8 research outputs found

    The investigation of biocompatibility and mechanical properties of denture base resins

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    U uvodnom delu doktorske disertacije opisuje se kompleksnost problematike korišćenja polimera za bazu zubne proteze, sa osvrtom na njihove opšte osobine, stepen biokompatibilnosti i njihove mehaničke karakteristike. Detaljno je opisana problematika ispitivanja stomatoloških materijala i napravljeno je poređenje i korelacija između in vitro i in vivo načina ispitivanja biokompatibilnosti. Drugi deo obuhvata ispitivanje čvrstoće polimera za bazu zubne proteze i analizu uticaja osobina materijala u odnosu na biološku sredinu u kojoj obavljaju svoju funkciju, i u odnosu na sile kojima su tokom funkcije materijali izloženi. Cilj doktorske disertacije je utvrđivanje stepena biokompatibilnosti i mehaničkih karakteristika toplopolimerizujućih, hladnopolimerizujućih i termoplastičnih akrilata za bazu zubne proteze. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 3 komercijalna materijala iz grupe akrilata, koji se razlikuju po hemijskom sastavu i načinu polimerizacije. Ispitivanje biokompatibilnosti rađeno je u in vitro i in vivo uslovima. Ispitivanje na ćelijskim kulturama obuhvatalo je dve ćelisjke linije (MRC 5 i L929) sa dva načina kontakta između ćelija i materijala (direktan, indirektan) i dva načina određivanja biološkog ishoda (MTT test, Agar difuzioni test). Istraživanje urađeno in vivo obuhvatalo je test subkutane implantacije, na animalnom modelu pacova, i test iritacije oralne sluzokože na animalnom modelu hrčka. Oba testa rađena su u skladu sa standardom ISO 10993. Cilj in vivo istraživanja bio je ispitivanje reakcije tkiva na implantirani materijal, računajući i završnu integraciju ili dezintegraciju implantiranog materijala. Prednost in vivo istraživanja nalazi seu analizi uticaja materijala na sterilno živo tkivo, uz praćenje imunološke reakcije, kao dopuna prethodnom istraživanju na ćelijskim kulturama. Dopunski deo in vivo ispitivanja biokompatibilnosti određen je prema kliničkoj upotrebi ispitivanih materijala, zbog čega je odabran test oralne iritacije sluzokože. Sluzokoža bukalne kesice sirijskog hrčka sastoji se od pločasto slojvitog epitela sa orožavanjem, što je predstavljao dobar model za ispitivanje polimera za bazu zubne proteze, pošto zubna proteza naleže na sluzokožu nepca i rezidualnog alveolarnog grebena koja takođe orožava. Drugi deo disertacije obuhvatao je ispitivanje mehaničkih karakteristika, pri čemu su urađeni test zatezne čvrstoće, test savojne čvrstoće, test čvrstoće loma i mikrotvrdoće, uz dopunsku analizu pratećih parametara. Rezultati ispitivanja biokompatibilnosti pokazali su da su testovi biokompatibilnosti osetljivi na upražnjeni metodološki postupak. Ispitivanjem na ćelijskim kulturama nisu utvrđene značajne razlike u citotoksičnosti između toplopolimerizujućih, hladnopolimerizujućih i termoplastičnih akrilata. Takođe, rezultati su se razlikovali u odnosu na tip ćelijske kulture i način provere biološkog ishoda, što se slaže sa prethodnim navodima o kompleksnoj problematici njihovog međusobnog poređenja. Ispitivanjem biokompatibilnosti subkutanom implantacijom praćen je inflamatorni odgovor tkiva u vremenskom intervalu od 90 dana. Reakcija organizma na implantirani materijal posmatrana je kroz ćelijske i tkivne parametre, u skladu sa ISO 10993. Dodatno je urađena i analiza hrapavosti implantiranih materijala. Histološkom analizom utvrđena je razlika u inflamatornom odgovoru u odnosu na korišćeni materijal, kao i prema vremenskom intervalu implantacije. Test oralne iritacije sluzokože nije se pokazao kao dovoljno senzitivan za ispitivanje ovih vrsta materijala. Ispitivanjem mehaničkih karakteristika utvrđene su razlike između toplopolimerizujućih, hladnopolimerizujućih i termoplastičnih akrilata. Najveći stepen čvrstoće utvrđen je kod toplopolimerizujućih akrilata dok je najveća konzistentnost rezultata bila u grupi termoplastičnih akrilata. Prezentovano istraživanje predstavlja prvu detaljnu analizu biokompatibilnosti i mehaničkih karaktestistika polimera za bazu zubne proteze.The introduction describes the complexity of use of denture base materials, with regard to their general characteristics, biocompatibility and mechanical properties. Issues related to the testing of dental materials is described in detail and comparison is made between in vitro and in vivo methods of biocompatibility testing. The second part further covers the determination of strength of previously used materials, in relation to biological environment in which their function is conducted and in relation to the influence of masticatory forces which can contribute to their mechanical failure. The aim of the presented research was to assess the degree of biocompatibility and mechanical properties of cold curing, hot curing and thermoformed denture base materials. The research included three denture base materials, which differed according to their chemical composition and polymerization protocols. The biocompatibility testing was carried out in in vitro and in vivo conditions. The in vitro experiments covered two different cell lines (MRC 5 human lung fibroblasts and L929 mouse fibroblasts) with two types of contact (direct, indirect) and two different types of quantification of biological outcome (MTT assay and Agar overley test). The in vivo assessment of biocompatibility covered the subcutaneous implantation test, on the animal model of Wistar rat, and oral mucosa irritation test, on the animal model of sirian hamster. Both tests were conducted according to the ISO 10993. The aim of the in vivo investigation was to evaluate tissue reactions to the implanted materials, including the final integration or disintegration of the tested materials. The advantage of in vivo investigation included the possibility of monitoring the materials influence on living tissues, with the analysis of imunological response as an addition to the previously conductedresearchon cell cultures. The supplemental part of in vivo investigation was chosen according to the clinical use of the tested materials, which included the oral mucosa irritation test.The mucosa of hamster buccal pouch consists of stratified squamos epithelium, which is considered to be an adequate replacement for the human denture supporting tissues, which also consist of the same type of epithelium. The second part of thesis includes the determination of mechanical properties of denture base materials. It consists of four types of tests: tensile strength test, bending strength test, fracture toughness test and microhardness tests, followed by the analysis of corresponding parameters. The results of the biocompatibility tests showed that the biological outcome of the applied method is highly depended on the methodological procedure. The investigation conducted in vitro, on two different cell lines, did not show significant difference in cytotoxicity between hot curing, cold curing and thermoformed denture base materials. Also, the results were influenced by the type of cell culture and the evaluation method of biological outcome, which agrees with the previous allegations about the complexicity of their mutual comparison. The subcutaneous implantation test covered the inflammatory response in the time period of 90 days. The organism reaction to the implanted material was determined through the cell and tissue parameters of organism response, evaluation of which was conducted according to the ISO 10993. Additionally, the surface roughness of the implanted specimens of materials was also measured. The inflammatory response of the ogranism was influenced by the type of the implanted material and the time interval of implantation. The oral mucosa irritation test has proven not to be sufficiently sensitive for testing of this type of materials. Testing of the mechanical properties od denture base materials, revealed the difference between the cold curing, hot curing and thermofomed denture base materials. The highest strength was observed in hot curing materials, while the highest consistency of the results was observed in thermoformed resins. The presented investigation presents the first detail analysis of the biocompatibility and mechanical properties of the denture base materials, and as such presents a novelty in the field of dental materials characterization

    Prevalence and risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders in dentists

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    Introduction. Working in dental practice requires clear working field and easy access to all parts of oral cavity. For this reason, dentists often take non-physiological positions during treatment increasing the risk for musculoskeletal disorders. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders in dentists with different work experience in Novi Sad. Material and Methods. The study included 89 dentists. Data related to musculoskeletal disorders was collected using a questionnaire. Potential risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders were detected and analyzed. Results. Out of 89 dentists, 32 (36%) were male and 57 (64%) were female. Musculoskeletal disorders were detected in 62 dentists (69.7%). 50% of dentists reported pain during first three years of work in the office, while others noted these problems later. 49 dentists (77.8%) reported increasing pain during the day. Of the total respondents, 76.2% had pain in neck, 71.4% reported discomfort in the upper part of their back, 68.3% in the region of shoulder, and 65.1% complained for pain in lower back. Lower prevalence of pain was found in the region of wrists and hands, hips, knees, ankles and elbows. Statistical analysis did not show significant difference between observed risk factors. Conclusion. The prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders in examined dentists in Novi Sad was 69.7%. It was higher in male compared to female respondents. Most dentists had musculoskeletal disturbances in the region of neck, shoulders and upper back

    Ispitivanje preciznosti radnih modela pomoću koordinatne merne mašine u stomatologiji

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    Background/Aim. Dental impressions present a negative imprint of intraoral tissues of a patient which is, by pouring in gypsum, transferred extraorally on the working cast. Casting an accurate and precise working cast presents the first and very important step, since each of the following stages contributes to the overall error of the production process, which can lead to inadequately fitting dental restorations. The aim of this study was to promote and test a new model and technique for in vitro evaluation of the dental impression accuracy, as well as to asses the dimensional stability of impression material depending on the material bulk, and its effect on the accuracy of working casts. Methods. Impressions were made by the monophasic technique using the experimental master model. Custom trays with spacing of 1, 2 and 3 mm were constructed by rapid prototyping. The overall of 10 impressions were made with each custom tray. Working casts were made with gypsum type IV. Measurement of working casts was done 24 h later using a coordinate measuring machine. Results. The obtained results show that the working casts of all the three custom trays were in most cases significantly different in the transversal and sagittal planes in relation to the master model. The height of abutments was mainly unaffected. The degree of convergence showed certain significance in all the three custom trays, most pronounced in the tray with 3 mm spacing. Conclusion. The impression material bulk of 1-3 mm could provide accurate working casts when using the monophasic impression technique. The increase of the distance between abutment teeth influences the accuracy of working casts depending on the material bulk.Uvod/Cilj. Otisak predstavlja negativ intraoralnih tkiva, čijim se izlivanjem u gipsu njihova morfologija prenosi ekstraoralno na budući radni model. Sa laboratorijskog aspekta izrade zubnih nadoknada, izlivanje tačnog i preciznog radnog modela predstavlja prvi i veoma bitan korak, pošto svaka sledeća faza doprinosi daljem povećanju greške tokom izrade, što za krajnji ishod može imati neodgovarajuću zubnu nadoknadu. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se ispitaju novi model i tehnika za in vitro procenu preciznosti zubnih otisaka, kao i da se odredi uticaj količine otisnog materijala na dimenzionu stabilnost otisaka i preciznost izrade radnih modela. Metode. Za uzimanje otisaka korišćena je monofazna tehnika otiskivanja. Individualne kašike sa međuprostorom od 1, 2 i 3 mm napravljene su aditivnom tehnologijom za brzu izradu prototipova. Sa svakom kašikom napravljeno je po 10 otisaka. Radni modeli izlivani su u gipsu tipa IV. Merenje radnih modela vršeno je nakon 24 sata na koordinatnoj mernoj mašini. Rezultati. Rezultati pokazuju da radni modeli napravljeni pomoću sve tri individulane kašike u transverzalnoj i sagitalnoj ravni značajno odstupaju od glavnog dela modela. Visina patrljaka je u većini slučajeva bila kao na glavnom modelu. Stepen konvergencije pokazao je određena odstupanja samo kod kašike sa međuprostorom od 3 mm. Zaključak. Monofazna tehnika otiskivanja i otisni materijal debljine od 1 do 3 mm obezbeđuju izradu preciznih radnih modela. Rastojanje između zubnih patrljaka utiče na preciznost izrade radnih modela u zavisnosti od količine otisnog materijala

    Advanced procedure for fabrication of substructure in dentistry

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    The paper presents some aspects of the novel integrated system, procedure for fabrication of metal substructure of metal-ceramic crowns. The results been shown that the CAD/CAE/RP technology integration presented in this paper can be fully applied to casting metal substructures. The substructure fabricated in this way, confirm the reduction of the total manufacturing time, with an increase in the percentage of high quality castings that use integrated system

    The investigation of biocompatibility and mechanical properties of denture base resins

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    U uvodnom delu doktorske disertacije opisuje se kompleksnost problematike korišćenja polimera za bazu zubne proteze, sa osvrtom na njihove opšte osobine, stepen biokompatibilnosti i njihove mehaničke karakteristike. Detaljno je opisana problematika ispitivanja stomatoloških materijala i napravljeno je poređenje i korelacija između in vitro i in vivo načina ispitivanja biokompatibilnosti. Drugi deo obuhvata ispitivanje čvrstoće polimera za bazu zubne proteze i analizu uticaja osobina materijala u odnosu na biološku sredinu u kojoj obavljaju svoju funkciju, i u odnosu na sile kojima su tokom funkcije materijali izloženi. Cilj doktorske disertacije je utvrđivanje stepena biokompatibilnosti i mehaničkih karakteristika toplopolimerizujućih, hladnopolimerizujućih i termoplastičnih akrilata za bazu zubne proteze. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 3 komercijalna materijala iz grupe akrilata, koji se razlikuju po hemijskom sastavu i načinu polimerizacije. Ispitivanje biokompatibilnosti rađeno je u in vitro i in vivo uslovima. Ispitivanje na ćelijskim kulturama obuhvatalo je dve ćelisjke linije (MRC 5 i L929) sa dva načina kontakta između ćelija i materijala (direktan, indirektan) i dva načina određivanja biološkog ishoda (MTT test, Agar difuzioni test). Istraživanje urađeno in vivo obuhvatalo je test subkutane implantacije, na animalnom modelu pacova, i test iritacije oralne sluzokože na animalnom modelu hrčka. Oba testa rađena su u skladu sa standardom ISO 10993. Cilj in vivo istraživanja bio je ispitivanje reakcije tkiva na implantirani materijal, računajući i završnu integraciju ili dezintegraciju implantiranog materijala. Prednost in vivo istraživanja nalazi seu analizi uticaja materijala na sterilno živo tkivo, uz praćenje imunološke reakcije, kao dopuna prethodnom istraživanju na ćelijskim kulturama. Dopunski deo in vivo ispitivanja biokompatibilnosti određen je prema kliničkoj upotrebi ispitivanih materijala, zbog čega je odabran test oralne iritacije sluzokože. Sluzokoža bukalne kesice sirijskog hrčka sastoji se od pločasto slojvitog epitela sa orožavanjem, što je predstavljao dobar model za ispitivanje polimera za bazu zubne proteze, pošto zubna proteza naleže na sluzokožu nepca i rezidualnog alveolarnog grebena koja takođe orožava. Drugi deo disertacije obuhvatao je ispitivanje mehaničkih karakteristika, pri čemu su urađeni test zatezne čvrstoće, test savojne čvrstoće, test čvrstoće loma i mikrotvrdoće, uz dopunsku analizu pratećih parametara. Rezultati ispitivanja biokompatibilnosti pokazali su da su testovi biokompatibilnosti osetljivi na upražnjeni metodološki postupak. Ispitivanjem na ćelijskim kulturama nisu utvrđene značajne razlike u citotoksičnosti između toplopolimerizujućih, hladnopolimerizujućih i termoplastičnih akrilata. Takođe, rezultati su se razlikovali u odnosu na tip ćelijske kulture i način provere biološkog ishoda, što se slaže sa prethodnim navodima o kompleksnoj problematici njihovog međusobnog poređenja. Ispitivanjem biokompatibilnosti subkutanom implantacijom praćen je inflamatorni odgovor tkiva u vremenskom intervalu od 90 dana. Reakcija organizma na implantirani materijal posmatrana je kroz ćelijske i tkivne parametre, u skladu sa ISO 10993. Dodatno je urađena i analiza hrapavosti implantiranih materijala. Histološkom analizom utvrđena je razlika u inflamatornom odgovoru u odnosu na korišćeni materijal, kao i prema vremenskom intervalu implantacije. Test oralne iritacije sluzokože nije se pokazao kao dovoljno senzitivan za ispitivanje ovih vrsta materijala. Ispitivanjem mehaničkih karakteristika utvrđene su razlike između toplopolimerizujućih, hladnopolimerizujućih i termoplastičnih akrilata. Najveći stepen čvrstoće utvrđen je kod toplopolimerizujućih akrilata dok je najveća konzistentnost rezultata bila u grupi termoplastičnih akrilata. Prezentovano istraživanje predstavlja prvu detaljnu analizu biokompatibilnosti i mehaničkih karaktestistika polimera za bazu zubne proteze.The introduction describes the complexity of use of denture base materials, with regard to their general characteristics, biocompatibility and mechanical properties. Issues related to the testing of dental materials is described in detail and comparison is made between in vitro and in vivo methods of biocompatibility testing. The second part further covers the determination of strength of previously used materials, in relation to biological environment in which their function is conducted and in relation to the influence of masticatory forces which can contribute to their mechanical failure. The aim of the presented research was to assess the degree of biocompatibility and mechanical properties of cold curing, hot curing and thermoformed denture base materials. The research included three denture base materials, which differed according to their chemical composition and polymerization protocols. The biocompatibility testing was carried out in in vitro and in vivo conditions. The in vitro experiments covered two different cell lines (MRC 5 human lung fibroblasts and L929 mouse fibroblasts) with two types of contact (direct, indirect) and two different types of quantification of biological outcome (MTT assay and Agar overley test). The in vivo assessment of biocompatibility covered the subcutaneous implantation test, on the animal model of Wistar rat, and oral mucosa irritation test, on the animal model of sirian hamster. Both tests were conducted according to the ISO 10993. The aim of the in vivo investigation was to evaluate tissue reactions to the implanted materials, including the final integration or disintegration of the tested materials. The advantage of in vivo investigation included the possibility of monitoring the materials influence on living tissues, with the analysis of imunological response as an addition to the previously conductedresearchon cell cultures. The supplemental part of in vivo investigation was chosen according to the clinical use of the tested materials, which included the oral mucosa irritation test.The mucosa of hamster buccal pouch consists of stratified squamos epithelium, which is considered to be an adequate replacement for the human denture supporting tissues, which also consist of the same type of epithelium. The second part of thesis includes the determination of mechanical properties of denture base materials. It consists of four types of tests: tensile strength test, bending strength test, fracture toughness test and microhardness tests, followed by the analysis of corresponding parameters. The results of the biocompatibility tests showed that the biological outcome of the applied method is highly depended on the methodological procedure. The investigation conducted in vitro, on two different cell lines, did not show significant difference in cytotoxicity between hot curing, cold curing and thermoformed denture base materials. Also, the results were influenced by the type of cell culture and the evaluation method of biological outcome, which agrees with the previous allegations about the complexicity of their mutual comparison. The subcutaneous implantation test covered the inflammatory response in the time period of 90 days. The organism reaction to the implanted material was determined through the cell and tissue parameters of organism response, evaluation of which was conducted according to the ISO 10993. Additionally, the surface roughness of the implanted specimens of materials was also measured. The inflammatory response of the ogranism was influenced by the type of the implanted material and the time interval of implantation. The oral mucosa irritation test has proven not to be sufficiently sensitive for testing of this type of materials. Testing of the mechanical properties od denture base materials, revealed the difference between the cold curing, hot curing and thermofomed denture base materials. The highest strength was observed in hot curing materials, while the highest consistency of the results was observed in thermoformed resins. The presented investigation presents the first detail analysis of the biocompatibility and mechanical properties of the denture base materials, and as such presents a novelty in the field of dental materials characterization

    Nanotechnology in dentistry: Current state and future perspectives

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    Nanotechnology has been considered as multidisciplinary field of scientific research about different types of nanoparticles as well as the application of new nanomaterials and nanodevices in numerous areas of human interest. It offers advances in industry, engineering, information and communication technology, electronics, environmental science and energy savings, economics etc. New nanoproducts and nanotehnology could be applied in almost all fields of human activity. Potential benefit of nanomaterials and nanorobots applied in medicine and dentistry is of main concern when thinking about nanoadvances. However, nanotechnology has become a controversial issue between scientific and public opinions due to the insufficient knowledge of potential hazard to human health and environment. Some of the raised questions are what are the advantages and disadvantages of nanotechnological evolution, and what kind of future can be expected when changes gain wider scale? The aim of this study was to present the importance of nanotechnology in various areas, especially in medicine and dentistry, and to point out possible consequences of their use to human health and environment

    Measurement of the accuracy of dental working casts using a coordinate measuring machine

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    Background/Aim: Dental impressions present a negative imprint of intraoral tissues of a patient which is, by pouring in gypsum, transferred extraorally on the working cast. Casting an accurate and precise working cast presents the first and very important step, since each of the following stages contributes to the overall error of the production process, which can lead to inadequately fitting dental restorations. The aim of this study was to promote and test a new model and technique for in vitro evaluation of the dental impression accuracy, as well as to asses the dimensional stability of impression material depending on the material bulk, and its effect on the accuracy of working casts. Methods. Impressions were made by the monophasic technique using the experimental master model. Custom trays with spacing of 1, 2 and 3 mm were constructed by rapid prototyping. The overall of 10 impressions were made with each custom tray. Working casts were made with gypsum type IV. Measurement of working casts was done 24 h later using a co-ordinate measuring machine. Results. The obtained results show that the working casts of all the three custom trays were in most cases significantly different in the transversal and sagittal planes in relation to the master model. The height of abutments was mainly unaffected. The degree of convergence showed certain significance in all the three custom trays, most pronounced in the tray with 3 mm spacing. Conclusion. The impression material bulk of 1–3 mm could provide accurate working casts when using the monophasic impression technique. The increase of the distance between abutment teeth influences the accuracy of working casts depending on the material bulk. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR 35020: Research and development of modelling methods and approaches in manufacturing of dental recoveries with the application of modern technologies and computer aided systems

    Measurement of the accuracy of dental working casts using a coordinate measuring machine

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    Background/Aim. Dental impressions present a negative imprint of intraoral tissues of a patient which is, by pouring in gypsum, transferred extraorally on the working cast. Casting an accurate and precise working cast presents the first and very important step, since each of the following stages contributes to the overall error of the production process, which can lead to inadequately fitting dental restorations. The aim of this study was to promote and test a new model and technique for in vitro evaluation of the dental impression accuracy, as well as to asses the dimensional stability of impression material depending on the material bulk, and its effect on the accuracy of working casts. Methods. Impressions were made by the monophasic technique using the experimental master model. Custom trays with spacing of 1, 2 and 3 mm were constructed by rapid prototyping. The overall of 10 impressions were made with each custom tray. Working casts were made with gypsum type IV. Measurement of working casts was done 24 h later using a coordinate measuring machine. Results. The obtained results show that the working casts of all the three custom trays were in most cases significantly different in the transversal and sagittal planes in relation to the master model. The height of abutments was mainly unaffected. The degree of convergence showed certain significance in all the three custom trays, most pronounced in the tray with 3 mm spacing. Conclusion. The impression material bulk of 1-3 mm could provide accurate working casts when using the monophasic impression technique. The increase of the distance between abutment teeth influences the accuracy of working casts depending on the material bulk.Uvod/Cilj. Otisak predstavlja negativ intraoralnih tkiva, čijim se izlivanjem u gipsu njihova morfologija prenosi ekstraoralno na budući radni model. Sa laboratorijskog aspekta izrade zubnih nadoknada, izlivanje tačnog i preciznog radnog modela predstavlja prvi i veoma bitan korak, pošto svaka sledeća faza doprinosi daljem povećanju greške tokom izrade, što za krajnji ishod može imati neodgovarajuću zubnu nadoknadu. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se ispitaju novi model i tehnika za in vitro procenu preciznosti zubnih otisaka, kao i da se odredi uticaj količine otisnog materijala na dimenzionu stabilnost otisaka i preciznost izrade radnih modela. Metode. Za uzimanje otisaka korišćena je monofazna tehnika otiskivanja. Individualne kašike sa međuprostorom od 1, 2 i 3 mm napravljene su aditivnom tehnologijom za brzu izradu prototipova. Sa svakom kašikom napravljeno je po 10 otisaka. Radni modeli izlivani su u gipsu tipa IV. Merenje radnih modela vršeno je nakon 24 sata na koordinatnoj mernoj mašini. Rezultati. Rezultati pokazuju da radni modeli napravljeni pomoću sve tri individulane kašike u transverzalnoj i sagitalnoj ravni značajno odstupaju od glavnog dela modela. Visina patrljaka je u većini slučajeva bila kao na glavnom modelu. Stepen konvergencije pokazao je određena odstupanja samo kod kašike sa međuprostorom od 3 mm. Zaključak. Monofazna tehnika otiskivanja i otisni materijal debljine od 1 do 3 mm obezbeđuju izradu preciznih radnih modela. Rastojanje između zubnih patrljaka utiče na preciznost izrade radnih modela u zavisnosti od količine otisnog materijala