103 research outputs found


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    We describe a new genus for a jumping spider that was originally placed in the large genus Menemerus Simon 1868, from which the new genus is clearly different. They were later reclassified as Icius, then as Pseudicius, and still later as Salticus. These initial classifications were repeated by a number of authors. The distinctive features of the male, and somewhat ambiguous features of the female, do not fit any known genus; and this species is here assigned to the new genus Hakka


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    The use of RTN GNSS surveying technology (Real Time Kinematic Global Navigation Satellite System) for direct measurements of building structures is extremely difficult, and often impossible. Therefore, the real-time technology is supported by indirect methods of measurements. One such solution is the method of line-line intersection. Having determined the position (the coordinates) of the so-called base points on the extension of the wall faces of a building, and having calculated the coordinates of intersection of the lines of relationships between the base points, the coordinates of corners of a building structure are obtained, which are relatively unreliable. In order to increase the reliability of these coordinates, the author proposes to add an innovative solution called vector translation to the classical method of line-line intersection. This paper proves the thesis on the increased reliability of determining the coordinates of corners of buildings by conducting an appropriate mathematical analysis of these formulas, using the algorithm developed by the author. The performed analysis shows that this innovative solution results in a smaller difference between the adjusted coordinates relative to the theoretical ones, than the difference captured from the “raw” measurement results with respect to the theoretical values

    On the pulse--width statistics in radio pulsars. I. Importance of the interpulse emission

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    We performed Monte Carlo simulations of different properties of pulsar radio emission, such as: pulsar periods, pulse-widths, inclination angles and rates of occurrence of interpulse emission (IP). We used recently available large data sets of the pulsar periods P, the pulse profile widths W and the magnetic inclination angle alpha. We also compiled the largest ever database of pulsars with interpulse emission, divided into the double-pole (DP-IP) and the single-pole (SP-IP) cases. Their distribution on the P - Pdot diagram strongly suggests a secular alignment of the magnetic axis from the originally random orientation. We derived possible parent distribution functions of important pulsar parameters by means of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov significance test using the available data sets (P, W, alpha and IP), different models of pulsar radio beam rho = rho(P) as well as different trial distribution functions of pulsar period and the inclination angles. The best suited parent period distribution function is the log-normal distribution, although the gamma function distribution cannot be excluded. The strongest constraint on derived model distribution functions was the requirement that the numbers of interpulses were exactly (within 1sigma errors) at the observed level of occurrences. We found that a suitable model distribution function for the inclination angle is the complicated trigonometric function which has two local maxima, one near 0 deg and the other near 90 deg. The former and the latter implies the right rates of IP occurrence. It is very unlikely that the pulsar beam deviates significantly from the circular cross-section. We found that the upper limit for the average beaming factor fb describing a fraction of the full sphere (called also beaming fraction) covered by a pulsar beam is about 10%. This implies that the number of the neutron stars in the Galaxy might be underestimated.Comment: 35 pages, 18 figure

    Mechanical and tribological characterization of nanostructured HfB2 flms deposited from compound target

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    Fabrication and development of HfB2-based nanostructured coatings was investigated. All flms were deposited on stainless-steel substrates by RF magnetron sputtering from stochiometric HfB2 target in argon atmosphere. The aim of this work is to evaluate the efects of the bias potential on the microstructure, mechanical and tribological properties. These parameters strongly depend on the experimental conditions. X-ray difraction analysis indicated the diference in microstructure: from dense hexagonal structure with (0001) preferred orientation of nanocrystallites to quasi-amorphous with blurred HfB2 phase peaks. All coatings were measured using nanoindentation (using Berkovich tip), tribology (ballon-disk) and nano-scratch (friction). Coatings with a thickness of 1–2 µm had a signifcant dependence of properties on the microstructure: hardness drastically increased from 8 to 45 GPa, H/E ratio and elastic recovery changed respectively: 0.04–0.15 and 0.26–0.72