130 research outputs found

    Underweight and overweight among children and adolescents in Tuscany (Italy). Prevalence and short-term trends

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    Introduction. The recent increase in both childhood obesity and adolescent anorexia nervosa in developed countries has under-lined the important consequences that these trends may have on public health, as there is an increased risk that these conditions may become chronic diseases in adulthood. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor prevalence rates and trends in thinness and overweight (including obesity) among children and adolescents at different levels: international, national and sub-national. Since 2001/2002, a nutritional surveillance system has been implemented in the Tuscany Region to estimate the nutritional status and lifestyles of children and adolescents. The main objectives were to assess the prevalence of thinness, overweight and obesity among Tuscan children and adolescents and to provide baseline information on the prevalence of thinness, for the first time calculated according to the new international definitions, for geographical comparisons and descriptions of time trends. Methods. Independent cross-sectional sample surveys were conducted in 2002, 2004 and 2006 in Tuscany, North-Central Italy. Data were collected from stratified two-stage cluster samples of children aged 9 years (n = 3,048 in 2002 and n = 1,430 in 2006) and of adolescents aged 11-13-15 years (n = 1,066, n = 1185 and n = 1,160 in 2004 and n = 1,189, n = 1,211 and n = 1,178 in 2006, respectively). Weights and heights of primary school children were measured by means of standardized methods, while those of adolescents were self-reported. Decimal age was calculated from the date of birth to the date of measurement. Body Mass Index classes were calculated according to the International Obesity Task Force standards. Instead of the term underweight in children, we used the term thinness, which the World Health Organization uses to mean low Body Mass Index for age in adults and adolescents. According to Cole?s recently published cut-offs for thinness, we divided our Body Mass Index values below 18.5 into three grades. Results. This study presents data on the prevalence of different grades of nutritional status (thinness, normal weight, overweight and obesity) among Tuscan school-aged children from primary to high school (9-11-13-15-y-old), assessed by means of Body Mass Index, according to international definitions. From 2002 to 2006 the prevalence of thinness among children aged 9 years decreased from 4.6% to 4.2%, and the prevalence of normal weight from 63.7% to 62.4%; the prevalence of overweight (including obesity) rose from 31.7% to 33.4%. From 2004 to 2006, among pre-adolescents aged 11 years, the prevalence of thinness declined from 11.0% to 10.1%; the prevalence of normal weight rose from 68.4% to 70.2%, and the prevalence of overweight declined from 20.7% to 19.6%. Among adolescents aged 13 years, the prevalence of thinness declined from 9.8% to 8.0%; the prevalence of normal weight rose from 73.5% to 74.0%, and the prevalence of overweight from 16.8% to 17.9%. Among adolescents aged 15 years, the prevalence of thinness declined from 9.8% to 8.7%, and the prevalence of normal weight from 77.0% to 71.6%, while the prevalence of overweight rose from 13.3% to 19.7%. The 2006 data showed that the trend in the prevalence of overweight (including obesity) tended to decrease with age for both sexes, though more markedly in girls (from 34.0% at 9-y of age to 12.2% at 15-y of age) than in boys (from 32.8% at 9-y of age to 22.8% at 13-y of age to 27.5% at 15-y of age). By contrast, the prevalence of thinness increased with age in girls (from 4.9% at 9-y of age to 14,1% at 15-y of age), while boys presented a similar low prevalence at 9 and 15-y of age (3.3% and 3.1%), doubling the values at 11 and 13-y of age (7.5% and 6.5%). The trend in the prevalence of normal weight increased with age from 62.4% at 9-y of age to 74.0% at 13-y of age and to 71.6% at 15-y of age. Boys displayed a higher prevalence than girls only at 9-y of age (63.9% vs. 61.0%). Discussion. The results of this study allow us to analyze data from the nutritional surveillance system in Tuscany using recent definitions of Body Mass Index cut-off points among children, pre-adolescents and adolescents. As a rule, the trend in the prevalence of overweight (including obesity) among girls from 9-y to 15-y-old strongly decreased, while the prevalence of thinness increased. In boys, this decrease was less marked and the prevalence of thinness displayed an irregular trend, with an increment from 9-y to 11-y-old and a decrease from 13-y to 15-y old. The trend in the prevalence of normal weight increased with age, with a higher prevalence among boys than girls

    Efeito do líquido folicular bovino tratado com carvão ativado na secreção de FSH em novilhas pré-púberes intatas e ovariectomizadas

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    The aim of the experiment was to determine whether charcoal-treated bovine follicular fluid (bFF) removed from visible (< 22 mm) follicles altered the secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in intact and ovariectomized prepubertal heifers. After a 10-ml injection of bFF given at three consecutive 8-h intervals, secretion of FSH was depressed in approximately 44% of the ovariectomized heifers but there was no effect in intact heifers. When the bFF treatment ceased, there were no rebound effects on FSH concentrations above that of controls pretreatment levels. These results suggest that proteins from bFF act at the pituitary level to inhibit FSH secretion and, differently of the intact, the ovariectomized heifer is an adequate model to put this effect in evidence, particularly when the bFF have low FSH suppressing activity.O presente trabalho objetivou determinar o efeito do líquido folicular bovino tratado com carvão ativado (LFb) na secreção do hormônio folículo estimulante (FSH) de novilhas pré-púberes ovariectomizadas ou intatas. A aplicação de LFb (quatro injeções de 10 ml com intervalo de 8 horas) provocou uma queda de aproximadamente 44% na concentração plasmática de FSH nas novilhas ovariectomizadas, mas não teve efeito nas novilhas intatas. Não foi observada hipersecreção de FSH após o término da aplicação do LFb. Esses resultados sugerem que proteínas presentes no LFb atuam ao nível hipofisiário para inibir a secreção de FSH e, diferentemente das intatas, as novilhas ovariectomizadas constituem um modelo adequado para evidenciar esse efeito, particularmente quando o LFb possui reduzida atividade supressora do FSH

    Subproductos del olivar y sus procesamientos para obtención de productos con valor agregado.

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    La provincia de Catamarca tiene como líneas productivas relevantes la elaboración tanto de aceituna de mesa como de aceite de oliva. Esta actividad productiva genera volúmenes importantes de residuos, especialmente en lo que se refiere a residuos de poda y alpeorujo (residuo semisólido resultante de la extracción de aceite de oliva). Las metodologías o tecnologías de tratamiento empleadas están direccionadas principalmente a evitar la contaminación de suelos y aguas (superficiales y subterráneas), y a su vez lograr productos de valor comercial para ser integrados a esta cadena productiva. El presente trabajo muestra los resultados obtenidos al aplicar a estos residuos, tecnologías de compostaje, procesos extractivos de sustancias de interés en las áreas de alimentación, cosmetología y además, utilizar la biomasa para obtención de carbón activado con numerosas aplicaciones en procesos de recuperación de oro, de purificación de agua y para la industria alimentaria entre otros de alto impacto en la economía regional.publishedVersio

    About the Technology to treat olive waste for compost and the feasibility of its application

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    Los residuos de poda del olivar y de la extracción del aceite de oliva se han incrementado en las provincias de Catamarca y La Rioja durante los últimos años surgiendo la necesidad de gestionarlos empleando tecnologías amigables con el ambiente. La biodegradación de sustancias contenidas en el alpeorujo y hojas del olivo conjuntamente con estiércoles de ganado caprino y caballar propició la obtención de enmiendas orgánicas de calidad aceptable para su utilización como mejoradores de las propiedades de los suelos de uso agrícola. Los resultados expuestos en el presente artículo completo fueron logrados a través de ensayos experimentales llevados a cabo en una empresa oleícola del medio y predio de la UNCa y financiados por el Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva de Argentina.Os resíduos de poda do olivar e da extração do azeite de oliva incrementaram-se nas províncias de Catamarca e a Rioja durante os últimos anos surgindo a necessidade de geri-los empregando tecnologias amigáveis com o ambiente. A biodegradação de substâncias contidas no bagaço e folhas da oliveira conjuntamente com esterco de cabras e cavalos propiciou a obtenção de emendas orgânicas de qualidade aceitável para sua utilização como mejoradores das propriedades dos solos de uso agrícola. Os resultados expostos no presente artigo completo foram conseguidos através de ensaios experimentais finalizados numa empresa de azeite do predio da UNCA e financiados pelo Ministério de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação Produtiva de Argentina.In recent years, the olive tree pruning waste and extraction of olive oil have been increasing in the argentinian provinces of Catamarca and La Rioja, creating a necessity of using environmental friendly technologies. The biodegradation of substances contained in the residue of olive leaves together with goats and horses manure, led an acceptable quality of organic amendments to use as way of improving the soil properties for agricultural use. The results presented in this article were made through experimental tests conducted on a medium olive oil company and the UNCA campus. It was fund by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation of Argentina.Fil: Filippin, Ana Julia. Universidad Nacional de Catamarca. Facultad de Cs.exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Química; ArgentinaFil: Pozzi, Maria Teresa. Universidad Nacional de Catamarca. Facultad de Cs.exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Química; ArgentinaFil: Luna, Nadia Soledad. Universidad Nacional de Catamarca. Facultad de Cs.exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Química; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Nutritional Surveillance in Tuscany: eating habits at breakfast, mid-morning and afternoon snacks among 8-9 y-old children

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    Introduction.The prevalence of overweight and obesity in children is rapidly increasing in many countries. For that it has been interesting to investigate the eating habits of 8-9 y-old Tuscany children by paying attention to their meals frequency per day and their food choices in total and in relation to children?s Body Mass Index (BMI) classes. In addition we considered some environment factors that could affect the children eating behaviours, such as mother?s BMI and their education level. Methods. A statistical sample of 3,076 (1,583 males, 1,493 females), 8-9 year-old school-children was collected; weight and height were measured using standardized personnel and instruments. BMI classes were calculated using Cole et al.?s cutoff for children and adolescents. In order to evaluate the consumption frequency of individual meals and various foods, a Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) was used, which was completed by the children themselves at school. A self-administered questionnaire revealed the weight and height of parents and their educational levels. Three educational levels were established: high, medium and low. Results. The results showed that 92.3% of children ate breakfast from 4-7 times a week, the vast majority at home, while only 3% declared consuming breakfast never or almost never. The most preferred breakfast consisted of milk and biscuits for all children?s BMI classes. 95.9% of children reported having mid-morning snack at school; fruit juice and tea are the most frequently consumed liquid foods, and pizza, salami sandwiches and pre-packaged snacks are the most frequently consumed solid foods in all BMI classes. 93.6% ate afternoon snack for the most part at home, even if 12% of children reported consuming it elsewhere; fruit juice and tea with pizza, sandwiches and pre-packaged snacks are still the most highly consumed foods by all children?s BMI classes. The consumption frequency of breakfast (P inf. 0.001), mid-morning (P inf. 0.05) and afternoon snack (P inf. 0.05) of 8-9 y-old Tuscany children decrease with increase the children?s BMI classes. The same tendency may be noted for the consumption frequency of breakfast in relation to mother?s BMI (P inf. 0.05) and their education level (P inf. 0.05). This data strengthens the thesis that some home environments can affect the children?s eating behaviours. Conclusion. No substantial differences in food choices at the meals analyzed were determined among normal weight, over weight and obese children. Children of normal weight had a greater tendency to consume meals more regularly. Mother?s BMI and their education level can have influence on children?eating behaviours

    CD34 selected cells for the treatment of poor graft function after allogeneic stem cell transplantation.

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    Abstract Poor graft function (PGF) is characterized by pancytopenia and a hypoplastic marrow, with complete donor chimerism, usually without severe graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). We report 41 patients with PGF, treated with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor–mobilized CD34 selected cells, at a median interval from transplant of 140 days, without conditioning and without GVHD prophylaxis. Donors were HLA matched siblings (n = 12), unrelated donors (n = 18), or mismatched family members (n = 11). The median number of infused CD34 + cells was 3.4 × 10 6 /kg. The rate of trilineage recovery was 75%: 83% for HLA matched siblings and 72% for unrelated and mismatched family members ( P = .3). The cumulative incidence of acute grade II GVHD was 15%, and no patient developed de novo chronic GVHD. The actuarial 3-year survival is 63%: 76% and 25% for patients with or without trilineage recovery. These data confirm the role of CD34 + selected cells from the same donor in the treatment of PGF and warrant the request for a second donation also when the donor is unrelated

    Egg-Independent Influenza Vaccines and Vaccine Candidates

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    Vaccination remains the principal way to control seasonal infections and is the most effective method of reducing influenza-associated morbidity and mortality. Since the 1940s, the main method of producing influenza vaccines has been an egg-based production process. However, in the event of a pandemic, this method has a significant limitation, as the time lag from strain isolation to final dose formulation and validation is six months. Indeed, production in eggs is a relatively slow process and production yields are both unpredictable and highly variable from strain to strain. In particular, if the next influenza pandemic were to arise from an avian influenza virus, and thus reduce the egg-laying hen population, there would be a shortage of embryonated eggs available for vaccine manufacturing. Although the production of egg-derived vaccines will continue, new technological developments have generated a cell-culture-based influenza vaccine and other more recent platforms, such as synthetic influenza vaccines

    Improved Outcome of Alternative Donor Transplantations in Patients with Myelofibrosis: From Unrelated to Haploidentical Family Donors

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    Abstract This is a retrospective analysis of 95 patients with myelofibrosis who were allografted between 2001 and 2014. The aims of the study were to assess whether the outcome of alternative donor grafts has improved with time and how this compares with the outcome of identical sibling grafts. Patients were studied in 2 time intervals: 2000 to 2010 (n = 58) and 2011 to 2014 (n = 37). The Dynamic International Prognostic Scoring System score was comparable in the 2 time periods, but differences in the most recent group included older age (58 versus 53 years, P = .004), more family haploidentical donors (54% versus 5%, P .0001), and the introduction of the thiotepa-fludarabine-busulfan conditioning regimen (70% of patients versus 2%, P .0001). Acute and chronic graft-versus-host disease were comparable in the 2 time periods. The 3-year transplantation-related mortality (TRM) in the 2011 to 2014 period versus the 2000 to 2010 period is 16% versus 32% ( P = .10), the relapse rate 16% versus 40% ( P = .06), and actuarial survival 70% versus 39% ( P = .08). Improved survival was most pronounced in alternative donor grafts (69% versus 21%, P = .02), compared with matched sibling grafts (72% versus 45%, P = .40). In conclusion, the outcome of allografts in patients with myelofibrosis has improved in recent years because of a reduction of both TRM and relapse. Improvement is most significant in alternative donor transplantations, with modifications in donor type and conditioning regimen

    La elección de política contable en el marco de la NIC 16: “propiedad, planta y equipo”

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    La NIC 16 permite optar por el modelo de costo o el de revaluación para la medición periódica de cada grupo o clases de bienes integrantes de propiedad, planta y equipo. El modelo de costo se presenta como la opción más sencilla y menos costosa. No obstante, es indudable que la utilización de valores razonables permite brindar información más relevante a los usuarios de los estados financieros. El debate sobre el valor razonable se centra fundamentalmente en la compensación entre la relevancia y la confiabilidad. En concordancia con estudios previos, el relevamiento realizado muestra un uso muy limitado del modelo de revaluación por parte de las empresas cotizantes en Argentina, lo que sugiere que los directivos, en general, no consideran que la adopción del modelo de revaluación redunde en mayores beneficios económicos netos que el empleo del modelo de costo. Las empresas que optaron por el modelo de revaluación, en su mayoría lo hicieron para la clase de bienes inmuebles. Es probable que esta situación obedezca a que para estos bienes existe en general un mercado activo que facilita la determinación de valores razonables.IAS 16 provides a free choice between the cost model and the revaluation model for each asset class comprising property, plant and equipment. The cost model is presented as the simplest and least expensive option. However, there is no doubt that the use of fair value provides more relevant financial information to stakeholders. The debate over the fair value is primarily focused on the compensation between relevance and reliability. Consistent with previous studies, this research shows a very limited use of the revaluation model by the listed companies in Argentina, suggesting that, in general, managers do not consider that adopting the revaluation model brings greater economic benefits than the use of the cost model. Most of the companies that have chosen the revaluation model did it for the property asset class. This situation is probably explained by the fact that, normally, there is an active market for these assets that facilitates fair value measurements.Suardi, Diana; Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Estadística; Universidad Nacional de Rosario; Argentin