31 research outputs found

    Późne powołania kapłańskie w Kodeksie Prawa Kanonicznego z 1983 roku i partykularnym prawie polskim

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    W artykule zostały opisane późne powołania kapłańskie. Autor wskazał, jak to zagadnienie zostało przedstawione w Kodeksie Prawa Kanonicznego z 1983 r. oraz jak wygląda formacja dojrzałych kandydatów do kapłaństwa w partykularnym prawie polskim. W pierwszej części artykułu określono, czym jest powołanie oraz opisano powołanie pierwszych uczniów Jezusa. Mając na uwadze wzrost powołań osób niebędących w młodym wieku została również wskazana troska o kandydatów do kapłaństwa w wieku dojrzałym. Autor podkreślił, że szczególnie zobowiązani do opieki o takie osoby są biskup oraz kapłani. Mają oni dbać o ich odpowiednią formację oraz udzielać im odpowiedniej pomocy z uwzględnieniem indywidualnej sytuacji każdego z nich. W drugiej części artykułu została przedstawiona instytucja Ogólnopolskiego Seminarium dla Starszych Kandydatów do Święceń zwanego „Seminarium 35+”, które znajduje się w Łodzi. Autor opisał warunki przyjęcia do seminarium, strukturę organizacyjną oraz przebieg formacji seminaryjnej uwzględniając 4 płaszczyzny formacji: ludzką, duchową, intelektualną oraz pastoralną

    Formacja intelektualna w seminarium duchownym

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    Formacja intelektualna kandydatów do stanu duchownego jest tylko jednym z elementów całościowego przygotowania przyszłego kapłana i jego późniejszej stałej pracy nad kształtowaniem swej osobowości i realizacją powierzonej mu w Kościele misji. Ten rodzaj formacji powinien nauczyć kleryka samodzielności w formułowaniu własnych ocen, jak również uważnego słuchania innych, sięgania po lekturę i korzystania z niej. Niniejsze opracowanie opisuje cel i przebieg formacji, uwzględniając podział na studia filozoficzne oraz teologiczne, jak również przedstawia sposób nauczania kleryków w seminarium duchownym

    The “athlete’s heart” features in amateur male marathon runners

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    Background: Training on a professional level can lead to cardiac structural adaptations called the “athlete’s heart”. As marathon participation requires intense physical preparation, the question arises whether the features of “athlete’s heart” can also develop in recreational runners.Methods: The study included 34 males (mean age 40 ± 8 years) who underwent physical examination, a cardiopulmonary exercise test and echocardiographic examination (ECHO) before a marathon. ECHO results were compared with the sedentary control group, reference values for an adult male population and those for highly-trained athletes. Runners with abnormalities revealed by ECHO were referred for cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR).Results: The mean training distance was 56.5 ± 19.7 km/week, peak oxygen uptake was 53.7 ± 6.9 mL/kg/min and the marathon finishing time was 3.7 ± 0.4 h. Compared to sedentary controls, amateur athletes presented larger atria, increased left ventricular (LV) wall thickness, larger LV mass and basal right ventricular (RV) inflow diameter (p < 0.05). When compared with ranges for the general adult population, 56% of participants showed increased left atrial volume, indexed to body surface area (LAVI), 56% right atrial area and interventricular septum thickness, while 47% had enlarged RV proximal outflow tract diameter. In 50% of cases, LAVI exceeded values reported for highly-trained athletes. Due to ECHO abnormalities, CMR was performed in 6 participants, which revealed hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in 1 runner.Conclusions: “Athlete’s heart” features occur in amateur marathon runners. In this group, ECHO reference values for highly-trained elite athletes should be considered, rather than those for the general population and even then LAVI can exceed the upper normal value

    Lessons learned from additional research analyses of unsolved clinical exome cases

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    BACKGROUND: Given the rarity of most single-gene Mendelian disorders, concerted efforts of data exchange between clinical and scientific communities are critical to optimize molecular diagnosis and novel disease gene discovery. METHODS: We designed and implemented protocols for the study of cases for which a plausible molecular diagnosis was not achieved in a clinical genomics diagnostic laboratory (i.e. unsolved clinical exomes). Such cases were recruited to a research laboratory for further analyses, in order to potentially: (1) accelerate novel disease gene discovery; (2) increase the molecular diagnostic yield of whole exome sequencing (WES); and (3) gain insight into the genetic mechanisms of disease. Pilot project data included 74 families, consisting mostly of parent-offspring trios. Analyses performed on a research basis employed both WES from additional family members and complementary bioinformatics approaches and protocols. RESULTS: Analysis of all possible modes of Mendelian inheritance, focusing on both single nucleotide variants (SNV) and copy number variant (CNV) alleles, yielded a likely contributory variant in 36% (27/74) of cases. If one includes candidate genes with variants identified within a single family, a potential contributory variant was identified in a total of ~51% (38/74) of cases enrolled in this pilot study. The molecular diagnosis was achieved in 30/63 trios (47.6%). Besides this, the analysis workflow yielded evidence for pathogenic variants in disease-associated genes in 4/6 singleton cases (66.6%), 1/1 multiplex family involving three affected siblings, and 3/4 (75%) quartet families. Both the analytical pipeline and the collaborative efforts between the diagnostic and research laboratories provided insights that allowed recent disease gene discoveries (PURA, TANGO2, EMC1, GNB5, ATAD3A, and MIPEP) and increased the number of novel genes, defined in this study as genes identified in more than one family (DHX30 and EBF3). CONCLUSION: An efficient genomics pipeline in which clinical sequencing in a diagnostic laboratory is followed by the detailed reanalysis of unsolved cases in a research environment, supplemented with WES data from additional family members, and subject to adjuvant bioinformatics analyses including relaxed variant filtering parameters in informatics pipelines, can enhance the molecular diagnostic yield and provide mechanistic insights into Mendelian disorders. Implementing these approaches requires collaborative clinical molecular diagnostic and research efforts

    Zarządzanie procesami rynkowymi

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    Ze wstępu: "Opracowanie niniejsze przekazywane do rąk czytelników to plon działalności naukowej pracowników Wydziału Zarządzania i Marketingu Krakowskiej Szkoły Wyższej im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego oraz pracowników innych uczelni z Polski i Europy. Duże zróżnicowanie tematyczne wynika m. in. z rozwoju Uczelni, Wydziału i poszerzenia współpracy krajowej i międzynarodowej z innymi jednostkami naukowymi. Pomimo tego, iż wiele artykułów ze względu na podejmowane w nich problemy trudno jednoznacznie zakwalifikować do jednej wąskiej dziedziny, zdecydowano o podziale materiału na trzy części: zarządzanie, finanse i marketing. O zakwalifikowaniu opracowania do poszczególnych części zadecydowała nie tylko istota rozważanego tematu, ale także często bardzo interesujące i odkrywcze powiązania z innymi dziedzinami szeroko pojętego zarządzania i ekonomii. Stąd też publikacja jest recenzowana przez trzech niezależnych recenzentów."(...

    Factors Shaping Crude Oil Prices in Theory and Practice

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    The article examines the influence of various factors on the price of crude oil according to two approaches: American economist Harold Hotelling’s rule of nonrenewable resources and a theory known as the short-term equilibrium approach. Empirical studies show that the Hotelling rule does not hold true in practice, Potocki says, because it is based on unstable assumptions. These include changing extraction costs and variable interest rates, in addition to factors such as market failure and strategic interactions. The short-term equilibrium model describes a crude oil pricing mechanism that is determined by a combination of economic, political and psychological factors among which the equilibrium of crude oil inventories plays a key role. The author is critical of the widespread use of a static resource/production ratio and argues that researchers should think over the consequences of misinterpreting this ratio and the implications of overestimating crude oil resources

    Zabezpieczenie należności podatkowych hipoteką przymusową

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    Securing tax dues by means of compulsory mortgageThe subject of this article is securing tax dues by means of compulsory mortgage. It is a solution that has been applied for the longest time out of all available forms of securing tax dues in tax law. Initially, it had a form of statutory mortgage. This solution was adopted both in tax liability law and in Tax Ordinance Act. Since 2001, the lawmaker has decided to apply securing tax dues through compulsory mortgage. The author points out that, as regards the aims of compulsory mortgage, the legal structure of it goes beyond the possibility of regulation by applying competence norm. Therefore, the Tax Ordinance Act regulates compulsory mortgage partially, referring to the application of The Land and Mortgage Registers and Mortgage Act. The article also presents legal solutions based on the amendment of The Land and Mortgage Registers and Mortgage Act 26 Dec 2009 and evaluates them. In the author’s opinion, compulsory mortgage is a strong legal instrument used to secure tax charges. It is reflected in its subjective and objective scope, as well as in effects caused by establishing compulsory mortgage for the matter of interruption of the limitation of charges secured by it. The article also describes the procedure of establishing compulsory mortgage and describes in details the methods of its expiration and fulfillment. It points out the need for possible extension of mortgage foreclosure procedure conducted by a wider range of administrative bodies than in the current legal status, which could improve the process of retrieving tax dues.Securing tax dues by means of compulsory mortgageThe subject of this article is securing tax dues by means of compulsory mortgage. It is a solution that has been applied for the longest time out of all available forms of securing tax dues in tax law. Initially, it had a form of statutory mortgage. This solution was adopted both in tax liability law and in Tax Ordinance Act. Since 2001, the lawmaker has decided to apply securing tax dues through compulsory mortgage. The author points out that, as regards the aims of compulsory mortgage, the legal structure of it goes beyond the possibility of regulation by applying competence norm. Therefore, the Tax Ordinance Act regulates compulsory mortgage partially, referring to the application of The Land and Mortgage Registers and Mortgage Act. The article also presents legal solutions based on the amendment of The Land and Mortgage Registers and Mortgage Act 26 Dec 2009 and evaluates them. In the author’s opinion, compulsory mortgage is a strong legal instrument used to secure tax charges. It is reflected in its subjective and objective scope, as well as in effects caused by establishing compulsory mortgage for the matter of interruption of the limitation of charges secured by it. The article also describes the procedure of establishing compulsory mortgage and describes in details the methods of its expiration and fulfillment. It points out the need for possible extension of mortgage foreclosure procedure conducted by a wider range of administrative bodies than in the current legal status, which could improve the process of retrieving tax dues

    The combination of recombinant and non-recombinant Bacillus subtilis spore display technology for presentation of antigen and adjuvant on single spore

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    Abstract Background Bacillus subtilis spores can be used for presentation of heterologous proteins. Two main approaches have been developed, the recombinant one, requiring modification of bacterial genome to express a protein of interest as a fusion with spore-coat protein, and non-recombinant, based on the adsorption of a heterologous protein onto the spore. So far only single proteins have been displayed on the spore surface. Results We have used a combined approach to adsorb and display FliD protein of Clostridium difficile on the surface of recombinant IL-2-presenting spores. Such spores presented FliD protein with efficiency comparable to FliD-adsorbed spores produced by wild-type 168 strain and elicited FliD-specific immune response in intranasally immunized mice. Conclusions Our results indicate that such dual display technology may be useful in creation of spores simultaneously presenting adjuvant and antigen molecules. Regarding the characteristics of elicited immune response it seems plausible that such recombinant IL-2-presenting spores with adsorbed FliD protein might be an interesting candidate for vaccine against infections with Clostridium difficile