969 research outputs found

    A tale of two populations: Rotating Radio Transients and X-ray Dim Isolated Neutron Stars

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    We highlight similarities between recently discovered Rotating Radio Transients and X-ray Dim Isolated Neutron Stars. In particular, it is shown that X-ray Dim Isolated Neutron Stars have a birthrate comparable to that of Rotating Radio Transients. On the contrary, magnetars have too low a formation rate to account for the bulk of the radio transient population. The consequences of the recent detection of a thermal X-ray source associated with one of the Rotating Radio Transients on the proposed scenarios for these sources are also discussed.Comment: 5 pages, accepted to MNRAS Letter

    The bright optical companion to the eclipsing millisecond pulsar in NGC 6397

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    We report the possible optical identification of the companion to the eclipsing millisecond pulsar PSR J1740-5340 in the globular cluster NGC 6397. A bright variable star with an anomalous red colour and optical variability which nicely correlates to the orbital period of the pulsar has been found close to the pulsar position. If confirmed, the optical light curve, reminiscent of tidal distorsions similar to those observed in detached and contact binaries, support the idea that this is the first case of a Roche lobe filling companion to a millisecond pulsar.Comment: 9 pages, 4 embedded figures, submitted to ApJ Letter

    Is the Bursting Radio-source GCRT J1745-3009 a Double Neutron Star Binary ?

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    GCRT J1745-3009 is a peculiar transient radio-source in the direction of the Galactic Center. It was observed to emit a series of ~ 1 Jy bursts at 0.33 GHz, with typical duration ~ 10 min and at apparently regular intervals of ~ 77 min. If the source is indeed at the distance of the Galactic Center as it seems likely, we show that its observational properties are compatible with those expected from a double neutron star binary, similar to the double pulsar system J0737-3039. In the picture we propose the (coherent) radio emission comes from the shock originating in the interaction of the wind of the more energetic pulsar with the magnetosphere of the companion. The observed modulation of the radio signal is the consequence of an eccentric orbit, along which the separation between the two stars varies. This cyclically drives the shock inside the light cylinder radius of the less energetic pulsar.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, comment on geodetic precession adde

    The optical companion to the intermediate mass millisecond pulsar J1439-5501 in the Galactic field

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    We present the identification of the companion star to the intermediate mass binary pulsar J1439-5501 obtained by means of ground-based deep images in the B, V and I bands, acquired with FORS2 mounted at the ESO-VLT. The companion is a massive white dwarf (WD) with B=23.57+-0.02, V=23.21+-0.01 and I=22.96+-0.01, located at only ~0.05" from the pulsar radio position. Comparing the WD location in the (B, B-V) and (V, V-I) Color-Magnitude diagrams with theoretical cooling sequences we derived a range of plausible combinations of companion masses (1<~Mcom<~1.3 Msun), distances (d<~1200 pc), radii (<~7.8 10^3 Rsun) and temperatures (T=31350^{+21500}_{-7400}). From the PSR mass function and the estimated mass range we also constrained the inclination angle i >~ 55 degrees and the pulsar mass (Mpsr <~2.2 Msun). The comparison between the WD cooling age and the spin down age suggests that the latter is overestimated by a factor of about ten.Comment: Accepted for publication by ApJ; 19 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Re-examining the X-Ray versus Spin-Down Luminosity Correlation of Rotation Powered Pulsars

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    The empirical relation between the X-ray luminosity (in the 2-10 keV band) and the rate of spin-down energy loss of a sample of 37 pulsars is re-examined considering recent data from ASCA, RXTE, BeppoSAX, Chandra, and XMM-Newton. The data show a significant scatter around an average correlation computed including statistical and systematic errors. All the X-ray luminosities are found to lie below a critical line corresponding to a maximum efficiency of conversion of rotational energy into X-rays varying between 0.1 and 80%. The large dispersion of the X-ray luminosity below the critical line indicates that other physical parameters uncorrelated with the period and period derivative need to be included to account for the observed emission at X-ray energies. We indicate a few possibilities that all conspire to lower the luminosity

    Activation of kinase phosphorylation by heat-shift and mild heat-shock

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    Most cells activate intracellular signalling to recover from heat damage. An increase of temperature, known as HS (heat shock), induces two major signalling events: the transcriptional induction of HSPs (heat-shock proteins) and the activation of the MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinase) cascade. We performed the present study to examine the effects of HS, induced by different experimental conditions, on various kinases [ERK (extracellular-signal-regulated kinase), JNK (c-Jun N-terminal kinase), p38, Akt, AMPK (AMP-activated protein kinase) and PKC (protein kinase C)]. We investigated by Western blot analysis the phosphorylation of MAPK as a measure of cellular responsiveness to heat shift (37°C) and mild HS (40°C) in different cell lines. The results of the study indicate that every cell line responded to heat shift, and to a greater extent to HS, increasing ERK and JNK phosphorylation, whereas variable effects on activation or inhibition of PKC, AMPK, Akt and p38 were observed. Besides the implications of intracellular signalling activated by heat variations, these data may be of technical relevance, indicating possible sources of error due to different experimental temperature conditions

    Discovery of short-period binary millisecond pulsars in four globular clusters

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    We report the discovery using the Parkes radio telescope of binary millisecond pulsars in four clusters for which no associated pulsars were previously known. The four pulsars have pulse periods lying between 3 and 6 ms. All are in circular orbits with low-mass companions and have orbital periods of a few days or less. One is in a 1.7-hour orbit with a companion of planetary mass. Another is eclipsed by a wind from its companion for 40% of the binary period despite being in a relatively wide orbit. These discoveries result from the use of improved technologies and prove that many millisecond pulsars remain to be found in globular clusters.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figs, 1 table - Accepted by Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Pulsar Wind Nebulae in the SKA era

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    Neutron stars lose the bulk of their rotational energy in the form of a pulsar wind: an ultra-relativistic outflow of predominantly electrons and positrons. This pulsar wind significantly impacts the environment and possible binary companion of the neutron star, and studying the resultant pulsar wind nebulae is critical for understanding the formation of neutron stars and millisecond pulsars, the physics of the neutron star magnetosphere, the acceleration of leptons up to PeV energies, and how these particles impact the interstellar medium. With the SKA1 and the SKA2, it could be possible to study literally hundreds of PWNe in detail, critical for understanding the many open questions in the topics listed above.Comment: Comments: 10 pages, 3 figures, to be published in: "Advancing Astrophysics with the Square Kilometre Array", Proceedings of Science, PoS(AASKA14

    Discovery of 59ms Pulsations from 1RXS J141256.0+792204 (Calvera)

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    We report on a multi-wavelength study of the compact object candidate 1RXS J141256.0+792204 (Calvera). Calvera was observed in the X-rays with XMM/EPIC twice for a total exposure time of ~50 ks. The source spectrum is thermal and well reproduced by a two component model composed of either two hydrogen atmosphere models, or two blackbodies (kT_1~ 55/150 eV, kT_2~ 80/250 eV, respectively, as measured at infinity). Evidence was found for an absorption feature at ~0.65 keV; no power-law high-energy tail is statistically required. Using pn and MOS data we discovered pulsations in the X-ray emission at a period P=59.2 ms. The detection is highly significant (> 11 sigma), and unambiguously confirms the neutron star nature of Calvera. The pulse profile is nearly sinusoidal, with a pulsed fraction of ~18%. We looked for the timing signature of Calvera in the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) database and found a significant (~5 sigma) pulsed signal at a period coincident with the X-ray value. The gamma-ray timing analysis yielded a tight upper limit on the period derivative, dP/dt < 5E-18 s/s (dE_rot/dt <1E33 erg/s, B<5E10 G for magneto- dipolar spin-down). Radio searches at 1.36 GHz with the 100-m Effelsberg radio telescope yielded negative results, with a deep upper limit on the pulsed flux of 0.05 mJy. Diffuse, soft (< 1 keV) X-ray emission about 13' west of the Calvera position is present both in our pointed observations and in archive ROSAT all-sky survey images, but is unlikely associated with the X-ray pulsar. Its spectrum is compatible with an old supernova remnant (SNR); no evidence for diffuse emission in the radio and optical bands was found. The most likely interpretations are that Calvera is either a central compact object escaped from a SNR or a mildly recycled pulsar; in both cases the source would be the first ever member of the class detected at gamma-ray energies.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figures and 4 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The Helium White Dwarf orbiting the Millisecond Pulsar in the halo of the Globular Cluster NGC 6752

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    We have used deep high-resolution multiband images taken at the ESO Very Large Telescope to identify the optical binary companion to the millisecond pulsar (PSR J1911-5958A) located in the halo of the Galactic Globular Cluster NGC6752. The object turns out to be a blue star whose position in the Color Magnitude Diagram is consistent with the cooling sequence of a low mass (M~0.17-0.20Mo), low metallicity Helium white dwarf (He-WD) at the cluster distance. This is the second He-WD which has been found to orbit a millisecond pulsar in GGCs. Curiously both objects have been found to lie on the same mass He-WD cooling sequence. The anomalous position of PSR J1911-5958A with respect to the globular cluster center (~6') suggested that this system has recently (<1 Gyr) been ejected from the cluster core as the result of a strong dynamical interaction. The data presented here allows to constrain the cooling age of the companion within a fairly narrow range (~1.2-2.8 Gyr), therefore suggesting that such dynamical encounter must have acted on an already recycled millisecond pulsar.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures. ApJ Letters, (in press
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