128 research outputs found

    Non-Financial Stimulus for Business in BRICS

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    This research investigates the influence of financial and non-financial incentives on business density in BRICS countries using an ARDL model. The study highlights the importance of these incentives in shaping entrepreneurial activity within the BRICS economies. Findings suggest that while financial incentives, notably foreign direct investment, play a significant role in stimulating business density, the impact of nonfinancial incentives appears comparatively weaker. This analysis contributes to a nuanced understanding of the economic landscape in BRICS nations and informs strategies aimed at enhancing business environments and fostering sustainable growth

    How Does Wealth in equality Affect the Economic Development of a Country? Comparative Analysis For the Brics Countrie

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    This study examines the impact of wealth inequality on economic growth in BRICS countries using an econometric model. Our findings suggest that while wealth inequality does not significantly affect longterm GDP per capita growth, a weak positive relationship is observed in the short run. The study emphasizes the crucial roles of innovation, employment, and public debt in shaping economic growth dynamics. These insights contribute to understanding the complex relationship between wealth distribution and economic development in BRICS economies


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    The article discusses the features of tests to determine the response temperature, inertia and resistance to elevated temperatures of thermal fire detectors with response temperature over 160 ºС, that is, belonging to class H according to GOST 34698–2020 “Fire Detectors. General technical requirements. Test methods”. It is noted that tests to determine the resistance of high-temperature fire detectors to elevated temperatures should be carried out in two stages, since such detectors, as a rule, are two-component, consisting of a sensitive element and a processing unit. These components have different elevated temperature limits, indicated in the technical documentation for specific types of detectors, at which their functionality remains intact. It was concluded that it is necessary to amend the current edition of GOST 34698–2020

    Evaluation of the syndrome of chronic fatigue in patients of the cardiological department

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    This study presents the structure of chronic fatigue syndrome in the cardiology department of City Clinical Hospital №7, Ekaterinburg. Leading patient complaints were noted and evaluated according to the Clinical Frailty scale.В настоящем исследовании представлена структура синдрома хронической усталости в кардиологическом отделении ГКБ №7, г.Екатеринбург. Отмечены ведущие жалобы пациентов и проведена оценка в соответствии со шкалой Clinical Frailty

    Preliminary results of the implementation of the project implemented CSQE MPF within the framework of preparation for the primary accreditation of specialists

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    The article presents a project implemented for assessing the quality of education at the medical and preventive faculty of the Federal State Educational Establishment of the Russian Federation in the USMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia. The strategy of popularization of the medical-prophylactic faculty among the students of the UGMU and the entrants of the Sverdlovsk region is described. Describes the plans for the implementation of the project, its goals and objectives.В статье представлен проект, реализуемый с целью оценки качества образования на медико-профилактическом факультете ФГБОУ ВО УГМУ Минздрава России. Описана стратегия популяризации медико-профилактического факультета среди студентов УГМУ и абитуриентов Свердловской области. Рассказывается о планах по реализации проекта, его цели и задачах

    The study of the orientation of value orientations of students of USMU and USFU is conducted

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    The article presents the characteristics and hierarchy of values of students of Ural state medical university and Ural state federal university.В статье представлена характеристика и иерархия ценностных ориентаций студентов факультетов Уральского государственного медицинского университета и Уральского федерального университет

    Evaluation of the syndrome of chronic fatigue in patients of the cardiological department

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    This study presents the structure of chronic fatigue syndrome in the cardiology department of City Clinical Hospital №7, Ekaterinburg. Leading patient complaints were noted and evaluated according to the Clinical Frailty scale.В настоящем исследовании представлена структура синдрома хронической усталости в кардиологическом отделении ГКБ №7, г.Екатеринбург. Отмечены ведущие жалобы пациентов и проведена оценка в соответствии со шкалой Clinical Frailty

    My MPF: traditions, innovations, quality

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    the article presents a project implemented in the framework of studying the history and coverage of the activities of graduates and students of the Faculty of Medicine and Prophylaxis of the Russian State Medical University at the UGMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia with the goal of career guidance and attracting talented youth. The examples of the presentation of the graduate scientist MPF are shown. The strategy of popularization of the medical-prophylactic faculty among the students of the UGMU and the entrants of the Sverdlovsk region is described. It tells about the plans for the implementation of the project, its goals and objectives, about what has already been achieved, and what is yet to be worked on.в статье представлены промежуточные итоги проекта, реализуемого в рамках изучения истории, освещения деятельности выпускников и студентов медико-профилактического факультета ФГБОУ ВО УГМУ Минздрава России с целью профориентационной работы и привлечения талантливой молодежи. Описана стратегия популяризации медико-профилактического факультета среди студентов УГМУ и абитуриентов Свердловской области

    BITRIX 24 - experience of use in design activities

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    The article presents the experience of project management with the help of information technologies, through Bitrix24 software, using the example of the project «I Interuniversity Olympiad on Hygiene and Epidemiology To study, identify, act!».в статье представлен опыт проектного управления с помощью информационных технологий, через ПО «Bitrix24», на примере проекта «I Межвузовская олимпиада по гигиене и эпидемиологии «Изучать, выявлять, действовать!»