2,287 research outputs found

    De Novo Genome Sequence of "Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum" from a Single Potato Psyllid in California.

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    The draft genome sequence of "Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum" strain RSTM from a potato psyllid (Bactericera cockerelli) in California is reported here. The RSTM strain has a genome size of 1,286,787 bp, a G+C content of 35.1%, 1,211 predicted open reading frames (ORFs), and 43 RNA genes

    Risk Analyses and Risk Management - Slope Instabilities in Alpine Environments

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    Two prominent deep-seated gravitational slope deformations in the Eastern Alps (Tyrol, Austria) have been activated in the last seven years and pose serious threats to the densely populated valleys. Based on multidisciplinary field investigations, different hazard scenarios of slope failures have been evaluated for risk management processes. These event scenarios, which are characterised by strongly varying volumes of the failing slide masses as well as by different probabilities of occurrence, and varying disintegration factors control different accumulation and damage scenarios. Finally, these evaluations and risk analyses aimed to define “design events”, i.e. which scenarios are relevant for the dimensioning of mitigation measures. The main aim is to sustainably enable further land use, in comparison to the overall geohazard risks that are also present at several other sites in Tyrol (Austria)

    Impact of UV wavelength and curing time on the properties of spin-coated low-k films

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    Advanced spin-on k 2.3 films with similar to 40% porosity were enabled by liquid phase self-assembly (LPSA) mechanism on Si substrates. UV-assisted thermal template removal is investigated as a faster alternative to the conventional thermal process. The as-deposited films were exposed to narrow-band UV light of 172 nm, 222 nm, 254 nm or 185/254 nm at 400 degrees C for different time. The optical, mechanical, chemical and electrical properties of the resulting films are discussed in this work. Photons with wavelength of about 172 nm from one side are detrimental to the electrical and chemical properties of the low-k films hut from the other side notably improve the porous low-k mechanical properties. Exposure to 222 nm light as short as 3 min, is more efficient in terms of template removal when compared to 2h thermal cure, while in both cases similar mechanical and electrical properties are reported. UV-cure using 254 nm or dual band 254/185 nm photons seem to have a minor contribution to the template removal efficiency for the applied doses. Higher doses are necessary in order to better understand the effective contribution of these photon energies. Finally, the HF etching mechanism is discussed

    Effect of the C-bridge length on the ultraviolet-resistance of oxycarbosilane low-k films

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    The ultra-violet (UV) and vacuum ultra-violet (VUV) resistance of bridging alkylene groups in organosilica films has been investigated. Similar to the Si-CH3 (methyl) bonds, the Si-CH2-Si (methylene) bonds are not affected by 5.6 eV irradiation. On the other hand, the concentration of the Si-CH2-CH2-Si (ethylene) groups decreases during such UV exposure. More significant difference in alkylene reduction is observed when the films are exposed to VUV (7.2 eV). The ethylene groups are depleted by more than 75% while only about 40% methylene and methyl groups loss is observed. The different sensitivity of bridging groups to VUV light should be taken into account during the development of curing and plasma etch processes of low-k materials based on periodic mesoporous organosilicas and oxycarbosilanes. The experimental results are qualitatively supported by ab-initio quantum-chemical calculations

    Synthesis of 9H-Indeno [1, 2-b] Pyrazine and 11H-Indeno [1, 2-b] Quinoxaline Derivatives in One-step Reaction from 2-Bromo-4-chloro-1-indanone

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    The reaction of 2-bromo-4-chloro-1-indanone with 2,3-diaminomaleonitrile, benzene-1,2-diamine and 4-methylbenzene-1,2-diamine in glacial acetic acid gave 8-chloro-9H-indeno[1,2-b]pyrazine-2,3-dicarbonitrile, 1-chloro-11H-indeno[1,2-b]quinoxaline and 1-chloro-7-methyl-11H-indeno[1,2-b]quinoxaline, respectively, in good yield.Keywords: 2-bromo-4-chloro-1-indanone, diaminopyridine, indeno[1,2-b]quinoxaline, indeno[1,2-b]pyrazine, debrominatio

    Rock Response in a 12-M Tunnel through a Zone of Low Strength

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    At the Rocky Mountain Pumped Storage Project a 12 meter diameter power tunnel was excavated through sedimentary rock for 760 meters. Approximately 10% of this tunnel was through Pennington shale that is described as a dark gray massive organic shale. This paper will describe the methods of testing .and rock characterization, the results of instrumentation and monitoring, and the post-construction testing program for the excavation, and conclude with a discussion of the observed rock response in relation to the measured strength and deformation properties. This particular zone of the tunnel required the addition of longer rockbolts, and a discussion of that supplemental rock reinforcement will be included

    SiGe quantum dots for fast hole spin Rabi oscillations

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    We report on hole g-factor measurements in three terminal SiGe self-assembled quantum dot devices with a top gate electrode positioned very close to the nanostructure. Measurements of both the perpendicular as well as the parallel g-factor reveal significant changes for a small modulation of the top gate voltage. From the observed modulations we estimate that, for realistic experimental conditions, hole spins can be electrically manipulated with Rabi frequencies in the order of 100MHz. This work emphasises the potential of hole-based nano-devices for efficient spin manipulation by means of the g-tensor modulation technique

    Population characteristics of gulf menhaden, Brevoortia patronus

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    The status of the Gulf menhaden, Brevoortia patronus, fishery was assessed with purse-seine landings data from 1946 to 1997 and port sampling data from 1964 to 1997. These data were analyzed to determine growth rates, biological reference points for fi shing mortality from yield per recruit and maximum spawning potential analyses, spawner-recruit relationships, and maximum sustainable yield (MSY). The separable virtual population approach was used for the period 1976–97 (augmented by earlier analyses for 1964–75) to obtain point estimates of stock size, recruits to age 1, spawning stock size, and fishing mortality rates. Exploitation rates for age-1 fi sh ranged between 11% and 45%, for age-2 fi sh between 32% and 72%, and for age-3 fi sh between 32% and 76%. Biological reference points from yield per recruit (F0.1: 1.5–2.5/yr) and spawning potential ratio (F20: 1.3–1.9/yr and F30: 0.8–1.2/yr) were obtained for comparison with recent estimates of F (0.6–0.8/yr). Recent spawning stock estimates (as biomass or eggs) are above the long-term average, while recent recruits to age 1 are comparable to the long-term average. Parameters from Ricker-type spawner-recruit relations were estimated, although considerable unexplained variability remained. Recent survival to age-1 recruitment has generally been below that expected based on the Ricker spawner-recruit relation. Estimates of long-term MSY from PRODFIT and ASPIC estimation of production model ranged between 717,000 t and 753,000 t, respectively. Declines in landings between 1988 and 1992 raised concerns about the status of the Gulf menhaden stock. Landings have fl uctuated without trend since 1992, averaging about 571,000 t. However, Gulf menhaden are short lived and highly fecund. Thus, variation in recruitment to age 1, largely mediated by environmental conditions, infl uences fi shing success over the next two years (as age-1 and age-2 fi sh). Comparisons of recent estimates of fi shing mortality to biological reference points do not suggest overfishing. (PDF file contains 22 pages.

    Saturation of Magnetorotational Instability through Magnetic Field Generation

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    The saturation mechanism of Magneto-Rotational Instability (MRI) is examined through analytical quasilinear theory and through nonlinear computation of a single mode in a rotating disk. We find that large-scale magnetic field is generated through the alpha effect (the correlated product of velocity and magnetic field fluctuations) and causes the MRI mode to saturate. If the large-scale plasma flow is allowed to evolve, the mode can also saturate through its flow relaxation. In astrophysical plasmas, for which the flow cannot relax because of gravitational constraints, the mode saturates through field generation only.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures to appear in ApJ, Jun 2009, 10 v69

    Characterizing dark matter interacting with extra charged leptons

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    In the context of a simplified leptophilic dark matter (DM) scenario where the mediator is a new charged fermion carrying leptonic quantum number and the DM candidate is either scalar or vector, the complementarity of different bounds is analyzed. In this framework, the extra lepton and DM are odd under a Z2 symmetry, and hence the leptonic mediator can only interact with the DM state and Standard Model leptons of various flavors. We show that there is the possibility to characterize the DM spin (scalar or vector), as well as the nature of the mediator, through a combined analysis of cosmological, flavor and collider data. We present an explicit numerical analysis for a set of benchmarks points of the viable parameter space of our scenario
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