47 research outputs found

    Node clone detection using a stable overlay network

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    Wireless sensor networks consist of number of sensor nodes widely distributed in particular region to communicate and sharing the environmental information and also these data’s are stored in central location for further data prediction. Such nodes are susceptible to cloning attack where the adversary captures a node, replicates with the same identity as that of the captured node and deploys the clone back into the network, causing severe harm to the network. Hence to thwart such attacks, a distributed detection protocol is used with initiator-observer-inspector roles assigned randomly for the nodes to witness the clone and thereby broadcast the evidence through a balanced overlay network. Use of such balanced network provides high security level and reduces the communication cost when compared to other overlay networks with a reasonably less storage consumption

    Media Video Kejadian Fisika Di Lingkungan Disertai Besaran Fisis Dalam Pembelajaran Fisika Di SMA (Studi Pada Kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Muncar)

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    Video Media Physics Phenomenon in Environment Accompanied by Physical Magnitudes, showing video physics phenomenon the existing events around students (contains the concepts of physics) that accompanied a detailed of the physical magnitudes according to the material used. The purposes of this research are to describe learning activities, determine the difference learning achievement of physics before and after learning, and describe their retention. This research was carried out in SMA Negeri 1 Muncar and this research is a research quasi experiment, doing only in one group of experiments. This type of design used the Time-Series Design. Data learning activities during learning that applying Video Media Physics Phenomenon in Environment Accompanied by Physical Magnitudes obtained 79,41% in average, the data analysis learning achievement using t-test and t-table that show the value of t-test > t-table, and the is high grades with the retention ≥ 70% in each of the meeting. This research can be concluded that the activity of learning to used Video Media Physics Phenomenon in Environment Accompanied by Physical Magnitudes categorized is active, there is difference in learning achievement before and after learning, and have a strong retention

    Factors Related to Open Defecation Behavior Among School-age Children in West Lombok

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    Introduction: Open defecation behavior is one cause of poor sanitation, which can lead to various diseases. Open defecation behavior related with cultural factors that become a habit in the daily life in a society which was then followed by their children. This study aimed to analyze factors related to the parental behavior of open defecation in school-age children based on the theory of transcultural nursing in Marce, Sedau Community Health Center Area, West Lombok Indonesia. Methods: This was a descriptive research design with cross-sectional approach. Samples were taken by simple random sampling technique and obtained 95 parents of children aged 7-12 years. Independent variables were education level, economy level, cultural values and lifestyle, social and family values, religiosity, technology. The dependent variable was open defecation behavior of the parents in school age children. This research was analyzed using Spearman rho test with significance level α = 0.05. Results: education level (p = 0.000; r = 0.390), economy level (p = 0.003; r = 0.298), cultural values and lifestyle (p = 0.000; r = 0.555), social and family (p = 0.000; r = 0.444), religiosity (p = 0.000; r = 0.300), technology (p = 0.000; r = 0354) has a significant relationship with the parents about the open defecation behavior in school age children. Conclusion: the intervention was needed on the factors that influence the open defecation behavior by nurses participating directly to communities to increase public awareness about the importance of healthy defecate in a closet to avoid the disease

    Prediction of Foraging Strategy Through The Wing Morphology of Three Forest Fruit Bats

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    Wing morphology is an important indicator of the foraging ecology of bats, as they may constrain the foraging habitats bat can use, the types of food items that they can detect, and how those resources are perceived. The fruit eating bats differ from insect eating bats in their foraging patterns. Low aspect ratio, short wingspan and high wing loading in respect to that of the body size has provided them with commuting foraging flights covering wider area. Three of the megachiropterans species of the present study shown remarkable variation in their flight patterns depending on their wing morphology. But all of them show broad wing with high wing loading enabling them to attain a moderate flight speed which provide them sufficient foraging time and long-distance commuting flight. But they show variation in their wingspan, aspect ratio and wing tip length and wing tip shape. This variation helps each one of them to attain species-specific manoevrability flight in cluttered area, low cost of transport and agility. This variation in turn reflects their foraging pattern and selection of food items. The present study has made an attempt to focus on the variation in the wing morphology of three forest fruit and correlated with foraging strategy

    The Increasing of Preschool Multiple Intelligences by Educative Playing Instrument Stimulation

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    Introduction: Multiple Intelligences can be incresed by playing stimulation with educative playing instrument. Educative playing is the activity that uses educate ways and instrument. Educative playing very important to increase speech development, cognitive, socialisation with the environment and also increse the streght and skill of child\u27s body. Method: Design used in this study was quasy experiment design. The population was preschool children 4–5 years old in working area of Mojo Public Health Centre of Surabaya. The sample was preschool children 4–5 years old that spesific in inclution criteria of this study. Data were analyzed by wilcoxon signed rank test to compare the ordinal data pre and post intervention and mann withney u-test that compare between intervention group and control group with level of signifi cance of α ≤ 0.05. Result: The result of speech development that analyzed by Wilcoxon signed rank test showed that controlled group had p = 0.157 and intervention group had p = 0.005 and the result of mann whitney test was p = 0.03. The result of kinesthetic development by wilcoxon signed rank test showed that controlled group has p = 0.317 and intervention group has p = 0.005, and analyzed by mann whitney test in kinesthetic development showed the result of p = 0.02. Discussion: Educative playing instrument (picture cards, play dough, origami and meronce) increased speech and fine motoric development of preschool children 4–5 years old in Mojo Indah Kindergarten of Surabaya. Educative playing instrument is the activity that makes the playing function optimally in child development and this activity can increase the child development such as physical, speech, cognitive and social adaptation

    Factors Affecting Husband Participation in Antenatal Care Attendance and Delivery

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    Abstract. The government has implemented several programs to prevent and reduce a mother’s mortality rate by enhancing active role of the family. The most responsible family member on maintaining the pregnancy and delivery process is the husband. The husband must be active to take care of his wife. Active participation of the husband in accompanying his wife during pregnancy and the delivery process is one of the substantial factors, which helps the husband to take decisions related to the health of his wife. This study aimed to identify variables and its trends, which significantly affect a husband’s participation in accompanying his wife during pregnancy and the delivery process. The data used in this study was from an Indonesian Demographic Health Survey 2012. The study used binary logistic regression as the analysis method. The result showed as many as 8,237 husbands accompanied their wife in antenatal care and the delivery process. The significant variables affecting the husband participation are the age of the wife, the education of wife, the education of the husband, the occupational status of the wife and the husband, the number of children, pregnancy status, and residency region. The possibility for a husband to accompany his wife is larger in several factors, such as the wife being between the ages of 21 – 35 years old, a husband who minimally graduated from junior high school, a working husband, as well as a wife, and the number of children less than and equal to two and the expected pregnancy. The government should consider those factors to create policy related women’s health and integrate the factors into various sectors. Key words: Husband participation, Indonesian DHS, Women’s Healt

    Necrotising fasciitis of the shoulder in association with rheumatoid arthritis treated with etanercept: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Necrotising fasciitis is a severe infection characterised by the fulminant destruction of tissue with associated systemic signs of sepsis and toxicity. Etanercept is a fully human fusion protein that inhibits tumor necrosis factor and the inflammatory cascade. It is effective in the treatment of many disorders but concerns regarding severe life threatening infections have been raised in multiple reports.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We present the case of a 39-year-old Caucasian man, who presented with sudden onset of severe and progressive neck and left shoulder pain, with a two-year history of seronegative rheumatoid arthritis treated with azathoprine and etanercept. On examination the left side of his neck and his left shoulder were oedematous, tender with an erythematous rash and his active range of movement was limited. Magnetic resonance imaging of his shoulder showed extensive oedema of the subcutaneous and intramuscular fat of the left lower neck consistent with fasciitis. He was treated medically and made a good recovery.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our patient, while having a pre-existing increased mortality risk, had a serious infection which responded well to optimum medical treatment without the need for surgery. As anti tumor necrosis factor agents are frequently associated with infection, including tuberculous infection, this case highlights the need for a high index of suspicion for other severe bacterial infections in patients on immunosuppressants.</p

    Altered Immune Responses in Rhesus Macaques Co-Infected with SIV and Plasmodium cynomolgi: An Animal Model for Coincident AIDS and Relapsing Malaria

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    BACKGROUND:Dual epidemics of the malaria parasite Plasmodium and HIV-1 in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia present a significant risk for co-infection in these overlapping endemic regions. Recent studies of HIV/Plasmodium falciparum co-infection have reported significant interactions of these pathogens, including more rapid CD4+ T cell loss, increased viral load, increased immunosuppression, and increased episodes of clinical malaria. Here, we describe a novel rhesus macaque model for co-infection that supports and expands upon findings in human co-infection studies and can be used to identify interactions between these two pathogens. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:Five rhesus macaques were infected with P. cynomolgi and, following three parasite relapses, with SIV. Compared to macaques infected with SIV alone, co-infected animals had, as a group, decreased survival time and more rapid declines in markers for SIV progression, including peripheral CD4+ T cells and CD4+/CD8+ T cell ratios. The naïve CD4+ T cell pool of the co-infected animals was depleted more rapidly than animals infected with SIV alone. The co-infected animals also failed to generate proliferative responses to parasitemia by CD4+ and CD8+ T cells as well as B cells while also having a less robust anti-parasite and altered anti-SIV antibody response. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:These data suggest that infection with both SIV and Plasmodium enhances SIV-induced disease progression and impairs the anti-Plasmodium immune response. These data support findings in HIV/Plasmodium co-infection studies. This animal model can be used to further define impacts of lentivirus and Plasmodium co-infection and guide public health and therapeutic interventions

    Prosiding Seminar Nasional "World Fit For Children"

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    Seminar Nasional dengan tema “World Fits for Children” dilaksanakan pada tanggal 6 Oktober 2012 di Universitas Diponegoro dalam rangka Dies Natalis ke-55. Seminar ini bertujuan untuk menghimpun pengetahuan dari berbagai sumber terkait data tentang situasi anak dan tantangan dalam upaya pemenuhan hak-hak anak. Prosiding ini disusun untuk mendokumentasikan dan mengkomunikasikan hasil seminar nasional tersebut yang terangkum dalam makalah-makalah yang disajikan dalam seminar serta hasil rumusan seminar. Pada kesempatan ini kami menyampaikan terima kasih kepada Menteri Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak Republik Indonesia selaku keynote speaker, Direktur Jendral Bina Gizi dan Kesehatan Ibu Anak, UNICEF dan Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah Surakarta, para penyaji dan penulis makalah, penyunting serta redaksi pelaksana yang telah bekerja keras sehingga prosiding ini dapat diterbitkan. Mudah-mudahan prosiding ini bermanfaat bagi pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan, utamanya bagi pengambil kebijakan dalam hal pemenuhan kebutuhan anak. Pemilihan tema World Fits for Children dilatarbelakangi pemikiran-pemikiran antara lain hasil penelitian mengenai “Children’s Perception of the Environment” oleh Kevin Lynch (arsitek dari Massachusetts Institute of Technology) di 4 kota – Melbourne, Warsawa, Salta, dan Mexico City – tahun 1971-1975 telah menggugah dunia untuk peduli terhadap anak. Pada KTT Bumi di Rio de Janeiro 1992, disepakati prinsip Agenda 21 yaitu Program Aksi untuk Pembangunan Berkelanjutan, bahwa, anak dan remaja sebagai salah satu Kelompok Utama yang dilibatkan untuk melindungi lingkungan yang berkelanjutan.Penelitian Kevin Lynch ditinjau dan dilakukan penelitian serupa oleh Dr Louise Chawla dari the Children and Environment Program of the Norwegian Centre for Child esearch - Trondheim, Norwegia tahun 1994-1995. Hasil penelitian ini menjadi indikator bagi UNICEF dalam mengawasi pemenuhan hak anak di kota sebagai bagian dari Child Friendly City Initiative untuk pemerintah kota. Data tentang situasi anak di Indonesia menunjukkan masih banyak tantangan dalam upaya pemenuhan hak anak. Menurut data BPS tahun 2006, masih terdapat anak terlantar dan hampir terlantar sebanyak 17.694.000 jiwa (22,14%). Melihat fakta di atas, dapat dikatakan pemenuhan hak-hak anak di Indonesia masih terpinggirkan oleh pembuat kebijakan. Oleh karena itu diperlukan peran semua pihak termasuk akademisi, pakar dan praktisi, serta pembuat kebijakan harus bersinergi agar dicapai hasil yang optimal untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup anak Indonesia ke depan. Seminar ini diharapkan dapat menjadi media untuk berbagi informasi dan pengalama