535 research outputs found

    Tradition vs. innovation: Twenty-first century learning and school readiness for change

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    Scope and Method of Study: The purpose of this case study was to analyze the willingness of staff within one district's three secondary schools to change, and to determine the schools' readiness to transition from traditional instructional practice to Twenty-first Century learning. Because of the complexity of organizational change, Diffusion of Innovations Theory was the theoretical framework to analyze staff willingness to change. Based on research findings, inferences were made about the three schools' readiness for Twenty-first Century learning.Findings and Conclusions:A number of conclusions can be drawn from this study. First, Diffusion of Innovations as a theoretical framework not only clarifies the "process by which an innovation is communicated through certain channels over time among the members of a social system" (Rogers & Sinhal, 1996), it also explains the adoption of new ideas in educational settings. DOI is a useful resource for district administrators and principals needing to understand the complexity of organizational change, to analyze staff willingness to change, and to determine readiness for school reform.Similarly, the Practitioners' Survey is a practical instrument for determining the distribution of DOI adopter categories. Analysis of the distribution of adopters, especially innovators, early adopters and laggards, is helpful not only for evaluation of staff willingness to change, but also whether schools have enough teacher leaders to implement new ideas, to communicate with peers about such ideas, and to guide the adoption process. In addition, the comparison of the distribution of adopters among multiple schools can help district leaders allocate scarce resources to the most innovative schools.However, one weakness of the DOI framework is that it does not facilitate contribution from laggards or give them an opportunity to participate in the communication process. The evolution of leadership in the Twenty-first Century points to an increasing expectation of followers that they will not be pushed. They want to influence organizational decisions. Today's employees want collaborative leadership and they want a voice in the change process. If teachers do not have voice in their school environment, how can they feel like they can make a difference in today's high stakes, test driven educational system? When teachers have a say in school decisions, they tend to believe that the staff has strong beliefs, collective capability, and the ability to effect change. Administrators will benefit greatly if they recognize the role that teacher voice plays in leading change

    Defining the performance gap: Conducting a self-assessment

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    This paper presents two different approaches to performing self-assessments of continuous improvement activities. Case Study 1 describes the activities performed by JSC to assess the implementation of continuous improvement efforts at the NASA Center. The JSC approach included surveys administered to randomly selected NASA personnel and personal interviews with NASA and contractor management personnel. Case Study 2 describes the continuous improvement survey performed by the JSC Safety, Reliability, and Quality Assurance (SR&QA) organization. This survey consisted of a short questionnaire (50 questions) administered to all NASA and contractor SR&QA personnel. The questionnaire is based on the eight categories of the President's Award for Quality and Productivity Improvement. It is designed to objectively determine placement on the TQ benchmark and identify a roadmap for improvement

    Modeling The MSX Parasite in Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea virginica) Populations. II. Salinity Effects

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    An oyster population model coupled with a model for Haplosporidium nelsoni, the causative agent of the oyster disease MSX, was used with salinity time-series constructed from Delaware River flow measurements to study environmentally-induced variations in the annual cycle of this disease in Delaware Bay oyster populations. Model simulations for the lower Bay (high salinity) sire reproduced the annual cycle observed in lower Delaware Bay. Simulations at both upper Bay (low salinity) and lower Bay sites produced prevalences and intensities that were consistent with field observations. At all sites, low freshwater discharge resulted in increased disease levels, whereas high freshwater discharge produced decreased levels. At upper Bay sites, simulated changes in runoff produced high variability in disease prevalence; in the lower Bay, they produced a much lesser effect. Changes in salinity within the 10-20 ppt range produced the greatest changes in disease levels and patterns. Simulated shifts in timing of the spring runoff from March to either February or May affected the mid-Bay (13-19 ppt) only. A February runoff reduced the spring prevalence peak and caused a complete loss of systemic infections. In contrast, a May discharge occurred too late to affect parasite proliferation in the spring so that the spring peak was higher than average. Almost 100% of the infections were systemic by June, which resulted in high oyster mortality during July at this site. Model results indicate that parasite infection intensity under changing salinity is more complex than a simple function of salinity as it affects parasite proliferation and death rates within the oyster, and that the rate of infection is most likely reduced at low salinity. The simulated results demonstrate the ability of the model to reproduce field measurements and its usefulness in elucidating the association between the magnitude and timing of Delaware River discharge, its associated salinity variations, and the H. nelsoni annual cycle

    Pragmatic evaluation of methods for retrieving unpublished information on comparator interventions in a systematic review of smoking cessation trials

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    OBJECTIVE: Reporting of the content and delivery characteristics of comparator interventions in published articles is often incomplete. This study examines the feasibility and validity of two methods for collecting additional information on comparator interventions from trial authors. METHODS & MEASURES: In a systematic review of smoking cessation trials (IC-Smoke), all trial authors were asked to send unpublished comparator intervention materials and complete a specially-developed comparator intervention checklist. All published and additionally obtained information from authors were coded for behaviour change techniques (BCTs) and other characteristics (type of comparator, provider, provider training, delivery mode and treatment duration). To assess representativeness, we assessed the amount of additional information obtained from trial authors compared with the amount that was published. We examined known-group and convergent validity of comparator intervention data when using only published or also unpublished information. RESULTS: Additional information were obtained from 91/136 (67%) of trial authors. Representativeness, known-group and convergent validity improved substantially based on the data collected by means of the comparator intervention checklist, but not by requesting authors to send any existing comparator materials. CONCLUSIONS: Requesting authors for unpublished comparator intervention data, using specially-developed checklists and unpublished materials, substantially improves the quality of data available for systematic reviews

    Developmentally regulated expression of hemoglobin subunits in avascular tissues

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    We investigated the spatio-temporal profile of hemoglobin subunit expression in developing avascular tissues. Significant up-regulation of hemoglobin subunits was identified in microarray experiments comparing blastocyst inner cell masses with undifferentiated embryonic stem (ES) cells. Hemoglobin expression changes were confirmed using embryoid bodies (derived from in vitro differentiation of ES cells) to model very early development at pre-vascular stages of embryogenesis; i.e. prior to hematopoiesis. We also demonstrate, using RT-PCR, Western blotting and immunocytochemistry, expression of adult and fetal mouse hemoglobin subunits in the avascular ocular lens at various stages of development and maturation. Hemoglobin proteins were expressed in lens epithelial cells (cytoplasmic) and cortical lens fiber cells (nuclear and cell-surface-associated); however, a sensitive heme assay demonstrated negligible levels of heme in the developing lens postnatally. Hemoglobin expression was also observed in the developing eye in corneal endothelium and retinal ganglion cells. Gut sections showed, in addition to erythrocytes, hemoglobin protein staining in rare, individual villus epithelial cells. These results suggest a paradigm shift: hemoglobin subunits are expressed in the avascular lens and cornea and in pre-hematopoietic embryos. It is likely, therefore, that hemoglobin subunits have novel developmental roles; the absence of the heme group from the lens would indicate that at least some of these functions may be independent of oxygen metabolism. The pattern of expression of hemoglobin subunits in the perinuclear region during lens fiber cell differentiation, when denucleation is taking place, may indicate involvement in the apoptosis-like signaling processes occurring in differentiating lens fiber cells

    Proteomic and transcriptomic profiling reveals a link between the PI3K pathway and lower estrogen-receptor (ER) levels and activity in ER+ breast cancer

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    IntroductionAccumulating evidence suggests that both levels and activity of the estrogen receptor (ER) and the progesterone receptor (PR) are dramatically influenced by growth-factor receptor (GFR) signaling pathways, and that this crosstalk is a major determinant of both breast cancer progression and response to therapy. The phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway, a key mediator of GFR signaling, is one of the most altered pathways in breast cancer. We thus examined whether deregulated PI3K signaling in luminal ER+ breast tumors is associated with ER level and activity and intrinsic molecular subtype.MethodsWe defined two independent molecular signatures of the PI3K pathway: a proteomic (reverse-phase proteomic array) PI3K signature, based on protein measurement for PI3K signaling intermediates, and a PI3K transcriptional (mRNA) signature based on the set of genes either induced or repressed by PI3K inhibitors. By using these signatures, we scored each ER+ breast tumor represented in multiple independent expression-profiling datasets (four mRNA, n = 915; one protein, n = 429) for activation of the PI3K pathway. Effects of PI3K inhibitor BEZ-235 on ER expression and activity levels and cell growth were tested by quantitative real-time PCR and cell proliferation assays.ResultsWithin ER+ tumors, ER levels were negatively correlated with the PI3K activation scores, both at the proteomic and transcriptional levels, in all datasets examined. PI3K signature scores were also higher in ER+ tumors and cell lines of the more aggressive luminal B molecular subtype versus those of the less aggressive luminal A subtype. Notably, BEZ-235 treatment in four different ER+ cell lines increased expression of ER and ER target genes including PR, and treatment with IGF-I (which signals via PI3K) decreased expression of ER and target genes, thus further establishing an inverse functional relation between ER and PI3K. BEZ-235 had an additional effect on tamoxifen in inhibiting the growth of a number of ER+ cell lines.ConclusionsOur data suggest that luminal B tumors have hyperactive GFR/PI3K signaling associated with lower ER levels, which has been correlated with resistance to endocrine therapy. Targeting PI3K in these tumors might reverse loss of ER expression and signaling and restore hormonal sensitivity

    Technological capabilities to assess digital excellence in hospitals in high performing healthcare systems::an international eDelphi exercise

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    Background: Hospitals worldwide are developing ambitious digital transformation programs as part of broader efforts to create digitally advanced health care systems. However, there is as yet no consensus on how best to characterize and assess digital excellence in hospitals. Objective: Our aim was to develop an international agreement on a defined set of technological capabilities to assess digital excellence in hospitals. Methods: We conducted a two-stage international modified electronic Delphi (eDelphi) consensus-building exercise, which included a qualitative analysis of free-text responses. In total, 31 international health informatics experts participated, representing clinical, academic, public, and vendor organizations. Results: We identified 35 technological capabilities that indicate digital excellence in hospitals. These are divided into two categories: (a) capabilities within a hospital (n=20) and (b) capabilities enabling communication with other parts of the health and social care system, and with patients and carers (n=15). The analysis of free-text responses pointed to the importance of nontechnological aspects of digitally enabled change, including social and organizational factors. Examples included an institutional culture characterized by a willingness to transform established ways of working and openness to risk-taking. The availability of a range of skills within digitization teams, including technological, project management and business expertise, and availability of resources to support hospital staff, were also highlighted. Conclusions: We have identified a set of criteria for assessing digital excellence in hospitals. Our findings highlight the need to broaden the focus from technical functionalities to wider digital transformation capabilities

    Histological phenotypic subtypes predict recurrence risk and response to adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with stage III colorectal cancer

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    Histological ‘phenotypic subtypes’ that classify patients into four groups (immune, canonical, latent and stromal) have previously been demonstrated to stratify survival in a stage I–III colorectal cancer (CRC) pilot cohort. However, clinical utility has not yet been validated. Therefore, this study assessed prognostic value of these subtypes in additional patient cohorts along with associations with risk of recurrence and response to chemotherapy. Two independent stage I–III CRC patient cohorts (internal and external cohort) were utilised to investigate phenotypic subtypes. The primary endpoint was disease‐free survival (DFS) and the secondary endpoint was recurrence risk (RR). Stage II–III patients, from the SCOT adjuvant chemotherapy trial, were utilised to further validate prognostic value and for exploratory analysis assessing associations with adjuvant chemotherapy. In an 893‐patient internal cohort, phenotypic subtype independently associated with DFS (p = 0.025) and this was attenuated in stage III patients (p = 0.020). Phenotypic subtype also independently associated with RR (p < 0.001) in these patients. In a 146‐patient external cohort, phenotypic subtype independently stratified patients by DFS (p = 0.028), validating their prognostic value. In 1343 SCOT trial patients, the effect of treatment type significantly depended on phenotypic subtype (pinteraction = 0.011). Phenotypic subtype independently associated with DFS in stage III patients receiving FOLFOX (p = 0.028). Furthermore, the immune subtype significantly associated with better response to FOLFOX compared to CAPOX adjuvant chemotherapy in stage III patients (p = 0.013). In conclusion, histological phenotypic subtypes are an effective prognostic classification in patients with stage III CRC that associates with risk of recurrence and response to FOLFOX adjuvant chemotherapy
