50 research outputs found

    Les matières colorantes au sein des systèmes techniques et symboliques au Néolithique (VIe et Ve millénaires BCE) dans l'arc liguro-provençal

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    The aim of this research was to determine the “chaînes opératoires” of colouring materials in the north-western Mediterranean region during the Early and Middle Neolithic and to integrate them in chrono-cultural framework. Two major archaeological sites were selected: Castellar – Pendimoun rock-shelter (5750-4900 cal. BCE) and Nice – Giribaldi, an open-air site (4550-4050 cal. BCE).The techno-economic analysis reveals contrasting situations. At Pendimoun, three local colouring materials, presenting various physic-chemical properties, were used during the VI millennium BCE. They were processed identically according to simple schemes in order to provide a wide range of products: goethite or hematite, in quantities for utilitarian needs or in fine powder for colouring purposes.Giribaldi witnessed a dichotomous management. Some local geomaterials were crafted such as the ones in Pendimoun but exogenous rocks were also specifically processed depending on their cohesion. Furthermore, this overview is not diachronically uniform as bauxites progressively replaced other raw materials in Early Chassey stages.Last, several symbolical aspects have been highlighted and characterized. A calcareous block was carved and painted in red- and yellowed to portray an anthropomorphic “mask”. The colour red is associated with funeral activities. Starting at the SMP phases, the main use of color is aimed at the coloring of ceramics, the latter probably dedicated to specific social activities as suggested by the technical investment involved: red powder incrustation in ceramic (Pendimoun) and then by white powder incrustation in engraved decor, black and red painting (Giribaldi).Ce travail a été entrepris dans le but de déterminer les chaînes opératoires des matières colorantes néolithiques et de les intégrer dans une dynamique chrono-culturelle, à partir de deux sites-clés de l’arc liguro-provençal : Castellar – Pendimoun (5750-4900 cal. BCE) et Nice – Giribaldi (4550-4050 cal. BCE).L’étude technoéconomique montre des situations contrastées. Pendimoun voit, tout au long du VIe millénaire BCE, l’exploitation de trois roches locales aux caractéristiques physico-chimiques variées, traitées selon des schémas simples similaires pour fournir des produits adaptés à tous les besoins : hématite ou goethite, en quantité pour un usage technique ou de granulométrie fine pour exploiter les propriétés colorantes. Giribaldi est le siège d’une gestion dichotomique, où des matières colorantes locales préparées comme à Pendimoun, côtoient des matières exogènes, traitées à travers des actions spécifiques adaptées à leur cohérence.Enfin, de nombreux aspects symboliques ont été mis en évidence et caractérisés. Un bloc calcaire est sculpté et peint pour représenter un visage, selon une tradition peut-être héritée de pratiques proche-orientales. La teinte rouge est associée à la sphère funéraire. La coloration de productions céramiques techniquement très investies et vraisemblablement dédiées à des pratiques sociales particulières est aussi observée ; cette coloration est appliquée par incrustation de poudre durant les VBQ à Pendimoun et par peintures rouges ou noires et par incrustations blanches au Chasséen ancien à Giribaldi

    A geological collection and methodology for tracing the provenance of Palaeolithic colouring materials

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    Although prehistoric sites frequently contain numerous fragments and traces of many different kinds of colouring matter, intensive study of this type of archaeological remains began only recently. Such studies, aimed at determining how raw materials formed and changed over time, and how they were transported by the groups of humans who used them, are extremely valuable as they reveal shared strategies, that is, cultural traditions and the spaces in which they developed. The scope of this paper focusses on the description of the main geological contexts in which ferruginous colouring materials form and are found. In the framework of a collective research program called Pigmentothèque (iron- and manganese-rich rocks and minerals library), geological surveys are conducted taking into consideration the geological settings in which colouring materials are present and using a common record and sampling methodology which is followed by petrophysical, mineralogical and chemical analyses based on a shared procedure and vocabulary. In order to go beyond descriptions based solely on colour and chemical composition, we describe the great variety of iron-rich materials that can be used to obtain colouring matter. This diversity in the formation and evolution of iron-rich materials must be taken into account when trying to understand past humans’ choices of raw materials, their provenance and the anthropogenic and natural modifications they have undergone. We also describe criteria for recognising cohesive remains of colouring matter during archaeological excavations, so these artefacts can take their place alongside other mineral resources in helping improve our understanding of past societies

    Colouring materials in technical and symbolical systems during Neolithic in Liguro-provençal area

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    Ce travail a été entrepris dans le but de déterminer les chaînes opératoires des matières colorantes néolithiques et de les intégrer dans une dynamique chrono-culturelle, à partir de deux sites-clés de l’arc liguro-provençal : Castellar – Pendimoun (5750-4900 cal. BCE) et Nice – Giribaldi (4550-4050 cal. BCE).L’étude technoéconomique montre des situations contrastées. Pendimoun voit, tout au long du VIe millénaire BCE, l’exploitation de trois roches locales aux caractéristiques physico-chimiques variées, traitées selon des schémas simples similaires pour fournir des produits adaptés à tous les besoins : hématite ou goethite, en quantité pour un usage technique ou de granulométrie fine pour exploiter les propriétés colorantes. Giribaldi est le siège d’une gestion dichotomique, où des matières colorantes locales préparées comme à Pendimoun, côtoient des matières exogènes, traitées à travers des actions spécifiques adaptées à leur cohérence.Enfin, de nombreux aspects symboliques ont été mis en évidence et caractérisés. Un bloc calcaire est sculpté et peint pour représenter un visage, selon une tradition peut-être héritée de pratiques proche-orientales. La teinte rouge est associée à la sphère funéraire. La coloration de productions céramiques techniquement très investies et vraisemblablement dédiées à des pratiques sociales particulières est aussi observée ; cette coloration est appliquée par incrustation de poudre durant les VBQ à Pendimoun et par peintures rouges ou noires et par incrustations blanches au Chasséen ancien à Giribaldi.The aim of this research was to determine the “chaînes opératoires” of colouring materials in the north-western Mediterranean region during the Early and Middle Neolithic and to integrate them in chrono-cultural framework. Two major archaeological sites were selected: Castellar – Pendimoun rock-shelter (5750-4900 cal. BCE) and Nice – Giribaldi, an open-air site (4550-4050 cal. BCE).The techno-economic analysis reveals contrasting situations. At Pendimoun, three local colouring materials, presenting various physic-chemical properties, were used during the VI millennium BCE. They were processed identically according to simple schemes in order to provide a wide range of products: goethite or hematite, in quantities for utilitarian needs or in fine powder for colouring purposes.Giribaldi witnessed a dichotomous management. Some local geomaterials were crafted such as the ones in Pendimoun but exogenous rocks were also specifically processed depending on their cohesion. Furthermore, this overview is not diachronically uniform as bauxites progressively replaced other raw materials in Early Chassey stages.Last, several symbolical aspects have been highlighted and characterized. A calcareous block was carved and painted in red- and yellowed to portray an anthropomorphic “mask”. The colour red is associated with funeral activities. Starting at the SMP phases, the main use of color is aimed at the coloring of ceramics, the latter probably dedicated to specific social activities as suggested by the technical investment involved: red powder incrustation in ceramic (Pendimoun) and then by white powder incrustation in engraved decor, black and red painting (Giribaldi)

    Les matières colorantes

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    Les matières colorante

    Les matières colorantes

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    Les matières colorante

    The roads of colouring materials: from sources to residues

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    Economic systems and social relationships gain an increasing complexity in prehistoric periods. Despite their symbolic value and their informative potential in these issues, colouring materials (“ochre”, iron oxi(hydrxi)des, cinnabar, etc.) had received scant attention compare to obsidian, flint, metals or igneous rocks. Since the 2000’s, trace elemental analysis (PIXE, XRF, INAA, ICP-MS) and petrographic studies give keys to collect gitological and sourcing data. This methodology has recently improved quantitative knowledge on colouring material’s acquisition modalities and on global technic system itself. Contrasting situations are indeed highlight: archaeological corpus may consist of several raw colouring materials, unequally shared, providing from site range, close diffusion area or far diffusion area. Furthermore, the status of the different geomaterials, the diffusion modalities – direct acquisition, direct or indirect exchanges – and the identity of exporters, transporters and receivers (if any) stay unclear. Two main topics should liven up this session: a fruitful debate on different methodologies depending on geographical contexts and diachronic revue of colouring material procurement through the lens of cultural contexts and site’s status

    Towards a library of raw ferruginous and manganous rocks: challenges to source coloring rocks used during the Prehistory

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    PosterInternational audienceFrom 300 ky, prehistoric people have used pigmentaceous rocks. If the activities relatedto the so called ”pigment” uses are difficult to describe, it is principally due to the mode ofutilization. In fact, these mineral resources were mainly ground to powder, which irreme-diably destroyed the structure of the initial rock, and blur the informations concerning theselection of the raw coloring materials, the techniques of transformation implemented and,at least, the utilizations.In order to overcome this critical situation, we focus on the supply. This initial step ofanalysis will benefit to a better understanding of: - the past mineral landscape and the economical areas in which diverse prehistoric peoplesettled transported goods and changed through times,- the choice of raw coloring materials compared to, in one hand, the other geologicalcoloring materials that were available, and, in the other hand, the other resources collected,such as flakable rocks ( Reseau des Lithotheques).- the main sensitive criteria of these choices, i.e. visual and mechanical criteria, whichhave connections with technical preoccupations during the transformation process of the rawrocks by grinding, heating and mixing, and finally may elucidate the utilizations.In this view, we are currently building a library of natural coloring materials. The mainissue is to establish a relevant ID card for each geological deposit taking into account the geological dynamics. As for flakable resources and based on existing methodology, we conduct systematic surveys and documentations of the iron and manganese oxide (hydroxide)containing deposits. We collect information at different scales: petrography, mineralogy and geochemisty in order to find the geologicalfingerprints which could be used to differentiate the geomaterials and to compare with diverse archaeological remains coming from thePaleolithic sites, including coloring fragments, residues on tools and paintings/drawings.The first step of this library called ”pigmentotheque” has been initiated between the Ardecheand Gard valleys (south-east of France), considering the high potential of ferruginous depositsin various contrasted geological environments and the closeness with numerous prehistoricsettlements and Paleolithic rock art sites. Comparison and discussion could be done firstlywith the collection of colored and coloring matter artefacts from the ” Grotte aux points ”and from the ” Abri des Pˆecheurs ” (Ard`eche), currently studie

    Éduquer au temps de la distanciation sociale ::entre contraintes et créativité

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    La situation sanitaire actuelle avec son lot de mesures et de contraintes a mis l’organisation de l’accueil de l’enfance à rude épreuve. Néanmoins, si la distanciation sociale est de rigueur et reconfigure les modalités d’accueil, les professionnel·le·s de l’enfance composent avec les nouvelles normes sanitaires, les ajustent, voire les contournent, afin d’assurer des soins et un accompagnement où proximité et distance sont évaluées en fonction des situations, du degré d’autonomie et de l’âge des enfants accueilli·e·s. De fait, si les mesures imposées ont contraint les équipes à se réorganiser ainsi qu’à renoncer à des pratiques pédagogiques orientées vers le libre accès à un matériel riche et varié, elles ont aussi généré de la créativité que ce soit dans l’accompagnement des enfants ou dans le maintien et le développement des relations avec les parents