343 research outputs found


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    States with advanced space technologicaly support are always at the center of advancing and protecting their national interests in various international forums to continue the “commercialization” of outher space. On the other hand, developing countries are still focused in their effort to achieve prosperity and secure jobs for their citizens. As time goes by, commercial activities in telematics, remote sensing, space transportation, space industry, space insurance, and space tourism continue to develop. This study used current legal regulation on space treaty supported by review of literatures. To ensure new world order which is just and based on the spirit of humanity, a re-arrangement of international law is needed through international dialogues and cooperations so that the development of space activities can benefit all mand kind. Keywords : Contention, space commercialization, international law


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    Advocate as one element of the judicial system is one of the pillars in upholding the supremacy of law and human rights. Advocates are noble professions closely related to humanity. The Advocate Profession in providing legal services and in charge of solving legal problems of his clients both in litigation and non- litigation, so he is required to always participate in the enforcement of Human Rights, and in running his profession he is free to defend anyone, not bound by orders Regardless of who the opponents of his client, whether he is from strong groups, rulers, officials and even poor people though. The Advocate function within the scope of work of the modern Advocate shows two aspects, namely 1). Represent the client before the Court; And 2). Representing clients outside the Court. Advocates as noble professions must uphold the laws and regulations of the code of ethics, so that if a violation is detrimental to the profession or the client should get the action in the form of sanctions imposed also did not eliminate the right to continue running the profession. This is where the dignity of an advocate remains respected while sanctions are a form of repression for the offenses committed

    Accumulative Roll Bonding for Improvement mechanical properties of Aluminum based Composite

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    The Aluminum has special properties such as light weight, ductile and a lower melting point. It has very suitable for applied as composite material, with ceramic as reinforcement. Accumulative roll bonding (ARB) is part of technology of Severe Plastic Deformation (SPD) that has been developed of manufacturing process for metals, alloys and composites as well. It has a potential becoming an industrial process to produce composite and ultrafine-grained (UFG) metal sheets. In this research, the development of aluminum-based composites is made by SPD technology using the ARB method on aluminum plate sheets with boron carbide (B4C) as reinforcement, is expected to improve its mechanical properties along with the rules of microstructure analysis. To get of the UFG metallic materials where the mean grain size must be smaller than 1ÎĽm are expected can be exhibit excellent mechanical properties. The ARB process consists of multiple cycles of rolling, cutting, stacking and solid-state deformation bonding. Two plates were prepare for the ARB sample process, cleaning uses acetone liquid to prevent attachment of dust and dirt on the surface to be made in contact with other samples. Acetone and grinding to produce a rough surface to facilitate the surface binding process between samples, B4C powder is sprinkled between the centers of aluminum plate surface and stacked going together

    Settlement of Industrial Relations Disputes and Termination of Work Relations according to the Applicable Legislation

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    This article discusses the settlement of industrial relations disputes and termination of employment according to the applicable laws. Industrial relations disputes can be divided into two types: disputes over rights and disputes over interests. The relationship between workers and employers is a relationship that needs each other; workers need wages, employers benefit. However, in practice there are problems, so employers give Warning Letters I and II which are followed by Termination of Employment (PHK). The process of resolving this problem can be carried out through Bipartite, Mediation, or to the Industrial Relations Court. This paper is written with a normative juridical approach. The results show that the labor-employer problem is getting more complicated since the existence of the Omnibus Law on Job Creation, one of which contains the elimination of the city / district minimum wage (UMK) and replaced with the provincial minimum wage (UMP). The elimination of MSEs results in lower wages for workers. In fact, in the Manpower Act Number 13 of 2003, no worker may receive a wage below the minimum wage, because the determination of wages is based on the calculation of Living Needs.[]Artikel ini membahas mengenai penyelesaian perselisihan hubungan industrial dan pemutusan hubungan kerja menurut perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Perselisihan hubungan industrial menurut jenisnya dapat dibagi menjadi dua: perselisihan hak dan perselisihan kepentingan. Hubungan pekerja dan pengusaha merupakan hubungan yang saling membutuhkan; buruh memerlukan upah, pengusaha mendapatkan keuntungan. Namun, dalam prakteknya terjadi permasalahan, sehingga pengusaha memberikan Surat Peringatan I dan II yang diikuti dengan Pemutusan Hubugan Kerja (PHK). Proses penyelesaian persoalan ini dapat dilakukan melalui Bipartit, Mediasi, atau ke Pengadilan Hubungan Industrial. Tulisan ini ditulis dengan pendekatan yuridis normatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa permasalahan buruh-pengusaha semakin pelik seja hadirnya Undang-Undang Omnibus Law Cipta Lapangan Kerja yang salah satu isinya penghapusan upah minimum kota/kabupaten (UMK) dan diganti dengan upah minimum provinsi (UMP). Penghapusan UMK membuat upah pekerja lebih rendah. Padahal, dalam Undang-Undang Ketenagakerjaan Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 tak boleh ada pekerja yang mendapat upah di bawah upah minimum, karena penetapan upah didasarkan atas perhitungan Kebutuhan Layak Hidup


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    The purpose of the study entitled "The Role of the Central Java Provincial Wage Council in Determining Regency/City Minimum Wages in 2020" is to determine the role of the Central Java Provincial Wage Council and the procedures for setting the minimum wage in 2020 by the Governor of Central Java Province. The research method used is normative juridical, which is an approach aimed at the study of legal issues from the aspect of applicable legal regulations, in this case in the form of the role of the Central Java Provincial Wage Council in seeking regency/city minimum wages in Central Java. Before the Central Java Provincial Wages Council was formed the name of the Central Java Provincial Research, Wages and Welfare Commission. With Presidential Decree No. 107 of 2004 concerning the Wages Board stipulated by the President of the Republic of Indonesia Megawati Sukarno Putri on 18 October 2004. In principle between the Research Commission and the Wage Council there are some differences, among others, regarding the requirements to become a member of the Research Commission and the Wage Board that the requirements to become members of research do not have to bachelor, while to become a member of the Wage Board must be a S1 as well as regarding the composition in the Research Commission the ratio between representatives of workers, government and employers is 1:1:1 and universities. While in the Wage Council the ratio of government, workers, and employers is 2: 1: 1 and universities and experts. In order to follow up on the Presidential Decree on the Wage Council, the Governor of Central Java Province issued Decree No. 560/61/2005 concerning the Establishment of the Central Java Provincial Wage Council. The Governor of Central Java Province also issued Regulation No. 31 of 2005 concerning Procedures for Proposing Members of the Central Java Province Wage Council. Governor's Decree Number 560/58 2019, concerning UMK of 35 Regencies/Cities in 2020 stipulated the highest wage in Semarang City of Rp. 2,715,000,-, while the lowest was found in the Banjarnegara district of Rp. 1,748,000. Determination of wages has been through existing mechanisms and refers to applicable laws and regulations. The minimum wage is calculated based on the formula of Article 44 paragraph (2) of Government Regulation no. 78 of 2015, in accordance with the Minister of Manpower Letter No. BM 305 Year 2019

    Penerapan Hukum Pidana Materiil terhadap Pelaku Penyertaan Tindak Pidana Korupsi: Studi Kasus Putusan PN Tipikor Banda Aceh

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    Dalam praktek penerapan hukum pidana mengenai kasus korupsi yang melibatkan beberapa orang secara bersama-sama di dalam mewujudkannya biasanya dikaitkan dengan teori “Penyertaan” (Delneeming) khususnya dalam bentuk turut serta melakukan (Medeplegen). Kemudian, dalam praktek peradilan juga masih ada hakim yang membebaskan para terdakwa dari dakwaan penuntut umum dengan dasar tidak terbuktinya bentuk turut serta melakukan (Medeplegen). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji bagaimana penerapan hukum pidana materiil terhadap penyertaan tindak pidana korupsi penggelapan dalam Putusan No 4/Pid.Sus-TPK/2020/PN Bna dan Putusan No 55/Pid.Sus-TPK/2019/PN Bna. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan hukum pidana materiil yang di terapkan oleh Majelis Hakim terhadap pelaku penyertaan tindak pidana korupsi penggelapan dengan putusan No 4/Pid.Sus-TPK/2020/PN Bna dan No. 55/Pid.Sus-TPK/2019/PN Bna berdasarkan hasil analisis peneliti para terdakwa telah terbukti bersalah secara sah dan meyakinkan melakukan penyertaan tindak pidana korupsi penggelapan. Menurut analisis peneliti ancaman yang dijatuhkan kepada para terdakwa telah tepat dan sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku serta sesuai dengan dakwaan jaksa penuntut umum, alat bukti serta fakta-fakta hukum yang ditemukan di pengadilan

    Aircraft Hijacking: A Legal Perspective

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    According to International Law, the aircraft crime which is often called as “aircraft hijacking” is considered as one of the crimes against humanity. It is totally condemned by International community because the impact of this crime devastates the humanity values, threatens lives, and destroys belongings. The motives underlines this crime may be derived from personal motive, hostage taking, political reason or being refugee. It is the state who has the full responsibility, based on International law, to resolve the case of aircraft hijacking. The effort to resolve this aircraft hijacking can be done through International networks, bilateral agreement and the extradition of those who commits aircraft hijacking. Keywords : Aircraft Hijacking, States Responsibility. Kejahatan penerbangan merupakan salah satu tindak pidana yang dalam Hukum Internasional sering disebut “Aircraft Hijacking”. Kejahatan penerbangan tersebut menurut Hukum Internasional merupakan salah satu kejahatan kemanusiaan. Kejahatan penerbangan tersebut oleh komunitas Internasional sangat dikutuk karena menghancurkan nilai-nilai kemanusiaan, mengancam jiwa manusia dan merusak barang dan harta benda. Bahwa motivasi tindakan kejahatan penerbangan meliputi motif yang bersifat : pribadi, penculikan, politik dan pengungsian. Dalam rangka penanggulangan tindakan kejahatan penerbangan, berdasarkan hukum Internasional, Negara mempunyai tanggung jawab penuh untuk mengatasinya. Upaya penanggulangan dapat dilakukan antara lain melalui kerjasama Internasional dan ekstradisi pelaku kejahatan pembajakan udara

    Wilayah Kedaulatan Negara Atas Ruang Udara dalam Perspektif Hukum Internasional

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    Understanding the concept of state sovereignty over air space developed in three thought. Firstly, the principle there is no country that has sovereignty so that the air space can be used by anyone. Secondly, the country that has a space over her, gets the special rights over the freedom of the air which there is no limitation the height space limit. Thirdly, that the country has freedom of the air space, but hold a territory or territorial zone that gives certain rights to the country that has a space over her can be carried out implemented. The goal of research to investigate and analysis the regulation and accountability of the state in maintaining and protecting the state sovereignty over air space viewed from the perspective of International law. The approach used in this study is the yuridical normative in the sense that the study is based on analysis of the relevant civil aviation convention. Further more, described in the description of the support that is deductive with the library study. From the research and of the analysis results can be seen that thought of the concept of the sovereign state begins in three theories. Moreover, crystallized in Airspace International Agreements described in the International Civil Aviation Convention in Chicago, 1944, particularly, the nations of state sovereignty in the air, Article 1, which asserts “that the contracting states recognize that every state has complete and exclusive sovereignty over the airspace above its territory”. In terms of maintaning and protecting state sovereignty in the air, the state fully be responsible for the implementation

    Jasa Lingkungan Hutan Bagi Masyarakat Lokal di DAS Ciliwung Hulu

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    Degradasi lahan di DAS Ciliwung hulu (wilayah Puncak) telah menimbulkan masalah serius, banjir tahunan, bagi wilayah di bagian hilirnya. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui persepsi masyarakat lokal terhadap manfaat hutan dan penghargaan masyarakat lokal terhadap jasa lingkungan hutan yang diperkirakan merupakan salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kekeliruan pengelolaan lahan di DAS hulu. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara purposive. Persepsi masyarakat dianalisis secara deskriptif dan nilai jasa lingkungan dihitung dengan contingent valuation method. Konservasi lahan dan Kenyamanan adalah manfaat utama yang dirasakan masyarakat lokal di Desa Tugu Utara dan Batulayang, sedangkan menghasilkan kayu, bahan bakar dan buah merupakan manfaat utama yang dirasakan oleh masyarakat di Desa Gadog dan Sukakarya. Nilai jasa lingkungan hutan berdasarkan perhitungan WTP adalah sebesar Rp 0,62/m2 /th di Kecamatan Cisarua dan Rp 0,71/m2 /th di Kecamatan Megamendung. Nilai WTP dipengaruhi oleh pendapat responden terhadap kondisi lingkungan di wilayah Puncak dan penghasilan keluarga
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