49 research outputs found

    Reflexión sobre la adquisición desde la perspectiva lingüística

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    En este artículo se revisan las condiciones en las que se produce la adquisición del lenguaje. Comenzando por el desarrollo cerebral, la inteligencia, las experiencias sociales se reflexiona sobre aquellos elementos que han dado lugar a controversias clásicas: la relación entre la adquisición y el género o las complejas relaciones entre el nivel sociocultural de la familia (contexto lingüístico). El planteamiento utiliza las principales aportaciones de la lingüística (psicosociolingüística) que en este campo deben confluir con las teorías más recientes de la psicología cognitiva, la pragmática y las ciencias de la educación

    La enseñanza del español en la universidad: observaciones de clase

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    The progressive adoption of a circular economy by businesses for cleaner production: An approach from a regional study in Spain

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    The literature on the circular economy at the micro-level has mainly focused on the analysis of thecircular business model and implementation of different circular-related practices, but the process ofadoption by businesses of the circular economy is still under investigation. Therefore, through a study inthe region of Aragon, Spain, the main circular economy-related activities implemented by a sample of 52businesses are classified into four levels as an approach to the change process thatfirms can undergo toadopt the circular economy. In summary, it can be stated that circular economy-related activities arebeing introduced by businesses progressively, from a minor activity to a greater number of activities, butthat these activities do not respond to the incremental closure of material loops within the circulareconomy framework. The applied indicators enhance the knowledge on the environmental managementaccounting applied to the CE for the reporting and the relations with stakeholders. In addition, themeasurement of the introduction of the circular economy in different businesses is relevant for practi-tioners and for policy makers, in response to the institutional initiatives for the promotion of the circulareconomy at the territorial level

    Beyond images: the external archaeological context of Palaeolithic rock art (EAC) - a case study from the Nalón river basin (northern Iberia

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    In this study of the location and physical characteristics of the surroundings of a series of decorated caves in the Nalón river basin in Asturias (northern Iberia), the spatial analysis, which included fieldwork and the use of GIS, has defined the external archaeological context (EAC) of pre-Magdalenian art in that area. The spatial information has been integrated with the study of the rock art in order to observe tendencies that are statistically quantifiable by means of multidimensional scaling (MDS), hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and property fitting. The study of the potential association between the location of the caves and the rock art constitutes a new approach within Palaeolithic cave art research. First, the sample of decorated caves was analysed to discriminate different situations as regards the total number of representations, relative importance of figurative and non-figurative motifs, and the type of figurative representations. Second, the relationship between the EAC and graphic activity was tested. The location of the decorated caves does not fit a homogeneously distributed pattern owing to marked contrasts in the spatial variables. The greater or lesser ease of access to the location of the cave art sites does not condition the type of graphic expression. Instead, visibility is clearly associated with the total number of representations, and particularly with the number of non-figurative representations. However, this particular association between high visibility and non-figurative motifs should be nuanced because the issues of the conservation and interpretation of the exterior engravings mostly affect the identification of the figurative representations.This research was carriedout in the framework of the project: ‘Ocupación del territorio y actividad simbólica paleolítica en el centro de la cornisa cantábrica (27,000-12,000 BP). Los modelos de los valles del Nalón, Sella y Cares’, founded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Government of Spain) (Ref. HAR2013-41981-P, PI: Mª S. Corchón- Rodríguez). The present study also received financial support from the EUSOT Research Group (Universidad de La Rioja). Finally, an anonymous reviewer helped us to improve the manuscript

    Consensus Report of the XI Congress of the Spanish Society of Odontology for the Handicapped and Special Patients

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    This article summarizes the findings of consensus of the XI congress of the SEOEME. All of these conclusions are referring to the review articles responsible to the general rapporteurs in order to bringing up to date knowledge with regard to the use of implants in patients medically compromised and with special needs and, in the dental management of autism and cerebral palsy, in the dental treatment of patients with genetic and adquired haemato - logical disorders, the dental implications of cardiovascular disease and hospital dentistry

    Innovación educativa en España: Un estudio descriptivo a partir de los datos contenidos en REDINED

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    Educative innovation goes beyond changes in methodology and teaching. It suggests an ideological reflection that is always within a particular context. This is the reason for the great difficulty in applying resources or materials into a particular context derived from the educative innovation without a thorough debate. In this paper, we propose a research that combines the active process of the information found in the records of educational innovation within the REDINED Data Base, and to examine it within a quantitative and qualitative framework. Introducing the technical side of the study, we have included a brief description of the used software: CDS/ISIS is a system of document management developed by UNESCO. It permits storage and a recovery of great volumes of information, as well as offering a combination of different types of searches. Hence, we have used the program WinISIS, which is a version for Windows of CDS/ISIS keeping REDINED´s database. WinISIS allows searches in Inverted file and in free text searches based on a reading in accordance with the Master file, combining the terms of search with logical operators (Boolean expressions). These searches permit us to achieve the statistics contained by the percentage of success of the requests, which were formulated from the starting point. La innovación educativa va más allá del cambio metodológico y didáctico ya que implica una reflexión ideológica que nunca tiene lugar fuera de un contexto. Esta es la razón que explica la dificultad de aplicar el recurso o los materiales generados en los procesos innovadores de un contexto a otro sin el necesario debate. En este artículo nos proponemos realizar un estudio descriptivo que combine la explotación de la información contenida en los registros de innovación de la Base de Datos REDINED, tratados cuantitativa y cualitativamente. Para presentar el proceso técnico de la investigación hemos realizado una breve descripción del software utilizado: CDS/ISIS, que es un sistema de gestión documental desarrollado por la UNESCO que permite almacenar y recuperar grandes volúmenes de datos, así como la combinación de distintos tipos de búsquedas para las que hemos utilizado el programa WinISIS, que es una versión para Windows de CDS/ISIS en la que está disponible la base de datos REDINED. WinISIS permite realizar búsquedas a través del archivo invertido o búsquedas en texto libre basadas en la lectura secuencial del archivo Maestro, combinando los términos de búsqueda con operadores booleanos. Estas búsquedas nos facilitan obtener las estadísticas porcentuales de los éxitos de las peticiones formuladas a la base

    A pilot study on the Spanish version of the Psychosocial Adjustment to Illness Scale (PAIS‐SR) with carers of people with Parkinson's disease

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    Aim: To report the cross-cultural adaptation and pilot study of the ongoing validation of the Spanish version of the Psychosocial Adjustment to Illness Scale with carers of people with Parkinson's disease. Design: Cross-cultural adaptation and pilot study with a cross-sectional validation design of the Spanish version of the Psychosocial Adjustment to Illness Scale - Carers. Methods: Twenty-one carers of people with Parkinson's disease from a Primary Care practice in Spain were recruited and completed the PAIS-Carers, the SF-36 Health Survey, the Brief COPE Inventory and an assessment form. SPSS 23.0 was used to determine viability/acceptability and preliminary aspects of internal consistency of the instrument. Results: Five of the seven domains presented floor effect (71.42%), and only one presented ceiling effect (14.28%). The internal consistency of the scale and domains showed acceptable values (over 0.7). The content validity of the Spanish version seemed satisfactory with positive comments in general from participants

    Effects derived from occupational exposure to hazardous substances in pregnant working women: systematic review

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    [ES] Objetivo: Revisar y analizar los efectos derivados de la exposición laboral en las mujeres trabajadoras embarazadas expuestas a sustancias peligrosas. Métodos: Análisis crítico de los trabajos recuperados mediante revisión sistemática en MEDLINE (PubMed), EMBASE, Cochrane Library, Scopus, Web of Science, LILACS y MEDES, hasta enero 2021. La ecuación de búsqueda se formuló́ mediante los descriptores «Pregnancy», «Hazardous Substances» y «Occupational Exposure», utilizando también los Entry Terms relacionados y los filtros: «Humans» y «Adult: 19+ years». La calidad de los artículos se evaluó mediante el cuestionario STROBE y el nivel de evidencia y grado de recomendación mediante los criterios SIGN. Resultados: De las 420 referencias recuperadas (366 de forma digital y 54 manual), tras aplicar los criterios de inclusión y exclusión, se seleccionaron 35 artículos. La evaluación mediante STROBE dio una mediana de 15,32 y según los criterios SIGN se obtuvo un grado de evidencia 2+ y recomendación C. La obsolescencia de las publicaciones fue elevada (semiperiodo de Burton-Kebler: 22,00; índice de Price: 0%). En 25 de los 35 estudios revisados la exposición fue a los disolventes orgánicos. En 22 artículos se notificó la aparición de alteraciones congénitas. Conclusiones: Los trabajos revisados presentaron un alto índice de obsolescencia y un grado de evidencia y recomendación que no permitió asegurar por completo la validez y fiabilidad de las observaciones realizadas. Los resultados mostraron la asociación entre la exposición a sustancias peligrosas con la aparición de diferentes daños para la salud de la trabajadora embarazada y su descendencia. La mayor exposición fue a los disolventes orgánicos y el efecto más observado las alteraciones congénitas. [EN] Objective: To systematically review and analyze the health effects derived from occupational exposure to hazardous substances in pregnant working women. Methods: Critical analysis of studies retrieved by systematic review of MEDLINE (PubMed), EMBASE, Cochrane Library, Scopus, Web of Science, LILACS and MEDES, through January 2021. The search strategy was developed by means of the descriptors «pregnancy», «hazardous substances» and «occupational exposure», as well as by using related entry terms and the filters «humans» and «adult: 19+ years». Study quality was assessed using the STROBE questionnaire, and the level of evidence and grade of recommendation via the SIGN criteria. Results: Out of 420 references identified (366 digitally and 54 manually) and after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 35 articles were selected. The STROBE evaluation yielded a median score of 15.32, and the SIGN criteria a 2+ level of evidence and a C grade of recommendation. Article obsolescence was high (Burton-Kebler half-life: 22.0; Price index: 0%). In 25 out of 35 studies, the exposure evaluated was to organic solvents. In 22 articles, congenital abnormalities were identified as a health effect. Conclusions: This systematic review revealed a high level of obsolescence and a degree of evidence and recommendation that limit the validity and reliability of the observations. Results indicated an association between exposure to hazardous substances and the occurrence of different adverse health effects in pregnant workers and their offspring. The most common exposure was to organic solvents and the most common observed effect were congenital abnormalities.S

    ANÁLISIS DE LAS VARIABLES PEDAGÓGICAS EN LAS TAREAS DISEÑADAS PARA EL BALONMANO EN FUNCIÓN DEL GÉNERO DE LOS DOCENTES [Analysis of the pedagogical variables in the tasks designed for the handball in pre-service teachers according to their gender]

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    El estudio de la planificación de las tareas se ha convertido en una de las líneas de investigación emergentes dentro del campo de la Pedagogía Deportiva. Por ello, el objetivo de este estudio fue analizar, en función del género de los maestros en formación, el uso que éstos hacen de las variables pedagógicas utilizadas en la planificación de unidades didácticas de balonmano en la edad escolar. Se han codificado 926 tareas diseñadas por 18 maestros en formación a través del Sistema Integral para el Análisis de las Tareas de Entrenamiento (SIATE). Se analizaron las variables pedagógicas que clasifica este sistema: situación de juego, presencia de portero, fase de juego, tipo de contenido, medio de enseñanza y nivel de oposición. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo e inferencial mediante la prueba Chi-Cuadrado, V de Cramer y los Residuos Tipificados Corregidos. Los resultados obtenidos muestran diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre géneros en las variables de situación de juego (x2= 56.903; p=.006; Vc=.248) y medios de enseñanza (x2= 27.374; p=.000; Vc=.172). Por tanto, existen diferencias respecto al género en la planificación de las unidades didácticas de balonmano.   Summary The study of the planning of tasks has become one of the main lines of investigation within the field of Sports Pedagogy. Thus, the purpose of this study was to analyze, according to the gender of pre-service teachers, the use they make of the pedagogical variables used in the planning of didactic units of handball at school age. 926 tasks have been coded by 18 pre-service teachers through the SIATE. We analyzed the pedagogical variables that classify this system: situation of game, presence of the goalkeeper, phase of game, type of content, mean of teaching and level of opposition. A descriptive and inferential analysis was performed using the Chi-Square test, Cramer’s V and Residuals Adjusted Standardized. The results showed statistically significant differences between genders in the situation of game (x2= 56.903; p=.006; Vc=.248) and mean of teaching (x2= 27.374; p=.000; Vc=.172) variables. Therefore, there are differences regarding gender in the planning of handball didactic units