442 research outputs found

    Multiple slit interference and diffraction

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    The recent advances in nanotechnology and electron microscopy are making today possible the realization of experiments of diffraction and interference at multiple slits which formerly were carried out with extremely skilled specimen preparation techniques and dedicated electron optical apparatus [1]. Recently we have used the focused ion beam (FIB) to fabricate two slits on a commercial silicon nitride membrane suspended on a 100x100μm2 window realized on a 200μm thick silicon substrate, and observe the Fraunhofer image in a conventional TEM-JEOL 2010 [2]. Here we adopt a less expensive support for nano slits fabrication, consisting of a commercial continuous carbon film on a standard copper grid, which was subsequently evaporated with a gold layer about 120 nm in thickness. The slits (nominally 80nm wide, 420 nm spaced) were fabricated with a 9 pa, 30keV, Ga+ beam of a FEI Strata235M dual beam. The quality of the slits is really excellent, as shown in Fig. 1, which displays two (a), and three (b) slits. An additional advantage of these samples with respect to the previous 200μm thick ones, is that they can be inserted in almost all TEM-FEG specimen holder. The diffraction and interference experiments were carried out with the FEG-TEM JEM-2200FS. Owing to the larger coherence of the FEG with respect to the thermionic source, it has been possible to record interference and diffraction images with exposure times of few seconds. The three-slit case is illustrated in Fig. 2: (a) shows the image in focus, (b-d) the images taken at a nominal defocus of -10 mm, -20 mm and -40 mm respectively. They show the transition from the nearly separated Fresnel diffraction images of the single slits (b), to their subsequent overlapping as the defocus increases (c), displaying interference phenomena, till (d) the transition to a nearly Fraunhofer image. Fig. 3 displays the true Fraunhofer image, taken at a nominal defocus of -53 mm, which clearly shows the secondary minima between the more intense maxima. In the same in the perpendicular direction the single slit Fraunhofer images corresponding to the longer side of the slits can also be observed

    Unveiling the Evolution of Type I AGNs in the IR (15μm) — As Seen by ISO in the ELAIS-S1 Region

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    AbstractWe present the first estimate of the evolution of type 1 AGNs in the IR (15 μm) obtained from the ELAIS survey in the S1 region. We find that the luminosity function (LF) of Type 1 AGNs at 15μm is fairly well represented by a double power-law function with a bright slope of 2.9 and a faint slope of 1.1. There is evidence for significant cosmological evolution according to a pure luminosity evolution model L15(z)α(l+z)k, with in a (Ωm,ΩΛ)=(1.0,0.0) cosmology. This evolution is similar to what is observed at other wavebands. From the luminosity function and its evolution, we estimate a contribution of ~ 2% from Type 1 AGN to the total Cosmic Infrared Background (CIRB) at 15 μm

    Enabling instant- and interval-based semantics in multidimensional data models: the T+MultiDim Model

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    Time is a vital facet of every human activity. Data warehouses, which are huge repositories of historical information, must provide analysts with rich mechanisms for managing the temporal aspects of information. In this paper, we (i) propose T+MultiDim, a multidimensional conceptual data model enabling both instant- and interval-based semantics over temporal dimensions, and (ii) provide suitable OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing) operators for querying temporal information. T+MultiDim allows one to design typical concepts of a data warehouse including temporal dimensions, and provides one with the new possibility of conceptually connecting different temporal dimensions for exploiting temporally aggregated data. The proposed approach allows one to specify and to evaluate powerful OLAP queries over information from data warehouses. In particular, we define a set of OLAP operators to deal with interval-based temporal data. Such operators allow the user to derive new measure values associated to different intervals/instants, according to different temporal semantics. Moreover, we propose and discuss through examples from the healthcare domain the SQL specification of all the temporal OLAP operators we define. (C) 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Scattering Compensation for Deep Brain Microscopy: The Long Road to Get Proper Images

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    Multiphoton microscopy is the most widespread method for preclinical brain imaging when sub-micrometer resolution is required. Nonetheless, even in the case of optimal experimental conditions, only a few hundred micrometers under the brain surface can be imaged by multiphoton microscopy. The main limitation preventing the acquisition of images from deep brain structures is the random light scattering which, until recently, was considered an unsurmountable obstacle. When in 2007 a breakthrough work by Vellekoop and Mosk [1] proved it is indeed possible to compensate for random scattering by using high resolution phase modulators, the neuro-photonics community started chasing the dream of a multiphoton microscopy capable of reaching arbitrary depths within the brain. Unfortunately, more than 10 years later, despite a massive improvement of technologies for scattering compensation in terms of speed, performances and reliability, clear images from deep layers of biological tissues are still lacking. In this work, we review recent technological and methodological advances in the field of multiphoton microscopy analyzing the big issue of scattering compensation. We will highlight the limits hampering image acquisition, and we will try to analyze the road scientists must tackle to target one of the most challenging issue in the field of biomedical imaging


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    Anorthite and diopside have been obtained from complete devitrification of glasses belonging to the quaternary system MgO-CaO-Al2O3-SiO2. Microstructure, the natural trend of the nucleation mechanism and kinetic studies on the crystallization phenomenon have been investigated by means of optical and electron microscopies, thermal and thermomechanical techniques and X-ray powder diffractometry. All the glasses investigated show a complete crystallization starting from a simple surface nucleation process. The activation energy for the crystallization process proved to be higher than that for viscous flow, leading to an important aspect modification in the sample during ceramization. Thermal stability and physical properties of both glass and glass-ceramic materials have been tested, suggesting the possible use of these materials in industrial application

    The Distant Horizon: investigating the relationship between social sciences academic research and game development

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    Research in the social sciences devotes a great amount of attention to investigating the impact of video games on the individual and on society. However, results generated by this research often fail to inform game development. The present study investigated the outreach of research conducted by the academic community by interviewing 30 game developers and 14 researchers, highlighting critical aspects in the relationship between game research and game industry. Specifically, we found that the difference in priorities, speed cycles, and dissemination practices between these two contexts hinder communication. Subsequently, we carried out a focus group for a set of developers and researchers (N=6) with the aim of eliciting recommendation for improving communication between academics and developers. Among the recommendations to emerge were calls to diversify dissemination channels, promote joint conferences and develop research-production partnerships. It was felt such measures could strengthen the influence of research results outside the academic community
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