6 research outputs found

    Glycan modulation and sulfoengineering of anti–HIV-1 monoclonal antibody PG9 in plants

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    Broadly neutralizing anti–HIV-1 monoclonal antibodies, such as PG9, and its derivative RSH hold great promise in AIDS therapy and prevention. An important feature related to the exceptional efficacy of PG9 and RSH is the presence of sulfated tyrosine residues in their antigen-binding regions. To maximize antibody functionalities, we have now produced glycan-optimized, fucose-free versions of PG9 and RSH in Nicotiana benthamiana. Both antibodies were efficiently sulfated in planta on coexpression of an engineered human tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase, resulting in antigen-binding and virus neutralization activities equivalent to PG9 synthesized by mammalian cells ((CHO)PG9). Based on the controlled production of both sulfated and nonsulfated variants in plants, we could unequivocally prove that tyrosine sulfation is critical for the potency of PG9 and RSH. Moreover, the fucose-free antibodies generated in N. benthamiana are capable of inducing antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity, an activity not observed for (CHO)PG9. Thus, tailoring of the antigen-binding site combined with glycan modulation and sulfoengineering yielded plant-produced anti–HIV-1 antibodies with effector functions superior to PG9 made in CHO cells

    The two cathepsin B-like proteases of Arabidopsis thaliana are closely related enzymes with discrete endopeptidase and carboxydipeptidase activities

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    Abstract The genome of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana encodes three paralogues of the papain-like cysteine proteinase cathepsin B (AtCathB1, AtCathB2 and AtCathB3), whose individual functions are still largely unknown. Here we show that a mutated splice site causes severe truncations of the AtCathB1 polypeptide, rendering it catalytically incompetent. By contrast, AtCathB2 and AtCathB3 are effective proteases which display comparable hydrolytic properties and share most of their substrate specificities. Site-directed mutagenesis experiments demonstrated that a single amino acid substitution (Gly336→Glu) is sufficient to confer AtCathB2 with the capacity to tolerate arginine in its specificity-determining S2 subsite, which is otherwise a hallmark of AtCathB3-mediated cleavages. A degradomics approach utilizing proteome-derived peptide libraries revealed that both enzymes are capable of acting as endopeptidases and exopeptidases, releasing dipeptides from the C-termini of substrates. Mutation of the carboxydipeptidase determinant His207 also affected the activity of AtCathB2 towards non-exopeptidase substrates, highlighting mechanistic differences between plant and human cathepsin B. This was also noted in molecular modeling studies which indicate that the occluding loop defining the dual enzymatic character of cathepsin B does not obstruct the active-site cleft of AtCathB2 to the same extent as in its mammalian orthologues.</jats:p