212 research outputs found

    Produção de vídeos com jovens do interior gaúcho: uma forma de inclusão cultural

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    Anais do 35º Seminário de Extensão Universitária da Região Sul - Área temática: ComunicaçãoO trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar as ações desenvolvidas pelo projeto de extensão Vídeo Entre-Linhas: formação de jovens realizadores em Frederico Westphalen e Região, que tem como propósito contribuir para a criação de produtos audiovisuais a partir da formação técnica e a qualificação prática dos jovens da região rural e periférica de Frederico Westphalen e região. Ao lado disso, o projeto busca compreender como se dá o consumo midiático dos participantes por meio dos dados obtidos a partir da aplicação de questionários, o que proporciona o melhor entendimento da metodologia participativa do processo educomunicativo. A conclusão é de que os jovens fazem parte do consumo de mídia tradicionais e por conta disso fazem as suas escolhas temáticas e de gênero na própria produção audiovisual, desta forma o projeto caracteriza-se como ação de inclusão cultura

    Detection of cognitive impairment in the elderly by general internists in Brazil

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    BACKGROUND: Cognitive impairment, from mild forms to dementia, is an important social and health concern, principally among older individuals. Elderly patients are usually followed by general internists, who may overlook this condition. OBJECTIVE: Our aim was to determine whether cognitive impairment diagnosed by specialists had been previously detected by general internists. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: A total of 248 elderly individuals randomly selected from a list of outpatients seen by general internists in a public university hospital in São Paulo, Brazil, were evaluated by a geriatrician. Patients were then classified as having probable cognitive impairment or not, based on their performance on the Mini-Mental State Examination and the Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly. Cases of probable impairment were submitted to routine laboratory investigation, brain computed tomography, and neuropsychological evaluation. The final diagnoses were established by a consensus panel comprising two neurologists and the geriatrician who evaluated the patients using all available data. General internists' files for all cognitively impaired cases and for a selected sample of individuals without cognitive impairment were checked for any record of cognitive complaints or decline. RESULTS: Forty-three patients were classified as demented (n = 21) or as cognitively impaired but not demented (n = 22). The evaluation of the general internists' files revealed that information on cognitive complaints or decline was recorded for seven (16.3%) of the 43 patients with dementia or cognitive impairment without dementia. CONCLUSIONS: General internists seldom detected cognitive decline in elderly patients in Brazil. Further studies should be conducted to elucidate the reasons for this low rate of detection

    Peptide Characterization Of Mature Fluorotic And Control Human Enamel

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    Exposure to high fluoride levels during amelogenesis causes enamel fluorosis. This study aimed to determine and compare the amino acid sequences in the enamel of fluorotic and control teeth. This investigation included enamel samples obtained from erupted and non-erupted third molars with either TF grade 4-6 (n=7) fluorosis or no sign of fluorosis (controls, n=7). The samples were kept frozen at -20 °C until protein extraction. Samples were etched and processed with a cocktail of proteinase inhibitors and immediately analyzed. Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization-Time-Of-Flight/Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF/TOF) followed by MASCOT search aided the peptides analysis. The more abundant peptides bore the N-terminal amelogenin sequences WYQSIRPPYP (which is specific for the X-encoded amelogenin) and MPLPPHPGHPGYINF (which does not show sexual dimorphism) were not different in control or fluorotic enamel. There was no missing proteolytic cleavage in the fluorotic samples, which suggested that the increased amount of protein described in fluorotic enamel did not stem from the decreased ability of proteinases to cleave the proteins in humans. This study showed how to successfully obtain peptide from superficial enamel. A relatively low number of teeth was sufficient to provide good data on the actual peptides found in mature enamel.271667

    Ángulo de fase para el tamizaje del riesgo nutricional en pacientes cardiacos críticos

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    Introduction: The phase angle has been listed as a nutritional marker and its useful role in critically ill patients, but its role as a patient-to-patient tool has not yet been tested. This study sought to evaluate the phase angle as a proposal to determine nutritional risk in critically ill patients hospitalized in cardiac intensive care units. Methods: Transversal study, coupled to a prospective analysis variable (hospitalization outcome) and involving adult and elderly male and female patients in cardiac intensive care units. The nutritional risk was determined by using the NUTRICscore, the phase angle was obtained through bioelectrical impedance analysis and other data, through the clinical record. A significance level of p <0.05 was used for all statistical analysis. Results: 79 patients were included and resulted in homogeneous distribution among the sexes and an average age of 67.2 ± 13.7 years. Most of the sample had malnutrition according to the body mass index (BMI) (46.7%; CI: 36.0-57.8) and due to the adequacy of the arm circumference (40.8%; CI: 34.0-52.0). According to the NUTRIC score, 59.5% (CI: 48.5-69.3) had a high nutritional risk, and 68.4% (CI: 57.4-77.6) had a low phase angle (≤5.5 °). Correlation between the phase angle and age (p = 0.010) and BMI (p = 0.023) was verified. A good sensitivity (72%; CI: 55.6-81.9) and specificity (68%; CI: 42.5-77.5) of the low phase angle were obtained to detect nutritional risk by NUTRIC. Conclusions: The PhA had good results of sensitivity and specificity but should be used with caution to determine the nutritional risk in critically ill cardiac patients.Introducción: El ángulo de fase se ha catalogado como un marcador nutricional y su papel útil en pacientes críticos, pero aún no se ha probado su papel como herramienta de paciente a paciente. Este estudio buscó evaluar el ángulo de fase como propuesta para determinar el riesgo nutricional en pacientes críticos hospitalizados en unidades de cuidados intensivos cardíacos. Metodología: Estudio transversal, acoplado a una variable de análisis prospectivo (resultado de hospitalización);participaron pacientes adultos y adultos mayores del sexo masculino y femenino en unidades de cuidados intensivos cardíacos. El riesgo nutricional se determinó mediante el NUTRICscore, el ángulo de fase se obtuvo a través del análisis de impedancia bioeléctrica y otros datos, a través de la historia clínica. Se utilizó un nivel de significación de p <0,05 para todos los análisis estadísticos. Resultados: Se incluyeron 79 pacientes y resultó una distribución homogénea entre los sexos y una edad promedio de 67,2±13,7 años. La mayor parte de la muestra presentaba desnutrición según índice de masa corporal (IMC) (46.7%; CI: 36.0-57.8) y por adecuación del perímetro braquial (40,8%; CI: 34.0-52.0). De acuerdo con el puntaje NUTRIC, el 59,5% (CI: 48.5-69.3) tenía un riesgo nutricional alto y el 68,4% (CI: 57.4-77.6) tenía un ángulo de fase bajo (≤ 5,5°). Se verificó correlación entre el ángulo de fase y la edad (p = 0,010) y el IMC (p = 0,023). Se obtuvo una buena sensibilidad (72%; CI: 55.6-81.9) y especificidad (68%; CI: 42.5-77.5) del ángulo de fase bajo para detectar riesgo nutricional por NUTRIC. Conclusiones: El PhA tuvo buenos resultados de sensibilidad y especificidad, pero debe ser utilizado con precaución para determinar el riesgo nutricional en pacientes cardíacos críticos

    Y-Filer Plus® genetic characterization of caucasian individuals from South Portugal

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    Trabalho apresentado sob a forma de poster na reunião cientifica - "Haploid Markers 2016 Update on DNA variation" Maio 20-21, Berlin, GermanyDue to their paternal inheritance, Y-STRs offers particular perspectives for identification and kinship analysis and are also a precious tool in sexual assault cases with relatively high amount of female DNA and also in mixtures from multiple male donors. Nonetheless their value, there are some limitations to their use in forensic investigations since their ability to discriminate between individuals is considerably lower than that of the autosomal STRs set, mainly in cases with close or distant patrilineal relatives.One of the most recently developed Y-STR kit, Y-Filer Plus® (Life Technologies, Foster city, USA), allows forensic geneticists to study 27 Y-chromosomal loci. All the 16 markers included in the Y-Filer® kit (Life Technologies, Foster city, USA), plus 9 additional markers: DYS576, DYS627, DYS460, DYS518, DYS570, DYS449, DYS481, DYF387S1 and DYS533, six of which (DYS576, DYS627, DYS518, DYS570, DYS449 and DYF387S1) are characterized as “rapidly mutating”, and can differentiate between unrelated individuals and possibly between male relatives.Allelic frequencies were estimated with Arlequin v. 3.5. Gene and Haplotype diversities were estimated according to Nei formula. The discrimination capacity was also calculated by dividing the number of different haplotypes by the total number of individuals in the sample. The fraction of unique haplotypes was determined as the percent proportion of unique haplotypes. In conclusion, the recently introduced Y-Filer Plus® system provides innovative discriminatory power for forensic applicationN/

    The role of DNA concentrations in forensic casework results : regression models application

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    Póster apresentado no 28th Congress of International Society For Forensic Genetics (ISFG 2019), Praga, República Checa, 9-13 de Setembro de 2019In forensic DNA typing, short tandem repeats (STRs) are the most frequently genotyped markers in order to distinguish between individuals and to relate them to a crime or to exonerate the innocent. In recent years, new controversies have arisen with the advent of more sensitive techniques, allowing profiles to be recovered from minimum amounts of DNA, hence, bringing challenges to weight of evidence evaluation for forensic DNA profiles obtained from low template DNA samples. Introduction of interpretation models, or even new weight of evidence software should be accompanied by a measure of uncertainty that is part of any biological analysis. Specially, due to stochastic effects, the reliability of the obtained profiles might differ between machinery, workflow and also PCR settings in use in different laboratories. In this work we try to understand the relation between Peak Area, DNA concentration and also size marker, using adequate regression models. Buccal swabs from 180 individuals, with unknown identity, were selected for this study. DNA was extracted with prep-n-go™ buffer and quantified using Quantifiler® Trio DNA Quantification kit in a 7500 Real-Time PCR System (Applied Biosystems). STR amplification was performed with Powerplex Fusion 6C amplification kit (Promega). Amplified PCR products were separated and detected in an Applied Biosystems® 3500 Genetic Analyzer using manufacturer’s conditions. Electrophoresis results were analysed with GeneMapper® ID-X v1.4. Statistical analysis was performed with R Studio. Our results allow having an important overview about the relation between DNA concentrations, peak area, and size of the studied genetic markers.N/

    Forensic genetic analysis of South Portuguese population with the six dye Powerplex® Fusion 6C

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    Poster apresentado no 28th Congress of International Society For Forensic Genetics (ISFG 2019), Praga, República Checa, 9-13 de Setembro de 2019As an improvement in efficiency and in Human Discrimination Power, the new six dye multiplex kit PowerPlex® Fusion 6C System, by Promega, available for human identification can co-amplify 27 loci, in a single reaction, have been introduced in the last years with great success. This kit allows the amplification and detection of autosomal loci included in the expanded Combined DNA Index System CODIS, plus the loci Penta D, PENTA E and SE33 as well as Amelogenin for gender determination. Furthermore, this kit includes three Y –STRs (DYS391, DYS576 and DYS570), allowing allelic attribution in a total of 27 loci. This genetic markers extension satisfies not only CODIS but also European Standard Set recommendations. Thinking about continuous human migration movements, especially in a very cosmopolitan region like Lisbon and south of Portugal, and also, in keeping population studies and actualized STR databases we decided to update our previous studies. Our sample is composed of 600 unrelated individuals, from paternity testing with laboratory identity anonymised. DNA was extracted by Prep-n-go BufferTM(Thermo-Fisher Scientific). PCR amplification was performed with PowerPlex® Fusion 6C System, according to manufacturer’s guidelines. Fragment analysis was carried out in an Applied Biosystems® 3500 Genetic Analyser. Electrophoresis results were analysed with GeneMapper® ID-X v1.4. Allele frequencies and population statistics, including Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium p-values from exact test probabilities and forensic parameters were calculated with adequate software. In conclusion, our population information was updated in order to apply most recent data in our casework weight of evidence.N/

    Lisbon population mtDNA analysis: study of a genetic marker with population, evolution and forensic interest

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    Póster apresentado em The 28th Congress of the International Society for Forensic Genetics, Prague (Czech Republic), 2019Mitochondrial DNA mtDNA is remarkable in population genetic studies to clarify the history and demographic past of human populations For forensic purposes mtDNA analysis is particularly useful when there are degraded or low-level DNA samples Nonetheless, only being in possession of the genetic reference data of the populations it is possible to attribute statistical weight to evidence in forensic casework.The National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences in Portugal carried out a study with the aim of portraying the genetic diversity of immigrants living in Lisbon However, the nonimmigrant population of Lisbon, the reference population, had not yet been studied The present study intends to determine the mtDNA variability of the Lisbon metropolitan native population. Among the 90 samples, 87 unique mtDNA haplotypes were identified It was verified that 32 of the haplotypes had no coincidence and 14 of the haplotype had only one coincidence on EMPOP database This low frequency of the majority of the haplotypes emphasizes the importance of studying this population The most frequent haplotypes, enclose haplogroups H 1 HV, K 1 R 0, and U 5 belonging predominantly to west Eurasian mtDNA Haplotypes that belong to Haplogroups L 0 L 1 L 2 L 3 were also identified in Lisbon population.N/

    Peptide characterization of mature fluorotic and control human enamel

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    Exposure to high fluoride levels during amelogenesis causes enamel fluorosis. This study aimed to determine and compare the amino acid sequences in the enamel of fluorotic and control teeth. This investigation included enamel samples obtained from erupted and non-erupted third molars with either TF grade 4-6 (n=7) fluorosis or no sign of fluorosis (controls, n=7). The samples were kept frozen at -20 °C until protein extraction. Samples were etched and processed with a cocktail of proteinase inhibitors and immediately analyzed. Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization-Time-Of-Flight/Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF/TOF) followed by MASCOT search aided the peptides analysis. The more abundant peptides bore the N-terminal amelogenin sequences WYQSIRPPYP (which is specific for the X-encoded amelogenin) and MPLPPHPGHPGYINF (which does not show sexual dimorphism) were not different in control or fluorotic enamel. There was no missing proteolytic cleavage in the fluorotic samples, which suggested that the increased amount of protein described in fluorotic enamel did not stem from the decreased ability of proteinases to cleave the proteins in humans. This study showed how to successfully obtain peptide from superficial enamel. A relatively low number of teeth was sufficient to provide good data on the actual peptides found in mature enamel2716671CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPSem informaçãoSem informaçãoExposição a altos níveis de flúor durante a amelogênese causa fluorose no esmalte. Este estudo tem como objetivo determinar e comparar as sequências de aminoácidos presentes no esmalte de dentes controles e fluoróticos. A investigação incluiu amostras de esmalte obtidas de terceiros molares erupcionados e não erupcionados, ambas ou com grau de fluorose TF 4-6 (n=7) ou sem sinais de fluorose (controles, n=7), congelados a -20 oC até a extração das proteínas. As amostras sofreram ataque ácido e foram processadas utilizando um coquetel de inibidores de proteinases, sendo imediatamente analisadas. MALDI-TOF/TOF seguido pela pesquisa com MASCOT foram utilizados para a análise dos peptídeos. Os peptídeos mais abundantes foram das amelogeninas com sequências N-terminal WYQSIRPPYP (que é codificada especificamente pela amelogenina X) e MPLPPHPGHPGYINF (que não apresenta dimorfismo sexual algum), não havendo diferenças entre dentes fluoróticos e controles. Nenhuma alteração na proteólise ocorreu nas amostras fluoróticas, o que sugere que o aumento na quantidade de proteínas existentes nas amostras fluoróticas não está correlacionada a habilidade das proteinases em clivar as proteínas em humanos. Este estudo mostrou como extrair com sucesso peptídeos do esmalte superficial. Um número relativamente baixo de dentes foram suficientes para se obter ótimos dados a respeito de peptídeos encontrados no esmalte madur

    Qualidade de vida de pacientes submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica: estudo transversal

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    Purpose: Analyze factors that influenced the quality of life (QoL) of patients after bariatric surgery. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out, involving 307 adult bariatric surgery patients between 2012 and 2014. Data was obtained from the electronic patient records and telephone interviews. To assess the QoL, the World Health Organization Quality of Life-Bref (WHOQOL-bref) was used. A simple linear regression model was constructed, adjusted by sociodemographic variables, with p<0.05. Results: The domains with the worst scores were the physical (mean=58.45; SD±10.42) and environmental (mean=65.19; SD±11.36). The best domains were the social (mean=76.51; SD±15.71) and psychological (mean=68.70; SD±15.71). In the linear regression model, it was observed that time since the surgery was inversely associated with the physical health domain. For each month post-bariatric surgery, the patient’s average score dropped by 2.66 points, adjusted by sex and age. Conclusions: Time since the surgery could be an important determinant of the physical domain score of quality of life. Identifying the quality of life after bariatric surgery and influential factors is fundamental to prepare these patients for the changes deriving from the weight loss.Objetivo: Analizar los factores que influyeron en la calidad de vida (CV) de los pacientes después de la cirugía bariátrica. Métodos: Se llevó a cabo un estudio transversal en el que participaron 307 pacientes adultos con cirugía bariátrica entre 2012 y 2014. Se han obtenido los datos de los registros electrónicos de los pacientes y de sus entrevistas telefónicas. Después se construyó un modelo de regresión lineal simple, ajustado por variables sociodemográficas, con p <0.05. Para evaluar la CV, se utilizó la Calidad de Vida Breve de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (WHOQOL-bref). Resultados: Los dominios con las peores puntuaciones fueron el físico (media = 58,45; SD ± 10,42) y ambiental (media = 65,19; SD ± 11,36). Los mejores dominios fueron el social (media = 76.51; SD ± 15.71) y psicológico (media = 68.70; SD ± 15.71). En el modelo de regresión lineal, se observó que el tiempo desde la cirugía se asoció inversamente con el dominio de la salud física. Por cada mes posterior a la cirugía bariátrica, el puntaje promedio del paciente se redujo en 2.66 puntos, ajustado por sexo y edad. Conclusión: El tiempo transcurrido desde la cirugía puede ser un determinante importante de la puntuación del dominio físico de la calidad de vida. Identificar la calidad de vida después de la cirugía bariátrica y los factores influyentes es fundamental para preparar a estos pacientes para los cambios derivados de la pérdida de peso.Objetivo: Analisar os fatores que influenciaram a qualidade de vida (QV) dos pacientes após a cirurgia bariátrica. Método: Realizado um estudo transversal envolvendo 307 pacientes adultos submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica, no período de 2012 a 2014. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de prontuário eletrônico e entrevistas telefônicas. Para avaliar a QV, foi utilizada a World Health Organization Quality of Life-bref (WHOQOL-bref). Um modelo de regressão linear simples foi construído, ajustado por variáveis sociodemográficas, com p <0,05.Resultados: Os domínios com os piores escores foram físico (média = 58,45; DP ± 10,42) e ambiental (média = 65,19; DP ± 11,36). Os melhores domínios foram o social (média = 76,51; DP ± 15,71) e o psicológico (média = 68,70; DP ± 15,71). No modelo de regressão linear, observou-se que o tempo desde a cirurgia foi inversamente associado ao domínio saúde física. Para cada mês pós-cirurgia bariátrica, a pontuação média do paciente caiu em 2,66 pontos, ajustada por sexo e idade. Conclusão: O tempo desde a cirurgia pode ser um importante determinante do escore do domínio físico de QV. Identificar a QV após a cirurgia bariátrica e fatores que a influenciam é fundamental para preparar esses pacientes para as mudanças decorrentes da perda de peso