144 research outputs found

    Sexual health knowledge, sexual relationships and condom use among male trekking guides in Nepal: a qualitative study.

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    People in Nepal generally hold fairly traditional views about sex and sexual health, whilst Western tourists often have a more liberal approach towards sex and relationships. There is evidence that significant sexual interaction occurs between male trekking guides and female travellers and/or local female sex workers in Nepal. This qualitative study explored trekking guides' sexual health knowledge, sexual relationships and condom use with female trekkers and local female sex workers. A total of 21 in-depth interviews were conducted with male trekking guides. Most reported having had sexual relationships with female trekkers and local female sex workers. Explanations for intercourse with female trekkers included: financial support; getting future trekkers through word-of-mouth advertising from the women they have had sex with; and opportunities for emigration. Interestingly, sexual intercourse is reported as more likely to be initiated by female trekkers than by guides, and more so by older women. In contrast, the main reasons for having sex with local female sex workers included: romantic love or sexual excitement and novelty. Awareness regarding sexual health was high among guides, but several factors discouraged the regular use of condoms. Further research with female tourists would help understand the motivations and reasons for their sexual behaviour

    Four years of a cultural movement

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    We wrote this report in December 2015. In this report, we have tried to bring out the ideology of the organisers of Mahishasur Day, and their strategy for cultural-social change. When, on 25 October 2011, a handful of students of Delhi’s Jawaharlal Nehru University celebrated Mahishasur Martyrdom Day for the first time, no one could have imagined that the movement would spread like wildfire. In just four years, these events have not only created a nationwide stir but have provided a common basis for unity between Tribals, OBCs and Dalits. Talking to the organizers of Mahishasur Day functions in different parts of the country was a novel experience for us. Each of them had many things to say, but they had many things in common that drew one’s attention. Almost all of them said, “From our childhood, we used to wonder why the Asurs in idols of Durga resemble us in looks and why the body type and clothes of those who killed Asurs were similar to today’s Dwijs!” Subsequently, when they thought about it and went about exploring, they were in for a surprise. They discovered that many Asur traditions relating to Manuj Dewa, Maikasur, Daityera, Karas Dev, etc were alive around them and in some cases, in their homes. Some organizers believe that Mahishasur was not a mythological figure. He was a historical personality – the protector of their clan, a valiant king and people’s hero. All of them are against worshipping Mahishasur and do not follow any rites or rituals, which is probably the real strength of these events


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     Objective: The objective of this study is to evaluate the functioning and status of implementation of hemovigilance program of India (HvPI) in the blood banks of southern Kerala.Methods: It was a survey approach to analyze the facilities, working nature, and status of implementation of hemovigilance program by the blood banks located in the three districts of southern Kerala. Both goevrnment and private sector blood banks were subjected to the survey. Standard pro forma was used to collect the data. Collected data were analyzed by percentages and ratios.Results: A total of 40 blood banks were covered in the study. All the blood banks were licensed for handling whole blood. 23 blood banks were licensed for handling blood components. 6 blood banks process 100% blood into components. Majority of blood banks have excellent demand for components. Packed red cells, platelet concentrate, and fresh frozen plasma were the significant components among the prepared components. Majority of the blood banks under the survey had hospital transfusion committee (HTC). 25 blood banks replied as the HvPI is an excellent/good system. However, only 11 blood banks were enrolled in the HvPI. Training programs for the resident doctors and nurses regarding with adverse transfusion reaction and their reporting were not conducted by 17 blood banks.Conclusion: Except very few blood banks, all are need more awareness and training programs. Attention should be given in the area such as underreporting, poor implementation of hemovigilance, only serious reactions reporting, and avoiding minor reactions. Core factor is proper functioning of HTC and awareness programs about hemovigilance system


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    Schwannomas are rare, slow growing benign tumors of peripheral nerve sheath originating from Schwann cells surrounding the nerve associated with delayed presentation of pain and paresthesia. Their incidence being 5% of all upper extremity tumors. They may be a part of neurofibromatosis called schwannomatosis with multiple peripheral schwannomas. We present a case of solitary schwannomas from the peripheral nerves probably superficial branch of median nerve mistaken initially for ganglion cyst

    A Hybrid Algorithm for Recognition of Power Quality Disturbances

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    Impact of farmer producer organization on organic chilli production in Telangana, India

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    33-43Input intensive modern agriculture is adversely affecting human health and environment. Farmers of Telangana state have taken up organic chilli production with the assistance of FPOs. Primary data was collected from 120 farmers comprising 60 members and 60 non-members of FPO from two districts of Telangana through semi-structured interviews. The study found that the shift to organic chilli cultivation led to decrease in input use by 9.06% and yield by 23.4%. However, the gross return from organic chilli farming was 13.85% higher over that realised by non-members due to the efforts of FPOs. DEA analysis revealed that a higher proportion of member farmers (48%) had technical efficiency of more than 60% as compared to non-members (18%). FPOs were instrumental in reduction of transaction cost and number of intermediaries leading to the realization of a higher proportion of producer’s share in consumer’s rupee (65%). Discriminant function analysis revealed that the FPO promoting institutions (44%), ease of doing business (16%) and infrastructure facilities like storage, irrigation, electricity and credit have high influence on performance of the states with respect to FPOs

    Methods to introduce floating bridge motion and wind excitation on a model for the investigation of heavy vehicle dynamics

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    The proposed floating bridge solution at Bj\uf8rnafjorden in connection with the E39 infrastructure upgrade is an enabler to realize efficient transportation. This bridge and the vehicles shuttling on it will be exposed to inclement weather conditions. The waves and wind excite the floating bridge to induce compound motion in addition to the aerodynamic crosswinds directly interacting with the vehicles. Methods to introduce the complex motion of the floating bridge (multi-post test rig) and aerodynamic crosswinds on a tractor semi-trailer have been established and presented in this paper. The environment-vehicle-driver system is enabled through a co-simulation between MATLAB/Simulink (primary) and Adams (secondary). This complex interplay is studied on the intricate 627-DoF Adams vehicle model coupled with the Adams driver model. Numerical simulations are performed for multiple constant vehicle speeds under laden condition on a road with friction of 0.7 for the 1-year storm weather condition. Vehicle stability and safety assessments such as lane violation, path following ability, rollover risk, and lateral side slip limit are evaluated to draw inferences. Subsequently, permissible vehicle speed for a laden tractor semi-trailer to operate on the floating bridge is suggested. Furthermore, a simpler 9-DoF tractor semi-trailer vehicle model developed in MATLAB/Simulink combined with the pure pursuit tracking based driver model is compared with the Adams model under identical environmental conditions for an unladen case. The simpler vehicle-driver model is validated against the detailed Adams vehicle-driver model through numerical simulations for different constant vehicle speeds

    Impact of farmer producer organization on organic chilli production in Telangana, India

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    Input intensive modern agriculture is adversely affecting human health and environment. Farmers of Telangana state have taken up organic chilli production with the assistance of FPOs. Primary data was collected from 120 farmers comprising 60 members and 60 non-members of FPO from two districts of Telangana through semi-structured interviews. The study found that the shift to organic chilli cultivation led to decrease in input use by 9.06% and yield by 23.4%. However, the gross return from organic chilli farming was 13.85% higher over that realised by non-members due to the efforts of FPOs. DEA analysis revealed that a higher proportion of member farmers (48%) had technical efficiency of more than 60% as compared to non-members (18%). FPOs were instrumental in reduction of transaction cost and number of intermediaries leading to the realization of a higher proportion of producer’s share in consumer’s rupee (65%). Discriminant function analysis revealed that the FPO promoting institutions (44%), ease of doing business (16%) and infrastructure facilities like storage, irrigation, electricity and credit have high influence on performance of the states with respect to FPOs

    Diabetes prevention and management in South Asia

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    Background: Globally, the number of people living with Diabetes Mellitus (DM) has increased four-fold since 1980. South Asia houses one-fifth of the world’s population living with diabetes, and it was the 8th leading cause of deaths in 2013 for South Asians.Aim: To review and discuss the context of diabetes in South Asia, with a particular focus on, a) contributing factors and impact; b) national health policies around non-communicable diseases in the region, and c) to o er recommendations for prevention and management of diabetes.Method: We assessed relevant publications using PubMed, Scopus and OvidSP. Similarly, the World health Organization (WHO) and relevant ministries of each South Asian country were searched for reports and policy documents.Results: Emerging evidence supports that the prevalence of diabetes (ranging from 3.3% in Nepal up to 8.7% in India) in South Asia follows the global trend over the past decades. Urban populations in the region demonstrate a higher prevalence of diabetes, although is also a public health concern for rural areas. Changes in the pattern and types of diet, together with increasingly sedentary, lifestyles are major causes of diabetes. The overall agenda of health promotion to prevent diabetes has not yet been established in the region, and the majority of the countries in the region are inadequately prepared for the therapeutic services for diabetes.Conclusions: The early onset of the diabetes, longevity of morbidity and early mortality may have a significant impact on people’s health expenditure and health systems, as well as on the region’s demographic composition. There is an urgent need to reduce the prevalence of diabetes in the region through evidence-based interventions ranging from prevention and early detection to appropriate treatment and care. We suggest that a multi-sectorial collaboration across all stakeholders is necessary to raise awareness about diabetes, its prevention, treatment and care in the region


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    Alfamidi merupakan objek penelitian mengalami permasalahan pada posisi penempatan barang pada rak jualan masih kurang tertata, karena kurang teraturnya posisi barang pad arak mengakibatkan terkadang ada barang yang dicari oleh konsumen tapi malah tidak ditemuka di bagian rak, yang berdampak pada pengurangan daya minat pembeli. Penelitian ini menggunakan algoritma apriori untuk mengklasifikasikan data transaksi penjualan dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP. Diharapkan penelitian ini dapat membantu pihak Alfamidi untuk menyusun penempatan produk yang dijual. Kata Kunci : Data Mining, Algoritma Apriori, lokasi barang