382 research outputs found

    Strategy of Self-Presentation of a Politician (Personal and Official Blogs on Twitter of US Vice President Kamala Harris)

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    The issue of invariance of tactics representing the communicative strategy of the politician of the highest echelon of US power in personality self-presentation and status-conditioned discourse is considered. The research material consisted of 349 posts extracted from Kamala Harris’s personal blog on Twitter from January to July 2021 and 665 posts selected from the politician’s official blog during this period. The relevance of such studies is explained by the need to clarify the theoretical and methodological foundations of the analysis of political Internet discourse, taking into account the status of the addressee. The novelty of this research lies in the identification of tactics that actualize the strategy under study on the basis of personality and status-based discourse. The novelty of the work is also due to the fact that the tactics of self-presentation of the politician are studied in a comparative aspect. As a result of the research in personality-conditioned discourse, such tactics as solidarity, appeal, illustration of achievements, gratitude, identification, hypertrophy of the “I-theme” were identified. In the status-conditioned discourse, the authors recorded the tactics of solidarity, appeal, illustration of achievements, gratitude, identification, exaggeration of the “I-theme”, promises. The linguistic techniques that actualize the tactics of selfpresentation in personality and status-conditioned discourse are described


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    The article analyzes the results of the Unified State Qualification Examination (USQE) implementation in order to assess the pharmacy students’ education level during the Krok-1 licensed integrated examination and to compare these results with the national indicators. Considering that for the first time in 2019 a new qualitative assessment method of students’ knowledge has been introduced in Ukraine, both Ukrainian and foreign third year pharmacy students have had the USQ examination at Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy (DMA), which included two components: Krok-1 licensed integrated examination and professional English. The analysis of the obtained results has revealed some shortcomings of the student training program and drawn an attention to the solution to these problematic issues. This comprehensive assessment of the pharmacy students’ profile knowledge allows us to identify the training programs’ shortcomings and provides an opportunity to increase the effectiveness of study at the academy in order to integrate Ukrainian specialists in the world medicine.У статті проведено аналіз результатів впровадження єдиного державного кваліфікаційного іспиту (ЄДКІ) для оцінки рівня знань у студентів-провізорів під час складання ліцензійного інтегрованого іспиту Крок-1 та порівняння цих результатів з національними показниками. Зважаючи на те, що у 2019 р. в Україні вперше було впроваджено якісно новий інструмент оцінювання знань студентів, в Дніпропетровській медичній академії студенти-провізори 3 курсу, як громадяни України, так і іноземці, складали ЄДКІ, який мав такі дві складові, як: ліцензійний інтегрований комплексний іспит Крок-1 та англійська мова професійного спрямування. Аналіз отриманих результатів дозволив виявити деякі недоліки при підготовці студентів в академії та привернути увагу до рішення цих проблемних питань. Таке комплексне оцінювання профільних знань студентів-провізорів дозволяє виявити слабкі сторони процесу навчання і надає можливість підвищити ефективність навчання в академії для інтегрування вітчизняних фахівців у світову медицину

    On the issue of digitalization of labor relations: Theoretical and practical aspects

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    The article analyzes the problem of using digital technologies and the online space within the framework of labor law, based not only existing regulatory legal acts but also legislative drafts in the field of the digitalization of labor relations. Therewithal, the purpose of the study is to generalize current and future Russian legislation, to manifest the contradictions and gaps in the legislation, to evaluate laws and regulations from a practical point of view, and to elaborate proposals for their improvement. For this purpose, the authors take into account the existing experience gained in the course of experiments on the introduction of electronic document management by individual employers. The achievement of the research goals is ensured by the use of the formal legal method. First of all, the article draws attention to the tendency of expanding the differentiation of the labor regulation, caused by many factors, including the informatization of all social relations. It is concluded that the transition to an innovative, socially-oriented economy is impossible without a flexible labor market with new areas of employment, including employment through the use of information technology resources. Analyzing the practical aspects of electronic workflow, the article covers the theoretical aspect of the existence of the so-called “information legal relationship” in the subject of labor law. The analysis of the legislative drafts and the current legislation focuses on controversial wording and emphasizes that their incorrectness creates high risks of labor disputes. The authors insist that when introducing an electronic workflow, the parties should be provided with an alternative to the actions. The authors defend the view that it is necessary to clarify the scope of information transmitted by the employer to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation when maintaining electronic employment record books with regard to the inclusion of information about employee awards in them. They also propose determining the procedures of the formation of human resources services in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. As a final point, it is concluded that all the proposed initiatives are aimed at ensuring the tasks of the state for the introduction of digital technologies in all areas of social life, including in labor relations, and, ultimately, at achieving the optimal balance between the interests of the parties of the labor relations and the interests of the state, which is the main goal of labor legislation

    Php, Ruby, Python - on what to choose students at studying web development?

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    Consider and choose a programming language designed for speed and ease of use for beginners programmerРассмотрим и выберем язык программирования, предназначенный для быстроты и удобства использования начинающим программисто

    Model of "Information security"

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    Deals with the structure and sphere of influence information security as an orientation model for beginners to experts the fieldРассматривается структура и сфера влияния обеспечения информационной безопасности, как ориентационная модель для начинающих специалистов данной област


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    The aim of the study – to increase the effectiveness of treatment of perimenopausal women with urogenital disorders by studying the effect of local application of liquid vaginal suppositories "Vaginal-panten" (Angie). Materials and Methods. We examined 176 women with urogenital disorders in perimenopausal period, whose average age was (52.2±4.8) years. In group I – 86 (48.8 %) patients received traditional treatment. Group II included 90 (51.1 %) patients who, in order to eliminate the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis due to individual intolerance to local HRT, were prescribed “Vaginal-Panten” liquid suppositories intravaginally to restore the vaginal microbiota. Results and Discussion. As a result of the treatment, there was a decrease in vaginal dryness and itching in 87.7 % of cases, no vaginal burning sensation in 74.4 % of cases, normalization of the clinical analysis of urine samples, a significant decrease in nocturia by 3 times, a positive cough test by 2 times and pollakiuria by 2.5 times (p˂0.05). Conclusion. Vaginal suppositories “Vaginal-Panten” can be successfully used in the treatment of urogenital disorders in perimenopause, which is especially important for women with contraindications to the use of synthetic estrogen-containing drugs.Цель исследования – повышение эффективности лечения женщин в перименопаузе с урогенитальными нарушениями путем изучения влияния локального применения жидких вагинальных свечей «Вагинал-пантен» (Энжи). Материалы и методы. Нами обследовано 176 женщин с урогенитальными расстройствами в перименопаузальном периоде, средний возраст которых составил (52,2±4,8) года. В 1 группе 86 (48,8 %) пациенток получали традиционное лечение. Во 2 группу вошли 90 (51,1 %) пациенток, которым с целью устранения симптомов бактериального вагиноза в связи с индивидуальной непереносимостью местных ЗГТ интравагинально для восстановления микрофлоры назначали жидкие свечи «Вагинал-пантен». Результаты исследования и их обсуждение. В результате лечения происходили уменьшение сухости влагалища и зуда в 87,7 % случаев, отсутствие жжения в 74,4 % наблюдений, нормализация клинического анализа мочи, достоверное уменьшение никтурии в 3 раза, положительного кашлевого теста – в 2 раза и поллакиурии – в 2,5 раза (р˂0,05). Выводы. Вагинальные свечи «Вагинал-пантен» могут успешно применяться в лечении урогенитальных нарушений в перименопаузе, особенно у женщин, имеющих противопоказания к применению синтетических эстрогенсодержащих препаратов.Мета дослідження – підвищення ефективності лікування жінок у перименопаузі з урогенітальними порушеннями шляхом вивчення впливу локального застосування рідких вагінальних свічок «Вагінал-пантен» (Енжі). Матеріали та методи. Нами обстежено 176 жінок з урогенітальними розладами в перименопаузальному періоді, середній вік яких склав (52,2±4,8) року. У 1 групі 86 (48,8 %) пацієнток отримували традиційне лікування. У 2 групу увійшли 90 (51,1 %) пацієнток, яким із метою усунення симптомів бактеріального вагінозу у зв᾽язку з індивідуальною непереносимістю місцевих ЗГТ інтравагінально для відновлення мікрофлори призначали рідкі свічки «Вагінал-пантен». Результати дослідження та їх обговорення. У результаті лікування отримано: в 87,7 % випадків – зменшення сухості піхви і свербежу, в 74,4 % спостережень – відсутність печії, нормалізація клінічного аналізу сечі, достовірне зменшення ніктурії в 3 рази, позитивного кашльового тесту – в 2 рази і полакіурії – в 2,5 раза (p˂0,05). Висновки. Вагінальні свічки «Вагінал-пантен» можуть успішно застосовуватися в лікуванні урогенітальних порушень у перименопаузі, особливо у жінок, які мають протипоказання до застосування естрогеновмісних препаратів

    Lexical and Grammatical Transformations of Terms when Changing Communicative Situation “Doctor — Doctor” to “Doctor — Child — Parent”

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    The issue of controversial assessment of the use of medical terminology in professional communication is considered. It is noted that the use of medical terms in communication between a doctor and an adult patient can trigger emotional tension and mistrust of the doctor’s recommendations. At the same time, it was established that patients who are familiar with medical terminology consider the use of terms by doctors to be a significant factor indicating the quality of the services provided. The question arises about the transformation of terms when changing the communicative situation “doctor — doctor” to “doctor — child — parent”. To identify and analyze transformations of medical terms, lexical-semantic and morphosyntactic analysis was used. As a result of the method of expert evaluations application, interpretations of medical terminology by doctors were obtained. It is asserted that in the communicative situation “doctor — patient and / or his representative” to remove difficulties caused by the use of highly specialized medical terms, the doctor resorts to a complex transformation of the term — explication. It is shown that explication is provided by a number of lexicalgrammatical (generalization, concretization, synonymous replacement) and syntactic techniques (adding a single prepositive definition, extended postpositive definition, adjunctive determiner, adjunctive goal), as well as stylistic means (emotionally colored vocabulary, intensifiers, conversational style)

    Immunological changes at "small" forms of lesion of the cervical epithelium.

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    In order to study immunological parameters, including cervical mRNA in patients with persistent papillomavirus infection, 35 patients of the main group (HPV positive) and 42 patients of the control group (HPV negative) were examined. Patients of the main group were divided into three subgroups according to the process prescription and the results of previous immunotropic therapy: IА subgroup – (12 patients) HPV was first isolated, IB (16 patients) - persistence of the virus from one to three years, IC (7 patients) – persistence of the virus from one to three years, immunotropic therapy is ineffective. The level of IL-1, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, TNF-ɑ, serum interferon, as well as mir25 microRNA expression level was determined. Data have been obtained that the persistence of papillomavirus infection is possible in conditions of deficiency in the level of cytokines IL-1 (45.5%, p<0.05), IL-6 (48.5%, p<0.05), IL-8 (24.2%, p<0.05), increase in the level of TNF-α (37.3%, p<0.05) and a reduced level of serum IFN up to 78.2%. The absence of the effect of HPV elimination is observed in the decrease of the indices from the conventional norm: IL-1 (73.6%, p<0.05), IL-8 (81.3%, p<0.05), IL-10 (25, 0%, p<0.05), TNF-α (77.8%, p<0.05). At the same time, the level of mRNA expression increases by 5.5 (p<0.05) from the median values of the control group. A decrease in the level of humoral immunity along with an increase in mRNA expression can serve as a marker of the resistance of HPV to therapeutic measures and determination the tactics of further therapy of patients with "small” forms of cervical epithelial lesions

    Psychological and pedagogical substantiation the application of elements of neurolinguistic programming in english lessons

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    The article discusses the features of the formation of foreign language lexical skills in English lessons in the 7th grade with the use of elements of neurolinguistic programming.В статье рассматриваются особенности формирования иноязычных лексических умений на уроках английского языка в 7 классе с применением элементов нейролингвистического программирования