107 research outputs found

    Split Personality Of Cobb In Inception Movie (2010) Directed By Christopher Nolan: A Psychoanalytic Approach

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    The research is proposed to analyze the split personality of Cobb’s personality with Psychoanalityc Approach. The objectives of this study are to analyze the Inception movie based on Psychoanalytic approach and analyze the movie based on its structural elements. In achieving the objectives, the researcher uses descriptive qualitative method as the type of the research. The writer uses the movie of Christopher Nolan entitled Inception as the object of the study. There are two kinds of data sources used in this analyzing, namely primary and secondary data source. The primary data sources are the movie and the script of the movie itself and the secondary data sources are some books, internet and articles related to the subject. The technique of the data collection in this research is library research by summarizing, paraphrasing and documenting the data. In analyzing the data, the writer employs descriptive qualitative analysis. Based on the psychoanalytic analysis, in Inception, Christopher Nolan describes how traumatic experience of Cobb can cause split personality. The researcher makes an analysis of Cobb’s personality. The reseacher uses the theory of Psychoanalytic by Sigmund Freud that is relevant to the problem. Based on the analysis, the outcome of this study shows that the split personality of Cobb is caused by the traumatic experience in the past

    APEC dan Proses Integrasi Ekonomi Regional di Kawasan Asia Pasifik

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    Economic regionalism has become a real phenomenon in Asia Pacific during the last decade. This region has experienced the explosion of bilateral and regional trading arrangements, and is considered as the most progressive and forefront in proliferation of the establishment of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) and Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs). A report by World Trade Organization in 2010, for instance, shows more than 462 FTAs/RTAs have already established, 111 FTAs/RTAs of those were in Asia Pacific region. The Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), as a prominent economic cooperation in region, has actively promoted an economic integration, such the Bogor Declaration in 1994 to achieve free and open trade and investment in Asia Pacific and the idea of establishing Free Trade Area of the Asia Pacific (FTAAP) in 2006, followed by a proposal of using Trans-Pacific Strategic Partnership (TPP) as a pathway of FTAAP in 2009. This article is aimed to address the APECs agenda on this regional economic integration, which generated debates amongst its economies members, scholars and analyst with different perspectives. This writing is also intended to analyze Indonesias position and its strategic policy to response this development.Key words: APEC, regionalism, Asia Pacifi

    Kedalaman Humaniora dalam Pendidikan

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    Menembus Tembok Pendidikan

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    The Effect of Young Coconut Water (Cocos Nucifera L.) Consumption on VO2max in Young Adults Non-Athletes

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    Abstract The availability of carbohydrates and electrolytes in the body greatly affects Volume Oxigen Maximum (VO2max) to maintain stamina and endurance. The administration of young coconut water has the effect of increasing VO2max because it contains carbohydrates and electrolytes. The administration of young coconut water 15-60 minutes before exercise has the potential to delay exhaustion and increasing performance because glucose levels are maintained and muscle glycogen stores are restored. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of administration of young coconut water on VO2max in young adults non-athletes. This study used a quasi experimental research design with a cross over design clinical trial. A total of 30 male non-athletes aged 18-24 years who fulfill the inclusion criteria were divided into groups randomLy, the treatment group (given 300 mL of coconut water) and the control group (given 300 mL of mineral water) 60 minutes before treatment, then crossover carried out 3 days after treatment. The results showed the control group fitness index was 141.83 ± 44.69, and the fitness index of the treatment group was 176.01 ± 59.07. The sample characteristics based on VO2max showed that the treatment group had a greater VO2max by a mean of 4.84 ± 1.05 compared to the control group with a mean of 4.19 ± 0.78. The results of the Paired T-Test showed a significance value of p= 0.000 (p <0.05) indicating that there was a significant difference between the control group and the treatment group. The conclusion of this study is that giving young coconut water increases VO2max levels in young adults non-athletes.   Keywords: Young coconut water, VO2max,  fitness inde


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    STAD (Student Teams Achievement Division) learning model with task giving the assignmentis one of the teachings and learning technique that can improve the students mind in learning about substance and his form and it also can improve the student’s achievement in the classroom. The results showed that the teaching learning activity using STAD (Student Teams Achievement Division) learning model with task giving the assignment got a good responses from the teacher and students, only a few of them had a poor responses. After learning model used STAD by giving students the task of getting the percentage of students' learning activity by 72.65% and for the thoroughness student learning outcomes at 84.62%. Besides, there is also an effect on students thought between before and after teaching andn learning process. Those all showed that STAD (Student Teams Achievement Division) learning model with task by granting duty technique can shift the students thought up into the higher level of substance and his form


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    Masalah yang terjadi pada perusahaan telekomunikasi di Indonesia adalah semakin ketatnya persaingan yang dihadapi oleh mereka akibat banyaknya perusahaan yang bermain di sector ini. Hal ini merupakan tantangan tersendiri bagi perusahaan – perusahaan telekomunikasi yang tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Banyaknya perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang telekomunikasi baik yang tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia maupun yang tidak tercatat, membuat persaingan yang terjadi semakin keras. Perusahaan dituntut untuk semakin meningkatkan kinerja mereka. Salah satu ukurannya yaitu dengan melihat pengaruh dari masing-masing rasio. Rumusan masalah penelitian ini dalah Apakah ROE berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan laba?, Apakah NPM berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan laba?, Apakah ROE dan NPM berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan laba?, Apakah DER berpengaruh terhadap ROE dalam mempengaruh pertumbuhan laba?, Apakah DER berpengaruh terhadap NPM dalam mempengaruhi pertumbuhan laba?, Apakah DER berpengaruh terhadap ROE dan NPM dalam mempengaruhi pertumbuhan laba? Metode yang di gunakan dalam penelitian ini Pengujian statistik yang digunakan adalah perhitungan asumsi klasik, analisis regresi sederhana, analisis regresi berganda, analisis korelasi, koefisien determinasi, uji hipotesis dan juga menggunakan aplikasi SPSS 18 for windows. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang kuat antara NPM terhadap Pertumbuhan laba dengan DER sebagai variabel moderating. Hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan analisis regresi linier sederhana menunjukan bahwa variabel ROE dan NPM masing-masing berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan laba. Sedangkan berdasarkan pengujian analisis regresi linier berganda pada pengaruh ROE dan NPM dalam mempengaruhi pertumbuhan laba meyimpulkan ROE berpengaruh terhadap NPM dalam memepengaruhi pertumbuhan laba. Sedangkan pada pengaruh DER terhadap ROE dalam mempengaruhi pertumbuhan laba menyimpulkan DER tidak berpengaruh terhadap ROE dalam mempengaruhi pertumbuhan laba. Sedangkan pengaruh DER terhadap NPM dalam mempengaruhi pertumbuhan laba menyimpulkan DER berpengaruh terhadap NPM dalam mempengaruhi pertumbuhan laba. Sedangkan pengaruh DER terhadap ROE dan NPM dalam mempengaruhi pertumbuhan laba menyimpulkan DER tidak berpengaruh terhadap ROE dan NPM dalam mempengaruhi pertumbuhan laba. Kata Kunci : Return On Equity,Net Profit Margin,Debt to Equity Ratio,dan Pertumbuhan Laba

    "Catatan" Harian

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    Karya Tugas Akhir ini merupakan respon penulis terhadap seluruh perrnasalahan yang pernah dialami. Mengobati kerinduan terhadap kisah-kisah lalu. Penulis berharap bukan semangat nostalgianya yang akan mempengamhi kehidupan selanjutnya, tetapi untuk menemukan ide-ide perbaikan hidup. Melihat masa lalu berarti upaya menghargai hidup dengan lebih baik. Memahami betapa masa sekarang adalah sebuah sokongan penting dari rnasa lalu. Lewat karya-karya ini penulis ingin menceritakan tentang rnasa lalu penulis. Masa lalu merupakan sebuah nikmat dari proses kehidupan . Karya-karya ini merupakan bentuk kesejarahan penulis dengan meminjam aspek visual seni grafis. Dengan .karya ini semoga tidak sekedar berbenti di wilayab artistik visual, tetapi semoga menjacli sebuah tanda waktu, tanda pengingat ke arah perenungan agar semakin banyak menemukan kenikmatan

    Pengaruh Pemberian Galaktomanan dari Daging Kelapa Lokal (Cocos nufitera L) terhadap Kadar Glucagon Like Peptide-1 (GLP-1) pada Tikus Wistar Jantan yang Hiperkolesterolemia

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    Hypercholesterolemia is a condition characterized by high cholesterol concentration in blood. This is a risk factor for many diseases. Glucagon Like Peptide-1 (GLP-1) is an incretin hormone that affects cholesterol and other diseases with hypercholesterolemia as a risk factor. Drug that widely used for hypercholesterolemia is simvastatin which can increase GLP-1. GLP-1 also can be increased by high fibrous foods consumption, one of which is galactomannan which can be found in coconut as much as 61%. This study aimed to determine the effect of galactomannan on GLP-1 and compared with simvastatin. Wistar rats were induced into hypercholesterolemia and than treated with galactomannan 70 mg/200gBW/day and 140 mg/200gBW/day and simvastatin 0,1 mg/200gBW/day. After 28 days, GLP-1 levels was measured. The result showed that GLP-1 in 140 mg/200gBW/day group was the highest and in 70 mg/200gBW/day group was the lowest. Data analysis revealed no significant difference between 140 mg/200gBW/day and simvastatin group. In conclusion, galactomannan 140 mg/200gBW/day had the same potency as simvastatin 0,1 mg/200gBW/day.   Keywords: Hypercholesterolemia, GLP-1, Galactomannan, Simvastati
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