21 research outputs found

    Fate of trace organic compounds in hyporheic zone sediments of contrasting organic carbon content and impact on the microbiome

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    The organic carbon in streambed sediments drives multiple biogeochemical reactions, including the attenuation of organic micropollutants. An attenuation assay using sediment microcosms differing in the initial total organic carbon (TOC) revealed higher microbiome and sorption associated removal efficiencies of trace organic compounds (TrOCs) in the high-TOC compared to the low-TOC sediments. Overall, the combined microbial and sorption associated removal efficiencies of the micropollutants were generally higher than by sorption alone for all compounds tested except propranolol whose removal efficiency was similar via both mechanisms. Quantitative real-time PCR and time-resolved 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing revealed that higher bacterial abundance and diversity in the high-TOC sediments correlated with higher microbial removal efficiencies of most TrOCs. The bacterial community in the high-TOC sediment samples remained relatively stable against the stressor effects of TrOC amendment compared to the low-TOC sediment community that was characterized by a decline in the relative abundance of most phyla except Proteobacteria. Bacterial genera that were significantly more abundant in amended relative to unamended sediment samples and thus associated with biodegradation of the TrOCs included Xanthobacter, Hyphomicrobium, Novosphingobium, Reyranella and Terrimonas. The collective results indicated that the TOC content influences the microbial community dynamics and associated biotransformation of TrOCs as well as the sorption potential of the hyporheic zone sediments

    Biodegradation of metoprolol in oxic and anoxic hyporheic zone sediments: unexpected effects on microbial communities

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    Metoprolol is widely used as a beta-blocker and considered an emerging contaminant of environmental concern due to pseudo persistence in wastewater effluents that poses a potential ecotoxicological threat to aquatic ecosystems. Microbial removal of metoprolol in the redox-delineated hyporheic zone (HZ) was investigated using streambed sediments supplemented with 15 or 150 μM metoprolol in a laboratory microcosm incubation under oxic and anoxic conditions. Metoprolol disappeared from the aqueous phase under oxic and anoxic conditions within 65 and 72 days, respectively. Metoprolol was refed twice after initial depletion resulting in accelerated disappearance under both conditions. Metoprolol disappearance was marginal in sterile control microcosms with autoclaved sediment. Metoprolol was transformed mainly to metoprolol acid in oxic microcosms, while metoprolol acid and α-hydroxymetoprolol were formed in anoxic microcosms. Transformation products were transient and disappeared within 30 days under both conditions. Effects of metoprolol on the HZ bacterial community were evaluated using DNA- and RNA-based time-resolved amplicon Illumina MiSeq sequencing targeting the 16S rRNA gene and 16S rRNA, respectively, and were prominent on 16S rRNA rather than 16S rRNA gene level suggesting moderate metoprolol-induced activity-level changes. A positive impact of metoprolol on Sphingomonadaceae and Enterobacteriaceae under oxic and anoxic conditions, respectively, was observed. Nitrifiers were impaired by metoprolol under oxic and anoxic conditions. Collectively, our findings revealed high metoprolol biodegradation potentials in the hyporheic zone under contrasting redox conditions associated with changes in the active microbial communities, thus contributing to the attenuation of micropollutants

    In-plate toxicometabolomics of single zebrafish embryos

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    Toxicometabolomic studies involving zebrafish embryos have become increasingly popular for linking apical endpoints to biochemical perturbations as part of adverse outcome pathway determination. These experiments involve pooling embryos to generate sufficient biomass for metabolomic measurement, which adds both time and cost. To address this limitation, we developed a high-throughput toxicometabolomic assay involving single zebrafish embryos. Incubation, microscopy, embryo extraction, and instrumental metabolomic analysis were all performed in the same 96-well plate, following acquisition of conventional toxicological endpoints. The total time for the assay (including testing of 6 doses/n= 12 embryos per dose plus positive and negative controls, assessing conventional endpoints, instrumental analysis, data processing and multivariate statistics) is <14 days. Metabolomic perturbations at low dose were linked statistically to those observed at high dose and in the presence of an adverse effect, thereby contextualizing omic data amongst apical endpoints. Overall, this assay enables collection of high resolution metabolomic data in a high throughput manner, suitable for mode of action hypothesis generation in the context of pharmaceutical or toxicological screening

    Increasing the Environmental Relevance of Biodegradation Testing by Focusing on Initial Biodegradation Kinetics and Employing Low-Level Spiking

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    The environmental relevance of standard biodegradation tests such as OECD 309 has been questioned. Challenges include the interpretation of changing degradation kinetics over the 60–90 incubation days and the effects of chemical spiking on the microbial community. To ameliorate these weaknesses, we evaluated a modified OECD 309 test using water and sediment from three Swedish rivers. For each river, we had three treatments (no spiking, 0.5 μg L–1 spiking, and 5 μg L–1 spiking). The dissipation of a mixture of 56–80 spiked chemicals was followed over 14 days. Changes in dissipation kinetics during the incubation were interpreted as a departure of the microbial community from its initial (natural) state. The biodegradation kinetics were first-order throughout the incubation in the no spiking and 0.5 μg L–1 spiking treatments for almost all chemicals, but for the 5 μg L–1 treatment, more chemicals showed changes in kinetics. The rate constants in the no spiking and 0.5 μg L–1 treatments agreed within a factor of 2 for 35 of 37 cases. We conclude that the environmental relevance of OECD 309 is improved by considering only the initial biodegradation phase and that it is not compromised by spiking multiple chemicals at 0.5 μg L–1. KEYWORDS: biodegradation river water sediment micropollutants OECD 30

    Ibuprofen Degradation and Associated Bacterial Communities in Hyporheic Zone Sediments

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    Ibuprofen, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pain reliever, is among pharmaceutical residues of environmental concern ubiquitously detected in wastewater effluents and receiving rivers. Thus, ibuprofen removal potentials and associated bacteria in the hyporheic zone sediments of an impacted river were investigated. Microbially mediated ibuprofen degradation was determined in oxic sediment microcosms amended with ibuprofen (5, 40, 200, and 400 µM), or ibuprofen and acetate, relative to an un-amended control. Ibuprofen was removed by the original sediment microbial community as well as in ibuprofen-enrichments obtained by re-feeding of ibuprofen. Here, 1-, 2-, 3-hydroxy- and carboxy-ibuprofen were the primary transformation products. Quantitative real-time PCR analysis revealed a significantly higher 16S rRNA abundance in ibuprofen-amended relative to un-amended incubations. Time-resolved microbial community dynamics evaluated by 16S rRNA gene and 16S rRNA analyses revealed many new ibuprofen responsive taxa of the Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Gemmatimonadetes, Latescibacteria, and Proteobacteria. Two ibuprofen-degrading strains belonging to the genera Novosphingobium and Pseudomonas were isolated from the ibuprofen-enriched sediments, consuming 400 and 300 µM ibuprofen within three and eight days, respectively. The collective results indicated that the hyporheic zone sediments sustain an efficient biotic (micro-)pollutant degradation potential, and hitherto unknown microbial diversity associated with such (micro)pollutant removal

    Environmental filtering and community delineation in the streambed ecotone

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    Abstract A current controversy in ecology is whether biological communities are discrete biological entities or simply study units created for convenience; a debate that becomes even more heated when delimiting communities along ecotones. Here, we report an interdisciplinary study designed to address the interplay between environmental drivers and community ecology in a typical ecotone ecosystem: the streambed. Environmental filtering at a micro-scale determined how diversity, productivity and composition of the whole streambed assemblage varied with depth and with the direction of vertical water exchange. Biomass and production decreased with increasing depth, and were lower under upwelling than downwelling conditions. However, the rate at which biomass and production decreased with increasing depth differed significantly for different taxonomic groups. Using quantitative biocenosis analysis, we also showed that benthic and hyporheic zone assemblages (assemblages in close juxtaposition) could be clearly distinguished as discrete communities with individual integrity. Vertical hydrodynamic conditions also influenced the demarcation between both communities; the benthic community reached greater depths in downwelling than in upwelling zones

    Is the Hyporheic Zone Relevant beyond the Scientific Community?

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    Rivers are important ecosystems under continuous anthropogenic stresses. The hyporheic zone is a ubiquitous, reactive interface between the main channel and its surrounding sediments along the river network. We elaborate on the main physical, biological, and biogeochemical drivers and processes within the hyporheic zone that have been studied by multiple scientific disciplines for almost half a century. These previous efforts have shown that the hyporheic zone is a modulator for most metabolic stream processes and serves as a refuge and habitat for a diverse range of aquatic organisms. It also exerts a major control on river water quality by increasing the contact time with reactive environments, which in turn results in retention and transformation of nutrients, trace organic compounds, fine suspended particles, and microplastics, among others. The paper showcases the critical importance of hyporheic zones, both from a scientific and an applied perspective, and their role in ecosystem services to answer the question of the manuscript title. It identifies major research gaps in our understanding of hyporheic processes. In conclusion, we highlight the potential of hyporheic restoration to efficiently manage and reactivate ecosystem functions and services in river corridors

    Transformation of Micropollutants in the Hyporheic Zone

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    Hyporheic zones (HZs) are reactive transition regions between rivers and aquifers which are thought to play an important role in the attenuation of micropollutants. Micropollutants are chemical substances such as pharmaceuticals, industrial chemicals or personal care products that are found in trace concentrations in the environment and that can be harmful to organisms. This thesis aimed to narrow the knowledge gap on the environmental fate of wastewater-derived polar organic micropollutants in the aquatic environment, with a specific emphasis on the hyporheic zone. In Paper I an efficient workflow was developed for the in-situ characterization of polar organic micropollutants and their transformation products (TPs) in the hyporheic zone at high spatial and temporal resolution and with minimal disturbance of natural flow paths. A low volume sampling device was combined with a newly developed high throughput-direct injection-UHPLC-MS/MS method. Application in the field revealed significant differences in micropollutant concentrations that varied over small time- and spatial scales. In Paper II the results of a comprehensive field study performed in the urban lowland river Erpe in Berlin, Germany, are presented. The work provided data on in-situ attenuation behavior of 24 micropollutants and TPs, along with novel insights into the spatially- and temporally varying environmental factors which play a major role in controlling in-stream attenuation of micropollutants. Paper III describes a novel, multi-flume experiment designed to investigate the influence of hyporheic exchange flow and sediment bacterial diversity on dissipation half-lives of 31 micropollutants and associated TPs. Attenuation and transformation of most substances increased significantly with bacterial diversity; fewer compounds responded to both bacterial diversity and hyporheic exchange flow. In addition to the discovery of several novel TPs, a number of bacterial strains were identified that might be associated with micropollutant degradation. In Paper IV the fate of metformin in the hyporheic zone was examined using large-scale (100m) recirculating flumes to perform realistic yet well-controlled experiments. In addition to determining dissipation half-lives in surface and pore water, the formation of novel TPs was investigated via suspect screening and bacterial communities were characterized using microbiological analyses. Data from these experiments indicate that dunes and macrophytes promote hyporheic exchange flow and create reactive environments with steep and varying biogeochemical gradients, which enhanced the degradation of metformin. Collectively, the fate of 33 parent compounds and 37 transformation products was assessed in field and mesocosm experiments described in this thesis. Additionally, 29 suspected TPs were tentatively identified. Higher bacterial diversity in the hyporheic zone and more intense hyporheic exchange flows significantly enhanced biodegradation of organic micropollutants. A number of known and novel TPs were discovered under diverse conditions, many of which showed signs of environmental persistence, providing further evidence for inclusion of TPs in contaminant risk assessments and regulatory frameworks. This work highlights the importance of considering both small- and reach-scale temporal and spatial variability for a mechanistic understanding of attenuation in in-stream studies.At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: Manuscript. Paper 4: Manuscript.</p

    Fate of Trace Organic Compounds in Hyporheic Zone Sediments of Contrasting Organic Carbon Content and Impact on the Microbiome

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    The organic carbon in streambed sediments drives multiple biogeochemical reactions, including the attenuation of organic micropollutants. An attenuation assay using sediment microcosms differing in the initial total organic carbon (TOC) revealed higher microbiome and sorption associated removal efficiencies of trace organic compounds (TrOCs) in the high-TOC compared to the low-TOC sediments. Overall, the combined microbial and sorption associated removal efficiencies of the micropollutants were generally higher than by sorption alone for all compounds tested except propranolol whose removal efficiency was similar via both mechanisms. Quantitative real-time PCR and time-resolved 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing revealed that higher bacterial abundance and diversity in the high-TOC sediments correlated with higher microbial removal efficiencies of most TrOCs. The bacterial community in the high-TOC sediment samples remained relatively stable against the stressor effects of TrOC amendment compared to the low-TOC sediment community that was characterized by a decline in the relative abundance of most phyla except Proteobacteria. Bacterial genera that were significantly more abundant in amended relative to unamended sediment samples and thus associated with biodegradation of the TrOCs included Xanthobacter, Hyphomicrobium, Novosphingobium, Reyranella and Terrimonas. The collective results indicated that the TOC content influences the microbial community dynamics and associated biotransformation of TrOCs as well as the sorption potential of the hyporheic zone sediments