553 research outputs found

    Human Fire Legacies on Ecological Landscapes

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    The primacy of past human activity in triggering change in earth’s ecosystems remains a contested idea. Treating human-environmental dynamics as a dichotomous phenomenon – turning “on” or “off” at some tipping point in the past – misses the broader, longer-term, and varied role humans play in creating lasting ecological legacies. To investigate these more subtle human-environmental dynamics, we propose an interdisciplinary framework, for evaluating past and predicting future landscape change focused on human-fire legacies. Linking theory and methods from behavioral and landscape ecology, we present a coupled framework capable of explaining how and why humans make subsistence decisions and interact with environmental variation through time. We review evidence using this framework that demonstrates how human behavior can influence vegetation cover and continuity, change local disturbance regimes, and create socio-ecological systems that can dampen or even override, the environmental effects of local and regional climate. Our examples emphasize how a long-term interdisciplinary perspective provides new insights for assessing the role of humans in generating persistent landscape legacies that go unrecognized using a simple natural-versus-human driver model of environmental change

    The effects of fire and tephra deposition on forest vegetation in the Central Cascades, Oregon

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    High-resolution charcoal and pollen analyses were used to reconstruct a 12,000-yr-long fire and vegetation history of the Tumalo Lake watershed and to examine the short-term effects that tephra deposition have on forest composition and fire regime. The record suggests that, from 12,000 to 9200 cal yr BP, the watershed was dominated by an open Pinus forest with Artemisia as a common understory species. Fire episodes occurred on average every 115 yr. Beginning around 9200 cal yr BP, and continuing to the present, Abies became more common while Artemisia declined, suggesting the development of a closed forest structure and a decrease in the frequency of fire episodes, occurring on average every 160 yr. High-resolution pollen analyses before and after the emplacement of three distinct tephra deposits in the watershed suggest that nonarboreal species were most affected by tephra events and that recovery of the vegetation community to previous conditions took between 40 and 100 yr. Changes in forest composition were not associated with tephra depositional events or changes in fire-episode frequency, implying that the regional climate is the more important control on long-term forest composition and structure of the vegetation in the Cascade Range

    Shark: introducing an open source, free and flexible semi-analytic model of galaxy formation

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    We present a new, open source, free semi-analytic model (SAM) of galaxy formation, Shark, designed to be highly flexible and modular, allowing easy exploration of different physical processes and ways of modelling them. We introduce the philosophy behind Shark and provide an overview of the physical processes included in the model. Shark is written in C++11 and has been parallelized with OpenMP. In the released version (v1.1), we implement several different models for gas cooling, active galactic nuclei, stellar and photo-ionisation feedback, and star formation (SF). We demonstrate the basic performance of Shark using the Planck15 cosmology SURFS simulations, by comparing against a large set of observations, including: the stellar mass function (SMF) and stellar-halo mass relation at z=0-4; the cosmic evolution of the star formation rate density (SFRD), stellar mass, atomic and molecular hydrogen; local gas scaling relations; and structural galaxy properties, finding excellent agreement. Significant improvements over previous SAMs are seen in the mass-size relation for disks/bulges, the gas-stellar mass and stellar mass-metallicity relations. To illustrate the power of Shark in exploring the systematic effects of the galaxy formation modelling, we quantify how the scatter of the SF main sequence and the gas scaling relations changes with the adopted SF law, and the effect of the starbursts H2_2 depletion timescale on the SFRD and ΩH2\Omega_{\rm H_2}. We compare Shark with other SAMs and the hydrodynamical simulation EAGLE, and find that SAMs have a much higher halo baryon fractions due to large amounts of intra-halo gas, which in the case of EAGLE is in the intergalactic medium.Comment: Final MNRAS version of accepted pape

    Fire and human management of late Holocene ecosystems in southern Africa

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    Globally, fire is a primary agent for modifying environments through the long-term coupling of human and natural systems. In southern Africa, control of fire by humans has been documented since the late Middle Pleistocene, though it is unclear when or if anthropogenic burning led to fundamental shifts in the region\u27s fire regimes. To identify potential periods of broad-scale anthropogenic burning, we analyze aggregated Holocene charcoal sequences across southern Africa, which we compare to paleoclimate records and archaeological data. We show climate-concordant variability in mid-Holocene fire across much of the subcontinent. However, increased regional fire activity during the late Holocene (~2000 BP) coincides with archaeological change, especially the introduction and intensification of food production across the region. This increase in fire is not readily explained by climate changes, but rather reflects a novel way of using fire as a tool to manage past landscapes, with outcomes conditioned by regional ecosystem characteristics

    NASA's Nuclear Thermal Propulsion Project

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    The fundamental capability of Nuclear Thermal Propulsion (NTP) is game changing for space exploration. A first generation NTP system could provide high thrust at a specific impulse above 900 s, roughly double that of state of the art chemical engines. Characteristics of fission and NTP indicate that useful first generation systems will provide a foundation for future systems with extremely high performance. The role of a first generation NTP in the development of advanced nuclear propulsion systems could be analogous to the role of the DC- 3 in the development of advanced aviation. Progress made under the NTP project could also help enable high performance fission power systems and Nuclear Electric Propulsion (NEP)

    The NASA Advanced Exploration Systems Nuclear Thermal Propulsion Project

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    The fundamental capability of Nuclear Thermal Propulsion (NTP) is game changing for space exploration. A first generation NTP system could provide high thrust at a specific impulse (Isp) above 900 s, roughly double that of state of the art chemical engines. Characteristics of fission and NTP indicate that useful first generation systems will provide a foundation for future systems with extremely high performance. The role of a first generation NTP in the development of advanced nuclear propulsion systems could be analogous to the role of the DC-3 in the development of advanced aviation systems