1,803 research outputs found

    Searches for Squarks and Gluinos at CDF and D0 Detectors

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    This contribution reports on preliminary measurements on searches for squarks and gluinos at CDF and D\O detectors in ppˉp\bar{p} collisions at s=1.96\sqrt{s}=1.96 TeV. The analyses are performed using event topologies with multiple jets and large missing energy in the final state. The mSUGRA scenario and R-parity conservation is assumed. No excess with respect to the Standard Model predictions is observed and new limits on the gluino and squark masses are extracted.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, Proceedings Particles and Nuclei International Conference (PANIC 05), Santa Fe, NM, October 24-28, 200

    Analyzing First-Person Stories Based on Socializing, Eating and Sedentary Patterns

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    First-person stories can be analyzed by means of egocentric pictures acquired throughout the whole active day with wearable cameras. This manuscript presents an egocentric dataset with more than 45,000 pictures from four people in different environments such as working or studying. All the images were manually labeled to identify three patterns of interest regarding people's lifestyle: socializing, eating and sedentary. Additionally, two different approaches are proposed to classify egocentric images into one of the 12 target categories defined to characterize these three patterns. The approaches are based on machine learning and deep learning techniques, including traditional classifiers and state-of-art convolutional neural networks. The experimental results obtained when applying these methods to the egocentric dataset demonstrated their adequacy for the problem at hand.Comment: Accepted at First International Workshop on Social Signal Processing and Beyond, 19th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP), September 201

    The role of incidental variables of time in mood assessment

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    Determining what influences mood is important for theories of emotion and research on subjective well-being. We consider three sets of factors: activities in which people are engaged; individual differences; and incidental variables that capture when mood is measured, e.g., time-of-day. These three factors were investigated simultaneously in a study involving 168 part-time students who each responded 30 times in an experience sampling study conducted over 10 working days. Respondents assessed mood on a simple bipolar scale – from 1 (very negative) to 10 (very positive). Activities had significant effects but, with the possible exception of variability in the expression of mood, no systematic individual differences were detected. Diurnal effects, similar to those already reported in the literature, were found as was an overall “Friday effect.” However, these effects were small. Lastly, the weather had little or no influence. We conclude that simple measures of overall mood are not greatly affected by incidental variables.Affect; mood; experience sampling; diurnal effects; day-of-the-week; weather; multilevel analysis. leex

    El tresor de Sant Pere de Roda

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    Places de braus

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    Influència de l'entorn familiar i escolar en l'adquisició de l'hàbit lector

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    Aquesta tesi doctoral ha analitzat la influència de l'entorn familiar i l'escolar en l'adquisició de l'hàbit lector en dos grups d'adults: mestres i professors en actiu, i estudiants majors d'edat en procés d'obtenció del Graduat en Educació Secundària. D'entre els resultats obtinguts mitjançant gairebé 800 enquestes i 10 entrevistes personals, destaquen la relació entre l'hàbit lector i el nivell de formació, la similitud pel que fa a la tipologia de llibres llegits pels dos grups i el fet que la consciència que es té com a lector/a és quelcom individual.Esta tesis doctoral ha analizado la influencia del entorno familiar y el escolar en la adquisición del hábito lector en dos grupos de adultos: maestros y profesores en activo, y estudiantes mayores de edad en proceso de obtención del Graduado en Educación Secundaria. De entre los resultados obtenidos mediante casi 800 encuestas y 10 entrevistas personales, destacan la relación entre el hábito lector y el nivel de formación, la similitud en cuanto a la tipología de libros leídos por los dos grupos y el hecho de que la conciencia de que se tiene como lector/a es algo individual.This doctoral thesis analyses the influence of family and school in the acquisition of reading habits of adults belonging to two groups: active teachers and adults studying to obtain a secondary education diploma. As highlighted among the results obtained through nearly 800 questionnaires and 10 interviews are the relationship between reading habits and level of education, a similarity with respect to the type of books read by the two groups and that awareness as a reader is something individual

    Curial e Güelfa, reescriptura i originalitat

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    Entendre una obra literària passa en moltes ocasions per conèixer obres escrites amb anterioritat, així com d'altres coetànies en el temps. En el cas que ens ocupa, resulta imprescindible analitzar els llibres de cavalleria que s'escrigueren durant els segles XI i XII per tal de comprendre la que és considerada primera novel·la cavalleresca escrita en català durant el segle XV per un autor que encara resta en l'anonimat i sobre el qual, encara ara, s'estan fent investigacions per tal de posar-li un nom i ubicar-lo en la geografia catalana d'aleshores.Entender una obra literaria pasa en muchas ocasiones para conocer obras escritas con anterioridad, así como otras coetáneas en el tiempo. En el supuesto de que nos ocupa, resulta imprescindible analizar los libros de caballería que se escribieron durante los siglos XI y XII para comprender la que es considerada primera novela cavalleresca escrita en catalán durante el siglo XV por un autor que todavía resta en el anonimato y sobre el cual, todavía ahora, se están haciendo investigaciones para ponerle un nombre y ubicarlo en la geografía catalana de entonces.Understanding a literary work often happens to know works written with antecedence, as well as other contemporary ones in the time. In the present case, it is essential to analyze the books of chivalry which were written during the eleventh and twelfth centuries to understand what is considered the first novel cavalleresca written in Catalan during the fifteenth century by an author who still remains anonymous and on which, even now, research is being done to name it and locate it in geography Catalan then