443 research outputs found

    Pemodelan 3 Dimensi Notasi Laban dengan Direct Kinematic dan Matrik Transformasi

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    In the field of dance specially education of dance art, so far, the use of Laban notation as a writing media of work is still not many. This because there are variety of kinds and forms of Laban notation. This research aims  to create a system  that  is capable  to represent Laban notation  in  3  dimension  model  based  on  human  being  ergonomics  movement  angle. Although  the documentation of dance work  is available, but during  reimplementation,  the result  obtained  is  not  the  same  as  the  actual    dance. This  because,  the writing  of  dance work  is    still  in manual,  so  it  is   unknown whether  the notation  that had been made  is  in conformity with  the actual dance work.   Based on  the mentioned above,  in  the  end many choreography  either  in  Indonesia  or  in  the  world  are  not  documented  by  using  Laban notation, but with video media or picture. This Research is done by, in the  input system, is in the form of data conversion of Laban notation. The next process  is the process of  code  transfer  transformation. This process  is done by  joining  each part of    conversion data based on  key  frame animation parameter. After  that,  is  the  movement  data  transfer  process,    this  is  done  by  transferring  transformation  code  to  get movement  data  that  is  contain of  rotation  or movement  data. The next is  matrix movement process based on 3 dimension dot matrix movement data with direct  kinematics  and  key  frame  animation  parameter  with  reference  to  the    amount  of  formed frame based on knocking time that is transferred to become the amount of frame at the forming model of dance animation movement for 3 dimension model

    Pemberday Aan Komite dalam Rangka Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan di Sekolah

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    Qualified human resources who have the right competence,skills, abilities, attitudes, behavior, motivation and commitment isneeded in the global market competition. But the reality shoes that thequality of Indonesian human resources are relatively underdevelopedand very low. To overcome this obstacles required the participation ofboth government and society, in synergy, and particularly the schoolcommittee to provide education.This paper discussed the school committees' participation ineducation. There are four kinds of participation: l) the involvement indecision-making process, 2) the implementation of the program, 3)thegaining advantages of the program, and 4) the evaluation of theprogram. If all of these are performed together or as a whole, it willbring the potential of integrated development.First, public participation in decisions making process,especially choosing the purpose alternatives by discussing ideasrelating to mutual interest. Second, participation in theimplementation of the program is continuation of the plan which hasbeen agreed upon the planning, implementation, and objectives. It cantake the forms of physical labor donations, financial donations,donations of material, moral contribution (counseling, advice), andthe decision contribution. Third, participation in taking the benefit.This is not independent from the quality and the quantity of theachieved program implementation. Fourth, participation in theevaluation process related to the implementation of the program as awhole

    Aircraft Hijacking: A Legal Perspective

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    According to International Law, the aircraft crime which is often called as “aircraft hijacking” is considered as one of the crimes against humanity. It is totally condemned by International community because the impact of this crime devastates the humanity values, threatens lives, and destroys belongings. The motives underlines this crime may be derived from personal motive, hostage taking, political reason or being refugee. It is the state who has the full responsibility, based on International law, to resolve the case of aircraft hijacking. The effort to resolve this aircraft hijacking can be done through International networks, bilateral agreement and the extradition of those who commits aircraft hijacking. Keywords : Aircraft Hijacking, States Responsibility. Kejahatan penerbangan merupakan salah satu tindak pidana yang dalam Hukum Internasional sering disebut “Aircraft Hijacking”. Kejahatan penerbangan tersebut menurut Hukum Internasional merupakan salah satu kejahatan kemanusiaan. Kejahatan penerbangan tersebut oleh komunitas Internasional sangat dikutuk karena menghancurkan nilai-nilai kemanusiaan, mengancam jiwa manusia dan merusak barang dan harta benda. Bahwa motivasi tindakan kejahatan penerbangan meliputi motif yang bersifat : pribadi, penculikan, politik dan pengungsian. Dalam rangka penanggulangan tindakan kejahatan penerbangan, berdasarkan hukum Internasional, Negara mempunyai tanggung jawab penuh untuk mengatasinya. Upaya penanggulangan dapat dilakukan antara lain melalui kerjasama Internasional dan ekstradisi pelaku kejahatan pembajakan udara

    Jasa Lingkungan Hutan Bagi Masyarakat Lokal di DAS Ciliwung Hulu

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    Degradasi lahan di DAS Ciliwung hulu (wilayah Puncak) telah menimbulkan masalah serius, banjir tahunan, bagi wilayah di bagian hilirnya. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui persepsi masyarakat lokal terhadap manfaat hutan dan penghargaan masyarakat lokal terhadap jasa lingkungan hutan yang diperkirakan merupakan salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kekeliruan pengelolaan lahan di DAS hulu. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara purposive. Persepsi masyarakat dianalisis secara deskriptif dan nilai jasa lingkungan dihitung dengan contingent valuation method. Konservasi lahan dan Kenyamanan adalah manfaat utama yang dirasakan masyarakat lokal di Desa Tugu Utara dan Batulayang, sedangkan menghasilkan kayu, bahan bakar dan buah merupakan manfaat utama yang dirasakan oleh masyarakat di Desa Gadog dan Sukakarya. Nilai jasa lingkungan hutan berdasarkan perhitungan WTP adalah sebesar Rp 0,62/m2 /th di Kecamatan Cisarua dan Rp 0,71/m2 /th di Kecamatan Megamendung. Nilai WTP dipengaruhi oleh pendapat responden terhadap kondisi lingkungan di wilayah Puncak dan penghasilan keluarga

    Pola Geometri Pada Seni Dan Arsitektur Islam Di Andalusia

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    The most famous Islamic cultural heritages is the use of geometric patterns in Islamic art and architecture. This can be seen from the historical buildings that still exist in Alhambra which is located in Granada city, Andalucia, southern Spain. The way to make a layout plan, fasade, and ornaments that decorate the buildings were arranged in a simple mathematical art. The designing and building technique of Alhambra is based on geometry with the 1:5 ratio method

    Improved Asset Design for Educational Asynchronous Games @KAR with Visual Concept of Malang City

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    All humans, including children, need comfort in life. Games are one of the entertainment for children. According to the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Informatics data, at least 30 million children and adolescents in Indonesia are internet users, and digital media is currently the main choice of communication channels they use. There is another perception that interactive games can inhibit children’s education, which makes children lazy to learn. This condition is the idea of researchers to create learning media that combines ”game” and ”learning” which is packaged in Edutainment: @KAR (short for character games). This research is through a descriptive procedural research model, which outlines the steps that must be followed to produce a product. The data obtained in this design was taken by data observation, interview and documentation methods. Data observation method consists of visual data, library data and survey target audience. The importance of this research is as a form of maintenance or preservation of design with the styles of the malang city. With the improvement of @KAR educational game design with the nuances of local wisdom in Malang, there will be an introduction, pride and image enhancement to Indonesian culture, especially the malang city. This research can also be a guide for character education or one of the learning materials. All humans, including children, need comfort in life. Games are one of the entertainments for children. According to the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Informatics data, at least 30 million children and adolescents in Indonesia are internet users, and digital media is currently the main choice of communication channels they use. There is another perception that interactive games can inhibit children’s education, it makes children lazy to learn. This condition gives an idea to researchers to create learning media that combines ”game” and ”learning” which is packaged in Edutainment: @KAR (short for character games). This research is done through a descriptive procedural research model, which outlines the steps that must be followed to produce a product. The data used in this design was taken by observation, interview and documentation methods. The observation data consists of visual data, library data and data from target audience. The importance of this research is as a form of maintenance or preservation of design with the styles of the Malang city. With the improvement of @KAR educational game design with the nuances of local wisdom in Malang, there will be an introduction, pride and image enhancement to Indonesian culture, especially the Malang city. This research can also be a guide for character education or one of the learning materials.     Keywords: asset design, educational media, local conten

    Wilayah Kedaulatan Negara Atas Ruang Udara dalam Perspektif Hukum Internasional

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    Understanding the concept of state sovereignty over air space developed in three thought. Firstly, the principle there is no country that has sovereignty so that the air space can be used by anyone. Secondly, the country that has a space over her, gets the special rights over the freedom of the air which there is no limitation the height space limit. Thirdly, that the country has freedom of the air space, but hold a territory or territorial zone that gives certain rights to the country that has a space over her can be carried out implemented. The goal of research to investigate and analysis the regulation and accountability of the state in maintaining and protecting the state sovereignty over air space viewed from the perspective of International law. The approach used in this study is the yuridical normative in the sense that the study is based on analysis of the relevant civil aviation convention. Further more, described in the description of the support that is deductive with the library study. From the research and of the analysis results can be seen that thought of the concept of the sovereign state begins in three theories. Moreover, crystallized in Airspace International Agreements described in the International Civil Aviation Convention in Chicago, 1944, particularly, the nations of state sovereignty in the air, Article 1, which asserts “that the contracting states recognize that every state has complete and exclusive sovereignty over the airspace above its territory”. In terms of maintaning and protecting state sovereignty in the air, the state fully be responsible for the implementation

    Maleo on Buton

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