480 research outputs found

    Comparison Of Patterns Of Convergence Among “Emerging Markets” Of Central Europe, Eastern Europe And Central Asia

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    Based on analysis of economic growth indicators for 1989-2014, this article distinguishes the “emerging markets” of Central and Eastern Europe (with Russia included), from the other economies that fall in the broad ‘emerging markets’ category. Following the post–1989 reforms, the countries of the region share many of the same typical institutional features as other “emerging economies”, but not necessarily the associated economic outcomes. What characterizes “emerging economies” is that they grow fast enough to systematically close the distance dividing them from the advanced economies, creating convergence. Departing from this pattern, Central and Eastern Europe (and Russia) have so far fallen short in terms of the growth rates, and the region as a whole has not made much progress in catching up. By more than doubling its national product Poland is the only notable exception in the region, although Slovenia may fit in the same category. At the other extreme, some of the economies actually lost two decades in terms of reducing the gaps, and some even fell further behind (e.g., Serbia, Ukraine). These findings have potentially serious implications for economic theory in general and for the presumption that globalization processes act as a unifying developmental force


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    We have the honor to invite you to access the latest, this time mainly philosophical, issue of the semi-annual journal of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Jesuit University Ignatianum in Cracow. It is largely devoted to the thought of Fr. Prof. Stanisław Ziemiański, PhD, S.J., an important and vivid figure of the Cracow Jesuit philosophical center. He was a student of Fr. Prof. Mieczysław Albert Krąpiec, O.P., who was the supervisor of his doctoral thesis defended at the Catholic University of Lublin in 1978. From 1962 to 2006, Fr. Ziemiański taught metaphysics, natural theology, philosophy of God and cosmology at the then Faculty of Philosophy of the Society of Jesus in Krakow, and from 1988 to 2006, he also taught the history of medieval philosophy. For many years, he worked at the Pontifical Academy of Theology in Cracow (the present-day Pontifical University of John Paul II) and at the Faculty of Theology in Bratislava, Slovakia. Father Ziemiański’s writings dealt with metaphysical and epistemological issues, but he devoted most of his attention to the question of God (primarily the arguments for His existence) developing considerations at the crossroads of metaphysics and sciences, mainly physics and cosmology. He included his reflections on this topic in a monograph titled Teologia naturalna. Filozoficzna problematyka Boga (Kraków 1995, 2008). Father Professor also studied the philosophy of inanimate nature, using the results of natural sciences, which he interpreted in a neo-Thomistic spirit. Father Ziemiański’s 90th birthday provided a great opportunity to summarize and deliver an initial critical response to the 60 years of his scientific work. To commemorate this event, the Institute of Philosophy at the Jesuit University Ignatianum in Cracow organized a one-day scientific symposium titled Around the Philosophical Reflections of Stanisław Ziemiański, which took place on Tuesday, December 14, 2021, within the walls of his alma mater. Subsequent papers by researchers from various academic centers dealt with issues from his key areas of scientific interest, namely, Fr. Ziemiański’s metaphysics, his natural theology, philosophy of nature, his research on the philosophy of Francis Suarez, meta-philosophical problematics and the relationship between science and religion

    Ziarniniakowatość z zapaleniem naczyń powikłana zawałem serca — opis przypadku

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    Granulomatosis with polyangiitis is a rare systemic disease of small and medium vessels of unknown etiology. Virtually, every organ can be affected by the disease, but granulomatosis with polyangiitis mainly attack respiratory tract and kidneys. Cardiac involvement occurs unfrequently, but may be insidious and dangerous. In this article we present a case report of 55 year old female patient with myocardial infarction during the course of granulomatosis with polyangiitis.Ziarniniakowatość z zapaleniem naczyń (GWP) to rzadka ogólnoustrojowa choroba małych i średnich naczyń krwionośnycho nieznanej przyczynie. Teoretycznie każdy organ może być zajęty przez chorobę, jednak GWP dotyka głównieukładu oddechowego i nerek. Zajęcie serca występuje sporadycznie, ale może przebiegać podstępne i być niebezpieczne.W tym artykule autorzy chcieli zaprezentować opis przypadku 55-letniej kobiety z zawałem serca w przebiegu GWP

    A debate: Can we recommend electronic cigarettes to our patients? Opinion 2

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    Electronic cigarettes are more and more frequently used to deliver nicotine. They are used both by the users of regular cigarettes and those who to date have not smoked. The literature about potential impact of electronic nicotine delivery systems on health is constantly growing. Particular concern is expressed about toxicity of chemical compounds and elements delivered with the vapour of electronic cigarettes. It turns out that products that have positive image in media, actually are not so beneficial. Furthermore, they not only may cause damage to health but also death.Electronic cigarettes are more and more frequently used to deliver nicotine. They are used both by the users of regular cigarettes and those who to date have not smoked. The literature about potential impact of electronic nicotine delivery systems on health is constantly growing. Particular concern is expressed about toxicity of chemical compounds and elements delivered with the vapour of electronic cigarettes. It turns out that products that have positive image in media, actually are not so beneficial. Furthermore, they not only may cause damage to health but also death


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    Zapraszamy do lektury najnowszego, tym razem głównie filozoficznego, numeru półrocznika Wydziału Filozoficznego Akademii Ignatianum w Krakowie. Jest on w znacznej części poświęcony myśli ks. prof. dr. hab. Stanisława Ziemiańskiego SJ, ważnej i barwnej postaci krakowskiego ośrodka filozoficznego jezuitów. Był on uczniem o. prof. Mieczysława Alberta Krąpca OP, promotora jego pracy doktorskiej obronionej na Katolickim Uniwersytecie Lubelskim w 1978 r. Od 1962 do 2006 r. ojcie

    Filozofia w tzw. wielkiej nauce

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    Both our understanding of the term “science”, and that which it is employed to refer to, have undergone significant changes over the centuries. The 20th century, in particular, has seen important transformations within science and, in consequence, heated debate. One important transformation, rarely noticed by philosophers of science, has been the emergence of large-scale research projects of the sort often referred to as “big science”. Such projects require science to be organized, and function, in quite new ways. Their influence upon science, construed as an activity and an institution, has been very great indeed - as has been their impact on our understanding of what it is that such activities ultimately produce (theories, hypotheses). The aim of this article is to identify and spell out the philosophical aspects of this scenario as it pertains to science. I begin with an outline of the historical development of big science. Then, with reference to other scholars, I try to establish a definition of it. I briefly point to some developments in 20th century philosophy of science, and argue for the need to construct a distinctive philosophy of big science itself. The latter, I claim, should construe the philosophy of science in terms broad enough to be adequate for the analysis of a number of issues emerging in the context of the most developed branches of the natural sciences. I review a selection of these issues in the last part of my article.Rozumienie terminu „nauka”, jak i jego odniesienia przedmiotowe przechodziły ważne zmiany na przestrzeni wieków. W szczególności wiek XX był sceną istotnych przekształceń wewnątrz nauki, a w konsekwencji ożywionych dyskusji. Jedną z takich przemian, rzadko zauważaną przez filozofów nauki, było wyłonienie się projektów badawczych przeprowadzanych na wielką skalę, zwanych często „wielką nauką”. Takie projekty wymagają nowych sposobów organizacji i funkcjonowania nauki. W szczególnie istotny sposób wpływają na naukę rozumianą jako aktywność oraz jako instytucję, lecz również jej wytworowe rozumienie (teorie, hipotezy) pozostaje pod wpływem tych przemian. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest zidentyfikowanie i artykulacja filozoficznych aspektów opisanej sytuacji nauki. Rozpoczynam od zarysu historycznego rozwoju wielkiej nauki. Następnie, odwołując się do innych badaczy, poszukuję definicji tego zjawiska. Wskazuję też na niektóre kierunki w rozwoju dwudziestowiecznej filozofii nauki i sugeruję potrzebę konstruowania filozofii wielkiej nauki. Winna to być na tyle szeroko rozumiana filozofia nauki, aby w adekwatny sposób poddawała analizie szeroki zestaw zagadnień filozoficznych pojawiających się w najbardziej rozwiniętych gałęziach nauk przyrodniczych. Wybór tych zagadnień prezentuję w ostatniej części artykułu

    Halogen bonding at the ATP binding site of protein kinases: Preferred geometry and topology of ligand binding

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    ABSTRACT Halogenated ligands have been widely developed as potent, and frequently selective, inhibitors of protein kinases (PK). Herein, all structures of protein kinases complexed with a halogenated ligand, identified in the PDB, were analyzed in the context of eventual contribution of halogen bonding to protein-ligand interactions. Global inspection shows that two carbonyl groups of residues located in the hinge region are the most abundant halogen bond acceptors. In contrast to solution data, well-defined water molecules, located at sites conserved across most PK structures, are also involved in halogen bonding. Analysis of cumulative distributions of halogen-acceptor distances shows that structures displaying short contacts involving a halogen atom are overpopulated, contributing together to clearly defined maxima of 2.82, 2.91 and 2.94 Å for chlorine, bromine and iodine, respectively. The angular preference of a halogen bond favors ideal topology (180°, 120°) for iodine. For bromine the distribution is much more dispersed, and no such preference was found for chlorine

    Jezuici i nauka

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    Agustín Udías Vallina SJ, Los jesuitas y la ciencia. Una tradición en la Iglesia, Ediciones Mensajero, Bilbao 2014, ss. 372. [Jezuici i nauki przyrodnicze. Dzieje pewnej tradycji w Kościele katolickim

    Ku reformie średniowiecznych mendykantów. Macieja Hayna (†1477) Exhortatio ad meditationem et conformationem passionis Christi

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    Exhortatio ad meditationem et conformationem passionis Christi written by a Dominican Matthias Hayn in 1470 describes how the friars should make an effort to improve their behaviour towards others and deepen their spiritual life during Lent.The author, who received good education while attending Dominican Studia Generalia in Cologne, Vienna and Paris, was designated by the Master General of the Order of Preachers to effect an observant reform in the Dominican Convent in Wrocław. Presumably Hayn wrote ‘Exhortatio’ as a part of his reform activities. The first part of the text is introduction, where Hayn explained the aim of his work. At the beginning he quoted the words from the first reading for Ash Wednesday: “return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning” (Joel 2:12) and then he recommended to the brothers that these three acts of penance are the best way of reconciliation with God. According to Hayn the best example to follow in this matter is Christ, therefore during Lent the friars should ponder the Passion and seek to imitate Christ in their everyday situations, especially in those concerning life in monastery. The second part of Exhoratio (the main one) is divided into forty three short chapters called “Morselli” and each of them consists of “Passio” and “Conformatio”. The first is a passage from the Passion parphrased by Hayn, the latter presents a commentary on the preceding “Passio” including advice for the friars.This article comprises a critical edition of Exhortatio ad meditationem et conformationem passionis Christi accompanied by a Polish translation. The edition is based on two exisiting copies of the text which are contained in two manuscripts from the Wrocław University Library collection.Exhortatio ad meditationem et conformationem passionis Christi written by a Dominican Matthias Hayn in 1470 describes how the friars should make an effort to improve their behaviour towards others and deepen their spiritual life during Lent.The author, who received good education while attending Dominican Studia Generalia in Cologne, Vienna and Paris, was designated by the Master General of the Order of Preachers to effect an observant reform in the Dominican Convent in Wrocław. Presumably Hayn wrote ‘Exhortatio’ as a part of his reform activities. The first part of the text is introduction, where Hayn explained the aim of his work. At the beginning he quoted the words from the first reading for Ash Wednesday: “return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning” (Joel 2:12) and then he recommended to the brothers that these three acts of penance are the best way of reconciliation with God. According to Hayn the best example to follow in this matter is Christ, therefore during Lent the friars should ponder the Passion and seek to imitate Christ in their everyday situations, especially in those concerning life in monastery. The second part of Exhoratio (the main one) is divided into forty three short chapters called “Morselli” and each of them consists of “Passio” and “Conformatio”. The first is a passage from the Passion parphrased by Hayn, the latter presents a commentary on the preceding “Passio” including advice for the friars.This article comprises a critical edition of Exhortatio ad meditationem et conformationem passionis Christi accompanied by a Polish translation. The edition is based on two exisiting copies of the text which are contained in two manuscripts from the Wrocław University Library collection

    Niekończący się postęp i nieusuwalne granice nauki

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    Unending Progress and the Immovable Boundaries of Scienc