70 research outputs found

    La relation entre l'enseignant et l'adolescent en troubles du comportement : facteur de protection au décrochage scolaire

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    Notre recension des Ă©crits indique que peu d'Ă©tudes abordent la dimension relationnelle entre l'enseignant du secondaire et les adolescents en troubles du comportement, particuliĂšrement dans l'optique de prĂ©venir le dĂ©crochage scolaire. Sachant que l'enseignant a un rĂŽle dĂ©terminant Ă  jouer et que le rĂŽle de l'enseignant dĂ©sirant favoriser chez ses Ă©lĂšves l'apprentissage inclut indubitablement la relation proprement dite, nous nous Ă©tonnons de constater qu'aucune Ă©tude consultĂ©e ne traite des perceptions des enseignants quant Ă  la relation qu'ils entretiennent avec ce type de clientĂšle. Étant donnĂ© que les Ă©lĂšves en troubles du comportement au secondaire composent plusieurs classes et que les enseignants sont souvent dĂ©pourvus, mal outillĂ©s ou expriment des rĂ©serves Ă  enseigner Ă  ce type de clientĂšle, il faut Ă©tablir clairement le lien qui peut exister entre la relation enseignant-Ă©lĂšve et le cheminement scolaire de l'adolescent en troubles du comportement. Cette Ă©tude vise Ă  vĂ©rifier chez sept adolescents et adolescentes de deuxiĂšme secondaire ciblĂ©s comme ayant un trouble du comportement tel que dĂ©fini par le MEQ (1999), le lien entre ces troubles et le risque de dĂ©crochage scolaire. Aussi, cet essai vise Ă  observer la perception qu'ont ces adolescents de la relation enseignant-Ă©lĂšve dans leur processus de scolarisation. D'autre part, cette Ă©tude veut examiner, chez huit enseignants de classes rĂ©guliĂšres et d'adaptation scolaire, la perception de la relation enseignant-Ă©lĂšve, et ce, prĂ©cisĂ©ment pour les adolescents en troubles du comportement. Finalement, le dernier objectif visĂ© par cette recherche est de vĂ©rifier s'il existe un lien entre la perception de la relation qu'ont les Ă©lĂšves en troubles du comportement et celle qu'adoptent leurs enseignants

    Sortir du syndrome d'abandon par le dĂ©ploiement du pouvoir-ĂȘtre et du pouvoir d'agir : de la perte de son identitĂ© Ă  la reconnaissance et l'exploration de son identitĂ© lĂ©gitime : itinĂ©raire d'auto-accompagnement

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    RÉSUMÉ: Ce mĂ©moire se penche sur une problĂ©matique ancrĂ©e dans une expĂ©rience d'abandon vĂ©cue en bas Ăąge et des consĂ©quences de cette expĂ©rience dans ma construction identitaire. Comme le proposent les fondements Ă©pistĂ©mologiques de la recherche en Ă©tude des pratiques psychosociales, la saisie et la comprĂ©hension rigoureuse des expĂ©riences vĂ©cues permettraient d'expliciter Ă  la fois les manifestations du syndrome d'abandon ainsi que les stratĂ©gies gagnantes pour me libĂ©rer de leur emprise et pour gagner en lĂ©gitimitĂ©. Il y a Ă  la source de cette dĂ©marche de recherche et de formation une rĂ©elle quĂȘte de libertĂ© et de dĂ©veloppement du pouvoir-ĂȘtre et du pouvoir d'agir. Comprendre les rouages et les effets de l'abandon dans mon expĂ©rience de vie, savoir reconnaĂźtre les outils construits, tout au long de ma vie, constituaient Ă  mon avis un vaste champ d'investigation susceptible de permettre une redĂ©finition plus juste du sujet chercheur et un allĂšgement de la souffrance. C'est donc sur ces deux axes que repose principalement cette dĂ©marche de recherche-formation de type heuristique. L'un des rĂ©sultats de cette recherche a Ă©tĂ© de me permettre de dĂ©couvrir qu'une Ă©criture autofictionnelle constitue une voie salutaire pour se sortir des maniĂšres d'ĂȘtre dominĂ©es par les stigmates d'une expĂ©rience traumatique vĂ©cue dans l'enfance. Cette forme d'Ă©criture m'a permis de rĂ©aliser le pouvoir cathartique d'une telle approche, et de reconstruire ma lĂ©gitimitĂ©, ainsi que mon pouvoir-ĂȘtre et mon pouvoir d'agir. -- Mot(s) clĂ©(s) en français : QuĂȘte de sens, syndrome d'abĂȘte d'identitĂ©, lĂ©gitimitĂ© de soi, pouvoir-ĂȘtre et pouvoir d'agir, accompagnement, auto-accompagnement. -- ABSTRACT: This thesis examines the problematics linked to abandonment in early life and the consequences of that experience on the building of my identity. The epistemological foundation of research in the study of psychosocial practices suggests that the appreciation and thorough understanding of such an experience could unveil not only the ways in which the abandonment syndrome manifests, but also the strategies that would allow me to unlock their grip and gain legitimacy. My training and research are motivated by a sincere will to seek freedom and develop my ability to be and my ability to act. In my opinion, by understanding how abandonment has played out in my life, by naming its effects and by recognizing the tools I have given myself to this day, I have access to a vast area of investigation that is likely to allow a more accurate redefinition of the person that is both subject and researcher. It is also likely to lessen the suffering. These two lines of approach uphold most of my training and research activities, which are heuristic in nature. One of my findings indicates that auto-fictional writing is a healthy way to free oneself from the stigma of childhood trauma. I have realized that this type of writing has a cathartic power, and it has helped me rebuild my legitimacy as well as my ability to be and my ability to act. -- Mot(s) clĂ©(s) en anglais : Search for meaning, abandonment syndrome, search for identity, legitimacy, ability to be and ability to act, support, self-support

    Apport croisé de la modélisation déterministe et géostatistique. Exemple des concentrations en nitrates de la Seine.

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    5pages+résuméLe long des réseaux hydrographiques, l'espacement des stations de mesure des concentrations et l' hétérogénéité des mesures compliquent le calage des modÚles géostatistiques nécessaires à l'estimation des concentrations (Bernard-Michel et de Fouquet, 2006). Le recours à un modÚle déterministe peut-il permettre de remédier à la rareté des mesures, en fournissant débit, concentrations sur tout le domaine simulé ? Nous examinons par bief les résultats du modÚle PROSE qui décrit la Seine et la Marne peu avant leur confluence jusqu'à Poses. Temporellement les mesures et la simulation PROSE sont ajustables en modÚle linéaire de corégionalisation. Spatialement, le cokrigeage permet de recaler les conditions aux limites, et donc la simulation, aux mesures de contrÎle. reproduisant la variabilité spatiale, mais faiblement corrélé aux mesures, le modÚle PROSE s'interprÚte alors en terme de simulation non conditionnelle. Enfin, un modÚle de variogramme tri-variable débit-flux-concentrations est ajusté spatialement

    CaractĂ©risation spatiale et temporelle de la qualitĂ© des « Masses d’Eau Cours d’Eau »

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    FocalisĂ© sur les indicateurs physico-chimiques soutenant la biologie des cours d’eau, l’article examine l’interpolation de ce type de mesures, dans le temps et l’espace, pour le calcul des indices lĂ©gaux requis par la Directive Cadre EuropĂ©enne sur l’Eau. En effet, le calcul d’indicateurs statistiques, Ă  partir d’une information trĂšs lacunaire, pose problĂšme. DiffĂ©rentes mĂ©thodes de calcul du quantile 90 par station sont-elles Ă©quivalentes? Comment cet indicateur varie-t-il spatialement? Le RĂ©seau National de Bassin français fournit-il suffisamment d’information pour une caractĂ©risation pertinente de la qualitĂ© des eaux?Les sorties du modĂšle dĂ©terministe ProSe appliquĂ© Ă  la Seine, Ă  pas de temps journalier, sont utilisĂ©es pour comparer diffĂ©rentes mĂ©thodes de calcul des indicateurs. Les rĂ©sultats dĂ©duits du modĂšle exhaustif sont comparĂ©s Ă  ceux calculĂ©s aprĂšs un Ă©chantillonnage simulant celui du rĂ©seau de surveillance.Deux calculs du quantile 90 temporel par station sont examinĂ©s : le calcul classique fondĂ© sur la fonction de quantile empirique, et une mĂ©thode lĂ©gĂšrement plus complexe, avec une pondĂ©ration temporelle et une linĂ©arisation de la fonction de quantile, qui attĂ©nue effectivement les biais induits par l’échantillonnage irrĂ©gulier durant l’annĂ©e, ou dĂ©coulant du nombre restreint de mesures.Trois mĂ©thodes de « spatialisation » sont ensuite testĂ©es afin d’obtenir des pourcentages d’occurrence des quantiles par classe de qualitĂ© dans chaque « Masses d’Eau Cours d’Eau » : le « principe de dĂ©faillance » retient la station la plus dĂ©favorable; la deuxiĂšme mĂ©thode calcule la proportion des stations par classe de qualitĂ©; la derniĂšre pondĂšre chaque station par son « segment d’influence ». La spatialisation par segments d’influence des quantiles temporels au sein des « Masses d’Eau Cours d’Eau » amĂ©liore nettement les estimations des pourcentages d’occurrence, montrant la nĂ©cessitĂ© de la prise en compte de la localisation des stations lors du calcul d’un indice de qualitĂ©.This research aimed to understand how to interpolate discrete measurements, in space and time, in order to calculate physico-chemical indicators in rivers, which are required by the European Water Framework Directive. Linked to this issue, several questions were addressed. Are the different methods used to calculate temporal 90th-percentiles at a given site equivalent? How does this legal indicator vary in space? Does the French National Basin Network provide enough information to make consistent water quality characterization?The daily outputs of the ProSe model applied to the Seine River were used as proxies to compare different calculation methods of the 90th-percentile. The results deduced from the exhaustive model were compared to those calculated, after sampling the outputs according to the monitoring network sampling scheme. Two calculations of the temporal 90th-percentile at a given site were examined: the classical method based on the empirical percentile function and a slightly more complex method that includes temporal weighting and linearization of the empirical percentile function. This second method reduced the estimation bias of the 90th-percentile induced by irregular and/or few measurements.Three methods for spatializing the 90th-percentiles were tested to obtain occurrence percentages of the percentiles for each quality class in each “Stream Water Body”: the “failure principle” consists in keeping only the worst site; the second approach calculates the proportion of sites located in each quality class; the third method allocates an influence segment to each measurement site. Spatializing temporal percentiles in “Stream Water Bodies” by influence segments led to a marked improvement in occurrence percentage estimations and revealed the need to take into account the spatial configuration of measurement sites when calculating a quality indicator

    Caractérisation spatiale et temporelle des "Masses d'Eau Cours d'Eau". Spatial and Temporal characterization of "River Water Bodies".

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    International audienceThis article aims to understand how to extrapolate in space and time discrete measurements in order to calculate physico-chemical indicators in rivers, which are required by the Water Framework Directive. Linked to this issue, few questions are addressed. Does the French National Basin Network provide enough information in order to make consistent water quality maps? How does the temporal indicator - the 90 percentile - vary in space? The outputs of the ProSe model applied to the Seine River are used to compare two different methods for calculating the 90 percentile: the classical method based on the empirical percentile function and a method that aims to reduce the estimation bias of the 90 percentile. This second method includes temporal weighting and linearization o the empirical percentile function, and therefore its application is a little more complex. But with this method the bias induced by irregular and/or few measurements is reduced. Three methods for spatializing the 90 percentiles have been tested in order to obtain occurrence percentages of the percentiles for each quality class. The first one is based on the "failure principle" and consists in keeping only the worst site for the considered "River Water Body". The second one respects the proportion of percentiles located in each quality class, while the third one allocates an influence segment to each measurement site. Spatializing temporal percentiles in "River Water Bodies" by influence segments leads to a marked improvement of occurrence percentage estimations and reveals the necessity to take into account the spatial configuration of measurement sites when calculating a quality indicator

    Play and Be Happy? Leisure Participation and Quality of Life in School-Aged Children with Cerebral Palsy

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    The objective of this study was to examine the association between leisure participation and quality of life (QoL) in school-age children with cerebral palsy (CP). Leisure participation was assessed using the Children’s Assessment of Participation and Enjoyment (CAPE) and QoL using the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL). Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated to examine the association between CAPE and PedsQL scores, and a multiple linear regression model was used to estimate QoL predictors. Sixty-three children (mean age 9.7±2.1 years; 39 male) in GMFCS levels I–V were included. Intensity of participation in active-physical activities was significantly correlated with both physical (r=0.34, P=0.007) and psychosocial well-being (r=0.31, P=0.01). Intensity and diversity of participation in skill-based activities were negatively correlated with physical well-being (r=−0.39, P=0.001, and r=−0.41, P=0.001, resp.). Diversity and intensity of participation accounted for 32% (P=0.002) of the variance for physical well-being and 48% (P<0.001) when age and gross motor functioning were added. Meaningful and adapted leisure activities appropriate to the child’s skills and preferences may foster QoL

    Canadian paediatric neurology workforce survey and consensus statement

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    Background: Little knowledge exists on the availability of academic and community paediatric neurology positions. This knowledge is crucial for making workforce decisions. Our study aimed to: 1) obtain information regarding the availability of positions for paediatric neurologists in academic centres; 2) survey paediatric neurology trainees regarding their perceptions of employment issues and career plans; 3) survey practicing community paediatric neurologists 4) convene a group of paediatric neurologists to develop consensus regarding how to address these workforce issues. Methods: Surveys addressing workforce issues regarding paediatric neurology in Canada were sent to: 1) all paediatric neurology program directors in Canada (n=9) who then solicited information from division heads and from paediatric neurologists in surrounding areas; 2) paediatric neurology trainees in Canada (n=57) and; 3) community paediatric neurologists (n=27). A meeting was held with relevant stakeholders to develop a consensus on how to approach employment issues. Results: The response rate was 100% from program directors, 57.9% from residents and 44% from community paediatric neurologists. We found that the number of projected positions in academic paediatric neurology is fewer than the number of paediatric neurologists that are being trained over the next five to ten years, despite a clinical need for paediatric neurologists. Paediatric neurology residents are concerned about job availability and desire more career counselling. Conclusions: There is a current and projected clinical demand for paediatric neurologists despite a lack of academic positions. Training programs should focus on community neurology as a viable career option

    A National Spinal Muscular Atrophy Registry for Real-World Evidence.

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    BACKGROUND: Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a devastating rare disease that affects individuals regardless of ethnicity, gender, and age. The first-approved disease-modifying therapy for SMA, nusinursen, was approved by Health Canada, as well as by American and European regulatory agencies following positive clinical trial outcomes. The trials were conducted in a narrow pediatric population defined by age, severity, and genotype. Broad approval of therapy necessitates close follow-up of potential rare adverse events and effectiveness in the larger real-world population. METHODS: The Canadian Neuromuscular Disease Registry (CNDR) undertook an iterative multi-stakeholder process to expand the existing SMA dataset to capture items relevant to patient outcomes in a post-marketing environment. The CNDR SMA expanded registry is a longitudinal, prospective, observational study of patients with SMA in Canada designed to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of novel therapies and provide practical information unattainable in trials. RESULTS: The consensus expanded dataset includes items that address therapy effectiveness and safety and is collected in a multicenter, prospective, observational study, including SMA patients regardless of therapeutic status. The expanded dataset is aligned with global datasets to facilitate collaboration. Additionally, consensus dataset development aimed to standardize appropriate outcome measures across the network and broader Canadian community. Prospective outcome studies, data use, and analyses are independent of the funding partner. CONCLUSION: Prospective outcome data collected will provide results on safety and effectiveness in a post-therapy approval era. These data are essential to inform improvements in care and access to therapy for all SMA patients
