758 research outputs found

    A New Pathway for the Preparation of Highly Qualified Teachers: The Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT)

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    This article reports on the development and initial implementation of a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) degree, an accelerated graduate program that encourages and scaffolds individuals with existing disciplinary expertise in entering the teaching profession. First, the context for developing the program is outlined. Next, the unique structure of the 15-month program, which consists of three blocks, is described. Expectations about students are then shared, quality control features of the program are highlighted, and the lessons we learned about program development and implementation are detailed. Finally, thoughts about the future of this program and others of its type are shared based upon our experience


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    A modified turned-down guardrail terminal which uses retrofit clips to hold up the guardrail has been in use on Nebraska Highways for several years. During this time, the Nebraska Department of Roads has become aware of a problem with this design. After being exposed to temperature fluctuations and vibrations from passing traffic the retrofit clips expand and the guardrail drops to the ground. Twelve different designs were tested on an actual guardrail field installation and a design consisting of strategically placed shear bolts was recommended

    Divergent responses of Atlantic coastal and oceanic Synechococcus to iron limitation

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2015. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of National Academy of Sciences for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112 (2015): 9944-9949, doi:10.1073/pnas.1509448112.Marine Synechococcus are some of the most diverse and ubiquitous phytoplankton, and iron (Fe) is an essential micronutrient that limits productivity in many parts of the ocean. To investigate how coastal and oceanic Atlantic Synechococcus strains acclimate to Fe availability, we compared the growth, photophysiology, and quantitative proteomics of two Synechococcus strains from different Fe regimes. Synechococcus strain WH8102, from a region in the southern Sargasso Sea that receives substantial dust deposition, showed impaired growth and photophysiology as Fe declined, yet utilized few acclimation responses. Coastal WH8020, from the dynamic, seasonally variable New England shelf, displayed a multi-tiered, hierarchical cascade of acclimation responses with different Fe thresholds. The multi-tiered response included changes in Fe acquisition, storage, and photosynthetic proteins, substitution of flavodoxin for ferredoxin, and modified photophysiology, all while maintaining remarkably stable growth rates over a range of Fe concentrations. Modulation of two distinct ferric uptake regulator (Fur) proteins that coincided with the multi-tiered proteome response was found, implying the coastal strain has different regulatory threshold responses to low Fe availability. Low nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) availability in the open ocean may favor the loss of Fe response genes when Fe availability is consistent over time, whereas these genes are retained in dynamic environments where Fe availability fluctuates and N and P are more abundant.This work was supported by a National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Biology to K.R.M.M. (NSF 1103575), National Science Foundation Oceanography grants OCE-1220484, OCE-0928414, OCE-1233261, OCE- 1155566, OCE-1131387, and OCE-0926092, as well as Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation grants 3782 and 3934

    Divergent Responses of Atlantic Coastal and Oceanic Synechococcus to Iron Limitation

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    Marine Synechococcus are some of the most diverse and ubiquitous phytoplankton, and iron (Fe) is an essential micronutrient that limits productivity in many parts of the ocean. To investigate how coastal and oceanic Atlantic Synechococcus strains acclimate to Fe availability, we compared the growth, photophysiology, and quantitative proteomics of two Synechococcus strains from different Fe regimes. Synechococcus strain WH8102, from a region in the southern Sargasso Sea that receives substantial dust deposition, showed impaired growth and photophysiology as Fe declined, yet used few acclimation responses. Coastal WH8020, from the dynamic, seasonally variable New England shelf, displayed a multitiered, hierarchical cascade of acclimation responses with different Fe thresholds. The multitiered response included changes in Fe acquisition, storage, and photosynthetic proteins, substitution of flavodoxin for ferredoxin, and modified photophysiology, all while maintaining remarkably stable growth rates over a range of Fe concentrations. Modulation of two distinct ferric uptake regulator (Fur) proteins that coincided with the multitiered proteome response was found, implying the coastal strain has different regulatory threshold responses to low Fe availability. Low nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) availability in the open ocean may favor the loss of Fe response genes when Fe availability is consistent over time, whereas these genes are retained in dynamic environments where Fe availability fluctuates and N and P are more abundant

    Design of Electromagnetic Cloaks and Concentrators Using Form-Invariant Coordinate Transformations of Maxwell's Equations

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    The technique of applying form-invariant, spatial coordinate transformations of Maxwell's equations can facilitate the design of structures with unique electromagnetic or optical functionality. Here, we illustrate the transformation-optical approach in the designs of a square electromagnetic cloak and an omni-directional electromagnetic field concentrator. The transformation equations are described and the functionality of the devices is numerically confirmed by two-dimensional finite element simulations. The two devices presented demonstrate that the transformation optic approach leads to the specification of complex, anisotropic and inhomogeneous materials with well directed and distinct electromagnetic behavior.Comment: submitted to "Photonics and Nanostructures", Special Issue "PECS VII", Elsevie

    Pennsylvania’s True Commonwealth: The State of Manufacturing – Challenges and Opportunities (Full Report)

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    The Industrial Resource Center Network of Pennsylvania is the state’s affiliate of the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership program. Both the IRC program and the MEP have longstanding traditions of self-assessment and evolution as ways of being accountable to the public and of promoting continuous improvement. The IRC program and the MEP are charged with helping manufacturing in general, and small to midsized manufacturers in particular, improve their competitive position. The IRC program uses the outcomes from these assessments to think about the challenges their constituents face due to rapid evolution in the globally competitive environment. Additionally, the IRC Program has joined with the MEP to discover best management and production practices, standardize them in terms of educational and training practices, and then disseminate these practices widely. Again, this is with an emphasis on small and midsized establishments and businesses. This report builds on the 2004 report, Manufacturing Pennsylvania’s Future, written by Deloitte Consulting and the Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs at Cleveland State University. In August 2010, as the negative impact of the Great Recession was beginning to ebb and after a decade of global competitive challenges, the IRC Program embarked on a new round of self-evaluation and assessment. The economic development and nonprofit management research groups at Cleveland State University’s Levin College were engaged to examine the state of manufacturing in the Commonwealth, discover the management practices of the “best of the best” manufacturers in the state, and suggest practice innovations that would enhance the competitive position of Pennsylvania’s manufacturers. This work was undertaken with the MPI Group. The project was supported by funding from the Industrial Resource Center program, the Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the John D.and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation’s Network on Building Resilient Regions, and the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development, with funding provided by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration. The work benefited from the advice and review of an external advisory board that was facilitated by Ken Voytek, NIST/MEP’s chief economist, and Joe Houldin, CEO of the Delaware Valley Industrial Resource Center. They worked with: Emily DeRocco, President, the Manufacturing Institute of the National Association of Manufacturers; Samuel Leiken, Vice President of the Council on Competitiveness; Howard Wial, Ph.D., Fellow of the Metropolitan Policy Program of the Brookings Institution; and Mike Trebing, Senior Economic Analyst, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. The work was also reviewed and discussed by the IRC’s Strategic Advisory Board and the directors of the network\u27s seven centers. The report also benefited from data provided by the Central Pennsylvania Workforce Development Corporation (CPWDC). The research team acknowledges the many contributions of our advisers and funders. Their participation and support do not mean that each agrees with all we have written. The team alone is responsible for the findings and interpretation of the data

    Pennsylvania’s True Commonwealth: The State of Manufacturing – Challenges and Opportunities (Full Report)

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    The Industrial Resource Center Network of Pennsylvania is the state’s affiliate of the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership program. Both the IRC program and the MEP have longstanding traditions of self-assessment and evolution as ways of being accountable to the public and of promoting continuous improvement. The IRC program and the MEP are charged with helping manufacturing in general, and small to midsized manufacturers in particular, improve their competitive position. The IRC program uses the outcomes from these assessments to think about the challenges their constituents face due to rapid evolution in the globally competitive environment. Additionally, the IRC Program has joined with the MEP to discover best management and production practices, standardize them in terms of educational and training practices, and then disseminate these practices widely. Again, this is with an emphasis on small and midsized establishments and businesses. This report builds on the 2004 report, Manufacturing Pennsylvania’s Future, written by Deloitte Consulting and the Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs at Cleveland State University. In August 2010, as the negative impact of the Great Recession was beginning to ebb and after a decade of global competitive challenges, the IRC Program embarked on a new round of self-evaluation and assessment. The economic development and nonprofit management research groups at Cleveland State University’s Levin College were engaged to examine the state of manufacturing in the Commonwealth, discover the management practices of the “best of the best” manufacturers in the state, and suggest practice innovations that would enhance the competitive position of Pennsylvania’s manufacturers. This work was undertaken with the MPI Group. The project was supported by funding from the Industrial Resource Center program, the Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the John D.and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation’s Network on Building Resilient Regions, and the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development, with funding provided by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration. The work benefited from the advice and review of an external advisory board that was facilitated by Ken Voytek, NIST/MEP’s chief economist, and Joe Houldin, CEO of the Delaware Valley Industrial Resource Center. They worked with: Emily DeRocco, President, the Manufacturing Institute of the National Association of Manufacturers; Samuel Leiken, Vice President of the Council on Competitiveness; Howard Wial, Ph.D., Fellow of the Metropolitan Policy Program of the Brookings Institution; and Mike Trebing, Senior Economic Analyst, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. The work was also reviewed and discussed by the IRC’s Strategic Advisory Board and the directors of the network\u27s seven centers. The report also benefited from data provided by the Central Pennsylvania Workforce Development Corporation (CPWDC). The research team acknowledges the many contributions of our advisers and funders. Their participation and support do not mean that each agrees with all we have written. The team alone is responsible for the findings and interpretation of the data

    Stakeholder Theory and Marketing: Moving from a Firm-Centric to a Societal Perspective

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    This essay is inspired by the ideas and research examined in the special section on “Stakeholder Marketing” of the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing in 2010. The authors argue that stakeholder marketing is slowly coalescing with the broader thinking that has occurred in the stakeholder management and ethics literature streams during the past quarter century. However, the predominant view of stakeholders that many marketers advocate is still primarily pragmatic and company centric. The position advanced herein is that stronger forms of stakeholder marketing that reflect more normative, macro/societal, and network-focused orientations are necessary. The authors briefly explain and justify these characteristics in the context of the growing “prosociety” and “proenvironment” perspectives—orientations that are also in keeping with the public policy focus of this journal. Under the “hard form” of stakeholder theory, which the authors endorse, marketing managers must realize that serving stakeholders sometimes requires sacrificing maximum profits to mitigate outcomes that would inflict major damage on other stakeholders, especially society

    Bacteria in Construction Site Sediment Basins

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    2010 S.C. Water Resources Conference - Science and Policy Challenges for a Sustainable Futur

    Impact of agglomeration state of nano- and submicron sized gold particles on pulmonary inflammation

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    BACKGROUND: Nanoparticle (NP) toxicity testing comes with many challenges. Characterization of the test substance is of crucial importance and in the case of NPs, agglomeration/aggregation state in physiological media needs to be considered. In this study, we have addressed the effect of agglomerated versus single particle suspensions of nano- and submicron sized gold on the inflammatory response in the lung. Rats were exposed to a single dose of 1.6 mg/kg body weight (bw) of spherical gold particles with geometric diameters of 50 nm or 250 nm diluted either by ultrapure water or by adding phosphate buffered saline (PBS). A single dose of 1.6 mg/kg bw DQ12 quartz was used as a positive control for pulmonary inflammation. Extensive characterization of the particle suspensions has been performed by determining the zetapotential, pH, gold concentration and particle size distribution. Primary particle size and particle purity has been verified using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) techniques. Pulmonary inflammation (total cell number, differential cell count and pro-inflammatory cytokines), cell damage (total protein and albumin) and cytotoxicity (alkaline phosphatase and lactate dehydrogenase) were determined in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) and acute systemic effects in blood (total cell number, differential cell counts, fibrinogen and C-reactive protein) 3 and 24 hours post exposure. Uptake of gold particles in alveolar macrophages has been determined by TEM. RESULTS: Particles diluted in ultrapure water are well dispersed, while agglomerates are formed when diluting in PBS. The particle size of the 50 nm particles was confirmed, while the 250 nm particles appear to be 200 nm using tracking analysis and 210 nm using TEM. No major differences in pulmonary and systemic toxicity markers were observed after instillation of agglomerated versus single gold particles of different sizes. Both agglomerated as well as single nanoparticles were taken up by macrophages. CONCLUSION: Primary particle size, gold concentration and particle purity are important features to check, since these characteristics may deviate from the manufacturer's description. Suspensions of well dispersed 50 nm and 250 nm particles as well as their agglomerates produced very mild pulmonary inflammation at the same mass based dose. We conclude that single 50 nm gold particles do not pose a greater acute hazard than their agglomerates or slightly larger gold particles when using pulmonary inflammation as a marker for toxicity