage pesantren in Southeast Aceh in the aspect of economic independence, that relates to the problem of financial management in pesantren.  From 36 pesantren, only 6 of them are accredited A, one of the assessment indicators is economic aspect, it means the rest are considered not sufficiently financially independent.  If we/YOU see the data that is processed is qualitative using field research.  The data obtained from the managers of pesantren in Southeast Aceh.  The method of data collection was done through observation, interview, and documentation techniques.  The study uses observation guides, interview guidelines and data documentation as research instruments.  Data processing and analysis technique were carried out through three stages; data reduction, data presentation and data verification.  At the implementation level, generally the management of pesantren has held business units from various existing sources / potentials, in fact the implementation has not been running as it should.  The study also found that there is a relationship between quality and accessibility on the one hand, and the composition of income and expenditure at the pesantren level on the other hand.  Strategic advice for the development of financial management in pesantren in Southeast Aceh as well as research findings, including (1) the presence of a financial manager or someone who has financial competence;  (2) having a development plan as a form of achieving targets;  (3) forming business units as a form of independence;  and finally (4) team cohesiveness


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    In a strict and competitive work environment, educational institutions require a strong and supportive organizational base. This research was conducted to find a conceptual framework of reliable organizational conflicts to improve the effectiveness of school organizations. Research methods use library studies by relying on data sourced from a variety of relevant literature, both research journals and books. Data is analyzed by critical analysis of conflicts that occur in Indonesian schools. The results of the study found a conceptual framework of organizational conflicts that mediated the influence of transformational leadership and interpersonal communication on organizational effectiveness. The conceptual framework is expected to be beneficial to organizational managers, educational practitioners, researchers and academics as an effort to revitalize and develop higher competitive organizations. In general the organizational effectiveness studies are concerned with aspects of motivation, leadership and communication, however the originality of the study this time makes organizational conflict a contributing factor for organizational effectiveness

    Kewirausahaan Pesantren: Faktor Pendorong dan Analisis Motivasi Santri

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    Kewirausahaan menjadi bagian integral dalam prosesi pendidikan karakter di pesantren. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkonstruk model motivasi kewirausahaan santri di pesantren. Penelitian berjenis kualitatif teknik survei deskriptif. Penelitian dilakukan di Pesantren Ulumuddin Kota Lhokseumawe. Sumber informan berjumlah 7 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan konseptualisasi motivasi santri dalam menghadapi dunia industry dan dunia kerja (IDUKA). Motivasi yang terbangun pada diri santri berasal dari pelaksanaan sistem kaderisasi dan penugasan langsung terhadap santri ketika di pesantren. Keterlibatan langsung pada praktek kewirausahaan adalah melalui pengalaman menjadi pengurus organisasi atau tenaga pengajar. Pendidikan kewirausahan mereka mendapat dorongan motivasi baik itu secara internal dan eksternal dan juga mengetahui bagaimana cara untuk mahir, pandai, dan terampilan, dalam menempuh pekerjaan yang akan dilaksanakan

    Sistem Pasar Output Pendidikan Islam

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    Social economic reality forced the Moslem population to be more concerned with general education so get rid of the religious education forward. A common problem that describe into two, the first in the case of a majority Muslim country the government does not understand that the core of nation-building through education is human development itself as a means and purpose. The second, in the case of a minority Moslem country the problem was faced is protective government policy until the movement of Islamic educational institutions in innovating was limited. This articles elaborates the illustration how education development to the right direction must beginning with a system approach in the education sector adjusted the need of the global market. Basically, every system created to handle something that routinely happens. Systems approach is a philosophy about the structure that coordinates activities in an organization with the most excellent way. The data collected for several books and journal which provided to the illustrations. The conclusion, there are three domain strategies and education policies for the government to develop education system effectiveness, are defense and security, productive workforce, positive social output. Especially for education institution, the strategy is (1) selection and development of graduate products; (2) financial education effectiveness for competitive advantage; (3) developing human capital; (4) moving, caring, and innovating; (5) marketing strategy; and (6) alliance strategy, building a network with synergy

    Lecturer Professionalism in Improving The Effectiveness of Higher Education Institutions

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    Purpose: Researchers have tried to conduct analytic studies on IAI Tebo Jambi to analyze lecturer professionality in improving organizational effectiveness. Methodology: The study used qualitative design with survey approaches. As a source of informants, the study involved 3 managing—lectures as well as employees plus students through purposive sampling.  Data collection is done through the results of interviews, observations and documentation. Main Findings: The limits of area research selected for this study reflected the competence of lecturers into fundamental aspects in the learning process thus impacting the quality of graduates. As the newly transformed college from high school to institute demands strategy in HR governance system and fulfillment of college resource standards. Applications The practical implications when the quality of management education is enriched, it will create global management professionals who will contribute qualitatively to industry and lift global economic development as a whole. Novelty/Originality The process of IAI Tebo Lectures professional development with four steps, First, interested stakeholders, workers organization society; Second Competencies according to knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Third, the barriers and propulsors with contextual elements, personal characteristics and relational elements. And the fourth stakes of development with Early career, Career in consolidation, and Consolidated career

    Pengaruh Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah dan Motivasi Kerja terhadap Efektivitas Organisasi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah dan Motivasi Kerja terhadap Efektivitas Organisasi. Penelitian ini juga berguna bagi pengembangan Manajemen Pendidikan Islam khususnya berkaitan dengan teori manajemen dan teori perilaku organisasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma kuantitatif dengan metode survei. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada guru di SMAN 1 Langsa Populasi berjumlah 40 dengan teknik analisis berganda. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui angket dengan skala likert. Analisis data menggunakan path analysis dimulai dengan statistik deksriptif, uji prasyarat analisis (normalitas, homogenitas, linearitas) dan di lanjutkan dengan uji hipotesis. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa terdapat: (1) Pengaruh langsung manajemen berbasis sekolah efektivitas organisasi adalah signifikan, berdasarkan tingkat signifikansi (Sig = 0.035 < 0.05) dan  Rsquare 0.112 atau sebesar 11,2%; (2) Pengaruh langsung motivasi kerja terhadap efektivitas organisasi, dengan nilai signifikansi (Sig = 0.043 < 0.05) dan nilai Rsquare 0.104 atau sebesar 10.4%; (3) Pengaruh manajemen berbasis sekolah dan motivasi kerja terhadap efektivitas oganisasi dengan nilai Fhitung = 6.712 > Ftabel = 3.25 dan Rsquare 0.266 atau sebesar 26.6%. Implikasinya adalah manajemen berbasis sekolah yang efektif dan motivasi kerja yang baik, akan mempengaruhi semakin tinggi efektivitas organisasinya


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    ABSTRAKBudaya religius tidak terbentuk secara instan melainkan melalui proses implementasi nilai-nilai pendidikan Islam. Lingkungan pendidikan dikenal dengan sebutan Tri Sentra Pendidikan, yaitu lingkungan sekolah, lingkungan masyarakat dan lingkungan rumah. Interaksi positif antara ketiga aspek lingkungan pendidikan menjadi nilai primordial pembentuk budaya religius. Metode penelitian menggunakan paradigma kualitatif dengan Teknik kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan praktik budaya religious merupakan bentuk pendidikan berbasis agama dan bentuk kontrol sosial yang efektif baik dalam arti sempit mencapai pendidikan moral akhlak dan dalam arti yang lebih luas berkontribusi pada stabilitas tatanan sosial yang statis. Internalisasi nilai pendidian agama Islam dan lingkungan pendidikan diterapkan melalui beberapa strategi, (1) power strategy, pembudayaan agama di lingkungan keluarga menggunakan kekuasaan; (2) persuasive strategy dijalankan melalui pandangan warga sekolah; (3) normative educative, norma sebagai aturan yang berlaku di masyarakat untuk menanamkan dan mengganti paradigma berpikir masyarakat yang konservatif dan inovatif. Implikasi penelitian agar penerapan budaya religius membentuk individu siswa memiiki kepribadian yang baik dan santun, mampu bersikap ditengah masyarakat luas, dapat menjadi contoh yang baik.

    Efektivitas Pengelolaan Mutu Dosen Perguruan Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri

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    This research aims to describe and design integrated university governance model which is focused on lecturer quality control. This study reveals that high education shows no integrated governance. The research refers to evaluative study of High Education quality insurance concept. The research used survey approach with qualitative method. The informants in this research are leaders of High Education and lecturers. Results of the research show (1) quality control principles refer to organizational lifecycle concepts namely plan, do, act, check (PDAC); (2) implementation process refers to technical targets such as completeness of formal learning; (3) improvement of lecturer professionalism competence is conducted in the forms of education and training as well as comparative study; (4) monitoring activity on quality improvement evaluation is conducted by weekly routine meeting, mid-semester meeting and beginning of education year meeting. Results of the evaluation are used as the lecturer performance assessment and decision making instrument aspects. Implication of research results are manifested in the form of reward and punishment-based counseling. The research aims to examine the effects of quality control practices in state Islamic high education in Ace


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    Abstract: The bargaining power of pesantren lies in character education, because of the cultivation of character in students of pesantren is by implementing Islamic religious values. Meanwhile, the development in Indonesia continues with a more focused on economics that demands life skills. This research was formulated to develop modernity in some aspects of curriculum in pesantren Sholahuddin Al-Munawwarah Gayo iLues Regency, Aceh Province. The approach to paradigm research is qualitative using the case study method, which is a systematic investigation of ia specific event. Data collected through observation, interviews and documentation. The learning system uses the principles of learning to know, learning to do, learning to be and learning to live together; Implementation of talent interest education by implementing pesantren-based management (MBP); In iaddition, the potential areas around pesantren can be reflected in the delivery of education, in accordance with the principles of contextual education and broad based education; The findings in ithis study produced several main conclusions: (1) reorientation of learning, (2) development of pesantren culture that supports the education of talent-interest, (3) implementation of pesantren based management, (d) synergistic relationships with society, government and talent suppliers. Keywords: Modernity of Pesantren; Curriculum; Talent-Interest. Abstrak: Daya tawar pesantren terletak pada pendidikan karakter, karena pada dasarnya penanaman karakter pada santri adalah dengan implementas nilai-nilai agama-Islam. Sementara itu, pembangunan di Indonesa terus dilakukan secara bertahap dengan fokus pembangunan yang lebih ditekankan di bidang ekonomi yang menuntut keterampilan hidup. Untuk membentuk lulusan yang berkarakter dan berketeramplan hidup muncul sebuah konsep pendidikan berbasis minat bakat. Penelitian ini dirumuskan untuk mengangkat aspek modernitas pesantren ditinjau dari aspek kurkulum barbasis minat bakat pada pesantren Sholahuddn Al-Munawwarah Kabupaten Gayo Lues Provinsi Aceh. Paradigma pendekatan penelitian adalah kualitatif menggunakan metode studi kasus, yakni penyelidikan sistematis atas suatu kejadian khusus. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Sistem pembelajaran menggunakan prinsip learning to know, learning to do, learning to be dan learning to live together; Pelaksanaan pendidikan minat bakat dengan menerapkan manajemen berbaiss pesantren (MBP); Selain itu potensi wilayah sekitar pesantren dapat direfleksikan dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan, sesuai dengan prinsip pendidikan kontekstual dan pendidikan berbasis luas (broad based educaton); Temuan dalam penelitian ini menghasilkan beberapa pokok kesimpulan yaitu: (1) reorientasi pembelajaran berbasis minat bakat, (2) pengembangan budaya pesantren yang menunjang pendidikan minat bakat, (3) implementasi manajemen berbasis pesantren, (d) hubungan kemitraan sinergis dengan masyarakat, pemerintah dan penyalur bakat. Kata kunci: Modernitas Pesantren; Kurikulum; Minat Bakat

    The Influence of Transformational Leadership, Interpersonal Communication, and Organizational Conflict On Organizational Effectiveness

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    This study investigated whether the effect correlation exists between the Transformational Leadership, Interpersonal Communication, Organizational Conflict and Organizational Effectiveness in dayah in Aceh. Data were collected by questionnaires by 90 teachers in 3 pesantren, analysis using Path Analysis. The study found that the transformational leadership was most frequently employed, followed by the interpersonal communication, and then organizational conflict. The study found a positive effect transformational leadership, interpersonal communication and organizational conflict towards organizational effectiveness. Finally, organizational effectiveness differed according to leadership and communication factors. Suggestions from this research are there is a need to develop the organizational effectiveness by attitude, motivation and technology in utilizing existing resources in the pesantren, dayah program and unit program. Findings of this study also open a new area of research on dayah principalship, performance, and effectiveness in the Aceh Government