9 research outputs found


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    Banyaknya film yang diadaptasi dari novel merupakan fenomena yang semakin populer di Indonesia. Hal itu pula yang kemudian merangsang keingintahuan penulis untuk membandingkan dua karya yang berbeda medium tersebut. Melalui novel Test Pack karya Ninit Yunita penulis menemukan objek yang tepat, bahwasannya novel tersebut di transformasikan ke dalam film yang disutradarai oleh Monty Tiwa yang juga berjudul sama dengan novelnya yaitu Test Pack meskipun memiliki judul yang serupa, namun di dalamnya pasti akan ditemukan perubahan pada struktur dan fakta-fakta cerita. Dan untuk mencapai tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu menemukan serta membandingkan perbedaan dan persamaan yang terdapat dalam novel dan film Test Pack. penulis menggunakan teori analisis struktur A.J. Greimas dengan menggunakan skema aktan dan model fungsional dalam mengkaji alur novel dan film, kemudian menganalisis fakta-fakta cerita yang terdapat pada kedua objek penelitian dan selanjutnya yaitu proses reaktualisasi yang merupakan jawaban atas analisis struktur faktual yang menghasilkan persamaan dan perbedaan unsur cerita antara novel dan film Test Pack berdasarkan fakta-fakta cerita yang meliputi alur, tokoh dan penokohan, latar.----------The number of films adapted from novels is an increasingly popular phenomenon in Indonesia. This also stimulates the writer's curiosity to compare the two works that are different in that medium. Through Ninit Yunita's Test Pack novel the author found the right object, that the novel was transformed into a film directed by Monty Tiwa which was also titled the same as his novel Test Pack even though it has a similar title, but in it will definitely find changes in the structure and the facts of the story. And to achieve the objectives of this study is to find and compare the differences and similarities found in novels and films Test Pack. the author uses the A.J. Greimas structure analysis theory. Greimas uses acting schemes and functional models in studying the flow of novels and films, then analyzes the facts of the stories found in the two research objects and then the process of reactualization which is the answer to the analysis of factual structures that produce similarities and different elements of stories between novels and films Test Pack based on the facts of the story which includes the plot, character and characterization, background


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    Pada zaman modern seperti sekarang ini banyak makanan dan minuman semakin praktis. Teh yang dulunya adalah minuman warisan budaya yang memiliki aturan khusus untuk menikmatinya sekarang sudah dapat dikonsumsi secara praktis melaui teh siap saji. Tetapi kandungan gula dalam teh siap saji tersebut cukup tinggi jika dikonsumsi rutin sebagai pengganti teh seduh atau sekedar untuk pelepas dahaga. Bahaya dari konsumsi gula berlebihan cukup serius seperti, kanker, obesitas, dan diabetes. Menurut data dari KEMENKES RI, Indonesia menempati urutan ke 4 pengidap penyakit diabetes setelah India, Cina, dan Amerika. Jawa Barat adalah salah satu dari penderita terbanyak di Indonesia yaitu 10% dari penduduknya. Penderita diabetes juga tidak memandang umur dan dapat menyerang siapa saja. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan kampanye pencegahan dari diabetes terhadap konsumsi gula berlebihan di kalangan remaja. Bentuk pencegahan tersebut berupa aktifitas fisik untuk membakar glukosa dan kalori dalam tubuh yang dikonsumsi serta memanfaatkan kecenderungan orang yang berolahraga akan mengkonsumsi air putih sebagai pengganti cairan tubuh yang hilang. Maka dengan mengajak orang-orang untuk berolahraga, otomatis konsumsi teh siap saji dapat dikurangi dan diabetes dapat dicegah sejak dini. Kampanye ini ditujukan kepada remaja dan dewasa muda usia 20-25 tahun di Kota Bandung yang bertujuan agar masyarakat sadar akan bahaya konsumsi gula berlebihan dan dampaknya. Metode dari kampanye ini adalah kualitatif dalam pengumpulan data nya seperti observasi, wawancara, studi pustaka, analisis AOI dan analisis SWOT. Sebagai cara untuk mendorong remaja agar mau beraktifitas maka akan dibuat mobile apps. Media-media lain juga akan mendukung agar kesadaran masyarakat dapat muncul dan mulai merubah pola hidupnya. Kata Kunci: kampanye sosial, advertising, gula, teh siap saji, olahrag


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    This study aims to determine the reality of ethical dilemmas felt by tax consultants when conducting tax planning and the experience of tax consultants in overcoming this dilemma. The research method used is qualitative with an interpretive paradigm and Husserl's transcendental phenomenology approach. The informant in the study is one of the tax consultants in Blitar. The results prove that there are various forms of dilemmas felt by tax consultants, including dilemmas due to the existence of gray areas, sympathy for tax consultants for their clients and related to the sustainability of their service business. Tax consultants overcome the sense of dilemma by understanding tax regulations thoroughly, adhering to the code of ethics, and trying to increase taxpayer awareness. They achieve this by fostering understanding and providing comprehensive education on tax issuesPenelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui realitas dilema etis yang dirasakan oleh konsultan pajak ketika melakukan Tax Planning dan pengalaman konsultan pajak dalam mengatasi rasa dilema tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan paradigma intepretif dan pendekatan fenomenologi transendental Husserl. Informan dalam penelitian merupakan salah satu konsultan pajak di Blitar. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa terdapat berbagai bentuk dilema yang dirasakan oleh konsultan pajak, antara lain dilema akibat adanya grey area, rasa simpati konsultan pajak terhadap kliennya dan terkait dengan keberlangsungan bisnis jasanya. Konsultan pajak mengatasi dilema rasa dengan memahami peraturan perpajakan secara menyeluruh, berpegang teguh pada kode etik, dan berusaha meningkatkan kesadaran wajib pajak. Mereka mencapai hal ini dengan menumbuhkan pemahaman dan memberikan edukasi yang komprehensif tentang masalah pajak

    Resiliensi Anak Pengidap HIV/AIDS di Rumah Singgah Lentera Surakarta

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    Resilience is the ability to rise after experiencing a traumatic situation and collapsed. This study aims to find out how the dynamics of resilience of children with HIV / AIDS are they able to rise from a problem they face. This study uses five informants. The informants of this study were selected by purposive sampling with criteria or characteristics of having a history of HIV / AIDS, aged 10-14 years, women and men, willing to be participants, have achievements or strengths that are owned as survival and are willing to be the informant is proven by the existence of the informed consent letter. The informants of this research are the beneficiaries at Surakarta Lantern Shelter House. This study uses a qualitative phenomenological approach. The technique used for data collection is semi-structured interviews. The results of this study are the five subjects who have experienced a downturn in the form of sadness, hopelessness, regret, lack of zest for life but it can be overcome by being patient, praying, accept destiny and always be motivated by the guide in the lantern. The five subjects are optimistic and confident or confident to achieve achievements, ideals and realize the hopes they want to achieve. Factors that influence the subject for resilience are individual factors and community factors

    Use of Blockchain Technology in Implementing Information System Security On Education

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    Utilizing blockchain technology for information system security in the field of education is that all information data that has been entered cannot be faked, lost, or damaged easily, and also with blockchain, one can send data and information instantaneously and be decentralized without relying on third parties. Blockchain is a ledger that can efficiently and effectively record transactions between two parties that have been distributed and in a verifiable and permanent way. However, even though the application of blockchain technology in education has not been utilized globally However, researchers try to evaluate the security of information systems in education using fingerprints by implementing cryptographic hash security sensors so that the results of this study are achieved and are useful for the world of education. This research method uses the SWOT method and all these things will be discussed.Keyword :  Blockchain Technology, Education, Swot Metho

    Basic understanding of water flooding as a secondary recovery concept: Literature review

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    The need for energy and mineral resources is needed for the survival of human life. One of the results of minerals contained in the bowels of the earth is crude oil. Natural resources crude oil is still a top priority for natural resource needs in Indonesia. So it is necessary to explore and exploit crude oil resources. Secondary recovery (water flooding) and tertiary recovery methods are carried out on an oil and gas well to assist the process of producing oil to the surface. Water flooding is a method that is widely used because water is easy to obtain, water supply is quite cheap and mobility is low. Water injection is a second stage recovery method by injecting water into the reservoir so that the remaining oil can be pushed to the production well. Water flooding in its application can show a decreasing trend in production if the efficiency of this method in the reservoir has decreased, therefore after the water flooding recovery method has decreased production, the EOR method as a tertiary recovery method can be applied.&nbsp

    Interfacial tension test analysis as injection fluid on reservoir core

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      In the petroleum industry, Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) technology has been developed to obtain increased oil recovery from reservoirs. One of the EOR methods is chemical EOR using a surfactant known as the surfactant flooding method. Surfactants have the ability to reduce the interfacial tension between oil and water in the rock matrix so that residual oil can be produced. There are several parameters that affect the performance of surfactants, among which will be discussed in this discussion, namely the middle phase emulsion obtained from the phase behavior test and the results from the Interfacial Tension (IFT) test. Based on the literature review, the method used in IFT uses the spinning drop method. Compatibility test of Fir wood SLS surfactant solution used with a concentration of 0.5% - 3% and a salinity of 4,000 - 110,000 ppm