640 research outputs found

    Stigmatizing attitudes towards families, bringing up children with mental disorders : comparative social study in Russia and Finland

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    Masteroppgave i comparative social work - Universitetet i Nordland, 201

    SDSS-IV MaNGA: Ionization sources of diffuse extra-planar galactic medium

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    We explore sources of ionization of diffuse gas at different altitudes in galaxies in dependence of their stellar mass, \Ha\ luminosity, and specific star formation rate. We use the MaNGA data from SDSS-IV data release DR16 together with photoionization and shock ionization models provided by the 3MdB database. Our sample comprises 239 edge-on galaxies, which makes our results statistically valuable. We reach very high galactic altitudes with the help of spectra stacking. We demonstrate that models of the gas photoionization in a combination of young OB-stars and hot low-mass evolved stars (HOLMES) describes the gas ionization state in the galaxies of all types on diagnostic diagrams. Nevertheless, the shock waves may contribute to the gas ionization in massive galaxies with passive star formation. We observe a general trend of decreasing the fraction of the ionizing flux from OB-stars and the ionization parameter with the altitude, while the role of the ionization by the HOLMES increases. The biggest difference in the contribution from these types of ionizing sources correlates with the specific star formation rate and with stellar masses of galaxies. The HOLMES are the principal gas ionization sources in massive galaxies with passive star formation, while OB-stars dominate the gas ionization in low-mass galaxies with active star formation.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy Letter

    Discontinuous Bifurcations under 2-DOF Vibroimpact System Moving

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    Dynamic behaviour of strongly nonlinear non-smooth discontinuous vibroimpact system isstudied. Under variation of system parameters we find the disconti nuousbi furcati onsthat are the dangerousones. It is phenomenon unique to non-smooth systems with discontinuous right-hand side. We investigate the 2-DOF vibroimpact system by numerical parameter continuation method in conjunction with shooting and Newton-Raphson methods, Wife simulate the impact by nonlinear contact interactive force according to Hertz's contact law. We find the discontinuous bifurcations by Floquet multipliers values. At such points set-valued Floquet multipliers cross the unit circle by jump that istheir moduli becoming more than unit by jump. Wealso learn the bifurcation picture change when the impact between system bodi es became the soft one due the change of system parameters, This paper is the continuation of the previous works

    Appropriately differentiated ARPE-19 cells regain phenotype and gene expression profiles similar to those of native RPE cells.

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    PurposeThe RPE cell line ARPE-19 provides a dependable and widely used alternative to native RPE. However, replication of the native RPE phenotype becomes more difficult because these cells lose their specialized phenotype after multiple passages. Compounding this problem is the widespread use of ARPE-19 cells in an undifferentiated state to attempt to model RPE functions. We wished to determine whether suitable culture conditions and differentiation could restore the RPE-appropriate expression of genes and proteins to ARPE-19, along with a functional and morphological phenotype resembling native RPE. We compared the transcriptome of ARPE-19 cells kept in long-term culture with those of primary and other human RPE cells to assess the former's inherent plasticity relative to the latter.MethodsARPE-19 cells at passages 9 to 12 grown in DMEM containing high glucose and pyruvate with 1% fetal bovine serum were differentiated for up to 4 months. Immunocytochemistry was performed on ARPE-19 cells grown on filters. Total RNA extracted from ARPE-19 cells cultured for either 4 days or 4 months was used for RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) analysis using a 2 × 50 bp paired end protocol. The RNA-Seq data were analyzed to identify the affected pathways and recognize shared ontological classification among differentially expressed genes. RPE-specific mRNAs and miRNAs were assessed with quantitative real-time (RT)-PCR, and proteins with western blotting.ResultsARPE-19 cells grown for 4 months developed the classic native RPE phenotype with heavy pigmentation. RPE-expressed genes, including RPE65, RDH5, and RDH10, as well as miR-204/211, were greatly increased in the ARPE-19 cells maintained at confluence for 4 months. The RNA-Seq analysis provided a comprehensive view of the relative abundance and differential expression of the genes in the differentiated ARPE-19 cells. Of the 16,757 genes with detectable signals, nearly 1,681 genes were upregulated, and 1,629 genes were downregulated with a fold change of 2.5 or more differences between 4 months and 4 days of culture. Gene Ontology analysis showed that the upregulated genes were associated with visual cycle, phagocytosis, pigment synthesis, cell differentiation, and RPE-related transcription factors. The majority of the downregulated genes play a role in cell cycle and proliferation.ConclusionsThe ARPE-19 cells cultured for 4 months developed a phenotype characteristic of native RPE and expressed proteins, mRNAs, and miRNAs characteristic of the RPE. Comparison of the ARPE-19 RNA-Seq data set with that of primary human fetal RPE, embryonic stem cell-derived RPE, and native RPE revealed an important overall similar expression ratio among all the models and native tissue. However, none of the cultured models reached the absolute values in the native tissue. The results of this study demonstrate that low-passage ARPE-19 cells can express genes specific to native human RPE cells when appropriately cultured and differentiated


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    В статье рассматривается проблема соотнесенности функций иноязычной среды и экономиста, их роль в образовательном процессе в неязыковом вузе. Представлен анализ средств формирования профессионально значимых умений студентов-будущих экономистов.The article deals with the problem of a foreign language, its functions and influence on development of professionally important skills of economists. Because of business integration, new information technologies development, expanding of information sphere, business and personal contacts in modern society, a foreign language and its functions should be used to demonstrate as an essential tool for carrying out professional prognostic skills in students-economists and its professional application. During the process of education in high school a foreign language can be not only the subject but also the medium of professional skills and knowledge. This paper presents the analysis of a foreign language as an important means of student development in professional sphere of life, expanding the professional knowledge of students, promoting prognostic professional skills formation in students-economists

    Русская кампания 1812 г. в исторической памяти современной Франции

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    The author analyses the role of historical science and state policy in the formation of memory of the 1812 Russian campaign in France. The analysis is based on historical research and mass media materials, as well as those of art and education, and enables the author to conclude that modern France could be described as a country that has naturally transformed the images of the past. It is historians who form the memory of the Russian campaign in France and either confirm or correct the existing ideas of the said event. It is quite obvious that owing to historical science, the French society has been recently expressing doubts about the established memory of the war of 1812. This process testifies to the fact that the 1812 bicentennial events led the nation to a stage where they were able to overcome the past and proved the role of a historian crucial for the country. It its turn, the intervention of the state imposing ideas of false patriotism on its subjects causes protest in the French, making them draw caricature parallels between the modern rulers and those of the past. Analyzing the transformation of the image of the Russian campaign in modern France, the author concludes that it is solely natural transformation processes of the past that create the memory of the nation, while historical policy only leads to the destruction thereof.Автор в рамках данной статьи обращается к роли исторической науки и государственной политики в формировании памяти о русской кампании 1812 г. в современной Франции. На основе анализа исторических исследований, материалов СМИ, искусства, образовательного пространства автор пришла к выводу о том, что современная Франция демонстрирует вариант естественной трансформации образов прошлого. Формированием «политики памяти» о русской кампании управляют историки, которые неустанно подтверждают либо корректируют устоявшиеся научные положения. Вполне очевидно, что именно под воздействием исторической науки французское общество в последние годы стало подвергать сомнению некие «истины» своей памяти о войне 1812 г. Данный процесс свидетельствует о том, что юбилейные мероприятия привели эту нацию к «преодолению прошлого» и в очередной раз подтвердили значимость историка в этой стране. В свою очередь, вмешательство государства, предлагающего обществу «фальшивый» патриотизм, вызывает протест французов, в воображении которых актуализируются карикатурные аналогии современных правителей с образами властителей прошлых эпох. Анализ трансформации образа «русской кампании» в современной Франции убеждает в том, что только естественный процесс трансформации прошлого создает единую память нации, а историческая политика приводит лишь к ее разрушению

    Письма наполеоновских солдат из России: размышления о публикации французских историков

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    The Russian Campaign occupies an important place in the historical studies of modern France, being a peculiar symbol of heroism of the Grande Armée and the main reason for the collapse of Napoleon’s European project. In recent years, the interpretation of these issues by historians has been carried out in the sphere of historical and anthropological research. In this regard, it would be relevant to consider the scholarly work of French researcher F. Houdecek, leading archivist in the Foundation Napoléon. The historian relies on the publication of private sources. One of his first studies was From Neman to Berezina, a collection of private funds of the participants of the Russian Campaign from the archive of Vincennes. The publication of the source was an important event for specialists in the history of Napoleonic wars. In 2017, a new collection was published by François Houdecek and Patrick Le Carvése; it contained letters of the Grande Armée soldiers written between September and October 1812. This event demonstrated that French historians were ready to turn to private sources. Houdecek explains the choice of the chronological period limited by the stay of the Grande Armée in Moscow by the fact that discussions related to the reasons and the ones responsible for the fire of Moscow which made Napoleon stay in the city are still being discussed. This study is particularly valuable because it publishes French translations of letters of Polish and German soldiers which have not been studied previously due to difficulties in manuscript interpretations and translation. Indeed, the publishers of the letters were aware of the fact that separate impressions of the participants of the Russian Campaign would not be enough to create a collective model of ideas but thought that these little details could help draw a comprehensive picture of the way in which the campaign was perceived by its participants. Additionally, turning to memoirs enables scholars to understand how this picture transformed over time.Русская кампания занимает важное место в исторической науке современной Франции, являясь своеобразным символом героизма Великой армии и основной причиной краха европейского проекта Наполеона. В последние годы осмысление этих проблем историками осуществляется на уровне историко-антропологических исследований. В связи с этим представляется весьма актуальной публикаторская деятельность французского исследователя Франсуа Удесека, работающего в качестве ведущего архивиста в Фонде Наполеона. Историк ориентируется на публикацию источников личного происхождения. Одним их первых его исследований стал сборник под названием «От Немана до Березины», в котором он представил несколько личных фондов участников русской кампании из Венсенского архива. Выход подобного издания стал для специалистов по истории Наполеоновских войн важным событием. Публикация в 2017 г. нового сборника, подготовленного трудами Франсуа Удесека и Патрика Лекарвеза, содержащего письма солдат Великой армии за сентябрь-октябрь 1812 г., продемонстрировала готовность французских историков обратиться к материалам личного происхождения, содержащимся не только во французских архивах. Выбор хронологического периода, ограниченного временем пребывания Великой армии в Москве, Удесек объясняет тем, что дискуссии о виновниках пожара Москвы и причинах, которые заставили Наполеона задержаться в городе, до сих пор продолжаются. Существенным достоинством данного исследования является факт публикации на французском языке нескольких писем польских и немецких солдат, которые из-за сложности прочтения рукописей и сложности перевода не были ранее введены в научный оборот. Конечно, публикаторы этих писем и воспоминаний осознавали, что отдельные впечатления участников русского похода вряд ли могут быть индикаторами коллективной модели представлений, но все же полагали, что из этих крупиц так или иначе складываются не только контуры общей картины восприятия кампании ее участниками, но и, благодаря обращению к мемуарам и воспоминаниям, возникает понимание того, как эта картина видоизменялась с течением времени

    Napoleonic era in art and multimedia space of France

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    The author pursued the aim — to reveal features of an image of the Napoleonic era in art and multimedia space of France. Using methodology of “communicative memory”, the author analysed an image of the French emperor in fiction, advertising, cinema, computer games. The image of Napoleon is actively used in the art forming mass ideas of historical events. In recent years there was a huge number of the computer games devoted to the Napoleonic era and allowing players not only to like the spirit of that time but also to offer a possible alternative to a succession of events of the past. So art and closely related, especially today, multimedia space prolong the virtual life of Napoleon. Writers, directors, marketing specialists seek to create a heroic image of the Napoleonic era. They or sing of the emperor’s victories, or justify his defeats. The fiction recovers Bonaparte not only in historical memory but also in political space, drawing analogies between Napoleon and Sarkozy. In virtual space of computer games Napoleon always the hero; it or gives a task, helps to reveal secrets, or players participate in battle on its party. Advertising uses Napoleon as a known brand, influencing the mass idea of French of this era. So art and multimedia space promote preservation in minds and souls of French of a great imperial idea which as believe many, is a pledge of the future of France. This article can be used in research of representations of the power in cultural memory and multimedia space