401 research outputs found

    The limits of state labour law: it’s inability to protect the working poor in Bogotá

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    El presente texto se basa en los resultados parciales de una investigación que realicé con un grupo de trabajadores vulnerables (a los que me refiero como rebuscadores callejeros) en Bogotá. El objetivo general de la investigación era estudiar la interacción entre distintos regímenes legales estatales y no estatales y su influencia en las estrategias productivas de los rebuscadores. Usando los lentes teóricos del pluralismo jurídico, concluí que los rebuscadores callejeros se ubican en un campo social semiautónomo que genera reglas normativas internas, pero que también es vulnerable a las reglas de la matriz social más amplia en la que se encuentran situados. Dentro de ese campo social semiautónomo, la vulnerabilidad de los rebuscadores callejeros está legalmente construida y acentuada por el Estado, y los marcos regulatorios existentes están perpetuando y reproduciendo su condición, aunque no sin resistencia. En éste documento, me centraré exclusivamente en el derecho laboral, para discutir una serie de razones que me llevan a concluir que el derecho laboral no penetra el campo social semiautónomo de los rebuscadores callejeros, y por lo tanto, no protege a trabajadores particularmente vulnerables.Using qualitative methodologies, I conducted research with one group of vulnerable workers (whom I refer to as street rebuscadores) in Bogotá, to study how both State and non-State legal regimes interact to influence their productive strategies. Following a legal pluralist approach, I concluded that as a social group engaging in regulatory activities, street rebuscadores are situated in a semi- autonomous social field generating internal normative rules, but that is also vulnerable to rules from the larger social matrix in which it is situated. Within that semi-autonomous social field, the vulnerability of street rebuscadores is legally constructed and accentuated by the State, and existing regulatory frameworks are perpetuating and reproducing their condition, although not without resistance. In this paper, I will focus exclusively on labour law, to discuss a series of reasons that lead me to conclude that State labour law is unable to penetrate the semi- autonomous social field of street rebuscadores, and therefore, unable to protect those workers most in need

    Sustainable practices implemented in the supply chain of multinational companies

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    This master thesis aims to examine the strategies that multinational companies are implementing to become more sustainable in their supply chain, to create more value and be more competitive in the market. Through a qualitative approach, I conducted a comparative case study of three multinational companies that have sustainability as part of their corporate objectives. The findings suggest that even though every multinational company is applying different practices, the main strategy of all is to highly invest in new technologies and innovate their processes to reduce their carbon footprint and switch to a more circular economy. Additionally, companies are also paying attention to the source of their raw materials and how to create final products that can be recycled for future use.Esta tese de mestrado tem como objetivo examinar as estratégias que as empresas multinacionais estão a implementar para se tornarem mais sustentáveis na sua cadeia de suprimentos, para criarem mais valor e serem mais competitivas no mercado. Por meio de uma abordagem qualitativa, realizei um estudo de caso comparativo em três empresas multinacionais que têm a sustentabilidade como parte de seus objetivos corporativos. Os resultados sugerem que, embora cada empresa multinacional esteja a aplicar práticas diferentes, a principal estratégia de todas é investir fortemente em novas tecnologias e inovar os seus processos para reduzir sua pegada de carbono e mudar para uma economia mais circular. Além disso, todas as empresas também estão atentas à origem de suas matérias-primas e a como criar produtos finais que possam ser reciclados para uso futuro

    An Outline of Ethics in Translation Service Providers: A Practical Insight

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    Since the beginning of translation studies, there have been different approaches regarding translation methodologies and, through time, as the practice has become more and more globalized, the problems translators face have transcended linguistic boundaries. The birth of deontic codes and the analysis of ethical procedures have become increasingly more important within the translation world. For this reason, the central issue of this report is ethics in translation, with the purpose of creating a general consideration of what has been studied so far, regarding this topic, and focusing on specific ethical practices and deontological codes in translation, translators, and/or translation service providers. While parallelly constituting an account for an internship carried out in a translation agency (within the Master of Translation at the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança) , this report aims to link the experience of administering one of the top agencies in Ireland and working as a full-time translator, with the theoretical background of ethical studies, elaborating about the three-month experience as an Office Administrator / Translator, as well as the procedures followed within translation projects, from the moment the client appears to the conclusion of the project. Essentially, the objective is to dive into the theorical question of ethics in the world of translation within the framework of real-life experience, inquiring on the extent of moral duty when it comes to adhering to the principles espoused, i.e., how far theoretical teachings can be a guide towards a practical fulfilment of these principles, and if this is indeed feasible.Desde o início dos estudos de tradução, têm existido abordagens diferentes em relação aos seus métodos e, ao longo do tempo, à medida que a prática se tornou cada vez mais globalizada, os problemas enfrentados pelos tradutores ultrapassaram as fronteiras linguísticas. O surgimento de códigos deontológicos e a análise dos processos éticos tornaram-se cada vez mais importantes no mundo da tradução. Por esta razão, a questão central deste relatório é a ética na tradução, com o propósito de fazer uma abordagem geral do que tem sido estudado até agora sobre este tema, especialmente focado nas práticas éticas específicas e nos códigos deontológicos em tradução, dos tradutores e/ou dos prestadores de serviços de tradução. Enquanto este relato aborda o estágio realizado numa agência de tradução, no âmbito do Mestrado em Tradução do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, este relatório tem paralelamente o objetivo de ligar essa experiência, de administrar uma das principais agências de tradução na Irlanda e o trabalho como tradutor em tempo integral, com as bases teóricas sobre estudos éticos, elaborando assim sobre a experiência de três meses como Administrador de Escritório/Tradutor, bem como sobre os procedimentos seguidos nos projetos de tradução, desde o momento em que o cliente aparece até à conclusão do projeto. Essencialmente, o objetivo é aprofundar a questão teórica da ética no mundo da tradução dentro do contexto da vida real, avaliando a extensão do dever moral quando se trata da adesão aos princípios defendidos, ou seja, indagar até que ponto o ensino teórico pode ser um guia para o cumprimento prático desses princípios, e se isso é realmente viável

    The origins of the foreign language press in Málaga

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    El asentamiento de residentes foráneos en España ha estimulado desde mediados del siglo XIX la creación de una prensa escrita en lengua extranjera con el fin de informar y de fortalecer una cohesión social entre las comunidades procedentes del exterior. El artículo que se presenta ha tomado como objeto de estudio Málaga, siendo ésta una de las provincias con mayor número actual de prensa en lengua extranjera en toda España. Esta investigación ha centrado su foco de interés en analizar dos de las primeras cabeceras escritas en lengua inglesa a principios del siglo XX: British Colony Gazette y la sección en inglés que La Unión Mercantil incorporó a sus páginas, Weekly English News.The settlement of foreign residents in Spain has led since the mid- nineteenth century the creation of a foreign language press in order to inform and serve as a vehicle for social cohesion in these communities. This article studies Málaga because it is one of the provinces with the highest current number of foreign language press in Spain. This research has focused on analyzing two of the first newspapers written in English at the beginning of XX century: British Colony Gazette and the English section of La Union Mercantil, Weekly English News

    Propuesta de intervención basada en psicología positiva para anorexia nerviosa en bailarines adolescentes

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    75 p.El objetivo principal del estudio es ofrecer la posibilidad de disminuir el riesgo de un diagnóstico futuro de anorexia nerviosa, y mejorar el bienestar y calidad de vida de bailarines jóvenes. La importancia y relevancia sanitaria y social de los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria, han ido en aumento en los dos últimos decenios. Esto puede deberse al incremento de su prevalencia y a sus efectos negativos en todas las áreas de la vida de las personas. En particular, la anorexia nerviosa es una afección médica con un riesgo de mortalidad alto, que afecta cada vez más a los adolescentes. Asimismo, suele ser mayor en profesiones que requieren un IMC específico, como la danza. Los bailarines son vulnerables al desarrollo de un desorden alimentario, debido a los factores de riesgo a los que se encuentran expuestos. Se recoge la sintomatología, prevalencia, etiología, comorbilidad y tratamiento de la anorexia nerviosa en los bailarines jóvenes. Además, se encuentra el concepto de Psicología Positiva, sus principales componentes y los tratamientos utilizados que recogen actividades positivas, que después se incorporarán dentro del tratamiento. Se presenta una propuesta de programa cognitivo conductual con intervenciones positivas añadidas, para bailarines de 12-13 años que se encuentren cursando el primer curso de las enseñanzas profesionales de danza. Dentro de la intervención se encuentra incluida la participación de los padres/tutores legales de los adolescentes y los maestros de danza. El programa se encuentra compuesto de periodos pre-post evaluación y cuatro fases de seguimiento.The main objective of the study is to offer the possibility of reducing the risk of a future diagnosis of anorexia nervosa, and improving the well-being and quality of life of young dancers. Eating disorders importance and social relevance have been increased in the last two decades. This is caused by the increase in its prevalence and its negative effects in all areas of people's lives. In particular, anorexia nervosa is a medical condition with a high mortality risk which affects adolescents mostly. Also, it occurs in professions that require a specific BMI, such as dance. Dancers are vulnerable to develop an eating disorder, due to the risk factors they are exposed. Symptoms, prevalence, etiology, comorbidity and treatment of anorexia nervosa in young dancers are collected. In addition, the Positive Psychology concepts, treatments and components based on collecting positives activities, will be later incorporated into the treatment. A proposal for a cognitive behavioral program with added positive interventions is presented for dancers aged 12-13 who are studying the first year of professional dance training. In the intervention is very important the participation of parents / legal guardians of adolescents and dance teachers. The program is composed of pre-post evaluation periods and four follow-up phases.Máster Universitario en Psicología General Sanitaria (M169

    Percepciones sobre la femineidad y sus implicaciones vocacionales en mujeres adolescentes

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    El artículo presenta resultados de una investigación cuyo objeto de estudio fue un grupo de mujeres estudiantes de especialidades técnicas tradicionalmente reconocidas como masculinas. Identifica algunas de las razones por la cuales estas jóvenes eligen estudiar en un colegio técnico y especializarse en esos oficios. Concluye que es necesario continuar profundizando en las posibilidades y condiciones de toma de decisiones en la dinámica familiar, las condiciones y oportunidades que brindan las instituciones a las adolescentes de estas y otras especialidades, el número de relaciones y la opinión docentealumno en estos centros educativo

    Transcriptional and metabolic response of CHO cells to different carbon dioxide concentrations

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    Proyecto de restaurante para diabéticos, vegetarianos y personas con hábitos alimenticios sanos. (Vegan Fit)

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    Este proyecto se basa en el restaurante Vegan Fit, el cual ofrece comida para personas diabéticas, vegetarianas y personas con hábitos alimenticios sanos, en base a productos orgánicos, se realiza con el fin de poner en práctica el conocimiento adquirido a través de la carrera, teniendo en cuenta que lo aprendido se ha convertido en herramientas fundamentales en el desempeño como profesionales, puesto que la competencia nos exige que seamos mercadólogos más visionarios y con la capacidad de tomar decisiones de gran impacto

    Transference of efficacy beliefs and effects of self-efficacy-performance spirals at group and individual levels

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    In spite of the large extensive literature reporting the effects of motivational variables on performance, very few studies have focused on the dynamics at the group level. None has empirically tested the transference of perceptions of group efficacy to different teams, nor have these studies taken advantage of computer mediated communications (CMC) as a research tool, where members of a group can interact in a virtual space, thereby suppressing many personal biases. Most of the discussions concerning the relationship of these variables have been held at the theoretical level, thus awaiting empirical testing. These issues seem to be particularly relevant to the new trends in education and human resources practices, which emphasize team collaboration and encourage or require the participation of individuals in multiple and diverse groups. The purpose of this research is twofold: (i) to investigate the effects of efficacy-performance spirals at the individual and group levels, as produced by the manipulation of feedback, and (ii) to study the transference of efficacy beliefs (about the self and about the group) to new working groups. Computer-mediated communication will be used as a tool to investigate these issues. The theoretical framework for this research is based on Bandura' self-efficacy theory, and Lindsley's et al . (1995) model of multilevel efficacy-performance spirals. According to this model, feedback, task uncertainty and task experience are factors affecting the generation of efficacy-performance spirals. Since, among several variables, the effect of feedback on self-efficacy-performance spirals at the individual level is well established in the literature, this variable was manipulated. Three research questions were proposed: (1) Do the efficacy-performance cycles generated at the group level affect individual perceptions of self-efficacy? (2) Do individual members transfer their perceptions of group-efficacy to other groups when faced with similar tasks? (3) Do individual members transfer their perceptions of self-efficacy to other groups when faced with similar tasks? Data was collected from a sample of 86 undergraduate students in a Mexican University. The virtual groups consisted of four to five students. These teams were divided into two conditions: with feedback and without feedback. Participants worked on two activities of collaborative writing, each to be performed with a different group. Various variables which, according to the literature, may affect self-efficacy were measured before, during, and after completion of the tasks. Appropriate multivariate techniques were used for data analyses. Results indicated a positive relationship between the perceptions at the group and individual levels while testing for transference of efficacy beliefs between both activities (r = 0.58, p < .01 for the individual level, and r = 0.52, p < .01 at the group level), thus suggesting some kind of transference had occurred. However, t-tests yielded significant differences (t = -3.07, p < .05 at the individual level, and t = 4.2, p < .0001), thus suggesting that these perceptions change positively from one group to the next. The MANCOVA analysis of perceptions while working in the same group seemed to confirm this conclusion. The effect of group efficacy-performance spirals to the individual level indicated no significant results. However, descriptive data suggest differences worthy of further research, and the need to consider other strong variables in the model. Implications for theoretical interpretations, for further research, and for pedagogical practice are discussed