720 research outputs found

    Osvajanje rdečega kozmosa: tehnologija kot sredsto za uresničevanje mističnih utopij

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    Članek osvetljuje aspekte misticizma v kontekstu ruskega zanimanja za vesolje in razvoja sovjetske vesoljske tehnologije. Znanstveni pristop, kasneje generiran s strani države, in človekovo izvorno navduÅ”evanje nad neznanim in mističnim se združita v edinstvenem fenomenu Ā»materialističnega misticizmaĀ« ruskega kozmizma, ki oblikuje načrt za metafizično reormo sveta s tehnologijo. Kozmizem se odmika od socialističnega načrta formiranja nove družbe, hkrati pa se kozmizem in komunizem drug drugemu približata v boju za Ā»skupni smoterĀ« očetovstva in bratstva. RazmiÅ”ljanje o preteklosti mistike, politike, umetnosti in tehnologije na ruskem področju razkriva paradigmo zlitja različnih metod človekovega osmiÅ”ljanja nove (Å”e skrite) plati resničnosti na enotnem kulturnem poligonu dveh poti ā€“ tehnologije in mistike ā€“ ter njunega prepleta.This paper aims to highlight some o the mystical aspects of the Soviet space exploration and to show how objective science and technology interweaves with the subjective spirituality in the Russian philosophical, artistic, and political traditions. We are focusing on the philosophy of Russian Cosmism that unites scientific and ystical approaches in order to provide the scheme for colonizing the unknown spaciousness of the cosmos. Thisunique phenomenon of ā€œmaterialistic mysticismā€ sets out to metaphysically transform the world with technology. Russian Cosmists saw nature as a work in progress, which humans must perfect ā€“ a notion which is still alive today in the contemporary thought of Transhumanism. The idea o one ā€œcommon taskā€ of all people joined together in brotherhood also indicates some similarities between communism and cosmism, both of which are on the mission to create the ā€œnew manā€ and the ā€œnew worldā€

    Speech development and disorders in children

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    Govor se razvija pod utjecajem puno različitih čimbenika. Psiholozi i drugi istraživači joÅ” uvijek pokuÅ”avaju odrediti točne procese koji su opći i temeljni za razvoj govora. Može se promatrati i kao socijelni fenomen jer se razvija isključivo u socijalnim zajednicama. Razvoj govora prati i svoje određene faze. On se kreće od predverbalne do verbalne faze. Bitni preduvjeti za razvoj govora su razvijeni govorni organi i uredan sluh. S druge strane, neki od znakova koji nam ukazuju na moguće govorne teÅ”koće su izostanak gukanja i prve riječi ili oÅ”tećenje sluha. Neki od govornih poremećaja su usporen govorno-jezični razvoj, mucanje i govorna apraksija. Saznanje o navedenim poremećajima daje mogućnost ranog prepoznavanja i poticanja. Poticanje govora se odnosi na rehabilitaciju, uključenost stručnjaka i okoline. Najveću ulogu ovdje imaju roditelji koji to mogu činiti u svakodnevnim aktivnostima kao Å”to je čitanje, pjevanje i ohrabrivanje djeteta bez obzira na greÅ”ke koje ono čini.Development of the speech is under the influence of many aspects. Psychologists and other researchers are still trying to determine the precise means that are fundamental to speech development. It can also be seen as a social phenomenon as it develops in social communities. Speech development follows its own specific stage. It shifts from the preverbal to the verbal phase. A central need for speech development is a developed speech and hearing mechanism. On the other hand, some of the signs that point to possible speech difficulties are the absence of throbbing and first words or hearing deterioration. Some of the speech disorders are slower speech development, stuttering, and speech apraxia. Learning about the above-mentioned disorders gives you the possibility of early recognition and encouragement. Speech stimulation refers to rehabilitation, involvement of experts and the environment. Parents have the greatest role in providing everyday activities such as reading, singing, and encouragement regardless of the mistakes that child makes


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    Business Intelligence (BI) is the critical tool for making quality and fact-based decision. It helps decision-makers to make the timely and right decision. Using BI solutions, the decision-makers can improve decisions quality and ultimately they can be more efficient in fulfilling its business objective, contributing to the organization\u27s competitive advantage. BI solutions and tools are not sufficient enough to make competitive advantage alone. Highly qualified personnel need to engage to extract the full potential of BI solutions and to be the bridge that connects domain and expert analytical knowledge. In this aspect, if managing of organization ambidexterity improves, decision quality improves as well. Final BI products and insight will be useful only if decision-makers use them at every level of decision making. The organization should take motivational steps to assure that managers read, prepare and exchange BI products. Decision-making standard of "HiPPOs" (the Highest Paid Person in Organization makes the decision) should be a relic of the past, and new decision-making process should be data and intelligence driven. The paper consists of three parts. Part 1- gives the overview of theoretical consideration of the decision-making process and manager\u27s roles. In Part 2- BI system, with all its elements, is portrayed as the indispensable tool for the quality decision-making process. Part 3- presents the conclusion

    Usporedba troŔkova proizvodnje električne energije iz elektrana na ugljen, plin, nuklearno gorivo i vjetar

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    Cilj ovog rada je usporediti troÅ”kove proizvodnje električne energije iz četiri tipa elektrana: termoelektrane na ugljen, termoelektrane na plin, nuklearne elektrane i vjetroelektrane. Na početku će biti rečeno neÅ”to o ekonomiji ova četiri tipa elektrana, njihovim varijabilnim i fiksnim troÅ”kovima te eksternim troÅ”kovima koji su potrebni kao ulazni podaci. Program koji će omogućiti izračunavanje očekivane cijene električne energije u životnom vijeku pojedine elektrane je napravljen u programskom jeziku Visual Basicu. Usporedba cijena električne energije je napravljena bez uvrÅ”tenih eksternih troÅ”kova i s uvrÅ”tenim eksternim troÅ”kovima pri čemu su dani pripadajući dijagrami. Nakon Å”to su dobivene cijene električne energije napravljena je analiza utjecaja gradnje pojedine elektrane na ekonomska kretanja u Hrvatskoj koristeći Okunov zakon. Usporedbom se može vidjeti koliko će se povećati ili smanjiti bruto druÅ”tveni proizvod prilikom gradnje pojedinog tipa elektrane te kako će to utjecati na stvaranje novih radnih mjesta u Hrvatskoj


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    In business environment in which a company operates, when technological possibilities are very developed and accessible, when a great number of data from business transactions is generated, and when knowledge is the only resource contemporary economy is lacking, if they want to maintain and improve their positions on the market, decision makers have to be able to make correct business decisions very quickly. This text presents positive effects of a simultaneous use of tools and techniques of business and competitive intelligence in the process of making right decisions in a company. The text will present evidence that information on yourself, acquired through techniques of business intelligence, and information on competition, acquired through practicing competitive intelligence, present a basis for making right business decisions which leads towards reaching the established business goals of a company. Criteria are explained which have to be adhered to when introducing the concept of business and competitive intelligence in a company

    Svećenička oporuka

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    Determination of an Optimum Fictitious Air Gap and Rotor Disk Thickness for a Coreless AFPMM

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    This article presents the research on the optimum distance (fictitious air gap) between permanent magnets of the coreless axial flux permanent magnet machine with a double rotor and single stator. Magnetic flux density of the permanent magnets follows the mean flux path between the opposite magnets. The size of the leakage flux depends on the axial distance between the magnets, the distance between adjacent magnets and the back iron of the rotor disks. If the fictitious air gap (clearance between opposite permanent magnets) is too large, the flux path will close through the adjacent magnet and not the opposite one. The article presents the finite element analysis of the magnetic flux density between the permanent magnets mounted on the rotor disks where the fictitious air gap thickness was set as a variable to determine the maximum clearance. Connection between bending (pull) forces of rotor disks and fictitious air gap thickness is also presented with the mechanical stress analysis of rotor disks


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    Dentistry as a branch of medicine has an important role in the health of the human, while applying new technologies the maintaining of oral health is much more effective. For that purpose many dental products are used, such as crowns, bridges, implants, which are made of various metallic materials the mostly by casting or forging. They have to possess an adequate properties among which a biocompatibility, hardness and strength are the most important. Metal as an individual element with its properties does not meet certain conditions, therefore, the process of alloying results in different alloys that may be applied in oral environment. The most common classification of metallic materials for use in dentistry divides them in: noble and non-noble alloys and dental amalgames. Further, development of new technologies provides a new metallic materials with more adequate properties. Among them, titanium and titanium-based alloys stand out as materials of future in dentistry. Also, progress in computer technology results in faster production of economic dental products of much more quality

    Implementing Belief-Consistent Multilevel Secure Relational Data Model: Issues and Solutions

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    This paper summarizes our efforts in implementing a working multi-level secure database prototype. We have chosen Belief-Consistent Multilevel Secure Relational Data Model (BCMLS) as a basis for our prototype because of its comprehensive semantics for interpreting all stored information. While semantically superior to other models, this model has not been implemented as a working system before. Our prototype, which was created on an Informix database server with a PHP web client, enables insertion, deletion and update of multi-level data while addressing the underlying model complexities through a number of original solutions
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