433 research outputs found

    A labeling technology for LANDSAT imagery

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    Label Identification from Statistical Tabulation (LIST) test and evaluation

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    A discriminant approach to parameter estimation in the linear model with unknown variance-covariance matrix

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    Large Area Crop Inventory Experiment (LACIE). List spectral keys study

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    The multicategory case of the sequential Bayesian pixel selection and estimation procedure

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    A Bayesian technique for stratified proportion estimation and a sampling based on minimizing the mean squared error of this estimator were developed and tested on LANDSAT multispectral scanner data using the beta density function to model the prior distribution in the two-class case. An extention of this procedure to the k-class case is considered. A generalization of the beta function is shown to be a density function for the general case which allows the procedure to be extended

    Cancer stem cells and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in lung cancer

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    Longkanker is een veel voorkomende ziekte met vaak een slechte prognose. Dit komt met name doordat de ziekte meestal in een vergevorderd, uitgezaaid stadium ontdekt wordt. De kankerstamcel theorie zegt dat de kankerstamcellen (CSC), een klein percentage van de tumorcellen, verantwoordelijk is voor uitgezaaide ziekte (metastases) en resistentie voor behandeling. Ook wordt verondersteld dat een differentiatie proces, epitheliale naar mesenchymale transitie (EMT) genoemd, bijdraagt tot een aggresiever karakter van tumorcellen en verspreiding ervan door het lichaam via de bloedbaan. Tumorcellen in de bloedbaan worden circulerende tumorcellen (CTC) genoemd. In dit proefschrift hebben we bovenstaande theorie en processen onderzocht bij kleincellig longkanker, met name in relatie tot uitgezaaide ziekte en resistentie voor behandeling. We vonden geen verschillen in EMT eigenschappen, maar wel een toename van CSC eigenschappen tijdens ziekteprogressie in een celkweekmodel. In een eerdere studie bleken hoge aantallen CTC in het bloed voorspellend te zijn voor de reactie op chemotherapie en overlevingsduur van patiënten. Vervolg onderzoek in deze patiëntengroep liet geen duidelijke correlatie zien tussen CSC en EMT kenmerken in de tumor en het aantal CTC in het bloed van patiënten. Wel leken tumoren met verhoogde mesenchymale kenmerken samen te hangen met een betere prognose, wat enigszins verrassend is aangezien de theorie het tegenovergestelde voorspeld. Ten slotte, in een niet-kleincellig celkweekmodel bezaten mesenchymale cellen verhoogde chemoresistentie, invasief gedrag en CSC eigenschappen ten opzichte van epitheliale cellen. Concluderend, de bijdrage van CSC en EMT bij longkanker is niet eenduidig in deze studies en dient nader uitgezocht te worden

    Generation of uniform chromaticity scale imagery from LANDSAT data

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    Geriatric prescription analysis with respect to “STOPP” and “START” criteria: a descriptive study in the Indian scenario

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    Background: Patients; sixty-five years of age and above, are a special risk group as far as drug prescribing is concerned. Prescription irregularities in such patients may be hazardous. STOPP/START criteria are considered as the most up to-date set of explicit criteria for evaluating geriatric prescriptions. To analyse geriatric prescriptions in a tertiary care centre with respect to STOPP/START criteria and WHO core drug prescribing indicators so as to get an idea of pattern of drug prescription in geriatric patients as well as frequency of potentially inappropriate prescriptions. Descriptive cross-sectional study in a tertiary care hospital.Methods: All inpatients aged 65 years and above who were prescribed at least one allopathic medication and consented to participate in the study were included and patients admitted for medical emergencies were excluded. Demographic data and details of drugs prescribed were collected from prescription chits and indoor case papers.Results: There was a high frequency of polypharmacy, prescription of antimicrobials and injections. Proportion of patients receiving at least one potentially inappropriate medication (PIM) as per STOPP criteria was 21.01%. Proportion of patients subjected to at least one potential prescribing omission (PPO) as per START criteria was 33.33%. Proportion of patients exposed to potentially inappropriate drug prescriptions as a whole (PIPs=PIMs+PPOs) was 46.37%. Statistical analysis used as descriptive statistics like numbers and percentages were used for data analysis.Conclusions: With regards to geriatric prescribing, adherence to WHO core prescribing indicators, prescription of drugs as per STOPP and START guidelines are indicative of scope for improvement

    Use of anti-snake venom and clinical outcomes in snake envenomation: a prospective observational study

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    Background: The only effective measure to prevent or reverse most of the manifestations of venomous snake-bite is timely administration of antisnake venom (ASV) with or without adjunctive treatment as necessary in each case. But recently several concerns have been raised with regard to use of polyvalent ASV. Hence the present study was conducted to assess use of ASV, early adverse reactions to ASV, adjunctive treatment and clinical outcomes in snake-bite patients, which would help to identify areas of problem and provide basis for planning strategies to increase rational use of drugs.Methods: It was a prospective observational study approved by Institutional Ethics Committee. All indoor patients with systemic manifestations of snake envenomation were included in the study. All participants gave written informed consent. Data was obtained prospectively using a structured case record form. Descriptive statistics was used to express the results.Results: Among 52 patients, snake-bite predominantly affected males (59.62%) than females (40.38%). The most common site of snake-bite was lower limb (65.38%). The main indication for ASV administration was vasculotoxic snake-bite (59.62%). Mean dose of ASV use was 18.21±15.51 vials. Mortality was seen in one patient. Majority of patients (28/52, 53.85%) received ASV in the range of 1-10 vials for the management of snake-bite.Conclusions: The use and dose of ASV was appropriate in vasculotoxic snake-bite while few neurotoxic snake-bite patients needed higher than recommended dose.