147 research outputs found

    Screendance Cannot be Everything: Defining the Form Ten Years after the (Hu)manifesto

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    Master of Fine Arts

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    thesisThe purpose of this research is to show how implementing limitations as a creative ritual may lead to a more optimal artmaking experience. Research has shown that creating parameters within a challenging activity increases an individual's concentration to the point that work seems effortless, and the individual experiences a state of flow. There are many psychophysiological rewards to this state of deep concentration that may encourage an individual to re-engage in the pursuit, despite its rigorous challenge. The most powerful motivating reward of flow is self-fulfillment. It is my intent to offer the dance field new insight into how limits may enliven the creative process of making our choreographic and filmic work. I draw from my own experience of applying boundaries to dance in the studio and on set. The limits are sometimes geographic and other times psychological. Some involve a cast of dancers, while others involve only me. By recognizing that parameters lead to flow, and that flow leads to enjoyment, it seems crucial to our dance companies, education systems and personal practices to discover how to harness the freedom of limitations

    Sunlight is the Best Disinfectant: The Role of the Media in Shaping Immigration Policy

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    On February 21, 2017, one month and one day after the inauguration of Donald Trump as the forty-fifth President of the United States, the Washington Post debuted a new slogan: “Democracy Dies in Darkness.” This phrase draws on our country’s tradition of recognizing the importance of a free and open press, but is it still true? In today’s world, does the media still play a fundamental role as a check on our government? Furthermore, in areas like immigration law, where considerable power and deference lies with the President and Department of Homeland Security, what is the role of the “Fourth Estate” in holding governmental institutions accountable? This article examines these questions by analyzing the role of the press in shaping immigration policy by the Obama and Trump Administrations with respect to two groups: Central American asylum seekers—particularly unaccompanied minors and family units—and Syrian refugees. The article first examines how press coverage and public engagement served as a check on the Obama Administration and shaped President Obama’s response to the Central American Migrant Crisis and Syrian Refugee Crisis during his second term. The article then describes executive actions taken by the Trump Administration that adversely impacted Central American asylum seekers and Syrian refugees, and analyzes how media coverage shaped the Trump Administration’s ability to implement policies against these groups

    Marine Pothole Erosion, Oahu, Hawaii

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    The term "pothole" has been applied to a variety of depressions by many writers. The term is used here to describe depressions which are abraded and scoured by water and grinding tools under the influence of currents that produce a vortex motion. Elston (1918) referred to holes developed in this manner as "normal potholes," and Alexander (1932) used also the term "eddy holes" to describe depressions formed by this mechanism

    Childhood obesity: the look of nurses inserted in primary care

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    En este estudio se desarrolla un enfoque exploratorio, descriptivo, cualitativo, en el que se intenta comprender la percepción de enfermeras de atención primaria sobre la obesidad infantil en una ciudad en el oeste de Santa Catarina. Los datos fueron recolectados a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas con diez enfermeras de Atención Primaria realizadas de enero a marzo de 2013. Los datos obtenidos fueron sometidos a análisis de contenido siguiendo las orientaciones de Minayo. Categorías “Cambio en el estado nutricional de la población infantil”, “Causas del sobrepeso y obesidad infantil”, “Complicaciones de la obesidad infantil”, “Prevención de la Obesidad Infantil” y “acciones emprendidas en atención primaria” fueron identificados. Asimismo, se identificó la percepción de enfermeras en relación con el crecimiento de los factores de riesgo para el desarrollo de la obesidad infantil. Por otra parte, es necesario intensificar las acciones municipales en materia de espacio físico para las actividades físicas y los cambios en los hábitos alimenticios.This is an exploratory, descriptive, qualitative approach, attempts to understand the perception of nurses inserted in primary care on childhood obesity a city in western Santa Catarina. Data were collected through interviews with ten nurses semiestrururadas inserted in Primary Care from January to March 2013. The collected data were subjected to content analysis Minayo. Categories “Change in nutritional status of the child population”, “Causes of childhood overweight and obesity”, “Complications of childhood obesity”, “Preventing Childhood Obesity” and “Actions undertaken within primary care’ were identified. It was possible to identify the perception of nurses regarding the growth of the risk factors for the development of childhood obesity. Moreover, it is necessary to intensify municipal actions with regard to physical space for physical activities and changes in eating habits.Trata-se de um estudo exploratório, descritivo, de abordagem qualitativa, que objetivou conhecer a percepção dos enfermeiros inseridos na Atenção Básica sobre a obesidade infantil num município do oeste catarinense. As informações foram coletadas por meio de entrevista semiestruturadas com dez enfermeiros inseridos na Atenção Básica no período de janeiro à março de 2013. Os dados coletados foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo de Minayo. Foram identificadas as categorias “Mudança no perfil nutricional da população infantil”, “Causas do sobrepeso e obesidade infantil”, “Complicações da obesidade infantil”, “Prevenção da obesidade infantil” e “Ações desenvolvidas no âmbito da atenção básica”. Os resultados revelam a percepção dos enfermeiros quanto ao crescimento dos fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento da obesidade infantil e, a necessidade de intensificar ações, especialmente em nível municipal, no que diz respeito ao espaço físico para a realização de atividades físicas e mudanças nos hábitos alimentares

    Teletrabalho: o direito à desconexão na atualidade brasileira

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    The study aims to analyze the Right to disconnect, especially in telework relationships. This article arises in a scenario of unbridled connection to telematic means, whether in the work or residential environment. Providing an opportunity to reflect on the importance of disconnecting from work in a telework environment. Thus, the concept of telework is initially approached, together with the observation of the legislation relevant to this type of employment contract. Moving on to study the concept of disconnection from work, technological interference in labor relations, observing the legal framework of national legislation and foreign legislation, for comparative purposes. Finally, the impacts of hyperconnection are presented, focusing on the use of telematics and its repercussions on the life of the teleworker. The examination of the impacts of excessive connection, in line with doctrinal notes, demonstrate the necessary legislative and judicial attention to avoid damage to the quality of life, and deterioration of working conditions, in particular for those who are exposed to work uninterruptedly. The study is a qualitative theoretical research, supported by the technical literature, analyzing the legislation alluding to the subject through a deductive approach.O estudo tem por objetivo analisar o Direito à desconexão, em especial nas relações de teletrabalho. O presente artigo surge em um cenário de conexão desenfreada aos meios telemáticos, seja no ambiente laboral ou residencial. Oportunizando a reflexão a respeito da importância da desconexão laboral em um ambiente de teletrabalho. Desse modo, inicialmente aborda-se o conceito de teletrabalho, aliado a observação da legislação pertinente a esta modalidade de contrato de trabalho. Passando a estudar o conceito de desconexão do trabalho, as interferências tecnológicas nas relações laborais, observando o enquadramento legal da legislação pátria e legislação estrangeira, para fins comparativos. Por fim, apresenta-se os impactos da hiperconexão, com foco no uso da telemática e suas repercussões na vida do teletrabalhador. O exame dos impactos do excesso de conexão, em consonância com apontamentos doutrinários demonstram a necessária atenção legislativa e judicial para evitar prejuízos à qualidade de vida, e deterioração das condições de trabalho, em particular para aqueles que estão expostos ao trabalho de maneira ininterrupta. O estudo é uma pesquisa teórica qualitativa, apoiada na literatura técnica, analisando a legislação alusiva ao tema por meio de uma abordagem dedutiva


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    poster abstractEmphysema is an abnormal inflammatory response of the alveoli that lose their elasticity due to destruction of alveolar septi. Collagen, an extracellular matrix protein (ECM), is expressed in the lung, which is important in maintaining the integrity of the tissue. Destruction of the ECM components in the alveolar structure contributes to the development of emphysema. We have found that the gene expression of type VI collagen (COL6A1) is higher in the lungs of emphysema patients as compared to that from normal controls. Type VI collagen (COL6) is found in the pulmonary interstitial compartment where massive macrophages are infiltrated in the inflammatory environment. The hypothesis is that excessive COL6 activates macrophages to mediate inflammatory responses, which may contribute to the pathogenesis of emphysema. The goal is to define the effects of type VI collagen on macrophages. Results from murine bone marrow derived macrophages showed a marked increase in the numbers of CD86-positive cells after soluble COL6 stimulation. To further support the stimulatory function of COL6, human THP-1 cells as well as primary monocytes produced inflammatory cytokines IL-12 and IFNγ following COL6 stimulation. Taken together, our data has demonstrated the stimulatory effects on macrophages by COL6 stimulation, which may mediate the inflammatory responses in the pathogenesis of emphysema

    Psychological and psychophysiological effects of recuperative music post-exercise

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    Purpose: Few studies have examined the psychological and psychophysiological effects of recuperative music following exhaustive exercise. The main purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of two music conditions compared with a no-music control on psychological and psychophysiological recovery processes post-exercise. Methods: A randomized, fully counterbalanced, crossover design was used. Core affect, salivary cortisol, heart rate, and blood pressure were measured before exhaustive exercise, immediately after, and in 10-, 20-, and 30-min intervals during passive recovery (21 women and 21 men; 20.9 ± 1.7 yr) over three separate trials (slow, sedative music; fast, stimulative music; no-music control). The exercise task entailed incremental cycle ergometry performed at 75 rpm with a 22.5 W.min-1 increase in intensity at the end of each minute until exhaustion. Data were analyzed using mixed-model 3 (condition) x 4 (time) x 2 (gender) MANOVA/ANCOVA. Results: The largest decline in affective arousal between active and passive recovery phases was evident in the slow, sedative condition (ηp 2 = 0.50). Women had a more pronounced reduction in arousal than men in the slow, sedative music condition. Heart rate measures showed that fast, stimulative music inhibited the return of heart rate toward resting levels (ηp 2 = 0.06). Similarly, salivary cortisol levels tended to be lower in response to slow, sedative music (ηp 2 = 0.11). There was a main effect of condition for affective valence indicating that the slow, sedative condition elicited more positive affective responses than the control and fast, stimulative conditions (ηp 2 = 0.12). Conclusions: The present findings support the notion that slow, sedative music can expedite the recovery process immediately after strenuous exercise

    Psychological and Psychophysiological Effects of Recuperative Music Postexercise

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    Purpose: Few studies have examined the psychological and psychophysiological effects of recuperative music after exhaustive exercise. The main purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of two music conditions compared with a no-music control on psychological and psychophysiological recovery processes after exercise. Methods: A randomized, fully counterbalanced, crossover design was used. Core affect, salivary cortisol, heart rate, and blood pressure were measured before exhaustive exercise, immediately after, and in 10-, 20-, and 30-min intervals during passive recovery (21 women and 21 men; 20.9 T 1.7 yr) over three separate trials (slow, sedative music; fast, stimulative music; no-music control). The exercise task entailed incremental cycle ergometry performed at 75 rpm with an increase in intensity of 22.5 WIminj1 at the end of each minute until exhaustion. Data were analyzed using mixed-model 3 (condition) 4 (time) 2 (gender) MANOVA/ANCOVA. Results: The largest decline in affective arousal between active and passive recovery phases was evident in the slow, sedative condition (Gp 2 = 0.50). Women had a more pronounced reduction in arousal than did men in the slow, sedative music condition. Heart rate measures showed that fast, stimulative music inhibited the return of heart rate toward resting levels (Gp 2 = 0.06). Similarly, salivary cortisol levels tended to be lower in response to slow, sedative music (Gp 2 = 0.11). There was a main effect of condition for affective valence indicating that the slow, sedative condition elicited more positive affective responses compared with the control and fast, stimulative conditions (Gp 2 = 0.12). Conclusions: The present findings support the notion that slow, sedative music can expedite the recovery process immediately after strenuous exercise. Key Words: AFFECT, CORTISOL, ENTRAINMENT, RECOVERY, PSYCHOBIOLOGY, SEDATIO