948 research outputs found

    Locations of marine animals revealed by carbon isotopes

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    Knowing the distribution of marine animals is central to understanding climatic and other environmental influences on population ecology. This information has proven difficult to gain through capture-based methods biased by capture location. Here we show that marine location can be inferred from animal tissues. As the carbon isotope composition of animal tissues varies with sea surface temperature, marine location can be identified by matching time series of carbon isotopes measured in tissues to sea surface temperature records. Applying this technique to populations of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) produces isotopically-derived maps of oceanic feeding grounds, consistent with the current understanding of salmon migrations, that additionally reveal geographic segregation in feeding grounds between individual philopatric populations and age-classes. Carbon isotope ratios can be used to identify the location of open ocean feeding grounds for any pelagic animals for which tissue archives and matching records of sea surface temperature are available

    A "superstorm": When moral panic and new risk discourses converge in the media

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    This is an Author's Accepted Manuscript of an article published in Health, Risk and Society, 15(6), 681-698, 2013, copyright Taylor & Francis, available online at: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/13698575.2013.851180.There has been a proliferation of risk discourses in recent decades but studies of these have been polarised, drawing either on moral panic or new risk frameworks to analyse journalistic discourses. This article opens the theoretical possibility that the two may co-exist and converge in the same scare. I do this by bringing together more recent developments in moral panic thesis, with new risk theory and the concept of media logic. I then apply this theoretical approach to an empirical analysis of how and with what consequences moral panic and new risk type discourses converged in the editorials of four newspaper campaigns against GM food policy in Britain in the late 1990s. The article analyses 112 editorials published between January 1998 and December 2000, supplemented with news stories where these were needed for contextual clarity. This analysis shows that not only did this novel food generate intense media and public reactions; these developed in the absence of the type of concrete details journalists usually look for in risk stories. Media logic is important in understanding how journalists were able to engage and hence how a major scare could be constructed around convergent moral panic and new risk type discourses. The result was a media ‘superstorm’ of sustained coverage in which both types of discourse converged in highly emotive mutually reinforcing ways that resonated in a highly sensitised context. The consequence was acute anxiety, social volatility and the potential for the disruption of policy and social change

    Political mobilisation by minorities in Britain: negative feedback of ‘race relations'?

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    This article uses a political opportunity approach to study the relationship of minority groups to the political community in Britain. The main argument is that the British race relations approach established in the 1960s had an important effect that still shapes the patterns of political contention by different minority groups today. Original data on political claims-making by minorities demonstrate that British 'racialised' cultural pluralism has structured an inequality of opportunities for the two main groups, African-Caribbeans and Indian subcontinent minorities. African-Caribbeans mobilise along racial lines, use a strongly assimilative 'black' identity, conventional action forms, and target state institutions with demands for justice that are framed within the recognised framework of race relations. Conversely, a high proportion of the Indian subcontinent minority mobilisation is by Muslim groups, a non-assimilative religious identity. These are autonomously organised, but largely make public demands for extending the principle of racial equality to their non-racial group. Within the Indian subcontinent minorities, the relative absence of mobilisation by Indian, Sikh and Hindu minorities, who have achieved much better levels of socio-economic success than Pakistani and Bangladeshi Muslims, suggests that there is also a strong socioeconomic basis for shared experiences and grievances as Muslims in Britain. This relativises the notion that Muslim mobilisation is Britain is purely an expression of the right for cultural difference per se, and sees it as a product of the paradoxes of British race relations

    Replica Cluster Variational Method: the Replica Symmetric solution for the 2D random bond Ising model

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    We present and solve the Replica Symmetric equations in the context of the Replica Cluster Variational Method for the 2D random bond Ising model (including the 2D Edwards-Anderson spin glass model). First we solve a linearized version of these equations to obtain the phase diagrams of the model on the square and triangular lattices. In both cases the spin-glass transition temperatures and the tricritical point estimations improve largely over the Bethe predictions. Moreover, we show that this phase diagram is consistent with the behavior of inference algorithms on single instances of the problem. Finally, we present a method to consistently find approximate solutions to the equations in the glassy phase. The method is applied to the triangular lattice down to T=0, also in the presence of an external field.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figure

    Top-down assessment of the Asian carbon budget since the mid 1990s

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    Increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) is the principal driver of anthropogenic climate change. Asia is an important region for the global carbon budget, with 4 of the world’s 10 largest national emitters of CO2. Using an ensemble of seven atmospheric inverse systems, we estimated land biosphere fluxes (natural, land-use change and fires) based on atmospheric observations of CO2 concentration. The Asian land biosphere was a net sink of −0.46 (−0.70–0.24) PgC per year (median and range) for 1996–2012 and was mostly located in East Asia, while in South and Southeast Asia the land biosphere was close to carbon neutral. In East Asia, the annual CO2 sink increased between 1996–2001 and 2008–2012 by 0.56 (0.30–0.81) PgC, accounting for ∼35% of the increase in the global land biosphere sink. Uncertainty in the fossil fuel emissions contributes significantly (32%) to the uncertainty in land biosphere sink change

    Transition in RE in Finland

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    In this chapter, we will discuss key questions regarding religious education in Finnish state schools today. Recent years have shown that issues related to dialogue, citizenship skills, social integration have moved into the forefront when discussing religious education (Jackson 2014a). Similarly, several researchers have analysed the challenges that diversification, secularisation and post-secularity create for education in religions and non-religious worldviews in Finnish state schools (Ubani et al. 2019a). When we refer to Finnish society in a post-secular context, we do not wish to overstate the rising impact of religion in Europe, but acknowledge the resurgence of public religion and the emergence of an increasingly pluralistic public sphere in Finland too. We convey criticism of the secular normativity of schools and of the liberal-secular foundation of the mainstream approaches of multicultural education, which have emerged against a backdrop of the notion of post-secularity (Coulby and Zambeta 2008; Ubani 2013a). In the Nordic context too, scholars have criticised the othering of non-secular and non-Western worldviews in educational thinking and practices (see e.g. Berglund 2017; Poulter et al. 2016).Peer reviewe

    May Measurement Month 2019: an analysis of blood pressure screening results from Australia.

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    May Measurement Month (MMM) is an annual global blood pressure (BP) screening campaign aimed at obtaining standardized BP measurements and other relevant health information from members of the community to increase awareness of elevated BP and the associated risks. Adults (≥18 years) were recruited through opportunistic sampling across the various Australian states during May 2019. Three BP readings were recorded in a standardized manner for each participant, and data on lifestyle factors and comorbidities were collected. Hypertension was defined as a systolic BP ≥140 mmHg, or a diastolic BP ≥90 mmHg (according to the MMM protocol) or taking antihypertensive medication. Multiple imputation was used to estimate participants' mean BP where three readings were not available. Of the 2877 participants, 901 (31.3%) had hypertension of whom 455 (50.5%) were aware of their condition, and 366 (40.6%) were on antihypertensive medication. Of those taking antihypertensive medication, 54.3% were controlled to <140/90 mmHg with the remaining 45.7% of participants inadequately treated. Approximately 74% of treated patients were on a single antihypertensive medication. The MMM campaign provides an important platform for standardized compilation of BP data and creation of BP awareness in Australia and other nations worldwide. Data from the 2019 MMM campaign highlight that BP control rates in Australia remain unacceptably low

    May Measurement Month 2017: an analysis of blood pressure screening results from the United Arab Emirates-Northern Africa and Middle East

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    Elevated blood pressure (BP) is a growing burden worldwide, leading to over 10 million deaths each year. May Measurement Month (MMM) is a global initiative aimed at raising awareness of high BP and to act as a temporary solution to the lack of screening programmes worldwide. United Arab Emirates has a young population, but cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the commonest cause of death (40%). Myocardial infarction and stroke occurs at least a decade earlier than in western countries. Previous screening in our young population showed that 85% of the population had at least one CVD risk factor and about 62% of them were unaware of it. An opportunistic cross-sectional survey of volunteers aged ≥18 was carried out in May 2017. Blood pressure measurement, the definition of hypertension and statistical analysis followed the standard MMM protocol. Screening was held in 23 sites such as mosques, sports, and men's/ladies' clubs, airports, parks, shopping malls, work places as well as their residences, and in the public areas of hospitals or outpatient clinics. A total of 6193 individuals were screened during MMM17. The mean age was 39.2 ± 13.1 years. After multiple imputation, 1867 (30.2%) had hypertension. Of individuals not receiving anti-hypertensive medication, 813 (15.8%) were hypertensive. Of 1054 individuals receiving anti-hypertensive medication, 427 (40.6%) had uncontrolled BP. MMM17 was a useful screening model as it makes BP measurement easily accessible. Eight hundred and thirteen (16%) possibly new hypertensives were uncovered and 427(40.6%) of those on treatment for hypertension were found to be uncontrolled. These results suggest that opportunistic screening can identify significant numbers with raised BP

    Blood pressure screening in Mozambique: the May Measurement Month 2017 project-Sub-Saharan Africa

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    Elevated blood pressure (BP) is a growing burden worldwide, leading to over 10 million deaths each year. In Mozambique, two national surveys of risk factors for chronic diseases were done, using the WHO STEPWISE approach, the first in 2005 and the last in 2014/2015. In this period of 10 years, the prevalence of hypertension in the adult population increased from 33.1% to 38.9% and the extremely low levels of awareness, treatment, and control did not change significantly. May Measurement Month (MMM) is a global initiative of the International Society of Hypertension aimed at raising awareness of high BP and to act as a temporary solution to the lack of screening programmes worldwide. An opportunistic cross-sectional survey of volunteers aged ≥18 years was carried out in May 2017. Blood pressure measurement, the definition of hypertension and statistical analysis followed the standard MMM protocol. Screening was conducted by volunteers, mainly in work places, markets, and religious activities, in the capital city, in most of the provincial capitals and some rural districts. About 4454 individuals were screened with a mean age of 39 years, and, after multiple imputation, 1371 (31.1%) had hypertension. Of individuals not receiving anti-hypertensive medication, 1099 (26.6%) were hypertensive. Of individuals receiving antihypertensive medication, 166 (61.6%) had uncontrolled BP. MMM17 was the largest BP screening campaign undertaken in Mozambique. These results suggest that opportunistic screening is an important tool to identify significant numbers of patients with raised BP

    Finite-Size Scaling in the Energy-Entropy Plane for the 2D +- J Ising Spin Glass

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    For L×LL \times L square lattices with L20L \le 20 the 2D Ising spin glass with +1 and -1 bonds is found to have a strong correlation between the energy and the entropy of its ground states. A fit to the data gives the result that each additional broken bond in the ground state of a particular sample of random bonds increases the ground state degeneracy by approximately a factor of 10/3. For x=0.5x = 0.5 (where xx is the fraction of negative bonds), over this range of LL, the characteristic entropy defined by the energy-entropy correlation scales with size as L1.78(2)L^{1.78(2)}. Anomalous scaling is not found for the characteristic energy, which essentially scales as L2L^2. When x=0.25x= 0.25, a crossover to L2L^2 scaling of the entropy is seen near L=12L = 12. The results found here suggest a natural mechanism for the unusual behavior of the low temperature specific heat of this model, and illustrate the dangers of extrapolating from small LL.Comment: 9 pages, two-column format; to appear in J. Statistical Physic