23 research outputs found

    Konstruksi Kayu Datar Tidak Terlindung(Flat

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    ABSTRAK Flat surface wooden joint mostly used with axis joining system. For uncovered construction, this model is not quite good, since it has to be supported by the use of steel or iron to avoid moist pocckets. By this research it is proved that the distance of flat surface wooden joint which is around 1-1.5 cm may influence the speed of draining until around 5 M%. The placement of joining tool which is on top-down system can reduce water infiltration. The drying process under 20M% can be achieved faster compared to other positions. Keywords

    Construction Method and Performance of Bugis Traditional House in Wind Disasters

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    Bugis ethnic in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia is known as an old tribe who domiciled in the south peninsula of Sulawesi island. They have characteristics of high legacy, culture by the script called lontaraq and life in a traditional stilt house called bola ogi. This house was built in certain methods and become a research problem. The goal of this study is to reveal the construction method and the performance of the Bugis traditional house in facing of wind disaster. The research methods are field observation and in-depth interview. Field observation to reveal the old construction methods of 100 years traditional the Bugis house and its performance in collapse by wind disasters. In-depth interview to strengthen information. The research revealed that Bugis house made of wood and its built-in certain construction methods called mappasituppu. Structure system consists of the main and secondary structure which is joined together rigidly an appropriate hierarchy. The part of the structural member is setting follows natural way. The wind attack saw that building structure collapse step by step depend on its function in the structure as a whole. The lesson from Bugis in construction method is the part of the structure system best to design in the proper strength hierarchy. The strength, structure hierarchy is the maximum strength part of structure equal to the minimum strength of the structure which supports them


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    Omah dudur was discovered as a typical house in Urut Sewu, Purworejo-Kebumen, Central Java, Indonesia.  By this research, it was found that  Omah Dudur is considered as a manifestation of universe of human, god and nature as well as a pusaka (heirlooms).  It is believed that interrelation among the three universes will influence to the successes and failures of occupants life. As a pusaka (heirlooms) which has the power and strength of wahyu, the omah dudur spiritually should be offered by certain ritual in the regular sacred time. Methodologically, this research implies Husserl’s paradigm phenomenology (1965) with the naturalistic framework of Egon G Lincoln and Guba (1985). Result of the study should be contributed to the knowledge of local concepts of typology of traditional and vernacular Javanese architecture. Keywords: omah dudur, wahyu, contextual transcendent, pusaka


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    Omah dudur is a typical dwelling tribal of Java communities at Urut Sewu, Java Region, Purworejo, Central Java, Indonesia; which is located extending from the border of Yogyakarta-Purworejo of Central Java in the East to the district of Kebumen, Central Java in the West. In its habitat, omah dudur partakes the highest degree than the other two types of residential groups, i.e., Srotong and Limasan. The high degree of omah dudur is measuredby two things. First, to build omah dudur requires high cost. Second, omah dudurposseses transcendental value. Omah dudur has transcendental value which is represented in the form of karibawan (commanding) to bring salvation, adem ayem to bring happiness, and sandang pangan to provide enough food and clothing for the residents. The main transcendental value of omah dudur is revealed through manggon; which then becomes pepunden of the Queen of the South and Sunan Walisanga as the trustees of omah dudur and its inhabitants. Architecturally, transcendental value attached to omah dudur, forms a distinctive and authoritative spirits. To uncover the transcendental value of omad dudur the paradigm of phenomenology of Husserl (1965) coupled with naturalistic method of Lincoln and Guba (1985) were used. It is expected that the disclosure of omah dudur transcendental value will provide local wisdom of Javanese architecture.                                                                                                                                                                  Keywords: transcendental,  omah dudur,  revelation, Java architectur

    Anisotropic interactions opposing magnetocrystalline anisotropy in Sr3_3NiIrO6_6

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    We report our investigation of the electronic and magnetic excitations of Sr3_3NiIrO6_6 by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering at the Ir L3_3 edge. The intra-t2gt_{2g} electronic transitions are analyzed using an atomic model, including spin-orbit coupling and trigonal distortion of the IrO6_6 octahedron, confronted to {\it ab initio} quantum chemistry calculations. The Ir spin-orbital entanglement is quantified and its implication on the magnetic properties, in particular in inducing highly anisotropic magnetic interactions, is highlighted. These are included in the spin-wave model proposed to account for the dispersionless magnetic excitation that we observe at 90 meV. By counterbalancing the strong Ni2+^{2+} easy-plane anisotropy that manifests itself at high temperature, the anisotropy of the interactions finally leads to the remarkable easy-axis magnetism reported in this material at low temperature


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    Abstract: Omah dudur is a typical house of rural community in the region of Urut Sewu, Grabag, Purworejo district. Omah dudur originated from the kingdom of Mataram Yogyakarta as a queen house, joglo-shaped and serves as a main pendapa. In the area of the Urut Sewu, the form of joglo omah dudur is imitated and renamed dudur, transformed into a typical rural dwelling as a pendapa and a family home (sleeping area, family room), but still predicated as queen house. Residents of Urut Sewu believe there is a revelation (soul / spirit) that dwells in the omah dudur and makes it live. Omah dudur in the Urut Sewu area is a traditional Javanese architectural heritage, yet it is still hidden and has not been recorded and recognized in Javanese Traditional architecture science. The condition of omah dudur in the modern era is faced with modernization, its development is stagnant and endangered. This research is part of the exploration of knowledge of omah dudur to become science of architecture. The methods used are naturalistic (Lincoln and Guba, 1985) and Qualitative Inductive Methods of Phenomenology. This research produces the concept of omah dudur as omah ratu kawula, that is omah dudur as omah for queen and kawula and as life artifact. Omah dudur alive because of the soul / spirit that lives in omah dudur. The Life Omah dudur is omah dudur which has dignified and influential to good or bad life of the inhabitants.Keywords: Urut Sewu region, dudur house, joglo, wahyu , living queen-kawula houseAbstrak: Omah dudur merupakan bentuk rumah khas masyarakat pedesaan di wilayah Urut Sewu, kecamatan Grabag, kabupaten Purworejo. Omah dudur berasal dari kerajaan Mataram Yogyakarta sebagai rumah ratu, berbentuk joglo dan berfungsi utama sebagai pendapa. Di wilayah Urut Sewu, bentuk joglo omah dudur ditiru dan diganti nama menjadi dudur, berubah menjadi hunian rakyat pedesaan khas berfungsi sebagai pendapa dan rumah keluarga (ruang tidur, ruang keluarga), namun tetap berpredikat sebagai rumah ratu. Warga Urut Sewu percaya ada wahyu (nyawa/sukma) yang tinggal (menetap) di dalam omah dudur dan menjadikannya hidup. Omah dudur di wilayah Urut Sewu adalah warisan arsitektur tradisional Jawa, namun masih tersembunyi dan belum tercatat dan diakui dalam ilmu pengetahuan arsitektur Tradisional Jawa. Kondisi omah dudur dalam era modern berhadapan dengan modernisasi, perkembangannya stagnan dan terancam punah. Penelitian ini bagian dari eksplorasi mengungkap pengetahuan omah dudur agar menjadi ilmu pengetahuan arsitektur. Metode yang digunakan adalah naturalistik (Lincoln dan Guba, 1985) dan metode Induktif Kualitatif Fenomenolgi . Penelitian ini menghasilkan konsep omah dudur sebagai omah ratu kawula yang hidup, yaitu omah dudur sebagai omah bagi ratu dan kawula dan artefak hidup. Omah dudur hidup karena sukma/nyawa yang hidup dan manggon dalam diri omah dudur. Omah dudur hidup adalah omah dudur yang berwibawa dan berpengaruh terhadap baik buruk kehidupan penghuni.Kata Kunci: Wilayah Urut Sewu, omah dudur, joglo, wahyu , omah ratu-kawula yang hidup

    Transcriptional Downregulation of Rice rpL32 Gene under Abiotic Stress Is Associated with Removal of Transcription Factors within the Promoter Region

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    Background: The regulation of ribosomal proteins in plants under stress conditions has not been well studied. Although a few reports have shown stress-specific post-transcriptional and translational mechanisms involved in downregulation of ribosomal proteins yet stress-responsive transcriptional regulation of ribosomal proteins is largely unknown in plants. Methodology/Principal Findings: In the present work, transcriptional regulation of genes encoding rice 60S ribosomal protein L32 (rpL32) in response to salt stress has been studied. Northern and RT-PCR analyses showed a significant downregulation of rpL32 transcripts under abiotic stress conditions in rice. Of the four rpL32 genes in rice genome, the gene on chromosome 8 (rpL32_8.1) showed a higher degree of stress-responsive downregulation in salt sensitive rice variety than in tolerant one and its expression reverted to its original level upon withdrawal of stress. The nuclear run-on and promoter:reporter assays revealed that the downregulation of this gene is transcriptional and originates within the promoter region. Using in vivo footprinting and electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA), cis-elements in the promoter of rpL32_8.1 showing reduced binding to proteins in shoots of salt stressed rice seedlings were identified. Conclusions: The present work is one of the few reports on study of stress downregulated genes. The data revealed that rpL32 gene is transcriptionally downregulated under abiotic stress in rice and that this transcriptional downregulation i

    Antisymmetric Magnetic Interactions in Oxo-Bridged Copper(II) Bimetallic Systems

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    The antisymmetric magnetic interaction is studied using correlated wave-function-based calculations in oxo-bridged copper bimetallic complexes. All of the anisotropic multispin Hamiltonian parameters are extracted using spin-orbit state interaction and effective Hamiltonian theory. It is shown that the methodology is accurate enough to calculate the antisymmetric terms, while the small symmetric anisotropic interactions require more sophisticated calculations. The origin of the antisymmetric anisotropy is analyzed, and the effect of geometrical deformations is addressed.

    Laporan penelitian pengaruh ruang klas terbuka terhadap proses belajar mangajar

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    Kajian kenyamanan termal dalam ruang Masjid Pathok Negoro Yogyakarta

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