229 research outputs found

    Morphogenetic Theory and the Constructivist Institutionalist Challenge

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    This article engages with two meta-theoretical approaches to social analysis, ‘morphogenetic theory’ and ‘constructivist institutionalism’, and specifically explores how the former fares under the critical scrutiny of the latter. The key proponent of constructivist institutionalism, Colin Hay, has offered two detailed critiques of morphogenesis that criticise its position on the foundational sociological issues of structure-agency and material-ideational. Although Hay’s critiques are largely rejected in an overall defence of the morphogenetic approach, the process of engagement is seen to be particularly useful for morphogenetic theory because it allows a number of important clarifications to be made and it also opens up space for theoretical development. In the course of this debate, accessible introductions are given to both theories, and the similarities and differences between them are outlined, providing clarity to both. Therefore, although this article ultimately operates as a defence of morphogenetic theory, especially in the form proposed by Margaret Archer and Douglas Porpora, it finds a great deal of fruitful discussion in the constructivist institutionalist challenge

    Comparison of local injection of methotrexate and linear salpingostomy in the conservative laparoscopic treatment of ectopic pregnancy

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    STUDY OBJECTIVE: To compare local injection of metothrexate (MTX) and linear salpingostomy in the conservative laparoscopic treatment of ectopic pregnancy. DESIGN: Prospective, nonrandomized study, July 1991 to May 1994. SETTING: Department of obstetrics and gynecology in a university hospital. PATIENTS: Fourteen women with unruptured ectopic pregnancies without documented fetal heart motion and size below 50 mm as measured by ultrasound. INTERVENTIONS: All 14 women underwent the laparoscopic treatment by either local injection of MTX or linear salpingostomy (7 patients each). MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Both treatments were successful in all patients. Mean length of operation was 32 +/- 5 minutes (range 25-35 min) in the MTX group versus 67 +/- 15 minutes (range 50-90 min) in the salpingostomy group. Mean length of hospital stay was 2.7 days (range 1-5 days) and 1.7 days (range 1-3 days), respectively. No intraoperative complications occurred, and the postoperative course was uneventful in all women. Mean disappearance time of serum beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) levels was similar in both groups, although in the linear salpingostomy group the decrease was immediate. No difference in tubal patency on follow-up hysterosalpingography was observed between the two groups. CONCLUSIONS: Although this is a preliminary report with a small number of patients, both types of treatment were safe and effective. An advantage of linear salpingostomy was the predictable and consistent decline of circulating beta-hCG, and consequently a reduced need for a close follow-up. Local MTX injection was safe, economic, effective, and easy to perform, and in our experience the surgical time was statistically shorter than that for linear salpingostomy. Therefore, in selected patients, local injection of MTX could be the treatment of choice for unruptured ectopic pregnancy, avoiding a longer and potentially more dangerous procedure. Long-term outcomes do not seem to differ between the two types of treatment

    The philosophy of critical realism and childhood studies

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    Critical realism is a philosophy of social science that analyses and aims to remedy current problems and gaps. Basic tenets of positivist and quantitative research tend to contradict those of qualitative and interpretive research, and critical realism proposes ways to resolve the contradictions. Vital themes in childhood research that are reviewed in this article include a comparison with feminist research, critical realism, being and thought, transitive and intransitive, theory/practice consistency, agency and structure, closed and open systems, micro and macro in the global/local nexus, four planar social being, facts and values, and transformative change through the four-stage MELD dialectic. Critical realism aims to understand the world in order to be able move from coercion towards creative liberating power

    Serum concentrations of beta-hexachlorocyclohexane in groups of the Italian general population: a human biomonitoring study

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    Because of its persistence and toxicological profile, beta-hexachlorocyclohexane (β-HCH) has been proposed for inclusion in the Stockholm Convention on persistent organic pollutants (POPs). Although the use of technical HCH, which is the primary source of β-HCH in the environment, has been banned in the EU in 1978 and progressively at a global level, β-HCH is still detectable in the general environment worldwide. Human exposure mostly occurs via food and may be of concern in areas where illegal use and/or improper disposal of stockpiles occurred and locally grown food is consumed. Exposure of the Italian general population to β-HCH has been poorly characterised. Lack of human biomonitoring data severely hinders the ability to interpret potential increases in exposure related to situations of environmental risk. We carried out a human biomonitoring study aimed to provide baseline information on background exposure of the Italian general population to this pollutant. For this purpose, we analysed 116 serum samples from groups of subjects of both sex from the general population residing in three Italian towns at different latitudes. Serum concentrations of β-HCH resulted to be comprised between 1.64 and 300 ng/g fat, with a median value of 18.0 ng/g fat and a 90th percentile of 65.9 ng/g fat. The serum concentrations detected are in line with those detected in most Western European countries

    Endometriosis and pregnancy. a single institution experience

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    Endometriosis may compromise the physiological course of pregnancy. The aim of this prospective observational study was to evaluate whether endometriosis causes a higher prevalence of obstetric and neonatal complications as well as a higher risk of caesarean section and to detect a possible correlation between the presence, type, and location of endometriosis and obstetric complications, previous surgery, and pregnancy outcome, as well as the influence of pregnancy on the course of the disease. We compared two cohorts of women with spontaneous pregnancy, with and without endometriosis. Obstetric and neonatal outcomes, mode of delivery, presence, type, and location of endometriotic lesions and the effect of pregnancy on the disease were analyzed. A total of 425 pregnancies were evaluated: 145 cases and 280 controls. Patients with endometriosis showed a higher incidence of miscarriage, threatened miscarriage, threatened preterm labor, preterm delivery, placental abruption, and a higher incidence of caesarean section. A significant correlation with pregnancy-induced hypertension and preeclampsia was found in the presence of adenomyosis. No difference in fetal outcome was found. One case of hemoperitoneum during pregnancy was observed. Pregnancy in women with endometriosis carries a higher risk of obstetric complications, such as miscarriage, threatened miscarriage, preterm labor, preterm birth, and a higher caesarean section rate. Endometriosis does not seem to influence fetal well-being

    Current exposure of Italian women of reproductive age to PFOS and PFOA: a human biomonitoring study

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    Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) concentrations were determined in serum samples collected in 2011-2012 from 549 nulliparous Italian women of reproductive age who resided in six different Italian Regions. Assessment of exposure to perfluorinated compounds was part of a large human biomonitoring study (Project Life Plus "Womenbiopop") that aimed at examining the exposure of women of reproductive age to priority organic pollutants. The median concentrations of PFOS and PFOA were 2.43, and 1.55ngg-1, respectively. Significant differences in the concentrations of both compounds were observed among the six Regions. Women from central Italy had the highest levels of both compounds, followed by women from northern Italy, and southern Italy. No differences in the PFOS concentrations were found between women from urban/industrial areas and women from rural areas, whereas the levels of PFOA were significantly higher in women residing in urban/industrial areas than in women residing in rural areas. Taken together, the observed concentrations confirm that the overall exposure of the Italian population is among the lowest observed in industrialized countries. A downward temporal trend in exposure was observed for both compounds when comparing the results from the present study with those assessed in a study conducted in 2008

    Counterregulation of cAMP-directed kinase activities controls ciliogenesis

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    The primary cilium emanates from the cell surface of growth-arrested cells and plays a central role in vertebrate development and tissue homeostasis. The mechanisms that control ciliogenesis have been extensively explored. However, the intersection between GPCR signaling and the ubiquitin pathway in the control of cilium stability is unknown. Here, we observe that cAMP elevation promotes cilia resorption. At centriolar satellites, we identify a multimeric complex nucleated by PCM1 that includes two kinases, NEK10 and PKA, and the E3 ubiquitin ligase CHIP. We show that NEK10 is essential for ciliogenesis in mammals and for the development of medaka fish. PKA phosphorylation primes NEK10 for CHIP-mediated ubiquitination and proteolysis resulting in cilia resorption. Dearangement of this control mechanism occurs in proliferative and genetic disorders. These findings unveil a pericentriolar kinase signalosome that efficiently links the cAMP cascade with the ubiquitin-proteasome system, controlling essential aspects of ciliogenesis