8 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of Clarke Wright and Sequential Insertion Algorithm in Distribution Routing Aqua

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    With the Multiple Trips condition, the results obtained for the optimal distance route that starts and stops at PT. Tirta Investama Medan with Clarke Wright Algorithm at t = 1 is 22 km and at t = t + 1 is 15.2 km. While the optimal travel distance route with the Sequential Insertion Algorithm at t = 1 is 15.05 km, and at t = t + 1 is 22.9 km. Clarke Wright Algorithm looks for an optimal solution to get the best route, while Sequential Insertion Algorithm has an excess in the election of a customer by considering customer position with available insertion track location until all customer have been assigned. The Clarke Wright Algorithm obtained a total distance of 37.2 km. In comparison, the Sequential Insertion Algorithm solution obtained a total distance of 37.95 km. It can be concluded that the route formed using the Clarke Wright Algorithm in this case is more effective than using the Sequential Insertion Algorithm

    Estimation of Indonesian Male Life Table with Survivorship Probability Method in Smoothed Way by using Coale-Demeny’s Life Table

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    The population of Indonesia in each province are continuing increased every year. The total population of Indonesia in 2010 was 237.641.326, while in 2010 it increased by 32.562.591 people to 270.203.917 people, with the male population are greater than women population. By the population of Open Unemployment Male Rate (TPT) is higher than female, which is 5.31 percent compared to 5.23 percent. Unemployment is one of the ten important events in triggering stress. The male who don't have a job get a higher stress level then female, it found that the male who were unemployed were more risk towards death than female, about 78 percent compared to 37 percent. The purpose of this study is to estimate the life table of Indonesian male population by smoothing it using the Coale-Demeny’s life table based on the 2010 and 2020 Population Census data. The method of this study is Survival Analysis in Smoothed Way by using Coale-Demeny’s Life Table. The result of this study obtained by 58,84 years life expentacy (AHH), means that from 100.000 babies born will be able to live to the age of 58 or 59 years. By the pattern of the number of Indonesian male residents who survive, the result is close to (has similarities) to the pattern of the number of Indonesian male residents who survive that produced by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS-Statistics Indonesia)


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    Peran sistem pendukung keputusan akan membantu pihak kepegawaian untuk mencapai tujuan dari penilaian kinerja karyawan seperti kenaikan golongan tanpa mengesampingkan parameter-parameter yang sudah ditentukan oleh pihak instansi terkait. Metode composite performance index (CPI) adalah indicator gabungan yang dapat digunakan untuk menentukan suatu penilaian atau peringkat dari berbagai alternatif (i) dengan berdasarkan beberapa kriteria (j). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perhitungan nilai alternatif dan tabel index gabungan memperoleh hasil alternatif B3 memiliki nilai tertinggi dan mendapat ranking pertama serta mendapatkan kenaikan golongan paling tinggi yaitu dari 1A/4 menjadi 1B/0 pada periode 2019 dengan nilai 108,78.Kata Kunci: Sistem Pendukung Keputusan, Composite Performance Index (CPI), Kenaikan Golonga

    A Weighted Markov Chain Application to Predict Consumer Price Index When Facing Pandemic Covid-19

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    Covid-19 is an infectious disease caused by acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 or SARS-CoV-2). It makes the decrease of people's purchasing power. Meanwhile, the economic growth indicates the success of a country's economic development. Therefore, the Consumer Price Index occurs Inflation and Deflation, which is commonly referred to in the economy as the Consumer Price Index. This study aimed to apply a weighted Markov chain method to predict the consumer price index in the future. The satisfactory results obtained by researchers in predicting the consumer price index are in, the chance is 84.34% and the 12th month has a 78.54% chance

    Fenomena Belajar Agama Generasi Millenials: Studi Kasus Pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Sains Di Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Wilayah Sumatera Utara

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    The millennial Islamic generation is frequently associated with popular culture that has instantaneous characteristics and smells of technology. According to several studies, these characteristics are used in 'consuming' religious teachings, namely learning religion quickly, instantly, and without going through a diligent learning process, with teachers, or through a formal education process. The technological age is also used as a tool in religious education. The goal of this study is to describe how students of the Faculty of Science at Islamic Higher Education in Medan access religious information. This is due to the fact that nearly 90% of the students in the faculty have a general school education and then attend Islamic universities, where they study Islamic discourses. This study employs a qualitative research approach with descriptive analysis. As a result, religious access or, more precisely, religious references are obtained in an instant, namely through learning from WhatsApp, YouTube, and social media groups such as Facebook. This study concludes that digital literacy is required as a set of knowledge in order to be more critical, analytical, and evaluative in understanding existing religious information

    Analisis Penetapan Mut’ah dan Nafkah Iddah Terhadap Istri yang Nusyuz Perspektif Hukum Islam (Studi Putusan Hakim No. 3085/Pdt.G/2022/PA.Lpk)

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    Urgensi pengkajian ini ialah mendalami penilaian hakim vide Tetapan No.3085/Pdt.G/2022/PA.Lpk mengenai pemenuhan uang mut’ah dan biaya ‘iddah kepada istri yang terindikasi nusyuz ditinjau dari sudut pandang hukum Islam. Pengkajian ini termasuk pendalaman yuridis dogmatis, ialah pengkajian untuk mendalami konsep-konsep dan prinsip-prinsip yang terdapat dalam ilmu hukum. Bahan hukum utama meliputi Konstitusi Pernikahan No. 1 Tahun 1974, Ketetapan Otoritas No. 9 Tahun 1975, KHI, dan Putusan No. 3085/Pdt.G/2022/PA.Lpk; acuan hukum pendukung meliputi jurnal, kitab-kitab ilmiah, dan hasil penelitian yang sesuai dengan pokok bahasan ini. Berdasarkan temuan dalam penelitian terkait, pemenuhan mut’ah dan biaya ‘iddah terhadap wanita terindikasi nusyuz melalui Tetapan Keluaran 3085/Pdt.G/2022/PA.Lpk merupakan sikap kehati-hatian Majelis Hakim atau tidak menjadikan nusyuz sebagai alasan perceraian tetapi karena terjadinya perselisihan terus-menerus antara kedua pihak. Maka wajar hakim tetap memberikan  mut’ah dan biaya ‘iddah untuk pihak istri yang ditalak raj’I meskipun secara bukti-bukti menunjukan istri tersebut nusyuz. Konsekuensi hukumnya adalah suami berkomitmen membiayai biaya ‘iddah serta mut’ah sesuai dengan jumlah yang diputuskan. Sebab pada prinsipnya res judicata pro veritate habetur, menuturkan bahwa ketentuan pengadilan dinyatakan sah kecuali dibatalkan oleh putusan yang lebih tinggi

    Pelaksanaan Perjanjian Kerja Sama Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, Dan Teknologi Dengan Komisi Nasional Anti Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan (Studi di Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi)

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    Kekerasan seksual yang terjadi di Indonesia saat ini menjadi fenomena sosial yang sudah dianggap sebagai fenomena gunung es oleh sebab kasus-kasus kekerasan seksual terus menerus bermunculan dan tak terkecuali dalam lingkungan pendidikan. Dalam rangka mewujudkan pendidikan yang kondusif dan merdeka dari kekerasan terutama kekerasan seksual pemerintah dalam hal ini adalah Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi bersama dengan Komisi Nasional Anti Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan menginisiasi dibuatnya Perjanjian Kerja Sama Nomor 27/VI/PKS/2021 Tentang Pencegahan dan Penanganan Kekerasan Berbasis Gender Terhadap Perempuan yang didalamnya memuat termasuk kekerasan seksual. Tugas Akhir ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan serta mengidentifikasi pelaksanaan dari perjanjian kerja sama ini dan berusaha untuk memberikan rekomendasi penyelesaian dalam pelaksanaannya. Dengan menggunakan metode data kualitatif berupa transkrip hasil wawancara dengan narasumber di Biro Hukum dan Pusat Penguatan Karakter Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi serta Komisi Nasional Anti Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan, Tugas Akhir ini menyimpulkan bahwa pelaksanaan perjanjian kerja sama ini berjalan dengan baik sebagaimana tercermin dari capaian yang dihasilkan berupa peraturan dan kebijakan dalam hal mencegah kekerasan seksual di lingkungan pendidikan. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelaksanaan Perjanjian Kerja Sama Nomor 27/VI/PKS/2021 antara Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi Dengan Komisi Nasional Anti Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan merupakan praktik kerja sama baik. Walaupun demikian, para pihak harus dengan tetap melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya dengan baik hingga berakhirnya perjanjian kerja sama ini. Selain itu, dalam pelaksanaannya saat timbul kendala diharapkan para pihak terlebih dulu melakukan musyawarah mufakat untuk mencari jalan keluar bersama sehingga kendala yang dihadapi dapat teratasi dengan sebaik mungkin

    Classification of Pneumonia Risk Factor Characteristics in Toddlers Using Classification and Regression Trees (CART) Case Study Regional General Hospital dr. Tengku Mansur Tanjungbalai

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    Pneumonia is one of the leading causes of death in children in the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that this disease causes 16% of deaths in children under 5 years of age worldwide. Pneumonia is included in the top 10 diseases that suffer the most every month at the RSUD dr.Tengku Mansyur Tanjungbalai, throughout 2019 there were 73 children under five years with pneumonia and 5 of them were declared dead without   hospitalization. This study is useful to find out the results of the classification accuracy of the classification and regression trees (CART) for risk factors for pneumonia in children under five years. CART classification is done by dividing the total data of under-five patients with the ratio of 15% testing data and 85% learning data. The classification accuracy obtained for the prediction data was 50% with the percentage of sensitivity and specificity of 94,12% and 14,29% respectively. Keywords: pneumonia, CAR