1,552 research outputs found

    Marine Benthic Habitat Mapping of Muir Inlet, Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, Alaska With an Evaluation of the Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard III

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    Seafloor geology and potential benthic habitats were mapped in Muir Inlet, Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, Alaska, using multibeam sonar, ground-truth information, and geological interpretations. Muir Inlet is a recently deglaciated fjord that is under the influence of glacial and paraglacial marine processes. High glacially derived sediment and meltwater fluxes, slope instabilities, and variable bathymetry result in a highly dynamic estuarine environment and benthic ecosystem. We characterize the fjord seafloor and potential benthic habitats using the Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard (CMECS) recently developed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and NatureServe. Substrates within Muir Inlet are dominated by mud, derived from the high glacial debris flux. Water-column characteristics are derived from a combination of conductivity temperature depth (CTD) measurements and circulation-model results. We also present modern glaciomarine sediment accumulation data from quantitative differential bathymetry. These data show Muir Inlet is divided into two contrasting environments: a dynamic upper fjord and a relatively static lower fjord. The accompanying maps represent the first publicly available high-resolution bathymetric surveys of Muir Inlet. The results of these analyses serve as a test of the CMECS and as a baseline for continued mapping and correlations among seafloor substrate, benthic habitats, and glaciomarine processes

    Glacimarine Sedimentation Processes at Kronebreen and Kongsvegen, Svalbard

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    Tidewater glaciers deposit sediment at their terminus, thereby reducing the relative water depth. Reduced water depth can lead to increased glacier stability through decreased rates of iceberg calving, glacier thinning and submarine melting. Here we investigate sedimentation processes at the termini of Kronebreen and Kongsvegen, Svalbard. We mapped the fjord floor bathymetry in August 2009 and calculate sedimentation rates based on our bathymetry and that from a similar study in 2005. A grounding-line fan is developing near the current position of the subglacial stream. An older, abandoned grounding-line fan that likely formed between ~1987 and 2001 is degrading near the middle of the ice front. Our findings indicate that sediment gravity flows reduce the height of the sediment mound forming at the glacier terminus. The future impact of glacimarine sedimentation processes on glacier stability will depend on the net balance between the observed gravity flows and sediment deposition

    Vertex Corrections and the Korringa Ratio in Strongly Correlated Electron Materials

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    We show that the Korringa ratio, associated with nuclear magnetic resonance in metals, is unity if vertex corrections for the dynamic spin susceptibility are negligible and the hyperfine coupling is momentum independent. In the absence of vertex corrections we also find a Korringa behaviour for T1T_1, the nuclear spin relaxation rate, i.e., 1/T1T1/T_1\propto T, and a temperature independent Knight shift. These results are independent of the form and magnitude of the self-energy (so far as is consistent with neglecting vertex corrections) and of the dimensionality of the system.Comment: 5 pages. accepted for publication in J. Phys.: Condens. Matte

    High-resolution evidence for dynamic transitional geomagnetic field behaviour from a Miocene reversal, McMurdo Sound, Ross Sea, Antarctica

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    We report a high-resolution record of a Miocene polarity transition (probably the Chron C6r-C6n transition) from glacimarine sediments in McMurdo Sound, Ross Sea, Antarctica, which is the first transition record reported from high southern latitudes. The transition is recorded in two parallel cores through a 10.7 m stratigraphic thickness. The sediments are interpreted as having been deposited in a marine environment under the influence of floating ice or seaward of a glacier terminus from which a large sediment load was delivered to the drill site. The core was recovered using rotary drilling, which precludes azimuthal orientation of the core and determination of a vector record of the field during the transition. However, constraints on transitional field behaviour are provided by the exceptional resolution of this record. Large-scale paleomagnetic inclination fluctuations in the two cores can be independently correlated with each other using magnetic susceptibility data, which suggests that the sediments are reliable recorders of geomagnetic field variations. Agreement between the two parallel transition records provides evidence for highly dynamic field behaviour, as suggested by numerous large-scale inclination changes (∼90◦) throughout the transition. These large-scale changes occur across stratigraphically narrow intervals, which is consistent with the suggestion of rapid field changes during transitions. In one intact portion of the core, where there is no apparent relative core rotation between samples, declinations and inclinations are consistent with the presence of a stable cluster of virtual geomagnetic poles within the transition (although the possibility that this cluster represents a rapid depositional event cannot be precluded). These observations are consistent with those from other high-resolution records and provide a rare detailed view of transitional field behaviour compared to most sedimentary records, which are not as thick and which appear to have been smoothed by sedimentary remanence acquisition processes

    A polymorphism of the interleukin-1 β gene influences survival in pancreatic cancer

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    Pro-inflammatory cytokines contribute to the cachexia associated with pancreatic cancer and stimulate the acute phase response which has been associated with shortened survival in such patients. Polymorphisms of cytokine genes may influence their production. The present study examined the effect of a polymorphism of the interleukin (IL)-1b gene upon the inflammatory state and survival in pancreatic cancer. Genomic DNA was obtained from 64 patients with pancreatic cancer and 101 healthy controls. Using the polymerase chain reaction and subsequent TaqI restriction enzyme digestion the subject's genotype for a diallelic polymorphism of the interleukin-1b gene was established. IL-1b production by peripheral blood mononuclear cells and serum C-reactive protein (CRP) levels from patients were also examined and survival noted. Patients homozygous for allele 2 of the IL-1b gene had significantly shorter survival than other groups (P = 0.0001). These patients also exhibited higher IL-1b production (P = 0.022). Possession of allele 2 was also associated with significantly shorter survival (median 144 vs 256 days, P = 0.034) and significantly higher CRP level (P = 0.0003). The possession of a genotype resulting in increased IL-1b production was associated with shortened survival and increased serum CRP level. This may reflect the role of IL-1b in inducing an acute phase protein response and cachexia in cancer or may be related to changes in tumour phenotye. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    Congregational bonding social capital and psychological type : an empirical enquiry among Australian churchgoers

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    This study explores the variation in levels of bonding social capital experienced by individual churchgoers, drawing on data generated by the Australian National Church Life Survey, and employing a five-item measure of church-related bonding social capital. Data provided by 2065 Australian churchgoers are used to test the thesis that individual differences in bonding social capital are related to a psychological model of psychological types (employing the Jungian distinctions). The data demonstrated that higher levels of bonding social capital were found among extraverts (compared with introverts), among intuitive types (compared with sensing types) and among feeling types (compared with thinking types), but no significant differences were found between judging types and perceiving types

    Strong electronic correlations in superconducting organic charge transfer salts

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    We review the role of strong electronic correlations in quasi--two-dimensional organic charge transfer salts such as (BEDT-TTF)2X_2X, (BETS)2Y_2Y and β\beta'-[Pd(dmit)2_2]2Z_2Z. We begin by defining minimal models for these materials. It is necessary to identify two classes of material: the first class is strongly dimerised and is described by a half-filled Hubbard model; the second class is not strongly dimerised and is described by a quarter filled extended Hubbard model. We argue that these models capture the essential physics of these materials. We explore the phase diagram of the half-filled quasi--two-dimensional organic charge transfer salts, focusing on the metallic and superconducting phases. We review work showing that the metallic phase, which has both Fermi liquid and `bad metal' regimes, is described both quantitatively and qualitatively by dynamical mean field theory (DMFT). The phenomenology of the superconducting state is still a matter of contention. We critically review the experimental situation, focusing on the key experimental results that may distinguish between rival theories of superconductivity, particularly probes of the pairing symmetry and measurements of the superfluid stiffness. We then discuss some strongly correlated theories of superconductivity, in particular, the resonating valence bond (RVB) theory of superconductivity. We conclude by discussing some of the major challenges currently facing the field.Comment: A review: 52 pages; 10 fig

    Unravelling competing microscopic interactions at a phase boundary: A single-crystal study of the metastable antiferromagnetic pyrochlore Yb<sub>2</sub>Ge<sub>2</sub>O<sub>7</sub>

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    We report inelastic neutron scattering measurements from our newly synthesized single crystals of the structurally metastable antiferromagnetic pyrochlore Yb2Ge2O7. We determine the four symmetry-allowed nearest-neighbor anisotropic exchange parameters via fits to linear spin wave theory supplemented by fits of the high-temperature specific heat using the numerical linked-cluster expansion method. The exchange parameters so determined are strongly correlated to the values determined for the g-tensor components, as previously noted for the related Yb pyrochlore Yb2Ge2O7. To address this issue we directly determined the g tensor from electron paramagnetic resonance of 1% Yb-doped Lu2Ge2O7, thus enabling an unambiguous determination of the exchange parameters. Our results show that Yb2Ge2O7 resides extremely close to the classical phase boundary between an antiferromagnetic Gamma(5) phase and a splayed ferromagnet phase. By juxtaposing our results with recent ones on Yb2Ge2O7, our work illustrates that the Yb pyrochlore oxides represent ideal systems for studying quantum magnets in close proximity to classical phase boundaries

    TQM implementation: An empirical examination and proposed generic model

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    Total quality management (TQM) is considered by many as an important quality and business performance improvement tool. The popularity of the concept has led to an explosion of TQM related literature. A careful review of the literature suggests that most publications recount the experiences or perceptions of the authors or deal with single case organisations. Furthermore, there is a dearth of empirical research and literature dealing with TQM's implementation process. This paper reports the findings of a research project that empirically examined the process of TQM implementation in a sample of organisations widely regarded as leading exponents of TQM. The paper presents a non-prescriptive model of the TQM implementation process derived from the findings and proposes an "outcome driven" approach as an alternative to the more commonplace TQM implementation strategies

    Dipolar spin ice regime proximate to an all-in-all-out N\'{e}el ground state in the dipolar-octupolar pyrochlore Ce2_2Sn2_2O7_7

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    The dipolar-octupolar (DO) pyrochlores, R2_2M2_2O7_7 (R = Ce, Sm, Nd), are key players in the search for realizable novel quantum spin liquid (QSL) states as a large parameter space within the DO pyrochlore phase diagram is theorized to host QSL states of both dipolar and octupolar nature. We present neutron diffraction measurements on newly synthesized hydrothermally-grown Ce2_2Sn2_2O7_7 powders that show a broad signal at low scattering vectors, reminiscent of a dipolar spin ice. This is strikingly different from previous neutron diffraction on powder samples grown from solid-state synthesis, which found diffuse scattering at high scattering vectors associated with magnetic octupoles. This raises the question about subtle crystalline structural differences and in particular the potential role of disorder that is present in the different samples. We quantify any differences through complementary neutron structure refinement and atomic PDF measurements but detect no oxidation or other crystallographic disorder in the hydrothermally-grown samples. To interpret the new diffuse scattering, we characterize the exchange interaction parameters in the near-neighbor XYZ model Hamiltonian associated with DO pyrochlores by fitting quantum numerical linked cluster expansions (NLCE) to heat capacity and magnetic susceptibility measurements, and classical Monte Carlo calculations to the diffuse neutron diffraction of the newly synthesized Ce2_2Sn2_2O7_7 samples. This places Ce2_2Sn2_2O7_7's ground state within the ordered dipolar all-in-all-out (AIAO) N\'{e}el phase with quantum Monte-Carlo calculations showing a transition to long-range order at temperatures below those accessed experimentally. We conclude that new hydrothermally-grown Ce2_2Sn2_2O7_7 samples host a finite-temperature proximate dipolar spin ice phase, above the expected transition to AIAO N\'{e}el order.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure