11 research outputs found

    Data Integration Through WebGIS to Inform Spatial Status of Coral Reefs in Lampung Province, Indonesia

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    Data integration of structured ecosystem monitoring is crucial to support decision making for better marine ecosystem management. Coral reef monitoring data had been carried out in several separated studies in Lampung Province. However, lacks data integration among scientists and institutions making them inefficient as a basis of science for ecosystem management and decision making. This study was aimed to integrate available coral reef data in the last 15 years in Lampung Province and inform the spatial status of coral reef cover through WebGIS. Secondary data of coral reef study in the last 15 years were acquired from published articles and online-available-institutional reports. Data were then converted to digital mode prior to publishing them in the form of a website database through WebGIS. Results suggested that there were four main areas of coral reef studies in Lampung Province, namely Lampung bay, Krakatau, Bakauheni, and Lampung west coast. One-way ANOVA analysis of the last 5-year coral data shown there were no spatial differences on coral cover the four areas. Coral cover in Lampung west coast was generally in good shape at 56.13±1.74% and was higher compared to those in Lampung bay, Bakauheni, dan Krakatau regions, at 46.57±2.23%, 36.48±1.58%, and 35.6±3.69%, respectively. All coral data was published through WebGIS at https://sll.itera.ac.id/research/webgis . It is recommended this WebGIS could serve as a reference to conduct long-term coral reef monitoring in Lampung since it provides coordinates and coral reef status as baseline data for further analysis of coral reefs ecosystem

    Analisis kapabilitas proses produksi kaca automotive glass di PT. Asahimas Flat Glass Tbk. di Sidoarjo Jawa Timur

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    Sektor industri adalah sektor yang sedang berkembang akhir-akhir ini. Kualitas adalah salah satu faktor utama yang penting dalam pemilihan suatu produk yang dihasilkan oleh produsen. Dalam hal ini maka produsen memerlukan adanya quality control untuk mengontrol batasan–batasan kecacatan yang timbul pada produksi sehingga kualitas produk tetap terjaga. Tidak hanya kualitas saja yang diperhatikan namun juga memperhatikan kapabilitas dari pada proses produksi. Penting sekali mengetahui indeks kapabilitas mengingat bahwa kapabilitas merupakan tolak ukur bagaimana suatu proses tersebut Dilakukan perhitungan menggunakan peta kendali U sebagai pengendalian kecacatan. Data berasal dari data sekunder yang ada pada bulan Januari. Variabel yang digunakan adalah bubble, inclusion, drip, drip mtrl, inlet drip, fine drip serta Tin Pick up. Dari analisis dihasilkan bahwa proses produksi kaca di PT. Asahimas Flat Glass Tbk. Sidoarjo telah terkendali apabila proses telah diperbaiki tetapi tidak kapabel dikarenakan nilai kapabilitas yang kurang dari 1. Jenis cacat yang sering muncul adalah cacat bubble pada proses produksi sebanyak 59,5 dari jumlah cacat sampel yang teramati. Penyebabnya berasal dari faktor mesin, pengukuran dan material. ================================================================================================================ The industrial sector is a sector which is being developed recently.The quality is one of the main factors that important in the election of a product produced by producer. In this case and requires the existence of a manufacturer of quality control to control limits. limit disability arising to the productions so that the product quality stay awake .Not only the quality of course that varies noticeably but also noticed capabilities than the production process . mportant capability index all know that capability is considering how a yardstick the process was carried out calculations using a map of disability as the control of the control of u . The data derived from secondary data existing in january .Variable used is bubble , inclusion , drip , drip mtrl , drip inlet , as well as fine drip tin pick up. From our analysis produced that the process of manufacturing glass in pt .Asahimas flat glass tbk .Sidoarjo have uncontrollable if the process has repaired but not capable because the value of capability that is less than 1 . A kind of defect is defect which often appear bubble to the process of production by 59,5 of the total sample defect have been observed .The cause derived from the machine , measurement and material

    Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografis untuk Kajian Perencanaan Rehabilitasi Hutan Mangrove di Kecamatan Punduh Pedada, Lampung

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    Mangrove forests are one of the coastal ecosystems that are under pressure due to antrophogenic activities, including land conversions to fishponds or aquaculture. On the other hand, the needs for seafood products from these aquaculture activities tend to increase annually. These situations become paradoxes that are often encountered within aquaculture management in Indonesia. Punduh Pidada Subdistrict is one of the areas in Pesawaran Regency, Lampung, that severely suffered from mangrove forest conversion into fishponds. The purposes of this study were to identify the trends in mangrove cover changes over 30 years and to design a mangrove rehabilitation plan in Punduh Pidada Subdistrict. This study used a time-series data of Landsat satellite imagery over 30 years, from 1989 to 2019. The results showed a significant decrease in the mangrove cover areas over 30 years at 83.34 Ha with an average mangrove cover losses at 30.5%. Three zones that are suitable for mangrove rehabilitation plan was then choosen based on the levels of mangrove loss areas, namely first priority rehabilitation plan covering zone 1 (1.7 Ha) and zone 2 (1.5 ha) and the second priority rehabilitation plan covering zone 3 (7.5 Ha).  With a planting distance of 1 x 2 meter, the total of seeds needed for the rehabilitation planning are 8,500 seeds for zone 1, 7,500 seeds for zone 2, and 27,500 seeds for zone 3

    Development of Kd(490) Algorithm Using Medium Spatial Resolution Landsat 8 OLI Arround Shallow Waters In Panggang Island

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    The state of water quality around Panggang Island, Seribu Islands, in recent decades experienced degradation caused by human activities. The parameters of the diffuse attenuation coefficient (Kd) is an important optical property-related attenuation of light in the water column, and its brightness. Landsat 8 data has potential to map the value of Kd(490) in regional waters in Indonesia. Landsat 8 data could provide solutions to spatial data availability of Kd(490) values in addition to Ocean Color data. The purposes of this research was to developed empirical algorithm of Landsat 8 data to derive values of Kd(490) that can be use as tools for monitoring water quality optically on a regional scale which could not be done by Ocean Color data that has spatial resolution limitation. In-situ measurement of radiometric data was done by using TriOS-RAMSES hyperspectral spectroradiometer with a range of 320 – 890 nm and spectral sampling of 3.3 nm on shallow-waters around Panggang Island. The development of Kd(490) algortihm was done by simulation on ratio of Green and Near-infrared band has great determination values with Kd(490) empirically, which that empirical algorithm can be applied on Landsat 8 data to derive its values. In addition, it is noted that the shallow-waters around Panggang Island, dominant affected by absorption of chlorophyll-a rather than scattering by suspended solids

    Sebaran Produktivitas Primer Perairan di Teluk Hurun Lampung

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    Teluk Hurun terletak di Provinsi Lampung dimana banyak aktivitas perikanan seperti aktivitas penangkapan ikan, budidaya ikan, budidaya kerang mutiara dan aktivitas pariwisata laut. Produktivitas primer perairan merupakan salah satu indikator kesuburan perairan. Energi yang dihasilkan pada proses fotosintesis dilakukan oleh produsen primer dengan memanfaatkan zat anorganik yang diubah menjadi bahan organik sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan oleh organisme hidup yang ada di perairan tersebut. Pengukuran produktivitas primer menggunakan metode botol terang-gelap dengan mengukur perubahan oksigen terlarut sehingga didapatkan nilai produktivitas primer. Produktivitas primer perairan Teluk Hurun berkisar antara 46.02- 201.14 mg C/m3/jam dengan rata-rata produktivitas primer perairan yaitu 113.64 mg C/m3/jam. Nilai produktivitas primer pada perairan Teluk Hurun menggambarkan tingkat kesuburan perairan yang baik untuk aktivitas perikanan

    Distribusi spasial kualitas perairan dan hubungannya dengan aktifitas budidaya perikanan di Teluk Lampung

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    Coastal water is water areas that receive much input of organic matter originating from human activities on land. Anthropogenic activities such as marine aquaculture in Teluk Lampung impact water quality on that waters. This study was conducted to determine the distribution of water quality around Teluk Lampung and its correlations to marine aquaculture activities. The analysis carried out in this study is spatial analysis to determine the spatial distribution of water quality in three focus area, namely Teluk Hurun (HB), Selatan Teluk Hurun (SHB) dan Pantai Sari Ringgung (SRB) as part of Teluk Lampung. In addition to spatial analysis, principal component analysis (PCA) was also carried out to determine water quality as a variable and its correlation to each area. Based on the results of this study, the spatial distribution of water quality varies based on the human activities type in each area. Based on the results of principal component analysis, it is known that the variability of several water quality variables also correlates with the human activities types, such as marine aquaculture and beach tourism

    Review : Bathymetry Mapping Using Underwater Acoustic Technology

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    The bathymetry mapping using underwater acoustic technology very important in Indonesia waters. Bathymetry is the result of measuring the height of the seabed so that the bathymetric map provides information about the seabed, where this information can provide benefits to several fields related to the seabed. In bathymetry mapping uses underwater acoustic technology where among them is using Single beam echosounder and MBES (Multibeam Echosounder System), and multibeam echosounder (MBES) is acoustic equipment that is intensively used frequently in basic waters mapping. The advantage of using underwater acoustic technology is the acquisition and processing of data in real time, high accuracy and precision (correction of the bathymetry data was carried out with reference to the 2008 International Hydrographic Organization (IHO), and cannot be a threat or damage to objects. Retrieval of bathymetry data must use parallel patterns, namely: patterns with perpendicular sounding directions and tend to be parallel to longitudinal lines or in accordance with parallel sounding patterns


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    Diffuse attenuation coefficient, Kd(λ), has an empirical relationship with water depth, thus potentially to be used to estimate the depth of the water based on the light penetration in the water column. The aim of this research is to assess the relationship of diffuse attenuation coefficient with the water constituent and its relationship to estimate the depth of shallow waters of Air Island, Panggang Island and Karang Lebar lagoons and to compare the result of depth estimation from Kd model and derived from Landsat 8 imagery. The measurement of Kd(λ) was carried out using hyperspectral spectroradiometer TriOS-RAMSES with range 320 – 950 nm. The relationship between measurement Kd(λ) on study site with the water constituent was the occurrence of absorption by chlorophyll-a concentration at the blue and green spectral wavelength. Depth estimation using band ratio from Kd(λ) occurred at 442,96 nm and 654,59 nm, which had better relationship with the depth from in-situ measurement compared to the estimation based on Landsat 8 band ratio. Depth estimated based on Kd(λ) ratio and in-situ measurement are not significantly different statistically. Depth estimated based on Kd(λ) ratio and in-situ measurement are not significantly different statistically. However, depth estimation based on Kd(λ) ratio was inconsistent due to the bottom albedo reflection because the Kd(λ) measurement was carried out in shallow waters. Estimation of water depth based on Kd(λ) ratio had better results compared to the Landsat 8 band ratio

    Smart Island Lemukutan Through WebGIS Based Benthic Habitat Data Collection

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    Benthic habitats provide a variety of functions, both ecological and economic, for life in coastal areas and small islands. Smart islands or smart islands are currently being implemented in a number of small island developing countries with one of the challenges being technology based. One technology that can be used in management, including monitoring and supervision of resources, is the Geographic Information System (GIS). The synergy of GIS data and the help of the latest multimedia software technology is necessary to help display an interactive and easily accessible, in this case, webGIS technology. This research was carried out on Lemukutan Island which consists of 6 research stations, each of which has a distribution of coral reef location points based on coordinates. Based on the results of the analysis of the percentage of benthic habitats in the study locations ranging from bad to good categories. Furthermore, the data from field observations and analysis results are displayed on the Lemukan Island smart island website and can be accessed at https://webgissmartisland.com. Regular monitoring of coral reefs is very important and needs to be done to help input data for Smart Island Lemukutan so that it becomes a catalyst in realizing a smart island ecosystem in West Kalimantan Province by providing benthic habitat maps via webgis services and actualizing technological development in coastal areas and small islands. smart island based through the smart destination concept by integrating benthic habitat information via WebGIS services


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    Nilai koefisien diffuse atenuasi Kd(λ) yang berasal dari pengukuran downwelling irradiance Ed(λ) merupakan salah satu parameter penting dalam oceanografi yang memberikan informasi mengenai ketersediaan cahaya dan tingkat penetrasi cahaya di dalam kolom air yang memberikan gambaran mengenai tingkat kecerahan, fotosintesis dan proses biologi lainnya. Informasi mengenai koefisien diffuse atenuasi memegang peranan penting dalam pengembangan algoritma Bio-Optik pada data satelit Ocean Color. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan variabilitas dari koefisien diffuse atenuasi di perairan dangkal Karang Lebar, pulau Air dan Panggang dengan menggunakan sensor irradiace hyperspectral radiometer TriOS-RAMSES dengan cakupan rentang panjang gelombang 320 hingga 950 nm dengan resolusi spektral 3.3 nm. Pengukuran in situ dilakukan dengan menurunkan sensor irradiance di setiap kedalaman secara vertikal pada kolom air. Secara keseluruhan hasil pengukuran menunjukkan bahwa nilai Kd(λ) memiliki pola dimana pada region panjang gelombang 380-480 nm akan menurun dan akan meningkat kembali hingga pada region panjang gelombang merah 560-760 nm. Nilai Kd(λ) di bagian dalam gobah ditemukan lebih tinggi dibandingkan di bagian luar gobah dengan perbedaan yang signifikan terjadi di region panjang gelombang merah, perbedaan signifikan nilai Kd(λ) juga terjadi di ketiga wilayah (F = 5.581 > F critical = 5.554) dimana masing-masing area memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda-beda. Secara dominan, nilai Kd(λ) dipengaruhi oleh serapan klorofil-a dengan R2 = 0.808 dibandingkan dengan hamburan dari muatan padatan terlarut dibuktikan dengan R2 = 0.043. Nilai Kd(λ) pada rentang panjang gelombang sinar tampak (400-700 nm) dapat memberikan gambaran mengenai jangkauan penetrasi cahaya sinar tampak yang bisa dideteksi oleh satelit dengan satuan satu kedalaman optik. Hubungan nilai Kd(λ) dengan satu kedalaman optik dijelaskan secara eksponensial dengan persamaan Kd(400-700nm) = 0.375*exp(-0.095*1ζ) dengan koefisien determinasi R2 = 0.97