1,717 research outputs found

    Trophic Structure of the Northwest Hawaiian Islands and Resident Monk Seals (Monachus schaundslandi) During the Twentieth Century

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    The Hawaiian monk seal (Monachus schauinslandi) is an endangered species only found within the Hawaiian Archipelago. The majority of the breeding population for this seal is located around six islands in the Northwest Hawaiian Island chain (NWHI). Overall, both juvenile and adult seals have a wide range in δ13C and δ15N from 1912-2006 (δ13C: -12.5‰; δ15N: 12.6‰). Seals in the northern NWHI were enriched in δ13C by nearly 2‰ and depleted in δ15N by nearly 6‰ during the 96 years. Meanwhile, seals within the middle and southern extent of the NWHI showed little to very slight decreases in δ13C and δ15N. Preliminary comparison of modern monk seals with selected potential prey in the southern NWHI indicate possible trophic reliance on a mix of reef fish, eels, and lobster. Commercial fishery data post-WWII indicate an overlap between fisheries and monk seal diets in lobster, squirrelfish, and goatfish

    Temporal and geographic occurrences of cetacean strandings and manatee sightings in Virginia, with notes on adverse human-cetacean interactions, from 1983-1989

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    From 1 January 1983 to 31 December 1989, 416 cetacean strandings consisting of five families and 15 species, and five manatee sightings were recorded in Virginia waters. Most records were of bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus (339, 1.3%). Most cetacean strandings were reported from Virginia Beach (230, 55.1 % ). The highest number of strandings occurred in 1987 (265, 63.5%) when an epizootic killed many Tursiops. There were five confirmed sightings of manatees in Virginia waters during the study period. Thirty-four stranded cetaceans showed signs of adverse interactions related to human activities

    A sex-specific size Á number tradeoff in clonal broods

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    Polyembryonic parasitoids producing single-sex broods of clonal offspring provide an unusually clear window into the classic tradeoff between the number and size of offspring. We conducted a laboratory study of the encyrtid parasitoid Copidosoma bakeri parasitizing the noctuid Agrotis ipsilon to examine the way that size and number of offspring tradeoff in broods of each sex and to determine how the fit between host and parasitoid brood is achieved. We found that brood mass (wasp body mass )brood size) was proportional to host mass, independent of brood sex, indicating a tight fit between brood and host and ensuring a sizeÁnumber tradeoff. By correcting brood size and body mass of each brood for host mass, we demonstrated the expected inverse relationship between wasp variables. We postulated that the wasp brood might achieve the fit to the host by (1) adjusting brood size based on information available early in host development before and during division of the embryo, (2) manipulating host size late in host development after completion of embryo division, or (3) simply adjusting individual wasp mass to fill the host. We evaluated host responses to parasitism Á and correlations between brood size and host growth early and late in development Á for broods of each sex. The data are consistent with adjustment of brood size to the amount of host growth early in host development and with manipulation of host mass late in host development. The tight link between host mass and brood mass also suggests a final adjustment by parasitoid growth to achieve complete filling. Within the tight fit, female broods were smaller but contained larger individuals than male broods. The sex-specific balance point of the tradeoff and sex differences in balancing mechanisms and responses to host size suggest different selection pressures on each sex requiring future investigation

    Substrate promiscuity of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate kinase driven by structurally-modified ligands and active site plasticity

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    D-myo-inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3) is a fundamental second messenger in cellular Ca2+ mobilization. InsP3 3-kinase, a highly specific enzyme binding InsP3 in just one mode, phosphorylates InsP3 specifically at its secondary 3-hydroxyl group to generate a tetrakisphosphate. Using a chemical biology approach with both synthetised and established ligands, combining synthesis, crystallography, computational docking, HPLC and fluorescence polarization binding assays using fluorescently-tagged InsP3, we have surveyed the limits of InsP3 3-kinase ligand specificity and uncovered surprisingly unforeseen biosynthetic capacity. Structurally-modified ligands exploit active site plasticity generating a helix-tilt. These facilitated uncovering of unexpected substrates phosphorylated at a surrogate extended primary hydroxyl at the inositol pseudo 3-position, applicable even to carbohydrate-based substrates. Crystallization experiments designed to allow reactions to proceed in situ facilitated unequivocal characterization of the atypical tetrakisphosphate products. In summary, we define features of InsP3 3-kinase plasticity and substrate tolerance that may be more widely exploitable

    The Prevalence and Influence of the Combination of Humor and Violence in Super Bowl Commercials

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    The growing concern over violence in the media has led to vast amounts of research examining the effects of violent media on viewers. An important subset of this research looks at how humor affects this relationship. While research has considered this subset in television programming, almost no research has explored this in the context of advertising. This paper builds on the little research that exists by examining the effects of combining humor and violence, as well as the theoretical approaches that underlie these effects. A content analysis is conducted to identify the prevalence of violence, humor, and the combination of these elements in a longitudinal sample of Super Bowl commercials (2005, 2007, and 2009). Further, we investigate the relationship between the joint occurrence of humor and violence in ads and ad popularity. We conclude that violent acts are rampant in these commercials and that many acts are camouflaged by the simultaneous presence of humor, especially in the most popular ads

    The correlation between reading and mathematics ability at age twelve has a substantial genetic component

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    Dissecting how genetic and environmental influences impact on learning is helpful for maximizing numeracy and literacy. Here we show, using twin and genome-wide analysis, that there is a substantial genetic component to children’s ability in reading and mathematics, and estimate that around one half of the observed correlation in these traits is due to shared genetic effects (so-called Generalist Genes). Thus, our results highlight the potential role of the learning environment in contributing to differences in a child’s cognitive abilities at age twelve

    Crystal structure and enzymology of Solanum tuberosum inositol tris/tetrakisphosphate kinase 1 (StITPK1)

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    Inositol phosphates and their pyrophosphorylated derivatives are responsive to the phosphate supply and are agents of phosphate homeostasis and other aspects of physiology. It seems likely that the enzymes that interconvert these signals work against the prevailing milieu of mixed populations of competing substrates and products. The synthesis of inositol pyrophosphates is mediated in plants by two classes of ATP-grasp fold kinase: PPIP5 kinases, known as VIH, and members of the inositol tris/tetrakisphosphate kinase (ITPK) family, specifically ITPK1/2. A molecular explanation of the contribution of ITPK1/2 to inositol pyrophosphate synthesis and turnover in plants is incomplete: the absence of nucleotide in published crystal structures limits the explanation of phosphotransfer reactions, and little is known of the affinity of potential substrates and competitors for ITPK1. Herein, we describe a complex of ADP and StITPK1 at 2.26 Å resolution and use a simple fluorescence polarization approach to compare the affinity of binding of diverse inositol phosphates, inositol pyrophosphates, and analogues. By simple HPLC, we reveal the novel catalytic capability of ITPK1 for different inositol pyrophosphates and show Ins(3,4,5,6)P4 to be a potent inhibitor of the inositol pyrophosphate-synthesizing activity of ITPK1. We further describe the exquisite specificity of ITPK1 for the myo-isomer among naturally occurring inositol hexakisphosphates

    Substrate promiscuity of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate kinase driven by structurally-modified ligands and active site plasticity

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    D-myo-inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3) is a fundamental second messenger in cellular Ca2+ mobilization. InsP3 3-kinase, a highly specific enzyme binding InsP3 in just one mode, phosphorylates InsP3 specifically at its secondary 3-hydroxyl group to generate a tetrakisphosphate. Using a chemical biology approach with both synthetised and established ligands, combining synthesis, crystallography, computational docking, HPLC and fluorescence polarization binding assays using fluorescently-tagged InsP3, we have surveyed the limits of InsP3 3-kinase ligand specificity and uncovered surprisingly unforeseen biosynthetic capacity. Structurally-modified ligands exploit active site plasticity generating a helix-tilt. These facilitated uncovering of unexpected substrates phosphorylated at a surrogate extended primary hydroxyl at the inositol pseudo 3-position, applicable even to carbohydrate-based substrates. Crystallization experiments designed to allow reactions to proceed in situ facilitated unequivocal characterization of the atypical tetrakisphosphate products. In summary, we define features of InsP3 3-kinase plasticity and substrate tolerance that may be more widely exploitable