325 research outputs found

    Solusi Hunian Bagi Pekerja dan Pelajar di Kawasan Surabaya Barat Berupa Rancangan Desain Rusunawa

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    Pada era globalisasi, suatu wilayah khususnya kota dapat mengalami aglomerasi, yaitu kota yang semakin mengkota atau kota yang semakin lama akan semakin berkembang meluas. Hal tersebut tidak lepas dari permasalahan kurangnya ketersediaan hunian yang layak bagi masyarakat sehingga terjadi banyaknya permukiman kumuh dan liar yang tidak layak huni. Kota Surabaya yang merupakan ibu kota provinsi Jawa Timur juga mengalami hal tersebut, khususnya Surabaya Barat yang merupakan wilayah dengan perkembangan yang sangat pesat dalam hal pembangunan Perumahan, area komersial, munculnya lapangan pekerjaan, dan pendidikan di daerah tersebut. Keadaan Surabaya Barat tersebut memerlukan suatu solusi sebagai pemecahan masalah dan antisipasi, yang berguna untuk mencegah munculnya hunian kumuh dan tidak layak huni khususnya bagi pekerja dan pelajar pada daerah tersebut. Sehingga perlu adanya suatu hunian vertikal bagi pekerja dan pelajar kalangan menengah dengan sistem sewa, yang selanjutnya disebut Rusunawa. Solusi tersebut berupa desain rancangan Rusunawa Sebagai Hunian Pekerja dan Pelajar di Kawasan Surabaya Barat (Gambar 1)

    Pengaruh Sterilan Terhadap Tingkat Kontaminasi Pada Kultur Petiol Dan Midrib Daun Tanaman Karet (Hevea Brasiliensis Muell Arg.) Klon Pb 330

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    Kultur jaringan merupakan salah satu teknik perbanyakan tanaman yang perlu terus dikembangkan untuk tanaman karet klonal (Hevea Brasiliensis Muell Arg.). Permasalahan yang masih harus diatasi adalah tingginya tingkat kontaminasi pada fase tanam. Kontaminasi terutama diakibatkan oleh banyaknya fungi dan bakteri yang menyelimuti baik di permukaan maupun di dalam sistem jaringan eksplan, yang biasanya berasal dari lapangan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mencari metode paling efektif dalam mengurangi tingkat kontaminasi pada kultur in vitro eksplan petiol dan midrib daun klon karet PB 330 melalui perlakuan pra sterilisasi, sterilisasi dan kombinasinya menggunakan fungisida Dythane M-45, NaClO 5,25% dan HgCl2 0,2%. Eksplan ditanam pada media MS+2,4-D (Dicholophenoxy aceticacid) 5 ppm sebanyak 10 botol sebagai ulangan, masing-masing 2 eksplan/botol. Pengamatan meliputi persentase kontaminasi dan kematian eksplan hingga 14 hari setelah tanam (HST). Data dianalisis dengan analisis ragam dari rancangan faktorial dan diuji lanjut dengan Uji Jarak Berganda Duncan (UJBD) untuk data yang berbeda nyata. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penurunan kontaminasi pada eksplan midrib efektif dengan perlakuan pra sterilisasi dengan perendaman fungisida selama 30 atau 60 menit dikombinasikan dengan perlakukan sterilisasi dengan perendaman dalam alkohol 70% dan NaClO 5,25% selama 3 menit. Perlakuan tersebut menghasilkan tingkat kontaminasi sebesar 21,33% dan 21,67%. Kontaminasi pada eksplan asal petiol dapat ditekan hingga 33% dengan perlakuan pra sterilisasi yaitu perendaman fungisida 24 jam dikombinasikan perlakukan sterilisasi dengan perendaman dalam alkohol 70%, lalu NaClO 5,25%, dan HgCl2 0,2% masing-masing selama 3 menit

    Manajemen Bandwidth Untuk Optimalisasi Jaringan Di Smk Telkom Sandhy Putra Malang

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    Vocational High School Telkom Sandhy Putra Malang is the first Vocational Hight School that learn about IT in Indonesia. In every learning activities, this schools has used a computer in it. So, it need a high speed and stable internet connection to support it's learning activities.And it has been 2 years, all of learning activities use computer. So, high speed and stable internet connection is needed to do some material download from student and teacher.So, for handling that needed, a bandwidth managemendt in Vocational High School Telkom Sandhy Putra Malang is very needed. That is how to build a load balancing and queue bandwidth.With that things, so the final pupose from developing bandwidth management is make any proses inside Vocational High School Telkom Sandhy Putra Malang run smoothly

    Efektifitas Pemasangan Kapasitor Sebagai Metode Alternatif Penghemat Energi Listrik

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    Efficiency needs to be done by PLN as a provider of electrical energy and of course also by the user community as consumers of electrical energy. One of the efficiency measures to conserve energy use in the community is the use of energy-efficient electical appliances (energy saver) areused both in business, commercial or industrial or domestic sector. Energy-efficient appliances are now widely sold in the wider community as they seek to offset the cost of electrical energy consumption. Equipment generally contains capacitor banks or elco (electrolyt condensator) whichcan reduce electric currents, but no significant effect on consumer savings account payments.The Study that\u27s obout improving the power factor has been more on the side of the electricity supplier. both in transmission and distribution. On the load side (electricity consumers), the measurement of power factor and load balancing only on the main panel or distribution ponel.so that the measured accumulated loads of different types of loads.So far research on increasing the load power factor only produces the resulting level of power efficiency and whether this level can still be expected usefulness in relieving the financial burden of the electricity customer bills or not. So we need to do a study b determine the efficiencyof the dominant power generated by the load in conjunction with electric power triangle

    The Potential of White Muscovy as Parent Stock for the Production of Broiler Ducks

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    In rural areas, male muscovy was commonly crossed with layer ducks for the production of mule ducks to be sold as broiler ducks. However, their population was very few with various plumage colors, and with very low egg production. Muscovy can be used as the male parent stock in a commercial production of mule ducks, but it was preferable if they have white plumage for better carcass performance and with higher egg production. The aim of the study was to evaluate the characteristics of a muscovy population whether they were suitable as the foundation stock for a selection program to improve egg production. Groups of 125 female and 51 male of local white muscovy were used in this study. They were kept under close confinements and fed according their nutrition requirements. Measurements were taken on body weight at first laying, weight of first egg, 6 month egg production, and morphological characteristics. Results showed that the average body weight at first laying was 1805.41±89.31 grams with a variation of 4.95%. The average first egg weight was 58.23±2.33 grams with a variation of 4%, and the average 6 month production was 22.52±6.38% with a variation of 28.31%. With such large variations, the population was appropriate to be used as the foundation stock for a selection to improve egg production

    Роль нотаріуса при посвідченні анульованого договору купівлі-продажу в судовому порядку (аналіз статей 15 та 16 Закону Індонезії «Про нотаріат»)

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    A notary deed is an authentic deed drawn up by or before a notary according to the form and procedure stipulated in Law Number 2 of 2014 concerning the Office of a Notary. Article 15 of the law on the position of a notary regulates the authority of a notary, and Article 16 of the law on the position of a notary regulates the obligations of a notary. In carrying out these powers and obligations, a role is required in the form of a series of actions that are supportive in carrying out the duties of a notary in accordance with his position if the Notary does not play a role in causing the deed to be canceled, as in the Supreme Court Decision No. 535 PK/Pdt/2017 (1) the cancellation was due to an imbalance between what was written in the sale and purchase agreement deed and the facts of the parties. The decision of the Surabaya District Court (2) stated that the deed made by a notary was valid according to legal provisions. In contrast, the decision of the Surabaya High Court (3) stated that the deed was legally flawed. The decision of the Supreme Court (4) at the cassation and review level upheld the decision. This study analyzes the juridical factors that cause the deed of sale and purchase agreement made before a notary to be void based on a court decision and analyzes the role of the Notary in making a sale and purchase agreement deed. The research method used is normative juridical, using secondary data obtained from literature studies, including primary, secondary, and tertiary legal sources. The juridical factor that caused the cancellation of the sale and purchases agreement deed by the Notary, according to the Supreme Court's decision upholding the high court's decision, was because the plaintiff of the convention could prove the argument for his lawsuit regarding bilyet giro not for land payment in the sale and purchase agreement deed but for the sale and purchase of scrap metal where the plaintiff (seller) is an intermediary in buying and selling scrap metal. The Notary has yet to play a role in making the sale and purchase agreement deed, which resulted in the sale and purchase agreement deed being canceled based on a court decision. The problem is caused by the Notary not carrying out roles, such as providing legal counseling in connection with doing the deed as stipulated in the notary position law Article 15 paragraph (2) letter (e), carrying out the task carefully as stipulated in Article 16 paragraph (1) letter a, Reading the deed before the parties attended by at least 2 (two) witnesses as referred to in Article 16 paragraph (1) letter (m).Нотаріальний акт є автентичним актом, складеним нотаріусом або у присутності нотаріуса відповідно до форми та порядку, передбачених Законом № 2 від 2014 р. про нотаріат. Стаття 15 цього Закону щодо посади нотаріуса визначає права нотаріуса, а стаття 16 – його обов’язки. Здійснення прав та обов’язків виглядає як послідовність дій, що спрямовані на виконання зобов’язань нотаріуса відповідно до його посади. Нотаріус не завжди відіграє роль у визнанні правочину недійсним. Зокрема, у рішенні Верховного суду № 535 PK/Pdt/2017 (1) визнання правочину недійсним відбулося через дисбаланс між тим, що було зазначено в договорі купівлі-продажу, і фактичним станом справ за даними сторін. Розглянуто рішення окружного суду м. Сурабаї (2), в якому вказано, що договір, укладений нотаріусом, є дійсним відповідно до правових положень. Натомість у рішенні Високого суду м. Сурабаї (3) було зазначено, що договір є юридично неповноцінним. Постановою Верховного суду в касаційній інстанції (4) це рішення залишено без змін. У роботі проаналізовано юридичні чинники, які спричиняють визнання договору купівлі-продажу, укладеного нотаріусом, недійсним на підставі рішення суду, а також роль нотаріуса в укладенні договору купівлі-продажу. При цьому застосовано нормативно-юридичний метод дослідження з використанням вторинних даних, отриманих із літературних джерел, включаючи первинні, вторинні та третинні правові джерела. Юридичний чинник, що зумовив визнання нотаріального договору купівлі-продажу недійсним за рішенням Верховного суду, який залишив без змін рішення Високого суду, полягав у тому, що позивач зміг навести аргумент на підтвердження свого позову, за яким умови договору не були виписані для договору купівлі-продажу землі. Натомість для договору купівлі-продажу металобрухту, де позивач (продавець) є посередником у купівлі-продажу, нотаріус не брав участі у складанні договору купівлі-продажу, що призвело до визнання договору купівлі-продажу рішенням суду недійсним. Це спричинено тим, що нотаріус не виконав таких функцій, як надання юридичних роз’яснень у зв’язку з вчиненням правочину, як це передбачено пунктом «е» абзацу другого статті 15 Закону про нотаріат; не виконав завдання з усією обачливістю, як це передбачено пунктом «а» абзацу першого статті 16; не оголосив правочин перед сторонами за участю принаймні двох свідків, як зазначено в пункті «m» абзацу першого статті 16 наведеного вище Закону

    Kualitas Fisik Daging Ayam Broiler yang Dipelihara di Kandang Closed House pada Ketinggian Dataran Berbeda

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh perbedaan ketinggian dataran terhadap kualitas fisik daging ayam broiler yang dipelihara pada kandang closed house. Percobaan dilakukan dengan menggunakan kandang closed house dengan ketinggian dataran berbeda dengan lama pemeliharaan 28 hari. Rancangan yang digunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 3 perlakuan dan 8 ulangan. Setiap unit percobaan terdiri dari 2 kandang closed house. Data dianalisis ragam dengan uji F pada taraf 5% untuk mengetahui pengaruh perlakuan. Apabila terdapat pengaruh perlakuan yang nyata dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan. Perlakuan yang diberikan yaitu: T1 (dataran rendah, 700 mdpl). Parameter yang diukur yaitu water holding capacity (WHC), pH, susut masak, drip loss dan warna. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ayam broiler yang dipelihara dalam kandang closed house di dataran tinggi (Ampel) memiliki susut masak, drip loss dan kecerahan warna daging dada nyata (P?0,05) lebih baik dibandingkan pada dataran rendah (Demak). Nilai pH daging yang mendekati normal pada ketinggian dataran sedang (Gunungpati). Ketinggian dataran tidak berpengaruh nyata (P>0,05) terhadap tingkat kemerahan dan kekuningan daging paha ayam broiler. Simpulannya adalah ayam broiler yang dipelihara dalam kandang closed house di dataran tinggi memiliki kualitas fisik daging yang paling baik

    Off the grid!, (N)either roof (N) or floor

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    To construct a place, one may consider creating a shelter, or a ground plane that would accommodate people’s activities. Located in suburban part of the city of Surabaya, area of Tambaksari with its dense population is lacking for such a place. There are two fundamental requirements to raise the quality of living in the area. Provide a sheltered space for communal and a confined space for the youth playground and recreational activities are the two requirements. Two activities that was scattered at the beginning. For such, we proposed a single slab of concrete to accommodate both requirements. Which the slab will serve as a roof for the street vendors as a trigger for people to gather on the ground floor, and its also serve as a ground plane for playground on the upper floor. Connected with a continuous ramp and large voids, both activities on different floor will be interrelated both visually and physically. An important note in this project is to present the centralization of street vendors, which is naturally reluctant to be centralized, its unique qualities such as the randomness, the complexity, less-perceived boundary onto the site leads to irregular concrete slab shape decision to accommodate such uniqueness. Irregular shape ultimately becomes a problem for conventional structural grid. Parameterized random position of column then applied to the area of the floor. Furthermore triangular grid are introduced to connect the column as structural beam. The result is uncommon form both aesthetically and structurally piece of architecture