44 research outputs found

    The impact of charge transfer and structural disorder on the thermoelectric properties of cobalt intercalated TiS2

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    A family of phases, CoxTiS2 (0 ≀ x ≀ 0.75) has been prepared and characterised by powder X-ray and neutron diffraction, electrical and thermal transport property measurements, thermal analysis and SQUID magnetometry. With increasing cobalt content, the structure evolves from a disordered arrangement of cobalt ions in octahedral sites located in the van der Waals’ gap (x ≀ 0.2), through three different ordered vacancy phases, to a second disordered phase at x ≄ 0.67. Powder neutron diffraction reveals that both octahedral and tetrahedral inter-layer sites are occupied in Co0.67TiS2. Charge transfer from the cobalt guest to the TiS2 host affords a systematic tuning of the electrical and thermal transport properties. At low levels of cobalt intercalation (x < 0.1), the charge transfer increases the electrical conductivity sufficiently to offset the concomitant reduction in |S|. This, together with a reduction in the overall thermal conductivity leads to thermoelectric figures of merit that are 25 % higher than that of TiS2, ZT reaching 0.30 at 573 K for CoxTiS2 with 0.04 ≀ x ≀ 0.08. Whilst the electrical conductivity is further increased at higher cobalt contents, the reduction in |S| is more marked due to the higher charge carrier concentration. Furthermore both the charge carrier and lattice contributions to the thermal conductivity are increased in the electrically conductive ordered-vacancy phases, with the result that the thermoelectric performance is significantly degraded. These results illustrate the competition between the effects of charge transfer from guest to host and the disorder generated when cobalt cations are incorporated in the inter-layer space

    Low thermal conductivity in La-filled cobalt antimonide skutterudites with an inhomogeneous filling factor prepared under high-pressure conditions

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    La-filled skutterudites LaxCo4Sb12 (x : 0.25 and 0.5) have been synthesized and sintered in one step under high-pressure conditions at 3.5 GPa in a piston-cylinder hydrostatic press. The structural properties of the reaction products were characterized by synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction, clearly showing an uneven filling factor of the skutterudite phases, confirmed by transmission electron microscopy. The non-homogeneous distribution of La filling atoms is adequate to produce a significant decrease in lattice thermal conductivity, mainly due to strain field scattering of high-energy phonons. Furthermore, the lanthanum filler primarily acts as an Einstein-like vibrational mode having a strong impact on the phonon scattering. Extra-low thermal conductivity values of 2.39 W/mK and 1.30 W/mK are measured for La0.25Co4Sb12 and La0.5Co4Sb12 nominal compositions at 780 K, respectively. Besides this, lanthanum atoms have contributed to increase the charge carrier concentration in the samples. In the case of La0.25Co4Sb12, there is an enhancement of the power factor and an improvement of the thermoelectric properties

    Modern microwave methods in solid state inorganic materials chemistry: from fundamentals to manufacturing

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    Microwave-assisted synthesis: A fast and efficient route to produce LaMO3 (M=Al, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co) perovskite materials

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    A series of lanthanum perovskites, LaMO3 (M=Al, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co), having important technological applications, have been successfully prepared by a very fast, inexpensive, reproducible, environment-friendly method: the microwave irradiation of the corresponding mixtures of nitrates. Worth to note, the microwave source is a domestic microwave oven. In some cases the reaction takes place in a single step, while sometimes further annealings are necessary. For doped materials the method has to be combined with others such as sol–gel. Usually, nanopowders are produced which yield high density pellets after sintering. Rietveld analysis, oxygen stoichiometry, microstructure and magnetic measurements are presented.Comunidad de MadridMICINNDepto. de Química InorgánicaFac. de Ciencias QuímicasTRUEpu

    The role of defects in microwave and conventionally synthesized LaCoO3 perovskite

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    In this work we investigate the magnetic, dielectric and charge transport properties of LaCoO3 (LCO) synthesized by two different techniques: microwave assisted and conventionally heated ceramic synthesis. The rapid microwave synthesis conditions are far away from thermodynamic equilibrium and are found to lead to modified crystal defect properties as compared to conventional synthesis. The thermally induced magnetic spin state transition at Ts1 ≈ 80 K is exemplified by temperature (T)-dependent dielectric spectroscopy data, which reveal the appearance of an additional dielectric contribution that is correlated to the transition. Magnetisation, M vs T, and electrical resistivity, ρ vs T, curves show that the additional dielectric phase is strongly influenced by magnetic defects and may be associated with higher spin state clusters in a magnetic spin-state coexistence scenario. We suggest that defects such as oxygen vacancies act as magnetic nucleation centres across the spin state transition Ts1 for the formation of higher spin state clusters in LCO perovskites

    In situ generation of 3D graphene-like networks from cellulose nanofibres in sintered ceramics

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    Establishing a 3D electrically percolating network in an insulating matrix is key to numerous engineering and functional applications. To this end, using hydrophobic carbon nanofillers is tempting, but still results in suboptimal performance due to processing challenges. Here, we demonstrate how natural cellulose nanofibres can be in situ transformed into graphene-like sheets connected to a 3D network enhancing both the transport and the mechanical properties of sintered engineering ceramics. The network architecture also permits the decoupling of electrical and thermal conductivities, which represents a major obstacle in attaining efficient thermoelectric materials. We foresee that our transferable methodology can pave the way for the use of natural nanofibres to unravel the full potential of 3D graphene-like networks to accelerate development in fields like energy and telecommunications.Financial support from the Slovenian Research Agency (research core funding No. P2-0087) and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (CYCIT, MAT2012-31759, MAT2015-71117-R, MAT2014-52405-C2-2-R) is acknowledged as well as from the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 696656 (Graphene Core1-Graphene-based disruptive technologies). The authors thank Prof. Mutje and Dr TarrĂ©s for providing CNF, D. Eterovič for photography, Dr I. Sabotin for EDM tests, A. Varela for EDX analysis, Dr Muñoz for access to a Raman microscope, AljaĆŸ Ivekovič for assistance with illustrations, and Prof. Z. Shen for fruitful discussions. BW and JPG thank the Spanish MINECO for granting Juan de la Cierva fellowships (IJCI-2015-23886, FJCI-2015-24149).Peer reviewe

    Structural, magnetic and dielectric properties of the novel magnetic spinel compounds ZnCoSnO4 and ZnCoTiO4

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    8 pags, 9 figs, 4 tabsThe transparent semiconductor ZnSnO with cubic spinel structure and the isostructural ZnTiO have been magnetically doped with Co. ZnCoSnO and ZnCoTiO exhibit ferrimagnetism below T ≈ 13 K and T ≈ 17 K. Ferrimagnetic moments are evident in M vs H curves below T by small hysteresis. Fits to strictly linear Curie-Weiss plots above T give ÎŒ ≈ 4.86 ÎŒ and ≈4.91 ÎŒ for ZnCoSnO and ZnCoTiO, above theoretical predictions. Impedance spectroscopy data from sintered ceramic can be fitted with a standard equivalent circuit model based on two RC elements for bulk and GB areas. The relative dielectric permittivity of the bulk is ≈20 and ≈30 for ZnSnO and ZnTiO. The semiconducting ZnCoSnO and ZnCoTiOceramics exhibit bulk resistivity of ≈1 10 Ω cm and ≈1 10 Ω cm at 560 K (287 °C), and bulk activation energies of E ≈ 1.2 eV and 1.1 eV.R.S. acknowledges a travel grant (Convenio Internacional) from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid to visit the USACH in Chile. JPG thanks the Spanish MINECO for granting a Juan de la Cierva fellowship. Spanish MINECO grant MAT2014-52405-C2-2-R is also acknowledged

    The impact of charge transfer and structural disorder on the thermoelectric properties of cobalt intercalated TiS2

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    International audienceA family of phases, CoxTiS2 (0 ≀ x ≀ 0.75) has been prepared and characterised by powder X-ray and neutron diffraction, electrical and thermal transport property measurements, thermal analysis and SQUID magnetometry. With increasing cobalt content, the structure evolves from a disordered arrangement of cobalt ions in octahedral sites located in the van der Waals' gap (x ≀ 0.2), through three different ordered vacancy phases, to a second disordered phase at x ≄ 0.67. Powder neutron diffraction reveals that both octahedral and tetrahedral inter-layer sites are occupied in Co0.67TiS2. Charge transfer from the cobalt guest to the TiS2 host affords a systematic tuning of the electrical and thermal transport properties. At low levels of cobalt intercalation (x andlt; 0.1), the charge transfer increases the electrical conductivity sufficiently to offset the concomitant reduction in |S|. This, together with a reduction in the overall thermal conductivity leads to thermoelectric figures of merit that are 25% higher than that of TiS2, ZT reaching 0.30 at 573 K for CoxTiS2 with 0.04 ≀ x ≀ 0.08. Whilst the electrical conductivity is further increased at higher cobalt contents, the reduction in |S| is more marked due to the higher charge carrier concentration. Furthermore both the charge carrier and lattice contributions to the thermal conductivity are increased in the electrically conductive ordered-vacancy phases, with the result that the thermoelectric performance is significantly degraded. These results illustrate the competition between the effects of charge transfer from guest to host and the disorder generated when cobalt cations are incorporated in the inter-layer space. © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016