66 research outputs found


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    Every disease in Ayurveda, the science of life has a different view in understanding a disease in a systematic way. Among the Astangas of Ayurveda, Shalakya tantra is given importance equally by all Acharyas. Acharya Sushruta has explained seventysix eye diseases with their medical and surgical management in detail. Puyalasa, one of the Sandhigataroga can be correlated to dacryocystitis based on the symptomatology which includes swelling in Kaninika sandhi, which later on undergoes suppuration causing thick purulent discharge. Dacryocystitis is the inflammation of the lacrimal sac is not an uncommon condition, which is an important cause of ocular morbidity, both in children and adults. The management constitutes of simple topical medication to surgery and with certain amount of recurrences. Though Puyalasa is due to Tridosha it is considered as a curable disease and the treatment includes Siravyadha, Upanaha and Anjana kriya and internal medication which can reduce the recurrence rate and other secondary diseases in eyes. The clinical features and the treatment of Dacryocystitis has similarities with the disease Puyalasa which has been told by our ancient seers. The drugs mentioned in the treatment of the disease Puyalasa are mainly having Doshahara guna, Vrana shodhaka guna and are Chakshushya. Based on the Yukti of the physician the selection of the appropriate treatment depends and based on this the recurrence rate of the disease can be controlled well

    Modelling on-demand preprocessing framework towards practical approach in clinical analysis of diabetic retinopathy

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    Diabetic retinopathy (DR) refers to a complication of diabetes and a prime cause of vision loss in middle-aged people. A timely screening and diagnosis process can reduce the risk of blindness. Fundus imaging is mainly preferred in the clinical analysis of DR. However; the raw fundus images are usually subjected to artifacts, noise, low and varied contrast, which is very hard to process by human visual systems and automated systems. In the existing literature, many solutions are given to enhance the fundus image. However, such approaches are particular and limited to a specific objective that cannot address multiple fundus images. This paper has presented an on-demand preprocessing frame work that integrates different techniques to address geometrical issues, random noises, and comprehensive contrast enhancement solutions. The performance of each preprocessing process is evaluated against peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), and brightness is quantified in the enhanced image. The motive of this paper is to offer a flexible approach of preprocessing mechanism that can meet image enhancement needs based on different preprocessing requirements to improve the quality of fundus imaging towards early-stage diabetic retinopathy identification


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    Stye is an infection of the sebaceous glands of zeis at the base of the eye lashes, or an infection of the apocrine glands of moll. In Ayurvedic science, based on clinical signs and symptoms, stye can be correlated to Anjananamika where the symptoms include Dahatodavatitamrapidaka– i.e., boil which will be in Tamravarna associated with burning sensation and pricking sensation at Vartmapradesha i.e., in the lid and the other symptoms includes Mridvimandaruja– it will be soft and associated with mild pain. The line of treatment of the disease Anjananamika (stye) includes Swedana (hot compress), Nishpidana (pressure applying to drain out pus), Bhedana (incision), Pratisarana (rubbing of medicaments over the lids), Anjana (collyrium). The objective of the present study is to evaluate the effect of Bidalaka and Aschyotana along with internal medicines. A 19-year female patient approached the Shalakya tantra OPD of Sri Paripoorna Sanathana Ayurveda Medical College, Hospital and Research centre, Nelamangala, Bangalore with the complaints of swelling in the left eye lid since 3 days with mild pain and redness of the eyes. On examination, the whole edge of the left eye lid was oedematous along with the presence of an abscess in outer canthus. On these signs and symptoms, the patient was diagnosed as a case of stye and advised Kriyakalpa based on the Roga and Rogibala along with internal medicines which have given promising results with the complete absence of the symptoms within 10 days

    Optimizing Test Cases for Object-Oriented Software

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    - Testing object-oriented software is a challenging task. The inherent complexity in testing Object-oriented software is due to issues like inheritance and polymorphism. The behavior analysis and testing of object oriented software is significantly complicated because the state of the objects may cause faults that cannot be easily revealed with traditional testing techniques. This article proposes an improved technique for generating optimal number of test cases using mathematical techniques. The technique uses Colored Petri Nets (CPN), which is an extended version of Petri Nets. CPN’s are usually used for system modeling and simulation. The proposed method explores the problem to generate test cases that covers all instances of objects from different classes in the same hierarchy. It shows the effectiveness of technique by translating a specification represented by UML (unified modeling language) state chart into a CPN. The main solution of our approach will be implemented using CPN-tools


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    Dry eye occurs when there is inadequate tear volume or function resulting in an unstable tear film and ocular surface disease. It is extremely common condition, particularly in postmenopausal women and the elderly. Although epidemiological studies investigating the prevalence of dry eye disease are rare, published studies indicate that up to 20% of adults aged 45 years or more experience dry eye symptoms. Menopause is permanent cessation of menstruation at the end of reproductive life which is the natural biological process. During this period there is gradual progressive loss of ovarian follicular activity. The increase incidence of dry eye in males than in females shows a positive impact stating there is hormonal impact on the disease. Androgens are the prime hormones responsible for regulation of lipid production. Oestrogen and progesterone receptors in the conjunctiva and lacrimal glands are essential for the normal function of these tissues. In Ayurveda, the disease comes under Sarvagata Roga and is named as Shushkakshipaka where in there will be depletion of Ashru leading to Shushka netra, which afflicts whole eye in the later stages. In menopausal women there will be Rasakshaya leading to Vata vriddhi. This impairs the normal functioning of the Netra where in the Shushkata will increase leading to many other symptomatology. To elucidate the relationship between menopause and dry eye, a survey study has been conducted in OPD and IPD of Sri Kalabyraweshwaraswamy Ayurvedic medical college, hospital and research centre, Bangalore which is affirmed


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    Diverse applications including consumer electronics, robotic systems, and medical devices require compact, high-torque motors capable of operating at speeds in the range of 10s to a 1000 rpm. Traveling wave ultrasonic motors are a perfect fit for these specifications as they generate higher torques for a given size-scale compared to electrostatic and electromagnetic motors. Furthermore, the electrostatic and electromagnetic motors require an additional gearing mechanism to operate at low speeds, which adds more complexity to the system. The miniaturization of ultrasonic rotary traveling wave motor has had limited success due to lack of high-resolution, high-precision fabrication techniques. This dissertation describes the development of a novel microfabrication technique for the manufacture of bulk lead zirconate titanate (PZT) microsystems involving only two lithography steps that enables the realization of bending-mode piezoelectric microsystems from a single homogeneous layer of bulk piezoceramic, requiring a few hours to fabricate. This novel fabrication process and device design concept is applied to the development of a new class of bulk PZT rotary traveling wave micromotor fabricated using a single sheet of commercially available bulk PZT. For the microfabrication of bulk PZT microsystems, relationships between micro powder blasting process parameters and PZT etching characteristics are presented, including key process parameters such as particle size, nozzle pressure and nozzle-to-substrate distance, with etch rate and etch anisotropy evaluated as a function of these parameters and space resolution. Furthermore, the photolithographic masking of bulk PZT using dry film photoresist, yielding a facile method for achieving precise and high-resolution features in PZT is presented. The work on the development of a new class of homogeneous bulk PZT unimorphs, which eliminates the need of additional elastic layers found in traditional piezoelectric bimorphs, is also reported. The developed fabrication and actuation process are key parameters to developing miniaturized bulk PZT traveling wave motor. The challenges of generating traveling waves are described in detail, followed by the successful demonstration of bi-directional traveling waves and rotor motion. The stator and rotor performance under varying stator/rotor preload forces and actuation conditions have been characterized

    “Model of Cost teeming, Impact of Project Planning & Management in Residential Infrastructure Projects”

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    Irrespective of the industry, project management demands the understanding of several inter-related activities deciding success or failure of the projects. When it is the construction industry, implicit, extensive research to be carried as there are several factors including planning, execution, procurement, resources management, conflict management, legalities etc. have direct impact on the project’s cost. These factors being part dynamic environment where they interact technically & socially varying from industry to industry. Construction industry employs huge amount of varied resources with several in-built challenges, risk factors and idiopathic uncertainties. Limited amount of information is known at the initial stages of the project, which later demands the accurate evaluation of economic feasibilities of the project. Researcher ahs adopted Survey method where a structured interview schedule was administered to 40 residents who have bought/constructed residential property through developer from various background; educational qualification, occupations, purposes, industries etc. For the current study the sample units are the residents who have bought/constructed residential property through developers which constitute of 40 (Sample size) as researcher received only 40 completely filled questionnaires) (sample units) that are chosen randomly.  Researcher conducted research by administering a structured interview schedule which consists of attributes related to project planning, project management, cost factors and cost teeming aspects with demographics. The measurement scale adopted are dichotomous and multiple choice questions adopting nominal scales along with five point rating Likert scale measure the attitude of the clients. Thus collected dada is analyzed with help of simple descriptive statistics and regression analysis (Impact Model) tests to know the association

    Survey on Heuristic Search Techniques to Solve Artificial Intelligence Problems

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) is an area of computer science that highlights the creation of machines that are intelligent, also they work and react like humans. Since AI problems are complex and cannot be solved with direct techniques we resort to heuristic search techniques. Heuristic search technique is any approach to problem solving, learning, or discovery which uses a practical methodology which is not guaranteed to be optimal or perfect, but it is sufficient for the immediate goals. This paper surveys some of the heuristic techniques which is used for searching an optimal solution among multiprocessor environment, followed by and method which enhances the search by doing a search in bidirection and also a method for task scheduling in multiprocessor environment. The paper also discuses about how heuristic is used to solve binary quadratic program and also how it is used in 3G (3rd Generation) Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS) network. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15058
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