30 research outputs found


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    The aim of the study is determining whether there is a role of self control toward aggressive driving behavior on motorcyclist. This study hypothesizes that there is a role of self control toward aggressive driving behavior on motorcyclist. This study used 200 young male motorcyclists in South Sumatera as participants who already has driving license C and used 50 motorcyclists as the trial participants. The sampling technique was purposive sampling. The study measurements are self control scale and aggressive driving behavior scale that refer to Averill’s (1973) self control types and Tasca’s (2000) aggressive driving behavior forms. Data analysis used simple regression.The result of simple regression shows R square = 0,507, F= 203,680, and p = 0,000 (p<0,05). This means that self control has a significant role toward aggressive driving behavior. Thus, the hypothesis could be accepted and self control contribution toward aggressive driving behavior is 50,7%


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    Abstrak  Rasa ingin tahu diprediksi membantu remaja terus belajar dan tumbuh kembang didalam kehidupan. Rasa ingin tahu dapat digambarkan melalui sikap antusias remaja dengan mengamati, mendengar, mencari, dan menggali informasi untuk memperoleh kepastian akan kebenaran. Keingintahuan mengakibatkan remaja mendapatkan informasi baru yang memungkin remaja memiliki keyakinan dan termotivasi untuk mengeksplorasi lebih jauh perihal keingintahuannya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan rasa ingin tahu remaja ditinjau berdasarkan jenis kelamin. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kuantitatif komparatif dengan menggunakan uji beda dengan penentuan sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini harus disesuaikan dengan tujuan peneliti yakni termasuk dalam kategori remaja akhir dengan jumlah partisipan sebanyak 50 remaja laki-laki dan 50 remaja perempuan. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan Curiosity and Exploration Inventory yang diadaptasi oleh Kashdan, Rose & Finchan (2004) dengan model skala Likert yang dianalisa menggunakan uji hipotesis independent sample t-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai t 2,088 dan uji signifikansi menunjukkan 0,004 < 0,05 artinya ada perbedaan rasa ingin tahu yang signifikan antara remaja laki-laki dan perempuan. __________________________________________________________ Abstract Curiosity is predicted, helping teenagers continue to learn and grow in life. Curiosity can be illustrated through the enthusiasm of teenagers by observing, listening, searching, and digging for information to obtain certainty about the truth. Curiosity causes teenagers to get new information that allows them to have confidence and be motivated to explore further about their curiosity. The purpose of this study was to determine differences in curiosity of teenagers by gender. The method used is a comparative quantitative approach using a different test with the determination of the sample used in this study must be adjusted to the objectives of the researcher that is included in the category of late teenagers with the number of participants is 50 boys and 50 girls. The data collection in this study was using the Curiosity and Exploration Inventory which was adapted by Kashdan, Rose & Finchan (2004) with a Likert scale model analyzed using hypothesis testing independent sample t-test. The results showed that the value of t was 2.088 and the significance test showed 0.004 <0.05, meaning there is a significant difference in curiosity between boys and girls


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    Changes are very fast and full of uncertainty, such as the current condition of COVID-19, which makes it very difficult for supply chain managers even though they already have a very good regularity. Changes in consumer preferences are very fast and even difficult to predict. The purpose of research and development was to identify the factors that influence the performance and competitiveness of the creative industry for innovation. It needed to be informed that the development strategy was not only providing information, availability of goods, money, and innovation, but there were pluses in terms of developing knowledge, knowing the strength map, implementing efficiency accompanied by value. Analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) was used in determining alternative strategies, while the analysis focus strategy used the Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) method by considering the Total Attractiveness Scores obtained. For this reason, the potential and challenges in a series of processes (transformation activities and transaction activities) of a product must be carefully scrutinized, so that added value can be created at each stage. The results of the SWOT analysis resulted in five alternative strategies, which were then followed by a QSPM analysis to obtain the total attractiveness scores. The results of the analysis gave the highest total value on the importance of potential resource availability with a value of 15.862 followed by the second to fifth order, the need to understand rapid market changes (14.840), build partnerships (14.646), standardized and sustainable products (14.123) and develop efficiency principles for competitiveness (12.288), respectively. Recommendations are given that resource potential and rapid response to market demands in addition to the other three factors should be considered in the development strategy for innovation in creative industries. Keyword: COVID-19, innovation, SWOT, QSPM, total attractiveness score

    A 5.9 GHz Low Power and Wide Tuning Range CMOS Current-controlled Ring Oscillator

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    Designing low power, low noise, wide tuning range and small size circuit in one single chip is very challenging. This paper describe a low power, wide tuning range three-stage current-controlled ring oscillator (CCO) designed on 0.18um CMOS technology. The CCO circuit has tuning range from 251 MHz to 5.5 GHz or 183% wide. It consumes only 144 uA to 9.76mA by using 1.8V power supply. Phase noise is -104 dBc /Hz at 5.5 GHz and 4 Mhz offset frequency.  Calculated FoM is -154.4 dBc /Hz which is the best among published counterpart papers. The size of the core oscillator circuits without bonding pads is only 0.0003 mm2.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v2i3.22

    LNA Prototype at 54 MHz to 88 MHz Using Discrete Components

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    This paper presents a design and prototyping of a Low-Noise Amplifier (LNA) for Wireless Regional Area Network (WRAN) operating in TV broadcast bands between 54 MHz – 88 MHz. The LNA design was then implemented by using discrete components. Components values was obtained by utilized DC analysis according to specifications which follows the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE) 802.22 standard on WRAN technical specifications. Simulation with 88 MHz produced S11 = -5.72 dB, S12 = -41.57 dB, S21 = 15.07 dB, S22 = -4.76 dB, Noise Figure (NF) = 3.9 dB, Input Third Order Intercept Point (IIP3) = 2.21 dBm, and power consumption of 45.39 mW. Experiments results on 88 MHz showed S11 = -6.13 dB and S21 = 0.74 dB


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    ABSTRAKPara pelaku wirausaha di Abad ke-21 dihadapkan pada era disrupsi, dimana terjadi perpindahan cara membeli dan apa yang dibeli oleh masyarakat atau konsumen. Bentuk usaha yang sifatnya konvensional cepat atau lambat akan ditinggalkan oleh konsumen. Perkembangan usaha bergeser ke arah inovasi dan teknologi. Hal ini tentu saja menuntut para pelaku usaha untuk mampu beradaptasi dengan perubahan yang terjadi. Ini merupakan sebuah tantangan, sehingga mereka juga perlu menanamkan sikap optimisme. Maka, kegiatan coaching clinic ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman dan keterampilan mengenai peluang usaha dan teknologi yang digunakan dalam dunia usaha di era disrupsi, selain itu, mahasiswa juga memiliki pribadi yang selalu optimis dan mampu beradaptasi dengan perubahan-perubahan, karena mahasiswa merupakan salah satu kelompok yang menjadi motor penggerak kewirausahaan.  Kegiatan ini dihadiri 65 peserta yang merupakan mahasiswa Program Studi Psikologi, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Sriwijaya. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi dari kegiatan ini, pada umumnya peserta menanggapi dengan positif, dimana mereka mampu merancang konsep kewirausahaan dan mendapatkan gambaran mengenai peluang usaha di era disrupsi. Kata kunci: coaching clinic; optimisme; adaptabilitas; era disrupsi. ABSTRACTEntrepreneurs in the 21st century face a period of disruption characterized by a shift in how the public or consumers buy and what they buy. Consumers will abandon traditional business practices sooner or later. Innovation and technology increasingly drive business development. It necessitates that business actors can adapt to the occurring changes. Given the difficulty of the situation, they must also instill an optimistic outlook. This coaching clinic activity aims to provide students with knowledge and skills regarding business opportunities and the technology used in the business world during disruption. In addition, students always have optimistic personalities and can adapt to change, as they are one group that drives entrepreneurship. Sixty-five students from the Psychology Study Programme, Faculty of Medicine, Sriwijaya University, attended this event. Based on the evaluation of this activity, participants responded favorably, as they were able to develop entrepreneurial concepts and gain an overview of business opportunities in the era of disruption. Keywords: coaching clinic; optimism; flexibility; era of disruption


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana hubungan antara keterlibatan siswa dengan kenakalan remaja pada siswa SMA X Kertapati. Hipotesis yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini ada hubungan antara keterlibatan siswa dengan kenakalan remaja pada siswa SMA X Kertapati. Adapun subjek penelitian yang digunakan ialah siswa SMA X Kertapati berjumlah 205 orang. Keterlibatan siswa dan kenakalan remaja diukur dengan skala keterlibatan siswa dan kenakalan remaja berlandaskan aspek keterlibatan siswa dari Fredericks, Blumenfeld dan Paris (2004) dan aspek kenakalan remaja dari Sarwono (2016). Data penelitian dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode korelasi Spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan antara keterlibatan siswa dengan kenakalan remaja pada siswa SMA X Kertapati dengan nilai r = -0,727, dan p = 0,000 (p<0,05). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa keterlibatan siswa memiliki hubungan yang sangat kuat, negatif, dan signifikan dengan kenakalan remaja. Dengan demikian hipotesis penelitian yang diajukan dapat di terim

    Klasifikasi Kematangan Buah Manggis Ekspor dan Lokal Berdasarkan Warna dan Tekstur Menggunakan Fuzzy Neural Network

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    Fuzzy neural network (FNN) memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan klasifikasi terhadap suatu pola yang berada di dalam dua kelas yang tidak dapat diklasifikasi menggunakan model klasifikasi klasik neural network (NN). Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan model klasifikasi buah manggis segar secara non-destruktif dengan menggunakan FNN. FNN yang dipakai menggunakan derajat keanggotaan pada neuron output sebagai target pembelajaran. Parameter input yang digunakan adalah komponen warna hasil dari pengolahan citra yang mempunyai pengaruh terhadap tahap kematangan buah manggis dan tekstur. Hasil pemodelan FNN menjadi 2 kelas target klasifikasi (ekspor dan lokal) mendapatkan model terbaik dengan fitur penduga indeks warna merah, hijau, biru, value, a*, u*, v*, dan entropi dengan 5 neuron pada lapisan tersembunyi. Perbandingan persentase akurasi model FNN dan NN ialah 90:90, dengan perbandingan kemampuan pengenalan terhadap kelas ekspor dan lokal ialah 92:100 dan 89:75.Kata kunci: fuzzy neural network, klasifikasi, manggis, non-destructive grading, pengenalan pol

    Design of a Low Cost High Efficiency Multiple Output Self Oscillating Flyback Converter

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    The use of some integrated circuits in an SMPS circuit are the main factor that increasing the cost. Self-oscillating feedback converter topology is a well-known circuit topology for low-cost application without using any single integrated circuit chip. In this paper, a Low Cost with high efficiency converter without any single integrated circuit component was analysed and designed. It has also multiple outputs of 3.3 V/1 A, 5 V/0.5 A, and 12 V/0.1 A so that it can be used as power supply for DVD player. Experiment results showed that it can deliver continuously output voltage as designed and a total output power of 7.3 W, with an efficiency for about 70%