163 research outputs found

    Equation of state and high-pressure phase transitions in Mg2GeO4 olivine

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    Germanates are often used as structural analogs of planetary silicates. We have explored the high-pressure phase relations in Mg2GeO4 using diamond anvil cell experiments combined with synchrotron x-ray diffraction and computations based on density functional theory. Upon room temperature compression, forsterite remains stable up to 30 GPa. At higher pressures, a phase transition to a CmC21 structure was observed, which remained stable to the peak pressure of 105 GPa. Using a 3rd order Birch Murnaghan fit to the experimental data, we obtained V0 = 305.1 (3) A3, K0 = 124.6 (14) GPa and K' = 3.86 (fixed) for forsterite and V0 = 263.5 (15) A3, K0 = 175 (7) GPa and K' = 4.2 (fixed) for the CmC21 phase. In three separate runs, the forsterite sample was compressed to 26 GPa, 54 GPa and 105 GPa respectively and then laser-heated to ~2500 K. On laser heating, a mixture of perovskite MgGeO3 + MgO was found to be stable at the lower pressure conditions, whereas post-perovskite + MgO was observed at the highest pressure

    Importance of correlation effects in hcp iron revealed by a pressure-induced electronic topological transition

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    We discover that hcp phases of Fe and Fe0.9Ni0.1 undergo an electronic topological transition at pressures of about 40 GPa. This topological change of the Fermi surface manifests itself through anomalous behavior of the Debye sound velocity, c/a lattice parameter ratio and M\"ossbauer center shift observed in our experiments. First-principles simulations within the dynamic mean field approach demonstrate that the transition is induced by many-electron effects. It is absent in one-electron calculations and represents a clear signature of correlation effects in hcp Fe

    Disproportionation of Iron in Almandine-Pyrope-Grossular Garnet From 25 to 65 GPa

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    The production of metal via the iron disproportionation reaction in the deep Earth has been a long debated topic with important implications for the geochemistry of the lower mantle. To explore the occurrence of the iron disproportionation reaction from 25 to 65 GPa, a natural almandine-pyrope-grossular garnet was studied with in situ X-ray diffraction (XRD) in the laser-heated diamond anvil cell and ex situ scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques. Upon heating the natural almandine-pyrope-grossular garnet up to 3000 K up to 65 GPa, the formation of phase assemblage consisting of bridgmanite, stishovite, and davemaoite was confirmed by XRD, but because of the low abundance of Fe metal and small grain size, XRD was determined not to be effective in detecting the disproportionation reaction. Examination of the samples recovered between 39 and 64 GPa by SEM analysis revealed the presence of nm-scale disproportionated iron metal grains as an additional product of this reaction that was not detectable in the XRD patterns. Volume compression data of bridgmanite synthesized in the experiments were fit to the Birch-Murnaghan equation of state and compared to similar compositions. Bridgmanite was found to decompress to the LiNbO3-type structure, indicating a high FeAlO3 content, in accordance with the occurrence of a disproportionation reaction. The experimental confirmation of disproportionated metallic Fe has significant implications for the distribution of siderophile and volatile elements in the lower mantle

    Structure analysis and conditions of formation of akimotoite in the Tenham chondrite

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    Akimotoite (Mg,Fe)SiO_3 is one of the most common mineralogical indicators for high-level shock metamorphism in meteorites. First described 1997, its occurrence has been amply confirmed in a number of highly shocked chondrites. Yet, a thorough structure analysis of natural akimotoite has remained extant. Here we report accurate cell parameters, fractional atomic coordinates, and site occupancies for natural akimotoite from the holotype specimen based on synchrotron microdiffraction. The variation of unit cell shape and volume with Fe content define mixing volumes. Based on the mixing volume relation for akimotoite and hemleyite, we constrain the unit cell volume of endmember hemleyite to 273.8 ± 1.0 Å^3. We show that mixing is nearly ideal for low Fe content but evolves to positive excess volume toward the Fe endmember. Based on this finding and the actual composition of akimotoite in Tenham, we show that this mineral has formed by solid–solid transformation prograde from enstatite, not by crystallization from melt

    Phase transitions and spin-state of iron in FeO at the conditions of Earth's deep interior

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    Iron-bearing oxides undergo a series of pressure-induced electronic, spin and structural transitions that can cause seismic anomalies and dynamic instabilities in Earth's mantle and outer core. We employ x-ray diffraction and x-ray emission spectroscopy along with state-of-the-art density functional plus dynamical mean-field theory (DFT+DMFT) to characterize the electronic structure and spin states, and crystal-structural properties of w\"ustite (Fe1x_{1-x}O) -- a basic oxide component of Earth's interior -- at high pressure-temperature conditions up to 140 GPa and 2100 K. We find that FeO exhibits complex polymorphism under pressure, with abnormal compression behavior associated with electron-spin and crystallographic phase transitions, and resulting in a substantial change of bulk modulus. Our results reveal the existence of a high-pressure phase characterized by a metallic high-spin state of iron at about the pressure-temperature conditions of Earth's core-mantle boundary. The presence of high-spin metallic iron near the base of the mantle can significantly influence the geophysical and geochemical properties of Earth's deep interior.Comment: 5 figures, with supplementary material

    Tissintite, (Ca,Na,□)AlSi_2O_6: A Shock-Induced Clinopyroxene in the Tissint Meteorite

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    During a nanomineralogy investigation of the Tissint Martian meteorite, we discovered the new shock-induced mineral tissintite, (Ca,Na,□)AlSi_2O_6, which is named after Tissint, Morocco, where the host meteorite fell. This phase provides new insights into shock conditions and impact processes on Mars. Here, we emphasize the origin of tissintite (IMA 2013-027) and demonstrate how nanomineralogy can play an important role in meteorite and Mars rock research

    Single-crystal elasticity of majoritic garnets: stagnant slabs and thermal anomalies at the base of the transition zone

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    The elastic properties of two single crystals of majoritic garnet (Mg3.24Al1.53Si3.23O12 and Mg3.01Fe0.17Al1.68Si3.15O12), have been measured using simultaneously single-crystal X-ray diffraction and Brillouin spectroscopy in an externally heated diamond anvil cell with Ne as pressure transmitting medium at conditions up to 3c30 GPa and 3c600 K. This combination of techniques makes it possible to use the bulk modulus and unit-cell volume at each condition to calculate the absolute pressure, independently of secondary pressure calibrants. Substitution of the majorite component into pyrope garnet lowers both the bulk (Ks) and shear modulus (G). The substitution of Fe was found to cause a small but resolvable increase in Ks that was accompanied by a decrease in 02Ks/ 02P, the first pressure derivative of the bulk modulus. Fe substitution had no influence on either the shear modulus or its pressure derivative. The obtained elasticity data were used to derive a thermo-elastic model to describe Vs and Vp of complex garnet solid solutions. Using further elasticity data from the literature and thermodynamic models for mantle phase relations, velocities for mafic, harzburgitic and lherzolitic bulk compositions at the base of Earth's transition zone were calculated. The results show that Vs predicted by seismic reference models are faster than those calculated for all three types of lithologies along a typical mantle adiabat within the bottom 150 km of the transition zone. The anomalously fast seismic shear velocities might be explained if laterally extensive sections of subducted harzburgite-rich slabs pile up at the base of the transition zone and lower average mantle temperatures within this depth range