90 research outputs found

    Understanding Human Insecurity in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo : The Relevance of Ethnography for Post-Conflict Reconstruction

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    コンゴ民主共和国東部における人間の安全保障の危機への理解 : Understanding Human Insecurity in Eastern Democratic Republic of Cong

    Land Reform as Conflict Prevention: the Case of Rwanda

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    A decade ago, Rwanda embarked on a major land reform programme. The authorities claimed that the new Land Law, and the Land Policy document in support, would contribute to social equality and the prevention of future conflict. The Land Law was finally passed in May 2005.This paper provides a contextualized reading of key aspects of the law. Attention is also paid to other forms of recent legislation, especially villagization (imidugudu) and the new property law that regulates women's inheritance. The argument is in three parts. First, I document and argue that the 2005 Land Law has more potential for generating future conflicts than promoting peace. The law's emphasis on the need to consolidate fragmented family plots, and especially the likelihood/threat that up to half a million households may lose what little land they still own, will cause tension and opposition to the nouveaux riches who are involved in land speculation. I also pay attention to the state authorities' right to confiscate land not 'properly' managed.Second, some of the potential for future violence may be reduced by the fact that Government is bound to allow some flexibility in the way the land law is locally interpreted and applied. As can be seen with other fonts of state interventions in Rwanda- e.g. the restitution of property to repatriates who returned after the genocide; the villagization programme (imidugudu); or today's gacaca trials - the state imposes firm parameters. but gives local administrators some discretion in how to apply them.Third, looking to the future, I contend that it remains to be seen whether the recent, pro-women inheritance legislation will fed champions (politicians, administrators) willing and able to take on the full force of the language of public morality, which prevents women from exercising their legal rights. This may not happen. Although the Land Law declares a commitment to gender equity with regard to ownership (Article 4), the rest of the law is conspicuously silent on land in relation to gender

    Agricultural Rehabilitation and Food Insecurity in Post?war Rwanda:

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    Summaries Early comments on the impact of the conflict on Rwanda's food production capacity claimed that the loss of harvests and seeds was virtually total. Almost instantaneously, it was revealed that a solution existed: the ‘Seeds of Hope’ programme, a long?term international solution proposed by CGIAR through which crop production and biodiversity would be quickly restored. The restoration would prove far less expensive than long?term dependency on food aid. This article critiques the portrayal of Rwanda's agricultural devastation and offers an alternative reading. Based on research carried out on behalf of Save The Children, UK, it presents a more nuanced picture of the food and agricultural situation in the immediate aftermath of the 1994 war and genocide. This alternative reading highlights determinants of food availability overlooked in the popular portrayal of starvation and ecological calamity. Attention is paid to ecological variations within Rwanda, the differential impact caused by war and internal flight, farmer resourcefulness, and the ‘longevity’ of certain field crops not harvested on time. Immediately following the end of war, the international community failed to appreciate the diversity of conditions inside Rwanda's food production sector. Available seed supplies were never investigated, nor was the differential impact the war had had on and within Rwanda's prefectures understood. This lack of a proper needs assessment enabled the international aid world to ‘package’ Rwanda as a country whose devastated agriculture could not recover without the kind of technical, apolitical intervention the West (CGIAR) had in mind. With media assistance, CGIAR persisted with its narrative for several months despite the emergence of clear counter evidence

    Everybody needs good neighbours: understanding the conflict(s) in Eastern DRC

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    Widely recognized as Africa's most complex war, even dubbed Africa's First World War, the current conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo «Stems from the wave of violence and mass-displacement unleashed by the Rwandan genocide in 1994» (APPG 2001: 6). This paper outlines the broad contours of the DRC conflict(s) in international, national and local terms. In particular, it aims to provide a full context to the Inter-Congolese Dialogue (Sun City, South Africa, on 25 February 2002) by exploring the overlapping «local» contexts in which tensions arise. Focusing on Eastern DRC, the paper also highlights the ever-shifting nature of alliances, and reflects on the challenges that need to be confronted if peace is to be given a chance.Amplamente reconhecido como a guerra mais complexa de África, e até apelidado a Primeira Guerra Mundial de África, o actual conflito na República Democrática do Congo «tem a sua origem na onde de violência, e de deslocações maciças de populações, desencadeadas pelo genocídio ocorrido em 1994 no Ruanda» (APPG 2001:6). O presente artigo esboça os contornos gerais do(s) conflito(s) na RDC, em termos internacionais, nacionais e locais. Em particular, o autor propõe-se fornecer o quadro completo em que teve lugar o chamado «Dialogo Inter-Congolês» (Sun City, Africa do Sul, 25 de Fevereiro de 2002), examinando os contextos «locais» que se sobrepõem na RDC e onde os conflitos de geram. Concentrando-se sobre a RDC oriental, o artigo põe em relevo a natureza de alianças em contínua recomposição, e reflecte sobre os desafios que tem de ser encarados para que a paz tenha alguma chance.Amplement reconnu comme la guerre la plus complexe d'Afrique, et même apostrophé comme la Première Guerre Mondiale de l'Afrique, l'actuel conflit dans la République Démocratique du Congo « a son origine dans l'onde de violence, et de déplacement massifs de populations, déchainés par le génocide de 1994 au Rwanda » (APPG 2001:6). L'article qui suit esquisse les contours généraux du conflit (ou: des conflits) en RDC, en termes internationaux, nationaux et locaux. L'auteur se propose plus particulièrement de fournir le cadre complet dans lequel eut lieu le « Dialogue Inter-Congolais » (Sun City, Afrique du Sud, 25 février 2002), en examinant les contextes locaux que se superposent en RDC, et où les conflits se gèrent. En mettant l'accent sur la RDC orientale, l'article met en relief la nature des alliances en permanente recomposition, et réfléchit sur les défis auxquels il faut faire face pour que la paix ait une chance

    コンゴキョウワコク トウブ ニ オケル ニンゲン ノ アンゼン ホショウ ノ キキ ヘノ リカイ

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    コンゴ民主共和国東部における人間の安全保障の危機への理解 : Understanding Human Insecurity in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo著者:ヨハン, ポチエ訳者:早川, 誠

    Village Responses to Food Marketing Alternatives in Northern Zambia: The Case of the Mambwe Economy

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    SUMMARY This article assesses the relative merits of two styles in food marketing from the perspective of small?scale producer?sellers in rural Zambia. Of the alternatives — state?controlled maize cropping; free?market bean sales — the latter has been viewed as ‘obviously’ preferable. The author challenges this view, arguing that the seemingly inferior alternative (hybrid maize) cannot be dropped from the local food system where it has become a substitute for the very labour?intensive ‘traditional’ millet. This production function explains why maize is locally perceived as a valuable crop in spite of the poor infrastructure for providing inputs and for collection. SOMMAIRE Cet article évalue les mérites relatifs aux deux styles de mise en marché d'aliments dans la perspective des producteurs?vendeurs à petite échelle en Zambie rurale. Des deux alternatives — culture de mais contrôlée par l'état: vente libre d'haricots — on a retenu la dernière étant ‘évidemment’ préférable L'auteur conteste ce choix argumentant que l'alternative semblant inférieur (le maïs hybride) ne peut être abandonnée du système local d'alimentation, puisque cela constitue un substitut au travail intensif du millet ‘traditionnel’. Cette fonction de production explique pourquoi la culture du mais est perçue localement comme étant valable en dépit de la pauvreté de l'infrastructure fournissant les apports et facilitant la vente. RESUMEN Este artículo destaca los méritos relativos de dos estilos de comercialización alimenticia desde la perspectiva de los productores?vendedores en la Zambia rural. El autor desafía la creencia de que la venta de frejoles en el libre mercado es ‘obviamente’ preferible al cultivo del maíz controlado por el estado. Argumenta, por el contrario, que el maíz híbrido — alternativa aparentemente inferior — no puede eliminarse del sistema alimentario local, donde se ha convertido en un substituto del ‘tradicional’ mijo, muy intensivo en mano de obra Esta función de producción explica por qué el maíz es percibido localmente como un valioso cultivo, pese a la pobre infraestructura existente para proveer insumos y para la recolección

    Food systems under stress (FSUS) project FSUS/PRA workshop – Tanzania Magindu Village, Kibaha District, 23-25 August 1993.

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    This report is a chronological account of the Magindu Workshop, based mainly on the teams deliberations at the end of each day.Magindu village lies within the Coastal Region and is situated 25 km south of Chalinze (about 45 minutes by car along a sandy track) just beyond the intersection with the Central Railway Line. The village is inhabited by Wakwere and Kutu cultivators (90) %) and Maasai cattle keepers (10%). Magindu's history can be summed up as one of consecutive droughts and people moving in and out of the area. Al though drought occurs periodically, rainfall is not necessarily a limiting factor, and can go up to 800 mm a year. The soils, however, are not very deep. (Dodoma is much drier, but a lot of aid and research is already focused on that region). In 1990-1991 Magindu suffered terribly in the drought, which was so severe that it put Magindu on the political map. Ministers visited the area

    A História da Alimentação: balizas historiográficas

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    Os M. pretenderam traçar um quadro da História da Alimentação, não como um novo ramo epistemológico da disciplina, mas como um campo em desenvolvimento de práticas e atividades especializadas, incluindo pesquisa, formação, publicações, associações, encontros acadêmicos, etc. Um breve relato das condições em que tal campo se assentou faz-se preceder de um panorama dos estudos de alimentação e temas correia tos, em geral, segundo cinco abardagens Ia biológica, a econômica, a social, a cultural e a filosófica!, assim como da identificação das contribuições mais relevantes da Antropologia, Arqueologia, Sociologia e Geografia. A fim de comentar a multiforme e volumosa bibliografia histórica, foi ela organizada segundo critérios morfológicos. A seguir, alguns tópicos importantes mereceram tratamento à parte: a fome, o alimento e o domínio religioso, as descobertas européias e a difusão mundial de alimentos, gosto e gastronomia. O artigo se encerra com um rápido balanço crítico da historiografia brasileira sobre o tema

    Re-Imagining Rwanda. Conflict, Survival and Disinformation in the Late Twentieth Century

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