6,986 research outputs found

    Hydrogen Dissociation and Diffusion on Transition Metal(=Ti,Zr,V,Fe,Ru,Co,Rh,Ni,Pd,Cu,Ag)-doped Mg(0001) Surfaces

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    The kinetics of hydrogen absorption by magnesium bulk is affected by two main activated processes: the dissociation of the H2_2 molecule and the diffusion of atomic H into the bulk. In order to have fast absorption kinetics both activated processed need to have a low barrier. Here we report a systematic ab-initio density functional theory investigation of H2_2 dissociation and subsequent atomic H diffusion on TM(=Ti,V,Zr,Fe,Ru,Co,Rh,Ni,Pd,Cu,Ag)-doped Mg(0001) surfaces. The calculations show that doping the surface with TM's on the left of the periodic table eliminates the barrier for the dissociation of the molecule, but the H atoms bind very strongly to the TM, therefore hindering diffusion. Conversely, TM's on the right of the periodic table don't bind H, however, they do not reduce the barrier to dissociate H2_2 significantly. Our results show that Fe, Ni and Rh, and to some extent Co and Pd, are all exceptions, combining low activation barriers for both processes, with Ni being the best possible choice.Comment: accepted in the International Journal of Hydrogen Energ

    Quantum Portrait of a Black Hole with P\"oschl-Teller Potential

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    We improve upon the simple model studied by Casadio and Orlandi [JHEP 1308 (2013) 025] for a black hole as a condensate of gravitons. Instead of the harmonic oscillator potential, the P\"oschl-Teller potential is used, which allows for a continuum of scattering states. The quantum mechanical model is embedded into a relativistic wave equation for a complex Klein-Gordon field, and the charge of the field is interpreted as the gravitational charge (mass) carried by the graviton condensate.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, v2: typos correcte

    On tests of general relativity with binary radio pulsars

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    The timing of radio pulsars in binary systems provides a superb testing ground of general relativity. Here we propose a Bayesian approach to carry out these tests, and a relevant efficient numerical implementation, that has several conceptual and practical advantages with respect to traditional methods based on least-square-fits that have been used so far: (i) it accounts for the actual structure of the likelihood function - and it is not predicated on the Laplace approximation which is implicitly built in least-square fits that can potentially bias the inference - (ii) it provides the ratio of the evidences of any two models under consideration as the statistical quantity to compare different theories, and (iii) it allows us to put joint constraints from the monitoring of multiple systems, that can be expressed in terms of ratio of evidences or probability intervals of global (thus not system-dependent) parameters of the theory, if any exists. Our proposed approach optimally exploits the progress in timing of radio pulsars and the increase in the number of observed systems. We demonstrate the power of this framework using simulated data sets that are representative of current observations.Comment: Accepted for publication on MNRAS Letter

    How serious can the stealth bias be in gravitational wave parameter estimation?

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    The upcoming direct detection of gravitational waves will open a window to probing the strong-field regime of general relativity (GR). As a consequence, waveforms that include the presence of deviations from GR have been developed (e.g. in the parametrized post-Einsteinian approach). TIGER, a data analysis pipeline which builds Bayesian evidence to support or question the validity of GR, has been written and tested. In particular, it was shown recently that data from the LIGO and Virgo detectors will allow to detect deviations from GR smaller than can be probed with Solar System tests and pulsar timing measurements or not accessible with conventional tests of GR. However, evidence from several detections is required before a deviation from GR can be confidently claimed. An interesting consequence is that, should GR not be the correct theory of gravity in its strong field regime, using standard GR templates for the matched filter analysis of interferometer data will introduce biases in the gravitational wave measured parameters with potentially disastrous consequences on the astrophysical inferences, such as the coalescence rate or the mass distribution. We consider three heuristic possible deviations from GR and show that the biases introduced by assuming GR's validity manifest in various ways. The mass parameters are usually the most affected, with biases that can be as large as 3030 standard deviations for the symmetric mass ratio, and nearly one percent for the chirp mass, which is usually estimated with sub-percent accuracy. We conclude that statements about the nature of the observed sources, e.g. if both objects are neutron stars, depend critically on the explicit assumption that GR it the right theory of gravity in the strong field regime.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, 5 table

    Observational Black Hole Spectroscopy: A time-domain multimode analysis of GW150914

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    The detection of the least damped quasi-normal mode from the remnant of the gravitational wave event GW150914 realised the long sought possibility to observationally study the properties of quasi-stationary black hole spacetimes through gravitational waves. Past literature has extensively explored this possibility and the emerging field has been named "black hole spectroscopy". In this study, we present results regarding the ringdown spectrum of GW150914, obtained by application of Bayesian inference to identify and characterise the ringdown modes. We employ a pure time-domain analysis method which infers from the data the time of transition between the non-linear and quasi-linear regime of the post-merger emission in concert with all other parameters characterising the source. We find that the data provides no evidence for the presence of more than one quasi-normal mode. However, from the central frequency and damping time posteriors alone, no unambiguous identification of a single mode is possible. More in-depth analysis adopting a ringdown model based on results in perturbation theory over the Kerr metric, confirms that the data do not provide enough evidence to discriminate among an l=2l=2 and the l=3l=3 subset of modes. Our work provides the first comprehensive agnostic framework to observationally investigate astrophysical black holes' ringdown spectra.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Efficient computation of the gravitational wave spectrum emitted by eccentric massive black hole binaries in stellar environments

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    We present a fast and versatile method to calculate the characteristic spectrum hch_c of the gravitational wave background (GWB) emitted by a population of eccentric massive black hole binaries (MBHBs). We fit the spectrum of a reference MBHB with a simple analytic function and show that the spectrum of any other MBHB can be derived from this reference spectrum via simple scalings of mass, redshift and frequency. We then apply our calculation to a realistic population of MBHBs evolving via 3-body scattering of stars in galactic nuclei. We demonstrate that our analytic prescription satisfactorily describes the signal in the frequency band relevant to pulsar timing array (PTA) observations. Finally we model the high frequency steepening of the GWB to provide a complete description of the features characterizing the spectrum. For typical stellar distributions observed in massive galaxies, our calculation shows that 3-body scattering alone is unlikely to affect the GWB in the PTA band and a low frequency turnover in the spectrum is caused primarily by high eccentricities.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, published in MNRA

    Estimating parameters of binary black holes from gravitational-wave observations of their inspiral, merger and ringdown

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    We characterize the expected statistical errors with which the parameters of black-hole binaries can be measured from gravitational-wave (GW) observations of their inspiral, merger and ringdown by a network of second-generation ground-based GW observatories. We simulate a population of black-hole binaries with uniform distribution of component masses in the interval (3,80) M(3,80)~M_\odot, distributed uniformly in comoving volume, with isotropic orientations. From signals producing signal-to-noise ratio 5\geq 5 in at least two detectors, we estimate the posterior distributions of the binary parameters using the Bayesian parameter estimation code LALInference. The GW signals will be redshifted due to the cosmological expansion and we measure only the "redshifted" masses. By assuming a cosmology, it is possible to estimate the gravitational masses by inferring the redshift from the measured posterior of the luminosity distance. We find that the measurement of the gravitational masses will be in general dominated by the error in measuring the luminosity distance. In spite of this, the component masses of more than 50%50\% of the population can be measured with accuracy better than 25%\sim 25\% using the Advanced LIGO-Virgo network. Additionally, the mass of the final black hole can be measured with median accuracy 18%\sim 18\%. Spin of the final black hole can be measured with median accuracy 5% (17%)\sim 5\% ~(17\%) for binaries with non-spinning (aligned-spin) black holes. Additional detectors in Japan and India significantly improve the accuracy of sky localization, and moderately improve the estimation of luminosity distance, and hence, that of all mass parameters. We discuss the implication of these results on the observational evidence of intermediate-mass black holes and the estimation of cosmological parameters using GW observations.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Stellar binary black holes in the LISA band: a new class of standard sirens

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    The recent Advanced LIGO detections of coalescing black hole binaries (BHBs) imply a large population of such systems emitting at milli-Hz frequencies, accessible to the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA). We show that these systems provide a new class of cosmological standard sirens. Direct LISA luminosity distance -DlD_l- measurements, combined with the inhomogeneous redshift -zz- distribution of possible host galaxies provide an effective way to populate the DlzD_l-z diagram at z<0.1z<0.1, thus allowing a precise local measurement of the Hubble expansion rate. To be effective, the method requires a sufficiently precise LISA distance determination and sky localization of a sizeable number of BHBs, which is best achieved for a 6-link detector configuration. We find that, for a BHB population consistent with current fiducial LIGO rates, the Hubble constant H0H_0 can be determined at the \sim5% and \sim2% level (68% confidence) assuming two and five million Km arm-length respectively.Comment: 9 pages 4 figures, to be submitted to MNRA

    Influences of Al doping on the electronic structure of Mg(0001) and dissociation property of H2

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    By using the density functional theory method, we systematically study the influences of the doping of an Al atom on the electronic structures of the Mg(0001) surface and dissociation behaviors of H2 molecules. We find that for the Al-doped surfaces, the surface relaxation around the doping layer changes from expansion of a clean Mg(0001) surface to contraction, due to the redistribution of electrons. After doping, the work function is enlarged, and the electronic states around the Fermi energy have a major distribution around the doping layer. For the dissociation of H2 molecules, we find that the energy barrier is enlarged for the doped surfaces. Especially, when the Al atom is doped at the first layer, the energy barrier is enlarged by 0.30 eV. For different doping lengths, however, the dissociation energy barrier decreases slowly to the value on a clean Mg(0001) surface when the doping layer is far away from the top surface. Our results well describe the electronic changes after Al-doping for the Mg(0001) surface, and reveal some possible mechanisms for improving the resistance to corrosion of the Mg(0001) surface by doping of Al atoms

    Tight Mobile Byzantine Tolerant Atomic Storage

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    This paper proposes the first implementation of an atomic storage tolerant to mobile Byzantine agents. Our implementation is designed for the round-based synchronous model where the set of Byzantine nodes changes from round to round. In this model we explore the feasibility of multi-writer multi-reader atomic register prone to various mobile Byzantine behaviors. We prove upper and lower bounds for solving the atomic storage in all the explored models. Our results, significantly different from the static case, advocate for a deeper study of the main building blocks of distributed computing while the system is prone to mobile Byzantine failures