521 research outputs found

    Problems and prospects of development of tourism in the Astrakhan region

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    Features of functioning of tourist business in the Astrakhan region are investigated, problems and prospects of tourist business are defined, ways of increasing the competitiveness and efficiency come to light. On the basis of SWOT the analysis the factors influencing tourist business come to light

    Role of Corporate Culture in Model of Logic Levels of Organization

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    The article deals with the level of corporate culture in a model of logic levels of the organization. The modern organization is influenced by the external factors, and therefore it should have the ability to form and accumulate potential for corporate culture in order to ensure a timely response to the external environment and effectively manage the operation and development of numerous elements and subsystems of the organization

    Situation-bound utterances as cultural scripts in spoken discourse

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    AbstractThis paper provides insight into the pervasive use of situation-bound utterances and their pragmatic functions in spoken discourse. It is corroborated that situation-bound utterances are socially and culturally charged communication routines used by the native speakers in actual speech. The paper analyzes the cultural content of situation-bound utterances and their role in non-native communication. We attempt to show that situation-bound utterances as cultural scripts pertain to cognitive mechanisms of spoken discourse and culture. The study shows that analysis of SBUs as cultural scripts might be used as a learning strategy in foreign language acquisition

    Orphanes’ problems of adjustment during the Second World War

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    The article is devoted to the children-orphans’ problems of adaptation in orphanages during the Great Patriotic war. The individual’s behavior strategies in the circumstances and the impact of the environment on the psychological well-being of a child are touched upon

    Orphanes’ problems of adjustment during the Second World War

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    The article is devoted to the children-orphans’ problems of adaptation in orphanages during the Great Patriotic war. The individual’s behavior strategies in the circumstances and the impact of the environment on the psychological well-being of a child are touched upon


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    The aim of the study – to increase the effectiveness of treatment of perimenopausal women with urogenital disorders by studying the effect of local application of liquid vaginal suppositories "Vaginal-panten" (Angie). Materials and Methods. We examined 176 women with urogenital disorders in perimenopausal period, whose average age was (52.2±4.8) years. In group I – 86 (48.8 %) patients received traditional treatment. Group II included 90 (51.1 %) patients who, in order to eliminate the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis due to individual intolerance to local HRT, were prescribed “Vaginal-Panten” liquid suppositories intravaginally to restore the vaginal microbiota. Results and Discussion. As a result of the treatment, there was a decrease in vaginal dryness and itching in 87.7 % of cases, no vaginal burning sensation in 74.4 % of cases, normalization of the clinical analysis of urine samples, a significant decrease in nocturia by 3 times, a positive cough test by 2 times and pollakiuria by 2.5 times (p˂0.05). Conclusion. Vaginal suppositories “Vaginal-Panten” can be successfully used in the treatment of urogenital disorders in perimenopause, which is especially important for women with contraindications to the use of synthetic estrogen-containing drugs.Цель исследования – повышение эффективности лечения женщин в перименопаузе с урогенитальными нарушениями путем изучения влияния локального применения жидких вагинальных свечей «Вагинал-пантен» (Энжи). Материалы и методы. Нами обследовано 176 женщин с урогенитальными расстройствами в перименопаузальном периоде, средний возраст которых составил (52,2±4,8) года. В 1 группе 86 (48,8 %) пациенток получали традиционное лечение. Во 2 группу вошли 90 (51,1 %) пациенток, которым с целью устранения симптомов бактериального вагиноза в связи с индивидуальной непереносимостью местных ЗГТ интравагинально для восстановления микрофлоры назначали жидкие свечи «Вагинал-пантен». Результаты исследования и их обсуждение. В результате лечения происходили уменьшение сухости влагалища и зуда в 87,7 % случаев, отсутствие жжения в 74,4 % наблюдений, нормализация клинического анализа мочи, достоверное уменьшение никтурии в 3 раза, положительного кашлевого теста – в 2 раза и поллакиурии – в 2,5 раза (р˂0,05). Выводы. Вагинальные свечи «Вагинал-пантен» могут успешно применяться в лечении урогенитальных нарушений в перименопаузе, особенно у женщин, имеющих противопоказания к применению синтетических эстрогенсодержащих препаратов.Мета дослідження – підвищення ефективності лікування жінок у перименопаузі з урогенітальними порушеннями шляхом вивчення впливу локального застосування рідких вагінальних свічок «Вагінал-пантен» (Енжі). Матеріали та методи. Нами обстежено 176 жінок з урогенітальними розладами в перименопаузальному періоді, середній вік яких склав (52,2±4,8) року. У 1 групі 86 (48,8 %) пацієнток отримували традиційне лікування. У 2 групу увійшли 90 (51,1 %) пацієнток, яким із метою усунення симптомів бактеріального вагінозу у зв᾽язку з індивідуальною непереносимістю місцевих ЗГТ інтравагінально для відновлення мікрофлори призначали рідкі свічки «Вагінал-пантен». Результати дослідження та їх обговорення. У результаті лікування отримано: в 87,7 % випадків – зменшення сухості піхви і свербежу, в 74,4 % спостережень – відсутність печії, нормалізація клінічного аналізу сечі, достовірне зменшення ніктурії в 3 рази, позитивного кашльового тесту – в 2 рази і полакіурії – в 2,5 раза (p˂0,05). Висновки. Вагінальні свічки «Вагінал-пантен» можуть успішно застосовуватися в лікуванні урогенітальних порушень у перименопаузі, особливо у жінок, які мають протипоказання до застосування естрогеновмісних препаратів

    Decentralized control of a group of quadrocopters using the molecular dynamics method

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    The development of artificial intelligence systems based on various principles, including anthropomorphic and nature-like systems, as well as progress in the construction of quadrocopters for various purposes, made relevant the practical application of these tools for the effective monitoring of underlying surfaces by groups of such devices. The solution of this problem is associated with the effective control of them in conditions of passive and active interference that impedes the fulfillment of missions, as well as with the problem of reconfiguring their construction in case of fail. The model obtained in the work and the calculations made it possible to conclude that the use of the following approach in the future will allow the creation of a self-government system by an independent group of quadrocopters, capable of performing various missions without control from the Earth under conditions of active and passive interference, as well as with permanent failure of quadrocopters

    A "former nobleman": survival in soviet realities

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    The issues addressed in the article are of particular relevance for the contemporary historiography due to the absence of systematic studies on the history of the "Soviet nobility" and their adaptation to the Soviet realities. An especially interesting aspect of this topic is the transformation of values and worldview of the nobility in the conditions of the dominant communist ideology. The article presents a comprehensive analysis of the nobility survival in the period of establishment of a totalitarian political regime and destruction of the traditional Russian system of values and religious traditions. The primary research method used to address the topic is the micro-historical analysis, which allowed the authors to obtain the following results: a typology of this social group was developed (involuntary or deported emigrants, open or hidden oppositionists, and those who were forced to adapt), based on characterization of beliefs, values and patterns of behaviour of individual representatives of the "former" nobility; oppressive measures used by the Soviet power against the "exploiters" were classified into several types: economic oppression, legal restrictions, ideological pressure and direct terror; and specific features of their adaptation to the Soviet realities, including its ethno-confessional aspect, were identified. The main conclusion drawn from the research is that the nobiliary culture and system of values proved extremely resistant to various challenges and threats of the Soviet epoch. Materials of this article have both theoretical and practical implications in the context of actualisation of the culture of mansions, nobiliary traditions and the cadet education in today´s Russia.Keywords: "Soviet nobility", system of values, emigration, opposition, terror, adaptatio